[NBA] 亞特蘭大一線鷹 2022-2023 討論區

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2023-02-22 13:23:53
2023-02-22 13:39:34
2023-02-22 14:22:29
適性就Snyder 好啲, 始終佢教過雙後場組合,
雖然唔算好成功, 砌好後基本穩入季後賽, 最多西岸2輪遊

Udoka 高風險高回報, 唔知佢係咪虛火
上季用半季執返好隊波上到東岸第2, 再打到去總冠軍戰
2023-02-23 10:24:07
2023-02-23 14:28:49
Udoka 同球員關係好D
2023-02-23 22:52:27
The Hawks are holding formal negotiations with Quin Snyder in hopes of hiring him as their next head coach, according to Shams Charania of The Athletic.
2023-02-25 08:16:48
The Hawks have offered their head coaching job to Quin Snyder and there are “strong signs” that the former Jazz head coach will accept the position, Shams Charania of The Athletic reported on The Rally (Twitter video link).
2023-02-25 09:37:44
2023-02-25 09:40:11
中場前兩個play好差, 好似前面咁穩定啲可能真係有30分
2023-02-25 09:44:52
Trae 鳩射左個快3, 唔睇鐘
DJ 唔硬上, 但留太多時間俾人反擊

關鍵時間隊隊都知一樣野, 佢兩個單打+消耗時間
2023-02-25 10:21:31
Trae個單打問題都幾大 下下都係想自己去
2023-02-25 10:23:46
老實講今場算幾好, 大部分做嘅決定算唔錯
2023-02-25 10:53:01
2023-02-25 11:02:49
今場叫timeout時機幾好, 絕對好過Nate條柒頭
第4節早換走Bogi, 冇用佢+Trae一齊出

分水嶺第2節, Bogi個段同DJ夾, 佢全力做SG就得
10分鐘拎10分, 個段成隊冇miss過咁濟
2023-02-25 11:21:50
Quin Snyder and the Atlanta Hawks are on the verge of agreement on a contract for him to be the next head coach of the franchise.

The deal is expected to be in the $8 million per year range.

Snyder stepped down as head coach of the Utah Jazz after the 21-22 season.
2023-02-26 10:24:55
near到有幾近, 過左成日都未done deal
2023-02-26 12:24:11
Saddiq Bey Seeking 'DeAndre Hunter Type Contract' In Offseason

"I had heard he was asking for insane money this upcoming summer," said Jonathan Givony of ESPN. "That the feeling was he would need a DeAndre Hunter type contract in order to keep him. So if that's the case, to me he's closer to a midlevel guy than $20+ million per year."

Hunter signed a four-year, $95 million extension with the Hawks before the start of the current season.

佢依種好難估價, 防守同持球唔算好,

佢拎Huerter個種水平合約就差唔多, 即係12m左右
2023-02-27 06:40:31
Trae game winner
2023-02-27 08:10:01
Quin Snyder Agrees To Become Hawks Head Coach

Atlanta will give Snyder a five-year contract and he could be coaching as soon as Tuesday, when the Hawks face Washington.
2023-02-27 09:42:31
2023-02-27 09:56:01

Quin Snyder 型到
2023-02-27 12:31:06
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