[NBA] 亞特蘭大一線鷹 2022-2023 討論區

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2023-01-15 10:54:42
Trae上返態, 成場唔使坐過山車咁真係舒服
2023-01-15 11:03:10
最尾4分鐘又變佢兩個打ISO波, 睇到眼突

2023-01-15 11:24:10
今場3分波有4成 幾好
2023-01-15 12:02:47
2023-01-16 09:59:14
Clint Capela (right calf strain) has been upgraded to questionable for the MLK Day game against Miami.

Trae Young (left shoulder soreness) is probable. Rest of the injury report is clean.

btw Favors幾時先試
2023-01-17 07:48:47
Several controversial personnel decisions led to the front office shakeup, sources tell Williams and Vivlamore. Among them was a John Collins trade last season that was ultimately vetoed by ownership. Other moves include the trade of Kevin Huerter to the Kings made just to avoid the luxury tax, the high price the team paid to the Spurs for Dejounte Murray, the signing of Aaron Holiday, who was Nick Ressler’s teammate in high school, and the trade of Luka Doncic to the Mavericks after drafting him in 2018.


JC本身上季價值唔錯個陣trade 到,但腦細否決左
2023-01-17 08:03:11
冇睇,comment 上防守唔錯,除咗籃板
2023-01-17 08:12:22
The Cavaliers have considered a three-way trade to acquire Malik Beasley from the Jazz and send the Hawks‘ John Collins to Utah. Stein reported in November that the Jazz had interest in Collins,

如果拎到Vanderbilt咁都叫還好,得Levert 就蝕
而家Jazz要我地出pick 搞到未交易到

Levert做bench 得分手唔錯嘅,不過都係要波係手
2023-01-17 09:19:12
TS 其實做得唔錯
2023-01-17 09:32:08
Trae今場有成4個偷波,8個助攻但都有10次TO lol
2023-01-17 09:35:28
對面中鋒都醒, 截到佢好多傳lob俾隊友
唔計依啲其實還可以, 唔係上年playoff咁俾人偷到傻
2023-01-17 10:12:37
攻守3分都有齊, 最近狀態又上返

Trae 平時唔敢太多手去防守, 驚有犯規麻煩, 今場打得放左, 多左干擾
冇出手太多, 有少量off ball

Hunter 4助幾驚喜, 唔係hand to hand個種, 幾個靚傳落底俾隊友

JC 防守唔掂, 籃板又唔掂, 3分更加唔掂, 得返進攻
OO 防守算ok, 但籃板完全比下去

Bogi又射到屎咁, 防守同板都差, 唯有5助

Capela 靠佢頂住butler, 20分鐘 3 block

AJ 高效進攻同2個靚助攻, 除左防守以外冇野挑剔
2023-01-18 11:13:57
The Atlanta Hawks are in serious talks to hire Chris Grant as a senior adviser to Landry Fields, sources tell Shams Charania of the Athletic.

2023-01-19 11:06:34
冇睇live, win
2023-01-19 11:34:47
Win Luka🤭
2023-01-19 11:36:47
Win Win 啦
Luka 贏得數據,我地贏波
2023-01-19 13:38:37
The Hawks are trying to trade forward John Collins, but there’s one big obstacle — opposing teams don’t view his contract as having positive value, according to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN.

即係唔貼就trade 唔到,又要擺到下年
2023-01-19 18:18:26
而家下下見佢wide open都唔入
2023-01-20 13:43:31
Multiple league sources, who were granted anonymity in order to speak freely for this story, tell The Athletic that talks between the Jazz and Hawks aren’t serious enough to where a potential deal could be considered imminent. The Jazz previously (but not recently) offered guard Malik Beasley and forward Jarred Vanderbilt for Collins, but have also asked for a first round pick to be attached to the deal. The Hawks, according to those sources, declined that offer. Those same sources say the expectation is that the Hawks and the Jazz will continue conversation as the deadline draws closer.
2023-01-21 10:51:02
Hunter 數據上唔錯, 但遇到brunson都唔敢單打佢

JC 連續3分有返, 除左防守頂唔住阿牛之外, 其他都ok

Capela 有限時間 9個板, 防守唔算太好

DJ 今場MVP, 除3分其他都非常好

Trae 第3節尾段進攻失靈, 包括分波助攻都係
但防守好左啲, 換防都係有miscom
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞