HomePod / HomePod mini 集中討論 (4) 可以氣餒 不要習慣

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2022-10-26 22:41:58
剛剛買了 homepod mini, 開頭setup完也出了一樣問题 “I found some web results. I can show them if you ask again from your iPhone”

之後reset 部 homepod , wifi 由5Ghz 改去 2.4Ghz 便正常了.
2022-10-26 22:46:20
我兩隻都係用5Ghz 就冇野
其實上網睇見d人話有機會係internet connection 問題
2022-10-27 10:51:43
2022-10-27 10:54:38
2022-10-27 10:55:26
剛剛買了 homepod mini, 開頭setup完也出了一樣問
2022-10-27 11:11:07
2022-10-27 12:58:44
2022-10-27 15:20:51
HomePod 可唔可以 set automation 係特定時間play 一個voice memo?
2022-10-28 18:59:19
我買左個wifi 喇叭 屋企有兩隻homepod mini 可唔可以airplay兩邊同時播歌?
2022-10-28 19:35:40
你喇叭support airplay 2 就得
2022-10-28 19:38:47
support 呀 但我連完set homepodmini 再禁個喇叭 就會斷左homepod 果邊
2022-10-30 22:25:40
我發覺如果問Siri 跟著HomePod 答你上面答案,跟著我話:hey siri restart the HomePod, 佢當然答你唔得,但跟著會正常番。works for me 好奇怪
2022-11-01 06:56:04
HomePod , retarded
2022-11-01 06:56:44
2022-11-01 13:38:24
好似要㩒個圈唔係㩒個device 名
佢地會combine 做同一行

呢篇野話16.1 有得preset 定指定speakers 成為一個group? 姐係一揀就係嗰幾個speaker 一齊着

2022-11-01 17:31:52
New feature to group HomePods and AirPlay 2 speakers

As found by 9to5Mac, code from the first beta of iOS 16.1, which was released last week to developers, includes references to a new way to create a group of speakers in the Home app. At this point, details about how the new feature will work are unclear, but some of the strings seen by 9to5Mac give us an idea of how it will work.

Currently, you can group two or more HomePods or supported AirPlay 2 speakers together by choosing them in the AirPlay menu. However, this group of speakers is temporary, which means that eventually you’ll have to select all speakers again if you want to play something using multi-room audio.

With this update, users should be able to create a permanent speaker group in the Home app, making this process much simpler. One of the messages hidden in the beta’s code shows that the speaker group can be set as the default audio output of an Apple TV.

An interesting detail is that the code makes it clear that all speakers within a group must use the same Siri language, otherwise they can’t be paired together. The system will prompt the user to automatically set all speakers to the same Siri language in order to proceed with group pairing.
2022-11-02 14:36:41
搵到個方法但個iPhone 要unlock 左先run 到
2022-11-13 01:39:50
係咪應該平平地入隻2手homepod mini 黎等新pod 出好...
2022-11-13 03:46:18
2022-11-13 08:20:45
2022-11-13 16:27:37
上網睇似係22q4 23q1咁
2022-11-15 23:50:10
homepod mini 已經咁平, 仲要搵2手?
2022-11-15 23:51:32
等新homepod? 都唔知會唔會出, 所以之前HOMEPOD 壞左都整左算
2022-11-16 14:31:47

佢又無個圈圈可以禁 一禁就轉哂去另一個
2022-11-17 17:43:37
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞