You can unsubscribe your Kindle from Special Offers through Manage Your Content and Devices (
By unsubscribing, you'll be charged for the price difference between Kindle and Kindle with Special Offers if your device was originally purchased at a subsidized price. This amount will be charged to the 1-Click Payment Method on your account, but will not be debited from any
Amazon.com Gift Card amounts on your account.
To unsubscribe your Kindle device from Special Offers:
1. Locate your Kindle in the Your Devices tab of the Manage Your Content and Devices page.
2. Click the Actions button next to the device name, then click Edit next to Special Offers.
3. Follow the instructions to unsubscribe from Special Offers.
4. The next time you connect your Kindle device wirelessly, your device will be unsubscribed from Special Offers.
You'll receive an e-mail notification confirming your account has been charged for unsubscribing from Special Offers.