[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(33) 又唔做research 又唔讀置頂 呀呀呀呀呀

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2019-10-21 03:09:20
部macbook air 2015 down極都down唔到 catalina,係咪可以懢返唔升上去
2019-10-21 09:23:19
2019-10-21 10:10:46
2019-10-21 10:36:02
2019-10-21 10:42:49
10.6 個洗 data bug 好似係用 guest login 先會出現
無記錯10.6係第一個有特價update 嘅版本,我隻碟喺新加坡空運過來
2019-10-21 12:31:31
2019-10-21 13:58:14
Pock幾正 又免費
2019-10-21 20:09:04
有呀巴打,我係會買部MacBook Pro低配,升16GB同512GB返學用
2019-10-21 20:15:45
有無ching等緊16吋 macbook pro
2019-10-21 20:29:39
用開mac mini 2012,想換imac 27吋了


想問下應該買最平萬三 得32GB ram 位,定係萬五64GB ram 位?

會加錢換256 ssd



2019-10-21 20:41:52
2019-10-21 20:43:49
2019-10-21 20:59:01
其實15吋都夠用 但係個gpu 真係唔要好過 可以輕番幾百gram
2019-10-21 21:30:50
Bloomberg又話ARM MacBook會出年出
2019-10-21 21:57:25
Apple’s Smart Glasses Could Make 2020 the Year of AR
Augmented reality is primed for growth with new consumer gadgets.

After several sleepy product cycles, 2020 looks primed to be a great year for consumer gadgets. As fifth-generation wireless networks gradually proliferate, Big Tech will be readying devices that can make use of their faster speeds.

The coming year will be critical for Apple Inc. Consumers should expect its most impressive hardware rollout in some time: The iPhone is due for its first major update since 2017, including 5G support, a much beefier processor, and a rear-facing 3D camera. The latter will give the phone a better sense of where it is in physical space, improving the accuracy of object placement in augmented-reality apps, which overlay virtual images on the real world. That could make it easier for users to model, say, the placement of pictures on their walls.

Such applications are central to Apple’s long-awaited AR glasses, which are expected to have holographic displays in their lenses. Apple has targeted 2020 for the release of its AR headset, an attempt to succeed where Google Glass failed years ago. The glasses are expected to synchronize with a wearer’s iPhone to display things such as texts, emails, maps, and games over the user’s field of vision. The company has considered including an App Store with the headset, as it does on Apple TV streaming devices and the Apple Watch. It’s hiring experts in graphics and game development to establish the glasses as the leader in a new product category and, if all goes perfectly, an eventual successor to the iPhone.

That’s a big if, not least because Apple hasn’t yet come up with an application that will make the glasses a must-buy. Given that hurdle and the challenges of perfecting AR technology, the product could slip down the calendar if executives decide it needs more time in the lab.

Facebook Inc. is also working on glasses. These will take pictures and route calls from a connected phone, but the first model won’t have AR or even built-in displays. They are—surprise!—more like the Spectacles created by Snap. (They likely won’t be seen until 2021.) Meanwhile, Amazon .com Inc. is beta-testing Echo Frames glasses and a ring called the Echo Loop, both designed to attach its voice assistant, Alexa, directly to your body. But Amazon is more likely to bet big on robots, including one equipped with a screen that can follow you around the house to facilitate videoconferencing. The question is whether consumers are eager to have Amazon listening to them everywhere they go.

Microsoft Corp. plans to release the Surface Duo, a mini dual-screen tablet able to run apps side by side, make and receive calls, and fold into a smaller travel package, in time for the 2020 holiday season. The Surface Duo will run on Android and use apps from Google’s Play store; it could compete with the updated iPhone, forthcoming 5G Google Pixel phones, and 2020 models from Samsung Electronics Co. and others. Samsung is also working on new folding devices. Apple plans other revamps for later next year, too: a Watch with sleep-tracking features and Macs that might run on custom processors, which would likely have greater efficiency and lower battery drain.

Plugging into the new wireless networks is key to next year’s innovations. “The largest, most meaningful growth will be driven partially by the uptake and buildout of 5G,” says Patrick Moorhead, founder of consulting firm Moor Insights & Strategy. “With 5G comes the demand for 5G, and if you’re a smartphone maker without it, you’ll be at a disadvantage.”

Bloomberg成編野都無提ARM (多數講AR Glass同5G),我唔知9to5點解會quote佢地而成段字自己去講ARM Macs
2019-10-21 22:00:55
Apple plans other revamps for later next year, too: a Watch with sleep-tracking features and Macs that might run on custom processors
2019-10-21 22:04:03
MBA2018公布嗰時都係custom CPU,Intel未有同款/OEM俾其他客用
衣家都幾肯定之前Bloomberg吹ARM Macs係玩財技,幫___吹風炒市
2019-10-21 22:08:11
衣家Gay Cook響大陸奶緊人仔,做撚埋清華大學顧問
d唔撚賺錢既project WFC,Mac用家自己打飛機啦
出面講緊Air Pods Pro係最有機會搞event既,因為聖誕節檔期要賺鳩美國人錢
2019-10-21 22:08:41
佢open source可以自己做IT狗寫widget
2019-10-21 22:18:51
我其實比較在意佢會唔會有4個TB port以外既ports,CFExpress card reader,同埋5G/LTE modem
2019-10-21 22:26:46
你呢度低配同中配兩部其實個RAM槽spec係一樣可以插足128GB (32x4條)

我覺得你買低配夠+轉256GB SSD,RAM自己一千蚊買兩條16GB加到40 total
2019-10-21 22:33:25
(相比之下應該係10.9個launch仲大鑊,所有WD HDD utility既macs都炒drive無撚晒d野)

好似10.7 Lion先開始有(internet)recovery partition
2019-10-21 22:44:41

點解apple 要"呃"人?

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞