
btw,頭先做咗個有趣實驗——唔知大家知唔知,近年電子翻譯功能愈來愈強,我求其將篇文掉落google translate,效果居然唔錯,節錄:
So, what now?
Although everyone has their own ideas, in the end, they just looked at Lud. This time, Lud didn't care about the corpse on the ground, but kept staring at the soldier W who gritted his teeth in pain. He turned his head and gave Shu Yu a glance—the latter immediately understood that she floated between the two snow monsters, opening with a very gentle tone that seemed to melt ice and snow.
On the other side, Lud walked to the soldier W and knelt down in front of him, so that the vision of both sides was level. Then-grab the knife in the soldier's hand with one hand.
Soldier W: "Ah, ah hurts!"
Lude: "It's rude."
Although Lud said so, he had no intention of letting go of the knife. In fact, he was still shaking it slowly. The young soldier did not dare to look at Lud, but Lud's eyes were completely immobile, like arrows, his lower half of the face was smiling. Of course, any adult can see that this smile is falsely chilling.

