但發覺要比埋父母資料 太麻煩 - all you need to do is to show that either your adopted father or adopted mother was a BDTC at the time of your adoption. If either your adopted father or adopted mother was born in Hong Kong before 1 January 1983, then all you need to do is send his/her Hong Kong birth certificate as proof.
HKG32018-03-10 17:41:30
想問埋如有剩係提供呀爸同埋自己既出生證明,過到關既機會大唔大 - Women cannot pass on their British nationality to their children before 1983 - so your father's Hong Kong birth certificate should be okay. (As long as your father was / is married to your mother - for those who were born before 1983)
HKG32018-03-10 17:44:17
Please note that you can only get Indefinite Leave to Remain [ILR] (永久居留) by Tier 2 (General) visa.
HKG32018-03-10 17:46:19
If your girlfriend is a British Citizen, you can apply an UK spouse visa after getting married to her. For those who are married to a British Citizen, you can apply for British Citizenship as soon as you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (永久居留).
我冇寄父親出世紙,亦都冇解釋 - for people born on or after 1 January 1983, the British Nationality Act 1981 applies. The British Nationality Act 1981 allows women to pass on their British nationality to their children.
HKG32018-03-11 05:08:56
Tier 1 (Investor) 仲要可以兩三年就拎到 ILR - Under the Tier 1 visa, you can get ILR after 2 years in the UK under Tier 1 if you invested £10 million in the UK.