英國、美國當時以為呢個共產國家假以時日會因為改革而變得民主開放而對中國寬容,亦都係以前好多香港人嘅想法,但呢廿年證明咗英美當時錯判形勢,係最錯嘅決定。 - This Friday's Economist said the same thing.
退而求其次係容許想離開香港嘅BNO人,條件點樣訂,無人知。不過啱啱好依家有16萬人同以往BNSS五萬個家庭約20萬人數相約。- The only problem is that the numbers will be greater than the 160k BN(O) passport holders. In a family of four (father, mother and two children), if only the mother is a BN(O) passport holder and she was given the Right of Abode in the UK, she will then able to apply for UK settlement visas for her husband and children.
勞動帶來自由2018-03-03 21:39:26
And don't forget people's psychological affection.
Some Hongkonger who are also BN(O), including myself, are unwilling to move to other place in the world.
The major reason is that they have their family and friends here.
HKG32018-03-03 21:42:13
That may be the case, but the British government is likely to look at the worst case scenario.
艾爾2018-03-03 22:21:01
HKG32018-03-03 22:42:56
Home Office proposes changes to passport application fees
The changes are fully supported by the fee-setting powers that were brought in by the Immigration Act 2016 and if they are approved by Parliament, they will come into force on 27 March 2018.
9394+6892018-03-03 23:02:48
無人知。可能只係派BC by descent,都無符
HKG32018-03-03 23:12:42
無人知。可能只係派BC by descent,都無符 - looking at the case of section 4B registration for BN(O) passport holders without any other nationalities. However, in terms of a family unit, if one member of the family - either father or mother - has British Citizenship by descent, the whole family can get UK settlement visas after meeting certain requirements.