「In the 1950s, audio manufacturers employed the phrase high fidelity as a marketing term to describe records and equipment intended to provide faithful sound reproduction. While some consumers simply interpreted high fidelity as fancy and expensive equipment, many found the difference in quality compared to the then-standard AM radios and 78-rpm records readily apparent and bought high-fidelity phonographs and 33⅓ LPs such as RCA's New Orthophonics and London's FFRR (Full Frequency Range Recording, a UK Decca system). Audiophiles paid attention to technical characteristics and bought individual components, such as separate turntables, radio tuners, preamplifiers, power amplifiers and loudspeakers. Some enthusiasts even assembled their own loudspeaker systems. In the 1950s, hi-fi became a generic term for home sound equipment, to some extent displacing phonograph and record player.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the development of stereophonic equipment and recordings led to the next wave of home-audio improvement, and in common parlance stereo displaced hi-fi. Records were now played on a stereo. In the world of the audiophile, however, the concept of high fidelity continued to refer to the goal of highly accurate sound reproduction and to the technological resources available for approaching that goal.」
From wiki
本身呢個起源就係一個marketing gimmick term, 所謂立體感?soundstage? Sorry, 係唔包的,因為嗰陣仲係mono年代
特別講埋soundstage 同imagining
如果有現場聽過交響樂,你就會知道根本唔會有可能聽到每件樂器位置準確定位,前後排一層層深度做出黎所謂的立體感(陳甯好似都有講過,可以自己搵下),聽opera/獨奏亦都冇可能係個演唱/奏家係你1-2米前咁企係表演,咁基本上所有音響器材都唔可以算係hifi, 佢地係製造緊一種不存在的體驗

「Edifier Airpulse A100有ribbon 高音, mid bass 又唔錯,算係咁la
Zepplein係一舊左右聲黐埋一舊嘅藍牙喇叭, 有個低音單元就叫bass ? 」
Zeppelin 低頻去到35hz 喎,咁唔叫bass?
咁大部分書架同好多小座地都唔應該叫有bass, 真係長知識了
原來要用ribbon 高音先叫好聲,用soft dome 係垃圾唔係hifi,死啦,咁我屋企隻座地係咪要掉左去

我自已就實際比較過,唔計soundstage只論音色,Zeppelin 係比kef LS50W2 靚聲
漫步者我就未聽過,我都好好奇想試下係咪一舊左右聲道分開左嘅藍牙喇叭, 有高中音單元就叫hifi?
「高傳真(英語:high fidelity,簡稱hi-fi),是家庭音響愛好者使用的術語,總體上要求音響系統在額定輸出功率下具有足夠高的信噪比,波形與輸入信號相比失真足夠低,並具有範圍足夠寬且在範圍內沒有明顯起伏的頻率響應。這一概念大約誕生於20世紀50年代,最初是完全主觀而無定量標準,1966年德國標準化學會制定DIN 45500標準為高傳真的定量化和產品使用此稱謂的技術指標最低限提供了指導。[1]