笑撚死 連登Ching chong水平低到
1. 第一段 proceed with the complementary offer已經用錯
Complimentary 同complementary 都未分清楚
人地offer請你食飯賠禮 complimentary meal
或者invitation已經可以 用offer 去形容本身已經係好odd
2. 第二段用escalate 又係奇奇怪怪
Escalate本身係負面意思 好似話緊自己係特登搞事咁
簡單少少用speak out 已經可以
3. Raise awareness to xxxxx又係用錯
Raise awareness to/about xxx係講某件事
Raise awareness for xxx係講個cause
同樣意思串少少可以用educate/ alert
謙和少少可以用inform/make known to
4. In case if 又係錯
In case本身已經有if 嘅意思
5. What guests need又係戇鳩鳩 無啦啦做高自己身份
You don’t represent anyone but yourselves
可以寫As your guests, what we expect/need is ……
6. 全篇文章啲冗文多到數唔清 行文累贅 語意混亂到影響正常閱讀
Not to proceed with → not to accept
有咩要Proceed? 要interview 定做aptitude test?
Instead of getting可以放喺句子前面
Explain about our unpleasant experience first hand from a guest’s perspective
→share about our unpleasant experience
Level of service that can match the pricing of the meal →worth the price
Factor in client servicing…. 成句clumsy 到我都諗唔到點改
Thank you … for all the support and efforts 又係unnecessary
Thank you for your attention/effort to this matter/ Thanks for the arrangement
would be polite enough 我都唔知間餐廳support 過你嘅乜
我從native speaker 角度睇就係篇文寫得好撚差 冇文化 小學雞
我夠膽講我細心睇多次 肯定可以再搵到其他問題
攞呢篇文問吓你哋最愛嘅陶傑 /毛孟靜 我估佢哋睇法應該同我差唔多
連登仔水平低 冇文化都唔係一日半日嘅事
柒同廢唔緊要 虛心少少請教下人 唔好咁自大
我係事主/樓上班柒頭 與其攞幾千蚊食飯 不如用嚟惡補下英文算