numpy, pandas, scipy and matplotlib are the commonly used packages
用戶name2021-11-22 12:27:22
用戶name2021-11-22 12:32:25
易飽不過好快餓2021-11-22 13:28:26
Fshakw2021-11-22 13:48:40
Getting the job is harder than the job itself.
Yeah stat and programming. Cuz the finance knowledge is easy to teach, and the one you learn in uni is mostly useless. But be aware that some companies might ask you those questions in the interview. This kind of applies to programming as too, so some companies don’t even have a coding test.
You are not a dev so you don’t need to be that good at programming, and you will become more proficient when you start using it at work.
Maybe others can provide a better answer on openings.
It depends on what research. Btw most prop shops don't look at your experience, ibank might do though