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2019-11-21 09:12:34
玩leg press machine 3餅
2019-11-21 09:30:28
leg press一定玩得重好多
2019-11-21 10:23:38
leg press 可以話一味死力, 肯定大力好多
squat 要全身肌肉平衡, 輕好多唔出奇
2019-11-21 11:43:42
2019-11-21 12:16:09
係要吸哂d氣落肚 brace好core
2019-11-21 13:22:44
2019-11-21 14:36:58
2019-11-21 14:45:40
2019-11-21 14:48:12
2019-11-21 14:59:28
同埋一定愈穩定 愈好好發力
2019-11-21 16:17:43
2019-11-21 17:30:24
唔係收腹, 係壓腹, 主要係令你CORE 穩定D
做法係吸啖氣壓實CORE, 我都唔知點講
2019-11-21 17:32:39
對, 腹式呼吸只適合大重量少下數, 因為谷實要閉氣, 會頭暈(勞責現象)
如果重量係10-12 RM左右就唔需要用腹式呼吸
2019-11-21 17:46:59
2019-11-21 18:03:13
gymshark 喺twitter度話準備搞black Friday sale 又話like完定唔知點先收到
2019-11-21 18:06:52
挺胸收腹 呢句野害唔少人
2019-11-21 18:21:28
一開始就夾係好難揸條bar 定係其實好自然咁用腳踩地用力屎忽比力咁上
2019-11-21 18:24:14
只係唔同動作 換氣既頻率同時間點唔同
2019-11-21 18:25:49
我個人習慣 企好位 捉住條bar之後
2019-11-21 18:26:46
2019-11-21 18:58:49
My friend justin is a gym membership salesman who's gonna make a a follow-up call and send a follow-up email to a customer who's interested in joining the ten year membership. I used to work in a gym and whenever a customer paid a visit to the gym I always followed it up being an email or a call. Some of my colleagues followed it up with a visit to the customer. My friend Jason is interested in joining his gym. He had a meeting at his office yesterday and a follow-up has been scheduled for tomorrow. He's also writing a sequel to the acclaimed "the invisible man" so he's so busy that he won't have time to pay a follow-up visit to the gym. Therefore I handed jason the membership agreement for justin and will followed up with him in the next few days. The membership costs eight hundred dollars a month which is well worth my for thr whole range of facilities you can use. The agreement grants you access to the swimming pool as well as the gym. They sell a tub of whey protein for five hundred dollars which is well worth it as its normally twice as expensive. The cost of soy protein has edged down by three dollars whereas that of casein protein has edged higher by six dollars. The cost of creatine has edged up to four hundred and twenty dollars while that of nitric oxide has edged lower from three fifty to three hundred and forty dollars. Last Monday Jason complained that he was treated badly at Starbucks. As a result a barista provided a referral to a senior staff member who in turn referred his case to the manager. He'll follow up with the manager on the case to be sure that it'll be dealt with seriously. In addition Jason has been I'll with a stomachache so I gave him a referral to a gastroenterologist. Recently he posted on an online forum and suggested the government build an art gallery so as to boost tourism which was supported by many people on the forum. They asked the forum administrator for a referral to a district councilor. They'll follow the issue up with the district councilor. I too will follow up the matter being discussed. His suggestion of building an art museum is downed appropriate. Last Sunday jason and I went to the museum where we looked at every single enormous nineteenth-century painting in minute detail so as not to miss any wonderful things. Last month he gave a party in Rosewood hotel instead of at his home so as not to disturb his neighbours. Yesterday I had my personal training session and was soaking wet then I soaked in an onsen. The gym is situated beside the onsen where you can see the inside of the gym clearly. I saw a slender guy lift a light one pound dumbbell for a he was worth but still couldn't complete the exercise lol. I enjoy hitting the gym and I know my personal trainer is worth her salt as I'm making good progress with my physique. She's a vivacious in-your-face woman whow sometimes too honest for her own good. Justin got a front row ticket for the all star game which was very hard to buy. I said "fair enough it's difficult to get a front row ticket but you should ask your boss if you could take a few days off as you'll need to fly to America for it" He was too excited
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞