(心郁郁又想浸)日本各地溫泉旅館 (3)

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2019-07-30 18:57:52
I’ve just got out of an onsen♨️and am drying myself on a towel. The sun has been dazzlingly bright all week so you may just as well have a good long soak in an outdoor onsen♨️soaking up the sun 🌞 I highly recommend climbing 🧗🏻‍♂️ Mount Fuji 🗻 which is off the beaten track even though you’re staying outside Tokyo because the higher cost of traveling there is offset by a discount on the admission. It’s an arduous climb but the view is worth it. In fact my friend who has just been there showed me his photos by which I was awestruck. At night even though one of the nearby lakes dries up, the remaining lakes reflect the beauty of the stars ✨ and Mount Fuji giving a double view of the starry sky and the mountain. The outline of Mount Fuji 🗻 is sharply defined against the starry nights by which you’ll be awestruck. He said it was worth it for the view from the top and the confidence that he’d gained afterwards. You can even set up camp 🏕⛺️there to get the best of the night sky 🌌 Sometimes it’s nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city 🌃 Again, cheap admission charge offsets the rising transportation fees. Moreover the yen 💴 has fallen rapidly over the last four and a half months so going to japan on vacation this yea is your best bet.
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