結他/Amp/Pedal's 新聞, 歷史及冷智識趣談 (2)

1001 回覆
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2018-03-16 14:25:44
2018-03-16 16:10:56
2018-03-16 16:14:45
#gearreview #109

PRS headstock decal:
• PRS官方post左張相, 可以睇到成個headstock既藍圖同headstock Paul Reed Smith呢個decal係點整出黎, 十分有趣
2018-03-16 16:51:42
Fender CS artist inspired😎
2018-03-16 17:44:03
支Fender個tone warm好多
2018-03-16 19:11:32
2018-03-16 22:07:14
我又覺得支sliversky係哩個price range都幾好
2018-03-17 16:41:08

2018-03-17 21:28:35
同意,Fender / PRS / Suhr, 三個口味,睇餸食飯
2018-03-17 21:29:33
Suhr win.......因為22格
2018-03-18 00:47:21
直頭7 tele做就靚
2018-03-18 11:54:30
仲等緊youtube有John Mayer Fender PRS Compare
2018-03-18 13:25:44
2018-03-18 17:05:18

Kiesel and prs 第一眼差d睇錯
2018-03-18 17:18:40
2018-03-18 17:18:53
2018-03-18 20:01:17
捉咩 上面果枝都唔係ors doublecut唔會認錯
2018-03-18 20:29:41
Fender EJ 2018 signature strat點睇??
利申EJ fans
2018-03-18 20:32:36
如果唔掂, 大家推介邊支??
之前啲Candy red EJ strat都好靚
但好多款唔同年份 唔識揀
2018-03-18 20:46:31
Semi hollow個支?
2018-03-18 21:07:27
Thinline Strat
2018-03-18 21:35:31
These Eric Johnson signature strats are faulty and I’m very upset by Fender’s lack of quality control.

I purchased an Eric Johnson signature strat to get Eric Johnson’s signature sound... and when it was delivered it LOOKED like an Eric Johnson strat and even deceptively had his name on it. As soon as I played it though I realized the careless mistake at the factory.

They apparently put a “Guy Who Totally Sucks at Guitar” signature strat in the box and mislabeled it. Instead of Cliffs of Dover I noticed the guitar producing an amateurish version of “I Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash with pretty bad timing. This guitar even flubs notes and is consistently slow on transitioning between chords. Totally unmusical and seemingly a hopeless instrument.

I sold this guitar in disgust, although later seeing demos and forgetting about fender QC problems I actually bought ANOTHER. This time I got a “guy who still totally sucks at guitar” signature strat because despite the eric johnson aesthetics the sounds it produced were still eerily similar to a guy who still sucks even though he keeps practicing all the time.

I’ve noticed this same labeling problem with every signature instrument I’ve purchased from Fender. My Johnny Marr signature Jaguar only plays the riff from “Don’t Fear the Reaper” and not one of Johnny’s famously elegant guitar parts.

These signature models are horrible! Save your money!

Comment section 有個gag lol
2018-03-18 23:18:26
咁有無邊年既signature model好推介
2018-03-18 23:48:42
2018-03-19 00:39:49
佢支thinline幾好J 可以一戰
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