Btw 計refuse chamber 大小係咪唔使計地下既面積ga? 因為我份notes 冇計 地下,所以有疑問Refuse Chamber 定 refuse room 呀?
refuse chamber 垃圾回收房

Btw 計refuse chamber 大小係咪唔使計地下既面積ga? 因為我份notes 冇計 地下,所以有疑問Refuse Chamber 定 refuse room 呀?
總之我roof 有公家休憩地方(accessible roof),係咪叫有ufs? 假如都不叫有,姐係我計building height 只到roof slab only? 假如叫有,(如有clubhouse, 但water tank 較高)都只計到clubhouse 既mean height做building height ?咪問你係咪講緊uncovered area 囉,你比人休憩既,無cover 既地方,GFA 都唔使計,點計UFS?
如果真係有,譬如有間clubhouse, 咪計Clubhouse 既roof 囉, 乜野叫clubhouse 既mean height?
Mean height 係指roof 既slab 有機會係斜既 (做fall 水), 一邊高一邊低,咪要take 個mean
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
體諒我仲系學生 la
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
你notes 點寫? 如果有ground floor 有UFS, 應該要計worBtw 計refuse chamber 大小係咪唔使計地下既面積ga? 因為我份notes 冇計 地下,所以有疑問Refuse Chamber 定 refuse room 呀?
refuse chamber 垃圾回收房![]()
我無話計building height accessible 同inaccessible 有分別wor, 我話計使唔使protected lobby 有分別咋accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
禁你呢到accessible 同inaccessible 有咩分別我俾人上去行下叫accessible roof 但我無整clubhouse 之類既野就冇ufs 用左,個building height 都係計到去roof slab? btw 多謝師兄賜教
我無話計building height accessible 同inaccessible 有分別wor, 我話計使唔使protected lobby 有分別咋accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
禁你呢到accessible 同inaccessible 有咩分別我俾人上去行下叫accessible roof 但我無整clubhouse 之類既野就冇ufs 用左,個building height 都係計到去roof slab? btw 多謝師兄賜教
你睇返我上面既reply, 譬頭第一句就問你for 咩Purpose,我無話計building height accessible 同inaccessible 有分別wor, 我話計使唔使protected lobby 有分別咋accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
禁你呢到accessible 同inaccessible 有咩分別我俾人上去行下叫accessible roof 但我無整clubhouse 之類既野就冇ufs 用左,個building height 都係計到去roof slab? btw 多謝師兄賜教
姐係protected lobby 既building height 同 計SC 既building height 係唔同?
同埋呢啲例既要求,其實係好咬文嚼字,嚴格啲黎講你問既Building height 係法例/Code 上面都唔係單單用Building height 黎形容。
你睇返我上面既reply, 譬頭第一句就問你for 咩Purpose,我無話計building height accessible 同inaccessible 有分別wor, 我話計使唔使protected lobby 有分別咋accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.
過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
禁你呢到accessible 同inaccessible 有咩分別我俾人上去行下叫accessible roof 但我無整clubhouse 之類既野就冇ufs 用左,個building height 都係計到去roof slab? btw 多謝師兄賜教
姐係protected lobby 既building height 同 計SC 既building height 係唔同?
同埋呢啲例既要求,其實係好咬文嚼字,嚴格啲黎講你問既Building height 係法例/Code 上面都唔係單單用Building height 黎形容。
protected lobby 係話level of the highest floor is not more than 20m above the ground , 禁所以計protected lobby 個20m 要包埋staircase headroom or even water tank 高度?
你睇返我上面既reply, 譬頭第一句就問你for 咩Purpose,我無話計building height accessible 同inaccessible 有分別wor, 我話計使唔使protected lobby 有分別咋accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.
過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
禁你呢到accessible 同inaccessible 有咩分別我俾人上去行下叫accessible roof 但我無整clubhouse 之類既野就冇ufs 用左,個building height 都係計到去roof slab? btw 多謝師兄賜教
姐係protected lobby 既building height 同 計SC 既building height 係唔同?
同埋呢啲例既要求,其實係好咬文嚼字,嚴格啲黎講你問既Building height 係法例/Code 上面都唔係單單用Building height 黎形容。
protected lobby 係話level of the highest floor is not more than 20m above the ground , 禁所以計protected lobby 個20m 要包埋staircase headroom or even water tank 高度?
所以假如我層樓street level 去roof level 係 18.13m, 但ground level 去到level of the highest floor (water tank etc)係過20m,就要有protected lobby?
點解讀我段野會解讀到計埋staircase hood你睇返我上面既reply, 譬頭第一句就問你for 咩Purpose,我無話計building height accessible 同inaccessible 有分別wor, 我話計使唔使protected lobby 有分別咋
禁你呢到accessible 同inaccessible 有咩分別我俾人上去行下叫accessible roof 但我無整clubhouse 之類既野就冇ufs 用左,個building height 都係計到去roof slab? btw 多謝師兄賜教
姐係protected lobby 既building height 同 計SC 既building height 係唔同?
同埋呢啲例既要求,其實係好咬文嚼字,嚴格啲黎講你問既Building height 係法例/Code 上面都唔係單單用Building height 黎形容。
protected lobby 係話level of the highest floor is not more than 20m above the ground , 禁所以計protected lobby 個20m 要包埋staircase headroom or even water tank 高度?
假如係accessible roof 就關係到走火,所以protected lobby 個20m要去到staircase hood? 定不論accessible or not, 計protected lobby 個height 都係去到頂(water tank) etc, 多謝師兄賜教![]()
Roof accessible 咁highest floor 咪 Roof 個SFL = 18.x點解讀我段野會解讀到計埋staircase hood你睇返我上面既reply, 譬頭第一句就問你for 咩Purpose,
姐係protected lobby 既building height 同 計SC 既building height 係唔同?
同埋呢啲例既要求,其實係好咬文嚼字,嚴格啲黎講你問既Building height 係法例/Code 上面都唔係單單用Building height 黎形容。
protected lobby 係話level of the highest floor is not more than 20m above the ground , 禁所以計protected lobby 個20m 要包埋staircase headroom or even water tank 高度?
假如係accessible roof 就關係到走火,所以protected lobby 個20m要去到staircase hood? 定不論accessible or not, 計protected lobby 個height 都係去到頂(water tank) etc, 多謝師兄賜教![]()
Roof 唔accessible 咁 highest floor 咪4th floor個SFL
關staircase hood 同water tank 咩事![]()