測量(GP,BS,QS) 討論區6


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我要娶小玉 2018-03-21 06:53:41
真心 終於唔係升學/qs post
死亡推銷員 2018-03-21 07:41:53
買韋達冇發達 2018-03-21 07:59:53
SmartW 2018-03-21 09:09:21
UFS 有例有Definition, 自己睇. 如果你講緊Uncovered area, 都無計GFA, 何來UFS?
SmartW 2018-03-21 09:14:22
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.
狂摸的 2018-03-21 09:14:52
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 09:28:41


體諒我仲系學生 la
Building height for 咩用途先?

計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS

計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....

過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.

accessible 當floor計 ,禁就要計埋water tank or最高點既mean height?
SmartW 2018-03-21 09:36:05
兩個water tank 頂 又或者staircase hood 頂 都係一個roof, 但斷估唔會accessible 掛
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 09:39:25


體諒我仲系學生 la
Building height for 咩用途先?

計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS

計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....

假如我個層俾住客上去坐,行下,計唔計ufa, 假如計左就building height 要再加?
UFS 有例有Definition, 自己睇. 如果你講緊Uncovered area, 都無計GFA, 何來UFS?

ufs 係exclude 放machinery 既位ma,禁假如我有位放非machinery 既野,eg 枱俾住客用,呢d 位要計ufs ma,姐係roof 有ufs, 之後determine building height 係用有higest usable floor space 既floor 黎determine ma ? 所以accessible roof 就要計到最高feature 既mean height?
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 09:42:50
Building height for 咩用途先?

計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS

計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....

過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.

accessible 當floor計 ,禁就要計埋water tank or最高點既mean height?
兩個water tank 頂 又或者staircase hood 頂 都係一個roof, 但斷估唔會accessible 掛

幾時先要埋feature mean height in accessible roof ?例如我起個storeroom? or office?
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 09:45:49

計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS

計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....

過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.

accessible 當floor計 ,禁就要計埋water tank or最高點既mean height?
兩個water tank 頂 又或者staircase hood 頂 都係一個roof, 但斷估唔會accessible 掛

幾時先要feature mean height in accessible roof ?例如我起個storeroom? or office?
SmartW 2018-03-21 09:53:27
首先係計mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space , 如果你所講既Roof 真係有UFS accountable 既地方, Building height 係計Mean height of the roof over UFS accountable 既地方

第二, 唔係話放張枱就計UFS既, 入則黎講好睇你個USE, loose furniture 好難斷定, 唔通你咩furniture 都唔放, 我就信你無Use 咩。好D既例子可以係Roof 有一part 做Clubhouse

第三, 你所講既Feature 係指咩?? 無論係ROOF 定 ROOF FLOOR 都係講緊Structural Floor Level.
SmartW 2018-03-21 09:54:51
你講下你覺得既feature mean height 係指D咩先啦? 姐係你覺得點計? 真係唔明
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 10:09:35
Building height for 咩用途先?

計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS

計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....

假如我個層俾住客上去坐,行下,計唔計ufa, 假如計左就building height 要再加?
UFS 有例有Definition, 自己睇. 如果你講緊Uncovered area, 都無計GFA, 何來UFS?

ufs 係exclude 放machinery 既位ma,禁假如我有位放非machinery 既野,eg 枱俾住客用,呢d 位要計ufs ma,姐係roof 有ufs, 之後determine building height 係用有higest usable floor space 既floor 黎determine ma ? 所以accessible roof 就要計到最高feature 既mean height?
首先係計mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space , 如果你所講既Roof 真係有UFS accountable 既地方, Building height 係計Mean height of the roof over UFS accountable 既地方

第二, 唔係話放張枱就計UFS既, 入則黎講好睇你個USE, loose furniture 好難斷定, 唔通你咩furniture 都唔放, 我就信你無Use 咩。好D既例子可以係Roof 有一part 做Clubhouse

第三, 你所講既Feature 係指咩?? 無論係ROOF 定 ROOF FLOOR 都係講緊Structural Floor Level.

當water tank係最高點,roof 有ufs 的話就要計water tank 既mean height? 我roof 會當公家休憩地方俾人上去行行企企,叫係ufs?
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 10:15:02
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFS

計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....

過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.

accessible 當floor計 ,禁就要計埋water tank or最高點既mean height?
兩個water tank 頂 又或者staircase hood 頂 都係一個roof, 但斷估唔會accessible 掛

幾時先要埋feature mean height in accessible roof ?例如我起個storeroom? or office?
你講下你覺得既feature mean height 係指D咩先啦? 姐係你覺得點計? 真係唔明

feature 指既係water tank 之類,roof 有ufs之後變左roof floor 既最高點係total height? 但roof 之上冇floor(slab?), 所以計height 計唔到mean height of floor above the highest usable floor space? 所以最後都係計到floor slab? 定即使有water tank最高,但佢係machinery 所以唔計,變到只計club house 既mean height 假如有club house
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 10:15:39
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 10:18:33

過20m building height要protected lobby ma, 個building height 唔係用到mean height of roof 計咩?
accessible 當floor 計, inaccessible 就當roof計, 除左level of the highest floor唔同, 防火規格都唔同.

accessible 當floor計 ,禁就要計埋water tank or最高點既mean height?
兩個water tank 頂 又或者staircase hood 頂 都係一個roof, 但斷估唔會accessible 掛

幾時先要埋feature mean height in accessible roof ?例如我起個storeroom? or office?
你講下你覺得既feature mean height 係指D咩先啦? 姐係你覺得點計? 真係唔明

feature 指既係water tank 之類,roof 有ufs之後變左roof floor 既最高點係total height? 但roof 之上冇floor(slab?), 所以計height 計唔到mean height of roofabove the highest usable floor space? 所以最後都係計到floor slab? 但你之前話water tank headroom 都係一個roof

定即使有water tank最高,但佢係machinery 所以唔計,變到只計club house 既mean height 假如有club house
SmartW 2018-03-21 10:19:41
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 10:40:25
總之我roof 有公家休憩地方(accessible roof),係咪叫有ufs? 假如都不叫有,姐係我計building height 只到roof slab only? 假如叫有,(如有clubhouse, 但water tank 較高)都只計到clubhouse 既mean height做building height ?
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 10:40:50
總之我roof 有公家休憩地方(accessible roof),係咪叫有ufs? 假如都不叫有,姐係我計building height 只到roof slab only? 假如叫有,(如有clubhouse, 但water tank 較高)都只計到clubhouse 既mean height做building height ?

溫水煮蛙 2018-03-21 10:53:06
FF悶騷 2018-03-21 11:02:23
Btw 計refuse chamber 大小係咪唔使計地下既面積ga? 因為我份notes 冇計 地下,所以有疑問
SmartW 2018-03-21 11:09:07
咪問你係咪講緊uncovered area 囉,你比人休憩既,無cover 既地方,GFA 都唔使計,點計UFS?

如果真係有,譬如有間clubhouse, 咪計Clubhouse 既roof 囉, 乜野叫clubhouse 既mean height?

Mean height 係指roof 既slab 有機會係斜既 (做fall 水), 一邊高一邊低,咪要take 個mean
SmartW 2018-03-21 11:12:45
Refuse Chamber 定 refuse room 呀?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞