係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
Building height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
Building height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
Building height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
1)roof slab level (紅線), accessible 定non accessible roof 無關係
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
2)如果跟張圖隻窗就係parapet wall
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 通常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....
計SC/PR - mean height of the roof over the highest usable floor space in the building , 正常應該係計紅色 因為plant rooms at main roof level 請常唔計UFSBuilding height for 咩用途先?
係計綠色位定红色for building height, 在accessible roof 同non accessible roof兩個case
體諒我仲系學生 la
計site coverage , plot ratio, 同determine 有冇過20m,使唔使set protected lobby
計 使唔使Protected lobby 就紅綠色都唔岩wor....