Happy Kongner: 當暴政成為律法,革命就是秩序?Far Cry 6 極地戰嚎六 簡評
I. 理論前題
1a. 要理解人類行為,生物學必要,但不充分。
1b. 生物、心理、文化不同層面交織在一起,影響人類行為。
2. 腦部化學機制、荷爾蒙、情境中的感官線索、事件的前環境、早期成長經驗、基因、生態壓力都影響人類行為。
3a. 要理解人類行為,較好的認知策略是,將行為現場各個層面分開,一個一個解釋。
3b. 人類行為不可能歸於一個基因、一種荷爾蒙或其他生化反應。
3c. 某層面的解釋只是暫時的權宜之計,作為理論起點,去一步步靠近多因素的整體。
II. 其他個別題材的意見
4a. 生物學角度,思考和情緒的區分不明顯。
4b. 日常觀察,會將思考和情緒明確地二分的人,通常比較喜歡思考,而用懷疑態度看待情緒。
4c. 人類決策中,有兩個主要影響因素:
4c i. 最近一次行動的效果。
4c ii. 根據過去每次行動的效果,預測報酬率。
4d. 當決策的對象愈複雜,愈需要思考和情緒合作,而有關思考和情緒的腦部結構,其活動會愈同步。
5a. 生物為了適應不同活動帶來的愉悅,要不停重新評估各活動的多巴胺反應。
5b. 對重複出現的活動的時多巴胺反應必須習慣化,待超出預期範圍的酬賞出現時才給予回應。
5c. 生物對每事都會習慣化。所有事情通常都是第一次經歷感覺最強烈。
5d. 人類生活中,多強烈而不自然的人造經驗,引發強烈而不自然的習慣化,結果是空虛。
5e. 在不確定性最高的情況下,多巴胺釋放最多。
5f. 不是得到或經驗酬賞時,多巴胺釋放最多;而是追求酬賞的過程中,多巴胺釋放最多。
5g. 快樂在追求目標的過程比達成目標時更強烈。
6. 世界上有兩種人,一種人會把世界上的人都分成兩種(我群和他群),一種不會。
III. 作者的小結
7a. 所有科學事實(主要指生物學)都是就平均值而言的事實。
7b. 所有科學事實都有例外及個別差異。
8a. 透過意志力抗拒誘惑,以及做正確的事,很好。
8b. 如果可以利用生物習慣化、自動化的機制去實現同樣目的,更好也更有效。
8c. 另外,以分心和重新評估去抗拒誘惑,比用意志力,更有效。
9. 腦與文化共同演化。
10a. 生物因素對一個行為的影響程度不高。
10b. 生物因素通常是提高生物對某些變數的敏感度,或間接調節行為,而非作為行為的直接原因。
11a. 基因在不同環境有不同作用。
11b. 根據人類的價值觀,人類的荷爾蒙對行為也會產生不同的影響和效果。
11c. 基因無法單獨決定任何事,基因與環境的交互作用無所不在。
11d. 透過改變環境去對基因所作的調控,作用會比直接改變基因本身,產生更重大影響。
12a. 如果必須用一句話濃縮這本書,答案就是「行為很複雜」。
12b. 即,沒有任何單一原因會導致具體行為,每個變數都只是調節了其他變數。
The hypothesis that the commitment of paternal care to children is one of the functions of love attains support from a comparative and phylogenetic analysis of different species that looked at the links between adult attachment and paternal care (Fraley et al., 2005). Species that exhibited adult attachment were more likely to be characterized by male parental investment in offspring than species that did not. Thus, one function of the female preference for love in a mate is to ensure the commitment of his parental resources to the children they produce together.
One component of commitment is fidelity, exemplified by the act of remaining faithful to a partner when not physically together. Fidelity signals the exclusive commitment of sexual resources to a single partner. Another aspect of commitment is the channeling of resources to the loved one. Emotional support is another facet of commitment, revealed by being available in times of trouble and listening to the partner’s problems. Commitment entails a channeling of time, energy, and effort to the partner’s needs at the expense of fulfilling one’s own personal goals. Acts of reproduction also represent a direct commitment to one’s partner’s reproduction. All these acts, which are viewed as central to love, signal the commitment of sexual, economic, emotional, and genetic resources to one person.
Women are rare among primates in possessing the unusual adaptation of concealed or cryptic ovulation, although it may be less concealed than traditionally believed. Such relatively cryptic female ovulation obscures a woman’s current reproductive status. Concealed ovulation dramatically changed the ground rules of human mating. Women became attractive to men not just during ovulation but throughout the ovulatory cycle. Cryptic ovulation created a special adaptive problem for men by decreasing the certainty of their paternity. Consider a primate male who prevents other males from mating with a female for the brief period during which she is in estrus. In contrast to human males, he can be fairly “confident” of his paternity. The period during which he must sequester and have sex with her is sharply constrained. Before and a er her estrus, he can go about his finding food and solving other adaptive problems without running the risk that his partner will become impregnated by another male.
For an ancestral man to reap the reproductive benefits of marriage, he had to seek reasonable assurances that his wife would remain sexually faithful to him. Men who failed to recognize cues to fidelity or infidelity would have suffered in reproductive success. By failing to be sensitive to these cues, a man risked losing the benefits of the woman’s parental investment, which might be diverted to another man’s children rather than his own. Failure to ensure fidelity meant that his own efforts would be channeled to another man’s offspring.