1, 2, 4 其實冇衝突,有1 先有 2, 4
但係淨係 1 本身唔似 2, 4 咁有邏輯推論
3 唔符合齣劇嘅 theme - determinism
由S1 開始都係講緊 determinism, S3 一開始就講
Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills.
Claudia 之後voiceover 又係講緊同一樣野
劇嘅其他道具都有 symbolic meanings,
尤其是係個破 loop 關鍵 Triquetra
"In the Christian faith, the three points of the Trinity knot represent the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In its original form of vesicae pisces, it incorporates the fish which is a popular Christian symbol. Occasionally, you may see the Trinity knot enclosed within a circle as a means of
emphasizing unity or eternity."
BTW, the Unknown 都係影射神,三位一體,生命泉源
我係 2, 4 忠實支持者