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2017-02-22 12:30:17

又嚟blame the victum



"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just
remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages
that you've had."

The Great Gatsby



直線屌撚柒你啦,我家境係垃圾窮閪,靠自己考入港大法律,後來靠自己搭人脈搵到個資深大律師做師傅,另外考入ivy league嘅其中幾間比左offer我,但因為錢問題要係香港讀
有錢我晨早入去識晒成班Harvard, Yale, Columbia,過住愉快生活
就係因為家境搞到自己玩crazy mode,人地就玩easy mode

2017-02-22 12:30:36
2017-02-22 12:31:16

乜撚野思想而家d後生?就咁生你一個出黎,當養到你讀完大學你知唔知要幾錢? 一觀奶粉300幾蚊夠食一個星期架炸,你讀完大學出黎做野當你中位數先得個15000,當你好撚孝順比一半屋企,你有冇計過要還幾多年先還得返養大你個20年。何況生多幾個?


利申 32歲,生左個仔冇耐。

2017-02-22 12:32:29
我一直有皮膚問題 睇過政府冇用 想睇出面d皮膚科 我都知係貴 但冇辦法 返學要見人 第日揾工都想係整潔儀容 同老母講睇皮膚科 佢話好貴 負擔好重 點點點... 嘈咗一輪 佢話:鬼叫你生到咁
嚟句刻骨銘心 我想㗎咩 你生我㗎喎...
之後老豆肯比錢睇 但比得幾唔情願
2017-02-22 12:32:44
2017-02-22 12:33:22
2017-02-22 12:35:28

乜撚野思想而家d後生?就咁生你一個出黎,當養到你讀完大學你知唔知要幾錢? 一觀奶粉300幾蚊夠食一個星期架炸,你讀完大學出黎做野當你中位數先得個15000,當你好撚孝順比一半屋企,你有冇計過要還幾多年先還得返養大你個20年。何況生多幾個?


利申 32歲,生左個仔冇耐。


2017-02-22 12:37:16
我當時小學未畢業已經想自殺 (好彩自己用的方法on9﹐完全傷唔到自己)




唔好比佢地有呢個諗法,我入U開始已經係自給自足,學費hall費都要自己grant loan﹐佢好意思叫我比錢?
而家係維持幾個月先會同阿媽contact一次 (n年前已經講,佢肯拋棄隻賭仔,我即刻搬返去住)
2017-02-22 12:37:54

細個屋企人做工廠,劏房住過,成日食隔夜飯.....但屋企人對我有期望唔係為錢而係唔想我大個捱窮..... 當然養到家人係bonus....

我都有怨過點解人地同學有生日會,可以去宿營食貴既杯面,問唔中去外地旅行.... 人地可以學樂器,但我抽唔到音統處, 無得學.....

我到二十歲之前未曾去過中國以外既地方,二十三歲第一去出國,泰國..... 一直以為開私家車好有錢

死有諗過但屋企人好慘..... 所以我逼自己快點長大,做辛苦d既工, 比其他人做更長時間.....

總之,香港你勤力係有希望架..... 怨父母都唔會令人生有改變.....但坦白講, 父母叻, 真係可以走少好多路..... 但佢地心態好重要.... 可以窮但唔可以認命....

2017-02-22 12:40:06

細個屋企人做工廠,劏房住過,成日食隔夜飯.....但屋企人對我有期望唔係為錢而係唔想我大個捱窮..... 當然養到家人係bonus....

我都有怨過點解人地同學有生日會,可以去宿營食貴既杯面,問唔中去外地旅行.... 人地可以學樂器,但我抽唔到音統處, 無得學.....

我到二十歲之前未曾去過中國以外既地方,二十三歲第一去出國,泰國..... 一直以為開私家車好有錢

死有諗過但屋企人好慘..... 所以我逼自己快點長大,做辛苦d既工, 比其他人做更長時間.....

總之,香港你勤力係有希望架..... 怨父母都唔會令人生有改變.....但坦白講, 父母叻, 真係可以走少好多路..... 但佢地心態好重要.... 可以窮但唔可以認命....


2017-02-22 12:40:29


Privileged and Underprivileged in Education

I have seen many success stories but most of them involve children from the privileged class with top professional or very wealthy parents. Judging from my experience, if a child is underprivileged, his or her chance of success in education is less than 20 %.

Privileged kids go to international schools or direct subsidy schools that offer international curricula. They do not have to sit the super-competitive DSE, with many subjects awarding only about one percent of the candidates the top grade of 5**. Such students take international exams like IGCSE, GCE and IB.

As far as I know, the percentage of Hong Kong students getting the top score A* in IGCSE is about 20 percent, and 50 percent get A* to A. A full 98 percent get the grades from A* to C, and practically nobody fail. Other international exams are also more generous than the local DSE in awarding good grades. If you do well and are admitted to a famous overseas university, you can even get a Hong Kong Government scholarship which covers the tuition fees for four years.

Students from international schools attain native speakers’ proficiency in English and this is a big advantage in university education. Though their proficiency in Chinese is only about primary level, they can still enter local universities, which require Level 3 or above in DSE, something that only about 50 percent of local school candidates can attain despite their mother language being Chinese.

Now you can see the big advantage in studying in an international school. The problem is that few people can afford such an education because the school fee per month is more than $10000, apart from the usual requirement of buying a very expensive debenture.

You can still win if you go to a local school and if you do not have any major learning defect, such as being hyperactive, dyslexic or autistic. Then you can work hard every day, even during holidays, especially in the last few years of schooling. You need to have many extracurricular activities at first to enrich your portfolio. Once you can get into a top secondary school, you have to drop most of them to concentrate on studies. Now you need to have private tuition or go to one of the top tutorial schools three or four times per week. Of course all these require above average intelligence, forbearance and still a lot of money.

If you are not especially strong academically, you can consider going abroad to study after finishing secondary school here. You need to have about one million dollars to do so. This is still a lot cheaper than pursuing an international programme.

If you can afford none of the above, you belong to the underprivileged class. You may even have to earn your pocket money by doing a part-time job. Your fate is practically sealed if you go to a band two or three local school and are doing just average academically. Your chance of getting into a subsidized local university is less than ten percent. Even if you are admitted, you probably cannot choose a subject that leads to a lucrative profession.

Privileged or underprivileged, children are children. When I see underprivileged children struggling for survival, I cannot help protesting and trying to redress the balance, though I know that my effort is so feeble that little can be done.
2017-02-22 12:41:00
2017-02-22 12:42:55

又嚟blame the victum



"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just
remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages
that you've had."

The Great Gatsby



直線屌撚柒你啦,我家境係垃圾窮閪,靠自己考入港大法律,後來靠自己搭人脈搵到個資深大律師做師傅,另外考入ivy league嘅其中幾間比左offer我,但因為錢問題要係香港讀
有錢我晨早入去識晒成班Harvard, Yale, Columbia,過住愉快生活
就係因為家境搞到自己玩crazy mode,人地就玩easy mode


我係笑一班明知隊友廢,但自己carry唔到,不過又唔肯離開呢一隊team ge人,後天大把機會離開父母去改寫自己一生,唔再受家用兩個字束縛,但又要留低係咩玩法?
2017-02-22 12:44:21


Privileged and Underprivileged in Education

I have seen many success stories but most of them involve children from the privileged class with top professional or very wealthy parents. Judging from my experience, if a child is underprivileged, his or her chance of success in education is less than 20 %.

Privileged kids go to international schools or direct subsidy schools that offer international curricula. They do not have to sit the super-competitive DSE, with many subjects awarding only about one percent of the candidates the top grade of 5**. Such students take international exams like IGCSE, GCE and IB.

As far as I know, the percentage of Hong Kong students getting the top score A* in IGCSE is about 20 percent, and 50 percent get A* to A. A full 98 percent get the grades from A* to C, and practically nobody fail. Other international exams are also more generous than the local DSE in awarding good grades. If you do well and are admitted to a famous overseas university, you can even get a Hong Kong Government scholarship which covers the tuition fees for four years.

Students from international schools attain native speakers’ proficiency in English and this is a big advantage in university education. Though their proficiency in Chinese is only about primary level, they can still enter local universities, which require Level 3 or above in DSE, something that only about 50 percent of local school candidates can attain despite their mother language being Chinese.

Now you can see the big advantage in studying in an international school. The problem is that few people can afford such an education because the school fee per month is more than $10000, apart from the usual requirement of buying a very expensive debenture.

You can still win if you go to a local school and if you do not have any major learning defect, such as being hyperactive, dyslexic or autistic. Then you can work hard every day, even during holidays, especially in the last few years of schooling. You need to have many extracurricular activities at first to enrich your portfolio. Once you can get into a top secondary school, you have to drop most of them to concentrate on studies. Now you need to have private tuition or go to one of the top tutorial schools three or four times per week. Of course all these require above average intelligence, forbearance and still a lot of money.

If you are not especially strong academically, you can consider going abroad to study after finishing secondary school here. You need to have about one million dollars to do so. This is still a lot cheaper than pursuing an international programme.

If you can afford none of the above, you belong to the underprivileged class. You may even have to earn your pocket money by doing a part-time job. Your fate is practically sealed if you go to a band two or three local school and are doing just average academically. Your chance of getting into a subsidized local university is less than ten percent. Even if you are admitted, you probably cannot choose a subject that leads to a lucrative profession.

Privileged or underprivileged, children are children. When I see underprivileged children struggling for survival, I cannot help protesting and trying to redress the balance, though I know that my effort is so feeble that little can be done.

Your teacher made this to discourage you? Or ask you guys accept the fate?
2017-02-22 12:45:37


Privileged and Underprivileged in Education

I have seen many success stories but most of them involve children from the privileged class with top professional or very wealthy parents. Judging from my experience, if a child is underprivileged, his or her chance of success in education is less than 20 %.

Privileged kids go to international schools or direct subsidy schools that offer international curricula. They do not have to sit the super-competitive DSE, with many subjects awarding only about one percent of the candidates the top grade of 5**. Such students take international exams like IGCSE, GCE and IB.

As far as I know, the percentage of Hong Kong students getting the top score A* in IGCSE is about 20 percent, and 50 percent get A* to A. A full 98 percent get the grades from A* to C, and practically nobody fail. Other international exams are also more generous than the local DSE in awarding good grades. If you do well and are admitted to a famous overseas university, you can even get a Hong Kong Government scholarship which covers the tuition fees for four years.

Students from international schools attain native speakers’ proficiency in English and this is a big advantage in university education. Though their proficiency in Chinese is only about primary level, they can still enter local universities, which require Level 3 or above in DSE, something that only about 50 percent of local school candidates can attain despite their mother language being Chinese.

Now you can see the big advantage in studying in an international school. The problem is that few people can afford such an education because the school fee per month is more than $10000, apart from the usual requirement of buying a very expensive debenture.

You can still win if you go to a local school and if you do not have any major learning defect, such as being hyperactive, dyslexic or autistic. Then you can work hard every day, even during holidays, especially in the last few years of schooling. You need to have many extracurricular activities at first to enrich your portfolio. Once you can get into a top secondary school, you have to drop most of them to concentrate on studies. Now you need to have private tuition or go to one of the top tutorial schools three or four times per week. Of course all these require above average intelligence, forbearance and still a lot of money.

If you are not especially strong academically, you can consider going abroad to study after finishing secondary school here. You need to have about one million dollars to do so. This is still a lot cheaper than pursuing an international programme.

If you can afford none of the above, you belong to the underprivileged class. You may even have to earn your pocket money by doing a part-time job. Your fate is practically sealed if you go to a band two or three local school and are doing just average academically. Your chance of getting into a subsidized local university is less than ten percent. Even if you are admitted, you probably cannot choose a subject that leads to a lucrative profession.

Privileged or underprivileged, children are children. When I see underprivileged children struggling for survival, I cannot help protesting and trying to redress the balance, though I know that my effort is so feeble that little can be done.

stories of success (successful stories有啲chinglish因為直譯成功的故事,可能因為咁你miss唔用successful)
Judging後面個SVO個S要係你老師,因為dangling modifiers
另外用According to其實仲岩
利申:grammar Nazi
2017-02-22 12:47:20

其實做了甚麼也沒有分別,因為佢搵錢比飯你食,你懂得sit hand 跳火圈是應該的。



同意, 男人暴燥打人女人歇斯底里, 細個果陣係好難承受到呢d, 加上d朋友又好多都唔理解到, 諗埋一邊去自殺好正常
"係呀生你出黎養大你係愛你係好辛苦ga, 肯定係你黑人憎先俾阿媽打 "
2017-02-22 12:48:15
2017-02-22 12:48:26
2017-02-22 12:48:35

又嚟blame the victum



"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just
remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages
that you've had."

The Great Gatsby



直線屌撚柒你啦,我家境係垃圾窮閪,靠自己考入港大法律,後來靠自己搭人脈搵到個資深大律師做師傅,另外考入ivy league嘅其中幾間比左offer我,但因為錢問題要係香港讀
有錢我晨早入去識晒成班Harvard, Yale, Columbia,過住愉快生活
就係因為家境搞到自己玩crazy mode,人地就玩easy mode


我係笑一班明知隊友廢,但自己carry唔到,不過又唔肯離開呢一隊team ge人,後天大把機會離開父母去改寫自己一生,唔再受家用兩個字束縛,但又要留低係咩玩法?

2017-02-22 12:48:40


Privileged and Underprivileged in Education

I have seen many success stories but most of them involve children from the privileged class with top professional or very wealthy parents. Judging from my experience, if a child is underprivileged, his or her chance of success in education is less than 20 %.

Privileged kids go to international schools or direct subsidy schools that offer international curricula. They do not have to sit the super-competitive DSE, with many subjects awarding only about one percent of the candidates the top grade of 5**. Such students take international exams like IGCSE, GCE and IB.

As far as I know, the percentage of Hong Kong students getting the top score A* in IGCSE is about 20 percent, and 50 percent get A* to A. A full 98 percent get the grades from A* to C, and practically nobody fail. Other international exams are also more generous than the local DSE in awarding good grades. If you do well and are admitted to a famous overseas university, you can even get a Hong Kong Government scholarship which covers the tuition fees for four years.

Students from international schools attain native speakers’ proficiency in English and this is a big advantage in university education. Though their proficiency in Chinese is only about primary level, they can still enter local universities, which require Level 3 or above in DSE, something that only about 50 percent of local school candidates can attain despite their mother language being Chinese.

Now you can see the big advantage in studying in an international school. The problem is that few people can afford such an education because the school fee per month is more than $10000, apart from the usual requirement of buying a very expensive debenture.

You can still win if you go to a local school and if you do not have any major learning defect, such as being hyperactive, dyslexic or autistic. Then you can work hard every day, even during holidays, especially in the last few years of schooling. You need to have many extracurricular activities at first to enrich your portfolio. Once you can get into a top secondary school, you have to drop most of them to concentrate on studies. Now you need to have private tuition or go to one of the top tutorial schools three or four times per week. Of course all these require above average intelligence, forbearance and still a lot of money.

If you are not especially strong academically, you can consider going abroad to study after finishing secondary school here. You need to have about one million dollars to do so. This is still a lot cheaper than pursuing an international programme.

If you can afford none of the above, you belong to the underprivileged class. You may even have to earn your pocket money by doing a part-time job. Your fate is practically sealed if you go to a band two or three local school and are doing just average academically. Your chance of getting into a subsidized local university is less than ten percent. Even if you are admitted, you probably cannot choose a subject that leads to a lucrative profession.

Privileged or underprivileged, children are children. When I see underprivileged children struggling for survival, I cannot help protesting and trying to redress the balance, though I know that my effort is so feeble that little can be done.

stories of success (successful stories有啲chinglish因為直譯成功的故事,可能因為咁你miss唔用successful)
Judging後面個SVO個S要係你老師,因為dangling modifiers
另外用According to其實仲岩
利申:grammar Nazi

同意, 語法一般而且動機不良
2017-02-22 12:50:41

利申 倫敦讀時裝 勿相認

佢答: 「乜你覺得你買得起樓咩?你點儲都唔會買到架啦。」


2017-02-22 12:50:45
2017-02-22 12:50:53



"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just
remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages
that you've had."

The Great Gatsby



直線屌撚柒你啦,我家境係垃圾窮閪,靠自己考入港大法律,後來靠自己搭人脈搵到個資深大律師做師傅,另外考入ivy league嘅其中幾間比左offer我,但因為錢問題要係香港讀
有錢我晨早入去識晒成班Harvard, Yale, Columbia,過住愉快生活
就係因為家境搞到自己玩crazy mode,人地就玩easy mode


我係笑一班明知隊友廢,但自己carry唔到,不過又唔肯離開呢一隊team ge人,後天大把機會離開父母去改寫自己一生,唔再受家用兩個字束縛,但又要留低係咩玩法?


正解, 人生有趣在於唔認命同睇自己行到幾遠
2017-02-22 12:54:46
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞