[HKCC] 齊齊過3爆4 (9)

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2017-03-04 20:23:43
有冇人覺得ia asm好撚難
2017-03-04 20:27:06


唉 sem4 想放鬆啲都唔得
次次都商量哂啲point先再分工 屌 點知連闡述都唔識 明明可以寫到幾百字嘅野 寫到一百字都寫唔得 唉
2017-03-04 22:11:44
報左summer sem 但而家想drop
佢話要寫信 請問封信駛唔駛寫到好詳細咁寫原因?
2017-03-04 23:09:11
報左summer sem 但而家想drop
佢話要寫信 請問封信駛唔駛寫到好詳細咁寫原因?

唔會 一定俾你drop 雖然唔係點睇理由不過作好啲啦
2017-03-04 23:20:03
2017-03-04 23:30:40
依家仲有冇得報summer sem 有嘅話可以去邊到報 有冇人可以解答下
2017-03-04 23:31:22
報左summer sem 但而家想drop
佢話要寫信 請問封信駛唔駛寫到好詳細咁寫原因?

唔會 一定俾你drop 雖然唔係點睇理由不過作好啲啦

Thanks bro
2017-03-05 00:01:16
有冇人識做ia q1(b)
最尾個billing in excess of costs less loss 係咩
2017-03-05 01:05:16
有冇人識做ia q1(b)
最尾個billing in excess of costs less loss 係咩

Billing in excess of cost and profit
係出現係balance sheet
唔關journal entries 事
2017-03-05 01:30:29
有冇人覺得ia asm好撚難

2017-03-05 01:33:10
有冇人識做ia q1(b)
最尾個billing in excess of costs less loss 係咩

係咪得2014 loss
2017-03-05 02:04:51
有冇blaw同志呀 好撚難呀
2017-03-05 04:40:06
有冇人識做ia q1(b)
最尾個billing in excess of costs less loss 係咩

Billing in excess of cost and profit
係出現係balance sheet
唔關journal entries 事

係喎頂 做多野添,當學多左野
2017-03-05 10:48:17
2017-03-05 10:52:56
有無巴絲有Exercise book for CCN2232 General Microbiology. McGraw Hill (ISBN: 987-1-308-41055-5)
Cowan M.K. Microbiology: A systems approach. McGraw Hill. (Fourth edition).
2017-03-05 10:56:19

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象
2017-03-05 11:01:35

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
2017-03-05 11:02:29

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

2017-03-05 11:17:58
收 ccn2101 fa書
tg: taylorhkcc
2017-03-05 12:58:02

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


係呀 其實用黎用去都係果堆theory 做gp pj asm2果時都係呢堆
2017-03-05 12:59:25

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


係呀 其實用黎用去都係果堆theory 做gp pj asm2果時都係呢堆當然要上網揾多d data support
2017-03-05 13:31:16

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


係呀 其實用黎用去都係果堆theory 做gp pj asm2果時都係呢堆當然要上網揾多d data support

巴打如果啲asm有留底 介唔介意send比我 我睇完notes完全唔知係要點apply落去 唔該
email: hkcckin@gmail.com
2017-03-05 13:43:57

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


係呀 其實用黎用去都係果堆theory 做gp pj asm2果時都係呢堆當然要上網揾多d data support

巴打如果啲asm有留底 介唔介意send比我 我睇完notes完全唔知係要點apply落去 唔該
email: hkcckin@gmail.com

2017-03-05 16:08:53
cost accounting全英語真係乜都聽唔明爛grade啦
2017-03-05 16:35:25

可唔可以講下係做d咩 上年讀完已經無咩印象

Select a recent topic from news or social phenomenon related with gender that interest you. You may choose more than one article discussing the same topic.
Apply theories or concepts to analyse the case.
Discuss how the theory or concepts have inspired your understanding on the phenomenon.
You may also evaluate the strength and weakness of the theories.
Deadline of the paper: March 10
Word limit: about 1000.
Type your essay. Submit both in hard copy and soft copy (on moodle). Handwriting is not accepted.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


係呀 其實用黎用去都係果堆theory 做gp pj asm2果時都係呢堆當然要上網揾多d data support

巴打如果啲asm有留底 介唔介意send比我 我睇完notes完全唔知係要點apply落去 唔該
email: hkcckin@gmail.com

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞