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2018-08-31 10:33:34
1. 侵侵對陣中國,伊朗,土耳其,歐盟
2. Special Counsel investigation Muller的各個案件正式進入法律程序 (Manafort八項控罪成立,Cohen認罪)
3. 十一月中期選舉

1. 英國退歐談判持續
2. 歐盟內部爭拗加劇
3. 瑞典九月大選 (Sep 9, 2018)
4. 德國巴伐利亞州議會選舉

1. 敘利亞也門內戰持續
2. 美國退出伊朗協定後,美國對伊朗恢復制裁
3. 土耳其美國紛爭持續

1. 中美貿易戰持續
2. 九月二十日日本自民黨黨魁選舉 (安倍晉三對石破茂)
3. 十一月台灣地區方選舉
4. 澳洲執政黨內訌之後續
5. 南北韓關係好轉,北韓仍未就放棄核武訂立時間表

1. 剛果民主共和國終於大選

Post I: https://lihkg.com/thread/443907/page/1
Post II: https://lihkg.com/thread/485104/page/1
Post III: https://lihkg.com/thread/555511/page/1
Post IV: https://lihkg.com/thread/659239/page/1
2018-08-31 10:34:18
Support for Sweden Dems slips ahead of Sept 9 election: poll


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Support for the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats dropped last week, pushing the party down to third place in the polls ahead of the Sept. 9 election, an opinion survey showed on Wednesday.

The Sweden Democrats would get support of 19.2 percent of the respondents, down from 21.6 percent last week. They are trailing the Social Democrats and the Moderates in the poll, commissioned by Swedish Television.

Sweden faces an uncertain election as the rise of the Sweden Democrats have rocked the traditional left-right bloc politics with neither side likely to be able to form a majority.

The Sweden Democrats, shunned by all parties since winning their first seats in parliament in 2010, are looking to break their isolation and has vowed to try to bring down any government that doesn’t talk to them.

LATEST POLL: Swedish general election


Sweden will vote on September 9 to elect members of the Riksdag, which will be responsible for electing the Prime Minister.
2018-08-31 10:35:15
Trump threatens to pull US out of World Trade Organization


President Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw the US from the World Trade Organization (WTO) if the body fails to change the way it treats America.

"If they don't shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO," Mr Trump said in an interview with Bloomberg News.

The WTO was established to provide rules for global trade and resolve disputes between countries.

But Mr Trump, who has been pushing protectionist policies, says the US is treated unfairly by the body.

His warning about a possible US pull-out from the organisation highlights the conflict between the president's trade policies and the open trade system that the WTO oversees.

Meanwhile, Washington has recently been blocking the election of new judges to the WTO's dispute settlement system, which could potentially paralyse its ability to issue judgments.

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer has also accused the WTO of interfering with US sovereignty.
2018-08-31 10:35:32
Canada, U.S. push toward NAFTA deal by Friday


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top NAFTA negotiators from Canada and the United States increased the pace of their negotiations Thursday to resolve final differences to meet a Friday deadline, with their Mexican counterpart on standby to rejoin the talks soon.

Despite some contentious issues still on the table, the increasingly positive tone contrasted with U.S. President Donald Trump’s harsh criticism of Canada in recent weeks, raising hopes that the year-long talks on the North American Free Trade Agreement will conclude soon with a trilateral deal.

“Canada’s going to make a deal at some point. It may be by Friday or it may be within a period of time,” U.S. President Donald Trump told Bloomberg Television. “I think we’re close to a deal.”
2018-08-31 10:50:11
2018-08-31 11:01:26
Manafort 同 Cohen 都未有要同Muller合作,所以係唔會有即時影響
2018-08-31 11:02:59
Myanmar generals had 'genocidal intent' against Rohingya, must face justice: U.N.


GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with “genocidal intent” and the commander-in-chief and five generals should be prosecuted for orchestrating the gravest crimes under law, U.N. investigators said on Monday.

The civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi has allowed hate speech to thrive, destroyed documents and failed to protect minorities from crimes against humanity and war crimes by the army in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan states, they said in a report.

In doing so, it “contributed to the commission of atrocity crimes”, the report said.

The U.N. report said the military action, which included the scorching of villages, was “grossly disproportionate to actual security threats”.

“The crimes in Rakhine State, and the manner in which they were perpetrated, are similar in nature, gravity and scope to those that have allowed genocidal intent to be established in other contexts,” said the U.N. Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar.

Report of the Independent International Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar - A/HRC/39/64 (Release date 27 August 2018)

2018-08-31 11:17:55
Exclusive: Fake photos in Myanmar army's 'True News' book on the Rohingya crisis


YANGON (Reuters) - The grainy black-and-white photo, printed in a new book on the Rohingya crisis authored by Myanmar’s army, shows a man standing over two bodies, wielding a farming tool. “Bengalis killed local ethnics brutally”, reads the caption.

The photo appears in a section of the book covering ethnic riots in Myanmar in the 1940s. The text says the image shows Buddhists murdered by Rohingya - members of a Muslim minority the book refers to as “Bengalis” to imply they are illegal immigrants.

But a Reuters examination of the photograph shows it was actually taken during Bangladesh’s 1971 independence war, when hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis were killed by Pakistani troops.

It is one of three images that appear in the book, published in July by the army’s department of public relations and psychological warfare, that have been misrepresented as archival pictures from the western state of Rakhine.

In fact, Reuters found that two of the photos originally were taken in Bangladesh and Tanzania. A third was falsely labeled as depicting Rohingya entering Myanmar from Bangladesh, when in reality it showed migrants leaving the country.
2018-08-31 14:08:20
Trump ready to ratchet up China trade war with more tariffs: report


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is prepared to quickly ramp up a trade war with China and has told aides he is ready to impose tariffs on $200 billion more in Chinese imports as soon as a public comment period on the plan ends next week, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday.

The White House declined comment on the Bloomberg report, which cited six unidentified sources, and deflated markets. The S&P hit session lows, and the U.S. dollar, Chinese yuan and U.S. Treasury yields also fell.

Trump has credited his electoral success to his hard line on trade, which he has argued hurts U.S. workers and favors foreign competitors. Washington is demanding Beijing improve market access and intellectual property protections for U.S. companies, cut industrial subsidies and slash a $375 billion trade gap.

The world’s two largest economies have already applied tariffs to $50 billion of each other’s goods in a tit-for-tat trade war. Talks aimed at easing tensions ended last week without major breakthroughs.

The new proposed 25 percent tariffs would affect consumer products including home building supplies, technology products, bicycles and apparel.

A public comment period on the proposal is set to end on Sept. 6, and Trump plans to impose the tariffs after that deadline, Bloomberg said.

Some sources said Trump had not made his final decision, the Bloomberg report said. Trump administration officials have been divided over how hard to push Beijing.
2018-08-31 14:08:53
Detention of Uighurs must end, UN tells China, amid claims of prison camps


United Nations human rights experts have called for China to shut down alleged political “re-education camps” for Muslim Uighurs and called for the immediate release of those detained on the “pretext of countering terrorism”.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination cited estimates that “from tens of thousands to upwards of a million Uighurs” may be detained in the far western Xinjiang province. Its findings were issued after a two-day review of China’s record, the first since 2009.

China’s foreign ministry has rejected the allegations, saying anti-China forces are behind criticism of policies in Xinjiang.

Independent experts said during the review that the panel had received many credible reports that a million ethnic Uighurs are held in what resembles a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy”. Panel expert Gay McDougall described it at the time as a “no-rights zone”.

Former detainees who spoke to the Associated Press described the internment camps as facilities policed by armed guards where Muslims were forced to disavow their religious beliefs, criticise themselves and their loved ones and give thanks to the ruling Communist party. Claims of beatings and deaths have made it out despite authorities’ tight control on information from the region.
2018-08-31 18:51:19
2018-08-31 19:01:10

2018-09-01 11:22:16
Donetsk separatist leader Zakharchenko reportedly killed in bomb blast

Alexander Zakharchenko, 42, the separatist leader of the Russian-controlled part of Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine, was fatally wounded in a blast in a Donetsk cafe on Aug. 31.

Telegram news channel Mash broke the news first. Russian state news agency TASS confirmed the report, citing a source in law enforcement. Alexander Timofeyev, the tax minister of the Russian-controlled Donetsk Oblast, which the Kremlin proxies like to call the Donetsk People’s Republic, also confirmed the death, Interfax-Russia news agency reported.

The explosion allegedly happened in a Donetsk cafe called Separ (short from separatist). There were earlier reports of an explosion in the center of the city that day.

2018-09-01 11:29:15
Brazil electoral court bars Lula from presidential race


BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil’s top electoral court on Friday barred jailed former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from running in this year’s presidential because of his corruption conviction.

The widely expected decision removes a cloud hanging over Brazil’s most uncertain election in decades - though Lula’s lawyers have said they would appeal an adverse decision to the Supreme Court.

“What is at stake here today is the equality of all citizens before the law and the Constitution,” Judge Og Fernandes told the court in his vote to declare Lula ineligible.

Lula is ineligible for office under Brazil’s “Clean Slate” law, which prohibits candidates from running if they have convictions that have been upheld on appeal.

Despite his conviction and several graft cases pending against him, Lula leads the race by a long stretch, with 39 percent of voter support, according to pollster Datafolha. His nearest rival, far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro, has 19 percent.
2018-09-01 11:30:52
US-Canada trade talks miss deadline as Trump courts Mexico


Days of high-stakes talks between Canada and the US have faltered, failing to yield a revamped North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) before a Friday deadline set out by Washington.

On Friday Robert Lighthizer, the US trade representative, said Donald Trump had notified Congress of his intent to sign a trade agreement with Mexico. Talks between Canada and the US would resume next Wednesday with the aim of eventually hammering out a trilateral deal, he added.

“Today the President notified the Congress of his intent to sign a trade agreement with Mexico – and Canada, if it is willing – 90 days from now,” he said in a statement.

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s foreign minister, emphasised that a failure to reach a deal with the US by Friday did not mean Canada would be shut out of Nafta. “The negotiations with Canada are not complete,” she said. “We continue to negotiate with the United States.”

Reaching a deal would “take flexibility on all sides”, she said, highlighting that Canada was not just looking to sign on to any deal. “Canada will only sign a deal which is a good deal for Canada. We are very, very clear about that.”
2018-09-01 11:31:25
US confirms end to funding for UN Palestinian refugees


The Trump administration has announced it will cut all US funding for the main UN programme for Palestinian refugees, a move with potentially devastating impacts for five million people who rely on its schools, healthcare, and social services.

“The United States will no longer commit further funding to this irredeemably flawed operation,” the US State Department said in a statement, adding it was not willing to “shoulder the very disproportionate share of the burden” for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

The announcement had been anticipated both by senior officials at UNRWA and other Washington insiders, leading to warnings it may further destabilise the Middle East.

The announcement comes days after the US said it was withdrawing $200m from its main development agency, USAid, for programmes based largely in Gaza where they help tens of thousands of people.
2018-09-01 11:32:38
Manafort associate pleads guilty to lobbying as a 'foreign agent'


A political consultant with ties to ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has pleaded guilty to failing to report his lobbying work for a foreign group.

Sam Patten, who is a US citizen, was accused of "wilfully" acting as a foreign agent in the US for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the Russia probe, referred the case to Washington DC prosecutors.

Earlier this month, Manafort was found guilty of tax and financial crimes.

As part of his agreement, he also acknowledged steering foreign funds to President Donald Trump's presidential inauguration in January 2017.

He admitted to acting as a "straw purchaser" by enlisting an unnamed American to buy four tickets for $50,000 on behalf of his Ukrainian client who wished to attend Mr Trump's swearing-in.

It is illegal for a foreign national to donate to a presidential inauguration. Patten will not be charged for that, however, due to his plea agreement with prosecutors.

The charges against Patten, a 47-year-old Republican political consultant, were filed by US Attorney Jessie Liu in Washington DC.

The case was referred to Ms Liu by Mr Mueller, who is investigating Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election.

2018-09-01 11:37:21
Exclusive: U.S. accuses China of 'super aggressive' spy campaign on LinkedIn


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States’ top spy catcher said Chinese espionage agencies are using fake LinkedIn accounts to try to recruit Americans with access to government and commercial secrets, and the company should shut them down.

William Evanina, the U.S. counter-intelligence chief, told Reuters in an interview that intelligence and law enforcement officials have told LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft Corp., about China’s “super aggressive” efforts on the site.

He said the Chinese campaign includes contacting thousands of LinkedIn members at a time, but he declined to say how many fake accounts U.S. intelligence had discovered, how many Americans may have been contacted and how much success China has had in the recruitment drive.

German and British authorities have previously warned their citizens that Beijing is using LinkedIn to try to recruit them as spies. But this is the first time a U.S. official has publicly discussed the challenge in the United States and indicated it is a bigger problem than previously known.
2018-09-01 11:38:35
Exclusive: Iran moves missiles to Iraq in warning to enemies


PARIS/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iran has given ballistic missiles to Shi’ite proxies in Iraq and is developing the capacity to build more there to deter attacks on its interests in the Middle East and to give it the means to hit regional foes, Iranian, Iraqi and Western sources said.

Any sign that Iran is preparing a more aggressive missile policy in Iraq will exacerbate tensions between Tehran and Washington, already heightened by U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

It would also embarrass France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the three European signatories to the nuclear deal, as they have been trying to salvage the agreement despite new U.S. sanctions against Tehran.

According to three Iranian officials, two Iraqi intelligence sources and two Western intelligence sources, Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to allies in Iraq over the last few months. Five of the officials said it was helping those groups to start making their own.
2018-09-01 20:47:47
2018-09-01 20:55:57

John McCain remembered: Obama, Bush give eulogies at Washington funeral - live updates


有埋Live stream
2018-09-01 22:53:47
Trump, Sessions approved of Putin meeting proposal: former campaign adviser


(Reuters) - President Donald Trump and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions both supported a proposal during the 2016 campaign that Trump meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, lawyers for a former campaign adviser said in a court filing late on Friday.

The account of the former adviser, George Papadopoulos, appeared to contradict the prior testimony of Sessions to Congress in November 2017 that he had “pushed back” against the proposal by Papadopoulos at a March 31, 2016, campaign meeting.

Trump has said he does not remember much of what happened at the “very unimportant” campaign meeting memorialized in a photo that Trump posted on Instagram of roughly a dozen men sitting around a table, including Trump, Sessions and Papadopoulos.

“While some in the room rebuffed George’s offer, Mr. Trump nodded with approval and deferred to Mr. Sessions who appeared to like the idea and stated that the campaign should look into it,” Papadopoulos’ lawyers wrote in the court filing, which argued for leniency ahead of a sentencing hearing next week.
2018-09-01 22:57:08
Russia says talks on Ukraine in 'Normandy format' not possible now: Ifax


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian foreign minister said on Saturday talks on Ukraine with leaders from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany, known as the Normandy format, were impossible after the killing of a rebel leader in eastern Ukraine, Interfax agency reported.

“It is impossible to talks about upcoming meetings in the Normandy format as many of our European partners wanted,” Sergei Lavrov told reporters.

“This is a serious situation that needs to be analyzed,” Lavrov said, referring to the killing of Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine who died in an explosion on Friday.
2018-09-02 09:45:26
‘Terrorist motive’ for stabbing of two US tourists in Amsterdam


A 19-year-old Afghan citizen had a “terrorist motive” for allegedly stabbing two Americans at the main train station in Amsterdam, city authorities in the Dutch capital have said.

Amsterdam police shot and wounded the suspect after the double stabbing on Friday at Central station. The local government said hours later that it appeared the victims were not targeted for a specific reason.

After the US ambassador to the Netherlands on Saturday identified the people injured as American tourists, Amsterdam City Hall gave an update.

“Based on the suspect’s first statements, he had a terrorist motive,” the city administration said in a statement that did not elaborate on what the statements were or how they showed intent.
2018-09-02 09:46:58
US ready to boost arms supplies to Ukraine naval and air forces, envoy says


Washington is ready to expand arms supplies to Ukraine in order to build up the country’s naval and air defence forces in the face of continuing Russian support for eastern separatists, according to the US special envoy for Ukraine.

In an interview with the Guardian, Kurt Volker said there was still a substantial gap between the US and Russia over how a United Nations peacekeeping force could be deployed to end the four-year war, and predicted that Vladimir Putin would wait for presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine next year before reconsidering his negotiating position.

However, Volker argued that time was not on Putin’s side. He insisted pro-western, anti-Russian sentiment was growing in Ukraine with every passing month. And he made clear that the Trump administration was “absolutely” prepared to go further in supplying lethal weaponry to Ukrainian forces than the anti-tank missiles it delivered in April.

“They are losing soldiers every week defending their own country,” said Volker, a former US ambassador to Nato. “And so in that context it’s natural for Ukraine to build up its military, engage in self-defense, and it’s natural to seek assistance and is natural that other countries should help them. And of course they need lethal assistance because they’re being shot at.”

He added: “We can have a conversation with Ukraine like we would with any other country about what do they need. I think that there’s going to be some discussion about naval capability because as you know their navy was basically taken by Russia. And so they need to rebuild a navy and they have very limited air capability as well. I think we’ll have to look at air defence.”
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