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2018-09-02 09:47:50
US military to cancel $300m in Pakistan aid over terror groups


The US military says it is cancelling $300m (£230m) in aid to Pakistan over what it calls Islamabad's failure to take action against militant groups.

President Donald Trump has previously accused Pakistan of deceiving the US while receiving billions of dollars.

Pentagon spokesman Lt Col Koné Faulkner said the US military would aim to spend the money on other "urgent priorities".

The move, which needs to be approved by US Congress, is part of a broader suspension announced in January.

The US state department has criticised Pakistan, a key ally, for failing to deal with terrorist networks operating on its soil, including the Haqqani network and the Afghan Taliban.
2018-09-02 09:48:21
Western countries urge calm after deadly Tripoli clashes


The US, UK, France and Italy have called for an immediate end to deadly violence in the Libyan capital Tripoli.

A joint statement said attempts "to weaken the legitimate Libyan authorities and hinder the ongoing political process are not acceptable".

At least 39 people, including civilians, have died in rival militia clashes in Tripoli in recent days.

A UN-backed government is nominally in power in the capital, but militias occupy much of the rest of the country.

"We are calling on the armed groups to immediately stop all military action and warn those who seek to undermine stability, in Tripoli or elsewhere in Libya, that they will be made accountable for it," the joint statement read.

The violence broke out on Monday when militias from a city to the south of Tripoli attacked the city's southern areas, leading to fighting with local militias that support the internationally recognised government, the Government of National Accord (GNA).
2018-09-02 20:53:56
Ukraine crisis: Mass turnout for funeral of Donetsk rebel Zakharchenko


Tens of thousands of people have gathered in eastern Ukraine to mourn a Russian-backed separatist leader who was killed in a bomb attack on Friday.

Alexander Zakharchenko, 42, died in the explosion at a cafe in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.

He is the most senior Russian-backed fatality of the conflict so far.

Russia's foreign ministry said it suspected Ukraine of organising the latest killing, although the Ukrainian government has denied any involvement.

Large crowds have waited in line to pay their respects to the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, who was killed along with his bodyguard in Friday's attack. Twelve other people were injured.
2018-09-02 20:55:00
Labour faces shake-up that will make it easier to deselect MPs


Plans to make it easier to remove Labour MPs, fast-track the return of expelled members, and accept supporters of hard-left groups are to be unveiled at the party’s conference, the Observer has learned.

In a move that will intensify the latest bout of bitter infighting between supporters of Jeremy Corbyn and his critics, local Labour groups from across the country will attempt to overhaul party rules with measures that would hand more power to the membership.

Labour’s leadership is now under pressure to kill off the proposals, which threaten to cause renewed anger among MPs and put them at greater risk of deselection.

Frank Field, the veteran Birkenhead MP, resigned the party whip last week after complaining of a “culture of nastiness, bullying and intimidation”. He also criticised the party over its handling of the row over antisemitism that has raged all summer. Labour is braced for further resignations this week.

On Sunday, the former Labour minister Dame Margaret Hodge launched a fresh attack on Corbyn, accusing the Labour leadership of harbouring a “hatred of Jews”. Hodge, who attends a Jewish Labour Movement conference in London on Sunday with ex-PM Gordon Brown, told the Sunday Times: “All (the leadership) can think about is their internal Labour party and their hatred of Jews … Jeremy has allowed antisemitism and racism to run rife. He needs to renounce much of what he did.”

On Saturday, the Labour former home secretary David Blunkett called for “seismic change” and a rethink of the “Corbyn project” in an article for the Daily Telegraph.
2018-09-02 20:56:33
Brexit: May vows no compromise with EU on Brexit plan


heresa May has insisted she will not be forced into watering down her Brexit plan during negotiations with the EU.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the prime minister says she will "not be pushed" into compromises on her Chequers agreement that are not in the "national interest".

But Mrs May also warns she will not "give in" to those calling for a second referendum on the withdrawal agreement.

She says it would be a "gross betrayal of our democracy and... trust".

The Chequers agreement would see the UK agreeing a "common rulebook" with the EU for trading in goods, in an attempt to maintain friction-less trade at the border.

The prime minister writes that the coming months are "critical in shaping the future of our country", but that she is "clear" about her mission in fulfilling "the democratic decision of the British people".

She adds that following the Chequers agreement in July - which led to the resignation of two cabinet ministers - "real progress" has been made in Brexit negotiations.

While there is more negotiating to be done, Mrs May writes: "We want to leave with a good deal and we are confident we can reach one."

The government has been preparing for a no-deal scenario, even though this would create "real challenges for both the UK and the EU" in some sectors, she says.

But the PM adds: "We would get through it and go on to thrive."
2018-09-02 20:58:09
Michel Barnier says he strongly opposes May's Brexit trade proposals


Michel Barnier has warned he is “strongly opposed” to the prime minister’s Chequers proposals on future trade, as he advised European car manufacturers that they will have to use fewer British-made parts after Brexit.

In his most damning condemnation yet of the UK government’s plans, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator said the British offer on customs was illegal and its suggestion of a “common rulebook” on goods would kill the European project.

Instead, in an intervention that will concern the 186,000 people directly employed by the car industry in the UK, Barnier warned European manufacturers that the streamlined system of imports and exports between the UK and the rest of Europe would come to an end.

The former French minister added that in order for EU carmakers to enjoy low tariffs on their exports around the world, they would need to shun British manufacturers.

May’s de facto deputy prime minister, David Lidington, has recently insisted that the Chequers proposals would protect both the British and European economies from damage, and is the only alternative to a no-deal scenario.

However, Barnier has seemingly ruled out any such arrangement, insisting that the only option that could maintain something like the current economic relationship would be to follow the Norway model, under which there would be free movement of people and large payments to Brussels.
2018-09-02 21:00:11
Features: Anti-migrant sentiment fuels Swedish far right as election looms

2018-09-02 23:55:58

Islamists in northeast Nigeria kill up to 30 soldiers: sources


MAIDUGURI (Reuters) - Islamist militants have killed up to 30 soldiers in an attack on a military base in northeast Nigeria, security sources said on Saturday, in one of the biggest attacks of its kind this year.

Thursday’s attack by suspected members of Islamic State in West Africa (ISWA) was on a base in Zari village in the north of Borno State.

In 2016 ISWA split from Boko Haram, the jihadist group which has killed more than 30,000 people in the region since 2009, when it launched an insurgency to create an Islamic caliphate.

The Zari attack highlights the challenge to secure the northeast, months ahead of a February election in which security looks set to be a campaign issue.

“The battle lasted for about two hours and our colleagues fought them but things became bad before the fighter jets arrived. We lost about 30 of our soldiers and about 10 were wounded,” said a military source who did not want to be named.
2018-09-02 23:56:30
Argentina's president to eliminate ministries in austerity push: media


BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine President Mauricio Macri is planning to eliminate several ministries from the federal government as his administration seeks to cut the budget deficit to quell a run on the peso currency, local media outlets reported on Sunday.

Local newspaper La Nacion reported that 13 ministries would be chopped or merged with others, citing unnamed government sources, while daily Clarin put the number at 10. Both papers said the ministries of science, culture, energy, agriculture and tourism would cease to exist as stand-alone entities.
2018-09-02 23:58:07
Despite Putin's concessions, Russians protest pension reform law


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Thousands of people across Russia joined protests on Sunday against government plans to raise the pension age, despite recent promises by President Vladimir Putin to soften the unpopular measure.

Sunday’s protests show that the proposed policy remains a politically sensitive issue for the government despite concessions offered by Putin in a televised address on Wednesday.

During the speech, Putin took personal responsibility for the reform for the first time and described it as a financial necessity. He ended his address by asking the Russian people for their understanding.

Around 9,000 people gathered just a couple of kilometers (1.5 miles) from the Kremlin, according to White Counter, an NGO that counts participants at rallies, but Moscow police put the numbers at 6,000.
2018-09-02 23:58:59
Far-right, anti-fascist protests end peacefully in German city


CHEMNITZ, Germany (Reuters) - German police in the eastern city of Chemnitz on Saturday halted a march by far-right groups protesting last weekend’s fatal stabbing of a man, allegedly by two migrants, after a few dozen anti-fascist demonstrators tried to barge toward the crowd.

Some 6,000 supporters of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and the anti-Islam PEGIDA group were stopped by riot police near a massive bust of Karl Marx in the city center, prompting angry shouts of “Resistance!”

Thousands had earlier joined a rival demonstration in Chemnitz organized by leftist groups who accuse the AfD and PEGIDA of exploiting the stabbing of the 35-year-old German man to stoke hatred against migrants and refugees.

Skinheads clashed with police in Chemnitz soon after a Syrian and an Iraqi were identified as the main suspects in the killing, exposing bitter divisions over Chancellor Angela Merkel’s liberal immigration policy.

Soon after, dozens of far-right protesters ignored police orders to stay put and made their way past a line of police cars blocking a major street in the city centre to prevent the rival marches from crossing paths.

Riot police were seen making arrests, but the tense standoff ended without violence, keeping the police’s truck-mounted water cannon dry.
2018-09-03 20:30:30
Boris Johnson launches fresh attack on May's Brexit plans


Boris Johnson has used his first newspaper column of the new parliamentary term to attack Theresa May’s Chequers plan, saying it means the UK enters Brexit negotiations with a “white flag fluttering”.

The declaration amounts to a significant escalation of the former foreign secretary’s guerrilla campaign against the prime minister and her Chequers plan a day before the Commons returns and at a time when party disquiet over the direction of the divorce talks is mounting.

Johnson wrote that “the reality is that in this negotiation the EU has so far taken every important trick. The UK has agreed to hand over £40 billion of taxpayers’ money for two thirds of diddly squat”.

Johnson added that by adopting the Chequers plan, in which the UK would adopt a common rulebook for food and goods, “we have gone into battle with the white flag fluttering over our leading tank”. It will be “impossible for the UK to be more competitive, to innovate, to deviate, to initiate, and we are ruling out major free trade deals,” he added.

It will be seen as preparing the ground for a leadership challenge to May just as the Brexit negotiations reach their critical phase in the autumn, which is to culminate in any final deal agreed by the UK government being put to parliament for a vote.
2018-09-03 20:33:08
Microwave weapons suspected in US embassy ailments – report


Doctors and scientists increasingly suspect attacks with microwave weapons are the cause of the mysterious ailments that have stricken more than three dozen American diplomats and family members in Cuba and China, the New York Times reported.

The victims reported hearing intense high-pitched sounds in their hotel rooms or homes, followed by symptoms that included nausea, severe headaches, fatigue, dizziness, sleep problems and hearing loss.

In a study published in March in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a medical team that examined 21 of those affected in Cuba did not mention microwave weapons.

But the lead author, Douglas Smith, director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times microwave weapons are now considered a main suspect and the team is increasingly sure the diplomats suffered brain injuries.
2018-09-03 20:35:33
US-backed Kosovo land-swap border plan under fire from all sides


A US-backed land-swap plan to redraw the borders of Kosovo is facing a growing chorus of criticism inside the republic, in the wider region and internationally.

The Kosovan president, Hashim Thaçi, and his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vučić, have suggested an exchange of territory could be part of a deal that would pave the way for a final settlement between Belgrade and Pristina.

While neither Vučić nor Thaçi has made the detail of their plans public yet, both acknowledged at a discussion forum in Austria last weekend that border changes were under consideration. A swap would probably involve exchanging territory in southern Serbia, predominantly populated by ethnic Albanians, for part of northern Kosovo with a largely ethnic Serbian population.

The US administration recently gave a boost to the plans when the national security adviser, John Bolton, said Washington would not stand in the way if Belgrade and Pristina reached a deal, reversing a long-held US policy that further border changes in the Balkans are undesirable.

According to two sources familiar with Trump administration’s thinking, the new policy is “no red lines but no blank cheques”, meaning the US is willing to look at any solution, including border changes, but will not necessarily endorse it in the end. Some EU officials have hinted they may also be willing to back a deal that involves border changes.
2018-09-03 20:35:47
2018-09-03 20:37:06
South Korea slashes North Korea human rights budget, raises regime aid


Under the budget bill put forward by President Moon Jae-in's government, spending earmarked for the North Korean Human Rights Foundation has been set at KRW800 million (€620,857), down 92.6 percent from the original sum of KRW10.8 billion (€8.4 million).

Similarly, the budget for the organization's database has been slashed by nearly 71 percent to KRW486 million (€377,201).

Assistance to the more than 31,000 North Koreans, who have managed to flee the regime and settle in South Korea, has been reduced by more than 31 percent to KRW39.9 billion (€31.03 million), with the government saying that fewer North Koreans are defecting and there is therefore less need to support them once they reach the South.

The South Korean government has previously withdrawn funding for a number of organizations, including the North Korean Defector Comradery, a group set up in 1999 to assist some of the people who have managed to flee the regime in finding jobs or to receive education or training.
2018-09-03 20:44:16
Myanmar court jails Reuters reporters for seven years in landmark secrets case


YANGON (Reuters) - A Myanmar judge on Monday found two Reuters journalists guilty of breaching a law on state secrets and jailed them for seven years, in a landmark case seen as a test of progress toward democracy in the Southeast Asian country.

Yangon northern district judge Ye Lwin said Wa Lone, 32, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, breached the colonial-era Official Secrets Act when they collected and obtained confidential documents.

“The defendants ... have breached Official Secrets Act section 3.1.c, and are sentenced to seven years,” the judge said, adding that the time served since they were detained on Dec. 12 would be taken into account. The defense can appeal the decision to a regional court and then the supreme court.

Special Report: How Myanmar punished two reporters for uncovering an atrocity


VERBATIM: Myanmar verdict a 'major step backward'

2018-09-03 20:45:23
EU Commission proposes settling beef dispute with United States


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission proposed on Monday opening formal talks with the United States to address U.S. concerns that its farmers do not get a fair share of the Europe’s beef market.

The move is not part of the agreement struck between the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and U.S. President Donald Trump in July, but could serve to ease mounting trade tensions between the transatlantic partners.

The Commission said on Monday that it was asking EU countries for a negotiating mandate to settle the long-standing World Trade Organization dispute over U.S. beef exports.

The Commission’s proposals suggests allocating a part of the existing quota specifically to the United States and possibly to split the whole quota among exporting countries.
2018-09-04 11:13:16
jeff session 仲做到幾耐
2018-09-04 13:04:53
No 10 slaps down Boris Johnson over Chequers plan criticism


Boris Johnson has faced a backlash over his attack on Theresa May’s Brexit plans, with a string of senior Conservatives lining up to denounce him as the prime minister sought to save her Chequers deal.

Downing Street delivered a rare public rebuke of the former foreign secretary, in response to his column in the Daily Telegraph.

But with Westminster in a febrile mood as MPs began to arrive after the summer recess, May’s proposals looked on shaky ground with pro-Brexit Tory groups preparing to step up their campaigns to “chuck Chequers”.

The leading Brexit supporter Jacob Rees-Mogg added to the prime minister’s woes by claiming after a Brexit committee meeting with Michel Barnier that the EU’s chief negotiator agreed that the Chequers proposal was “complete rubbish”.

Whitehall sources insisted that May was prepared to “go into battle” to deliver on her Chequers plan, which would keep the UK in a form of single market for goods with a bespoke customs arrangement with Brussels, despite intense opposition from across her party.

The prime minister’s spokesman said: “The Chequers proposals are the only credible and negotiable plan which has been put forward and which will deliver on the will of the British people.”

The PM’s spokesman said: “There are no new ideas in this article to respond to. What we need at this time is serious leadership with a serious plan. That’s exactly what the country has with this prime minister and this Brexit plan.”
2018-09-04 13:05:44
Argentina imposes austerity measures in bid to stabilise peso


Argentina has announced austerity measures in a bid to tackle the "emergency" created by the country's currency crisis.

In a televised address, President Mauricio Macri said Argentina could not keep spending more than it earned.

Taxes on exports of some grains and other products will rise and "about half" of the nation's government ministries will be abolished.

The government has not said which ministries will be closed or merged.

Argentina is the biggest exporter of soy meal and soy oil and is also a big producer of corn, wheat and raw soybeans.

From 1 January, those primary exports will be taxed four pesos for every dollar in value. Processed products will be taxed three pesos for every dollar in value.
2018-09-04 13:06:45
Jalaluddin Haqqani, founder of Afghan militant network, dies


The founder of the Haqqani militant network has died after several years of illness, the Afghan Taliban has announced.

Jalaluddin Haqqani was a significant militant figure in Afghanistan and had close ties to both the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

The Haqqani network has been behind many of the co-ordinated attacks on Afghan and Nato forces in recent years.

His son is believed to have taken over control of the group in 2001.

There were no details in the statement about the date nor the place of Haqqani's death.

"Just as he endured great hardships for the religion of Allah during his youth and health, he also endured long illness during his later years," a statement from the Afghan Taliban said.
2018-09-04 13:17:16
Trump blasts Sessions over charges against GOP congressmen ahead of midterms


President Donald Trump on Monday attacked his Justice Department for indicting two Republican congressmen ahead of this fall's midterm elections, admonishing Attorney General Jeff Sessions for potentially robbing the GOP of "two easy wins" in November.

"Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department," the president wrote on Twitter. "Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff."

Trump has made a habit of tweeting insults at Sessions ever since the attorney general recused himself from oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe in March 2017. But Monday's jabs marked an extraordinarily brazen suggestion by the president that America's chief law enforcement officer should have weighted the political repercussions of the indictments against the basic integrity of the U.S. justice system.

According to a March 2012 Justice Department memorandum from then-Attorney General Eric Holder: "Law enforcement officers and prosecutors may never select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party."

Rep. Chris Collins of New York and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California — the first two lawmakers to endorse the president's 2016 bid for the White House — were indicted last month. Both were in the middle of reelection campaigns in districts that are now considered competitive in a season where Republicans were already playing defense.
2018-09-04 13:22:38
一般會等到中期選舉之後,Sessions自己本身的approval rating唔差,而且Senate本身議程好密,再appoint一定要用一陣,冇人想Attorney General 懸空咁耐,不過侵侵炒人都唔會睇時間
2018-09-04 19:40:51
Donald J. Trump

Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff...... The Democrats, none of whom voted for Jeff Sessions, must love him now. Same thing with Lyin’ James Comey. The Dems all hated him, wanted him out, thought he was disgusting - UNTIL I FIRED HIM! Immediately he became a wonderful man, a saint like figure in fact. Really sick!

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