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2018-12-04 09:09:03
German teaching brochure sparks spying row and far-right outrage


Germany's biggest newspaper, Bild, has been accused of pandering to far-right populist sentiment over a report that allegedly mischaracterized a brochure published by the anti-racist nongovernmental organization Amadeu Antonio Foundation (AAS).

The Bild report from November 29 described a 60-page AAS guide designed to help kindergarten teachers and parents deal with children who had expressed racist sentiments or appeared to be indoctrinated by neo-Nazi ideology. In a story entitled "Row over snooping manual," Bild presented the publication as an attempt to get children to spy on their parents.

In its response to the report, the AAS pointed out that Bild only picked up on the three-month-old brochure after far-right German blogs like Philosophia Perennis and Journalistenwatch had expressed their own outrage. Bild largely repeated the far-right arguments without challenging them, and the AAS says it has received hundreds of threats of violence since the newspaper ran the story.

The brochure, which was co-funded by the Family Ministry, featured advice for parents and kindergarten workers dealing with various actual scenarios: "What to do if a kindergarten teacher is active in the far-right scene? What to do if a child draws swastikas in kindergarten and says this is a good thing at home? How to deal with it when teachers or parents make anti-refugee or racist statements in front of children, or directly attack refugee children or parents?"
2018-12-04 09:11:35
Brexit: Ministers may have broken rules by not publishing legal advice - Speaker


The UK government may have broken Parliamentary rules by not publishing Brexit legal advice, the Commons Speaker has said.

John Bercow said there was an "arguable case" that a contempt of Parliament has been committed.

It means MPs will debate and vote on the issue on Tuesday.

This is likely to delay the start of the debate on Theresa May's Brexit deal.

Mr Bercow was responding to a call from senior MPs in six parties - Labour, the Lib Dems, the SNP, the Democratic Unionist Party, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party - for contempt proceedings to be launched.
2018-12-04 09:13:44
U.S. expects immediate action from China on trade commitments


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States expects immediate action by China on trade issues after a deal reached by the countries’ leaders, including lower tariffs on automobiles and measures against intellectual property theft and forced technology transfers, a White House official said on Monday.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to hold off on new tariffs for 90 days during talks in Argentina on Saturday, declaring a truce following months of escalating tensions on trade and other issues.

A White House official said the 90-day period started on Dec. 1. Earlier, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told reporters it would start on Jan. 1.

The Chinese offered more than $1.2 trillion in additional commitments on trade, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Monday. Kudlow said that figure was a broad benchmark and referred to private transactions for buying U.S. goods, subject to market conditions.

China also committed immediately to start lifting tariffs and non-tariff barriers, including reducing its 40 percent tariffs on autos, Kudlow said.
2018-12-04 15:40:27
Protest-hit France 'to halt fuel tax rise'


French government to suspend fuel tax rise which has led to weeks of violent protests , local media report
2018-12-04 16:23:57
2018-12-04 16:45:17
2018-12-04 21:42:46
Qatar quits OPEC as Saudis walk tightrope on oil prices


As ministers from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other major oil producing countries prepare to gather in Vienna for a crucial meeting later this week, the cartel is absorbing yet another hit to its waning influence.

The latest blow to OPEC was delivered on Monday when Qatar announced it is quitting the bloc next month to focus on liquefied natural gas (LNG) production.

Qatar is a relatively small oil producer and its decision to end its nearly six-decade-long membership in OPEC is not expected to have a major influence on energy prices.

Qatar's Energy Minister Saad Sherida al-Kaabi dismissed the notion that the move was driven by Doha's ongoing feud with OPEC's de facto leader Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has led a land, sea and air blockade against Qatar since June 2017.

Nevertheless, some analysts see Doha's break with the cartel as deeply symbolic, especially given the fact OPEC has in the past overcome major divisions to coordinate energy policy.

Why is Qatar leaving OPEC?

2018-12-04 21:43:35
Migrants jump border fence in Tijuana to try to reach US


About two dozen migrants climbed over the border wall separating Mexico from the US near Tijuana on Monday.

While some ran to evade capture, most handed themselves in to border guards.

The attempt to cross into the US illegally came just days after the migrants were transferred from one temporary shelter to another after it had become unsanitary.

Thousands of people have left Central America for Tijuana in the hope of crossing into the US.
2018-12-04 21:44:42
Swedish Center party leader warns Social Democrats ahead of PM vote: Aftonbladet newspaper


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden’s Social Democrats have not been forthcoming in talks on forming a new government and the Center Party will vote no for a second term for Prime Minister Stefan Lofven if they do not receive a better offer, Center Party leader Annie Loof said on Tuesday.

Swedish politic have been deadlocked since the inconclusive September election. The Social Democrats are locked in talks with traditional rivals the Center Party and the Liberals over their demands for backing Lofven for a second term.

“The Social Democrats response to the Center Party’s political demands are unfortunately far from enough,” Loof wrote in a signed article in daily Aftonbladet. “Taking that into consideration we are ready to vote no ... but we will give the Social Democrats one final chance.”
2018-12-04 21:45:08
Britain can end Brexit unilaterally, EU court advisor says


LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - The European Court of Justice’s advocate general said on Tuesday Britain has the right to withdraw its Brexit notice from the European Union unilaterally.

The non-binding advice comes as the British parliament begins five days of debates on Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposed Brexit deal with the EU before voting on it next Tuesday.

“Advocate General (Manuel) Campos Sanchez-Bordona proposes that the Court of Justice should declare that Article 50 ... allows the unilateral revocation of the notification of the intention to withdraw from the EU,” the ECJ, the bloc’s highest court, said.

“That possibility continues to exist until such time as the withdrawal agreement is formally concluded,” it said in a statement.
2018-12-05 07:24:15
Theresa May staggers on after three Brexit defeats in single day

Theresa May has suffered an extraordinary three parliamentary defeats in a single day, as rebellious MPs at Westminster sought to wrest back control of Brexit.

The start of a five-day debate on May’s deal was delayed by several hours, as MPs passed a historic motion finding the government in contempt of parliament for failing to publish in full the legal advice on Brexit.

MPs had already voted down a government compromise, which would have referred the dispute to parliament’s privileges committee, delaying it until after next week’s crunch vote on May’s deal.

With the prime minister still waiting to open the formal debate, MPs then inflicted a third defeat, passing a cross-party amendment tabled by MPs including Dominic Grieve aimed at strengthening the hand of parliament if the deal is voted down.
2018-12-05 12:02:41
2018-12-06 09:22:48
Russia will build missiles if US leaves treaty, Putin warns


Russia will develop missiles banned under a Cold War agreement if the US exits the pact, President Vladimir Putin has warned.

His comments follow Nato's accusation on Tuesday that Russia has already broken the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

Signed in 1987 by the US and USSR, it banned both countries' use of all short and medium-range missiles.

But Mr Putin says the accusation is a pretext for the US to leave the pact.

In televised comments, the Russian leader said many other countries had developed weapons banned under the INF treaty.

"Now it seems our American partners believe that the situation has changed so much that [they] must also have such a weapon," he said.

"What's our response? It's simple - in that case we will also do this."
2018-12-06 09:24:01
Huawei CFO arrested on suspicion of violating US sanctions against Iran

Canada has arrested Huawei’s global chief financial officer in Vancouver, where she is facing extradition to the US on suspicion she violated US sanctions against Iran, the Globe and Mail newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Meng Wanzhou, who is one of the vice-chairs on the Chinese technology company’s board and the daughter of the company founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested on 1 December and a court hearing has been set for Friday, the Canadian justice department spokesman said.

In a statement, the department confirmed Meng had been arrested and was facing extradition.

“As there is a publication ban in effect, we cannot provide any further detail at this time. The ban was sought by Ms. Meng,” it said.
2018-12-06 09:25:18
President George H.W. Bush funeral: Full ceremony from the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

2018-12-06 09:26:18
France protests: Fuel tax rises in 2019 budget dropped


Fuel tax rises which sparked weeks of violent protests in France have now been dropped from next year's budget, the government has announced.

The move was announced by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who a day earlier had only promised to postpone them for six months.

The "gilets jaunes" (yellow vest) protests have hit major cities over the past three weekends.

Further demonstrations were planned for this weekend.

They have grown to reflect more widespread anger at the government.

Mr Philippe said on Tuesday that the next planned rise in the so-called carbon tax on vehicle fuel, which had been due to come in on 1 January, would be suspended for six months to allow consultations.

He also said that planned increases in gas and electricity prices this winter would be halted, and that a toughening of the rules for vehicle emissions tests would also be postponed.

On Wednesday, Mr Philippe told the lower house of parliament: "The government is ready for dialogue and is showing it because this tax increase has been dropped from the 2019 budget bill."
2018-12-06 09:29:42
Brexit: Legal advice warns of Irish border 'stalemate'


Theresa May's Brexit backstop plan risks a "stalemate" and "protracted rounds of negotiations" with the EU, the full legal advice on her deal says.

Newly published documents show the PM was told an arrangement designed to prevent a hard Irish border could last "indefinitely" and the UK could not "lawfully exit" without EU agreement.

The Democratic Unionists said this would be "devastating" for the UK.

But Mrs May rejected SNP claims she has misled Parliament on the issue.

Ministers were forced to publish Attorney General Geoffrey Cox's full advice after ministers were found to be in contempt of Parliament on Tuesday for providing only a legal overview earlier this week.

Speaking in the Commons, the prime minister said there was "no difference" between the two documents and the legal position on her proposed "temporary" customs arrangement with the EU was clear.

While the UK would have no unilateral right to withdraw from the backstop - a measure designed to prevent the return of physical checks on the Irish border by the UK and EU sharing a single customs territory - she insisted neither the UK nor the EU wanted it to come into force in the first place.

But the Democratic Unionists said the advice was explicit that Northern Ireland would end up subject to different EU regulatory and customs rules from the rest of the UK and be treated as a "third country" in terms of trade with England, Scotland and Wales.
2018-12-06 18:20:46
Wisconsin Republicans seek to hobble newly elected Democrat

Wisconsin Republicans have provoked uproar by limiting the power of a newly elected Democratic governor.

If signed by outgoing Republican Governor Scott Walker, the bills will curb the authority of incoming Democrat Tony Evers and his attorney general.

Protesters have been demonstrating at the state capitol in Madison for days, accusing Republicans of trying to rig the system.

But state Republicans say the bills only seek to balance power.

In the neighbouring Midwestern state of Michigan, another Republican-controlled legislature is considering the passage of similar laws to hobble newly elected Democrats.
2018-12-06 18:22:59
Yemen war: UN-backed peace talks set to begin in Sweden


UN-sponsored peace talks aimed at ending nearly four years of civil war in Yemen are due to begin in Sweden.

A UN team will work alongside delegations from the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels at Johannesbergs castle outside Stockholm to enable informal talks due to last a week.

The war has caused the world's worst humanitarian crisis in recent times.

Thousands of people have died in fighting and millions have been pushed to the brink of starvation.

Consultations are resuming for the first time since 2016. The last attempt at a negotiated peace collapsed in September when the Houthis failed to show up in Geneva.
2018-12-06 21:21:47
之前north carlolina 都有咁做,但比法院推返咗
2018-12-06 21:25:52
2018-12-07 08:59:58
Exclusive: U.S. probe of China's Huawei includes bank fraud accusations: sources


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s [HWT.UL] chief financial officer was arrested as part of a U.S. investigation into an alleged scheme to use the global banking system to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran, according to people familiar with the probe.

The United States has been looking since at least 2016 into whether Huawei shipped U.S.-origin products to Iran and other countries in violation of U.S. export and sanctions laws, Reuters reported in April.

More recently, the probe has included whether the company used HSBC Holdings Plc to conduct illegal transactions involving Iran, the people said.

Companies are barred from using the U.S. financial system to funnel goods and services to sanctioned entities. If the mobile phone and telecoms equipment maker conducted such transactions and then misled HSBC about their true nature, it could be guilty of bank fraud, experts say.

Huawei declined to comment, but said in a statement after the arrest that it complies with all applicable export control and sanctions laws and other regulations.

An HSBC spokesperson declined to comment. HSBC is not under investigation, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Huawei arrest: Justin Trudeau denies political motivation


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government had no involvement in the arrest of a top executive from Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

Meng Wanzhou was detained at Vancouver airport on Saturday on an extradition request from the US.

China has demanded her release, calling the arrest a human rights violation.

The charges have not been made public. Huawei said it was "not aware of any wrongdoing by Ms Meng".

She faces a bail hearing on Friday.

Earlier reports suggested the arrest could be related to a US investigation into a possible violation of sanctions against Iran.

US National Security Adviser John Bolton declined to comment on this when questioned by journalists.

Instead he said that - generally speaking - he had "enormous concerns" over Chinese firms' business practices and their possible operations as "arms" of the government.
2018-12-07 09:01:10
Brexit: Senior Tory suggests vote could be delayed


A senior Tory MP says he would welcome a delay in next week's Commons Brexit vote, if it would help address concerns over the controversial backstop.

But Tory backbench chairman Sir Graham Brady said getting "clarity" on the issue was more important than "timing".

It comes after reports that Theresa May was being urged to postpone the vote, which she is widely expected to lose.

Dismissing those reports, a No 10 spokesman said: "The vote will take place on Tuesday as planned."

The withdrawal deal negotiated between the UK and EU has been endorsed by EU leaders but must also be backed by the UK Parliament if it is to come into force.

MPs will decide whether to accept it next Tuesday, but dozens of Tory MPs are expected to reject it, as are the DUP MPs, whose support keeps Mrs May's government in power.

Brexit: ITV scraps plans for TV debate between leaders


ITV has scrapped its plans to hold a Brexit debate between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn this Sunday.

The channel said it had invited both parties to appear on the programme two days ahead of the meaningful vote on Mrs May's withdrawal agreement.

But an ITV spokeswoman has now said it will "not go ahead". On Tuesday, the BBC dropped its plan for a debate show featuring the pair the same evening.

The party leaders had disagreed over their preferred format and channel.

Channel 4 has announced it will hold a debate on Sunday featuring neither Mrs May or Mr Corbyn, but "four high profile politicians" - one backing the PM's deal, one behind a softer Brexit, one for a harder Brexit and one supporting the People's Vote. It has not confirmed who the politicians will be.
2018-12-07 09:02:04
Japan to ban Huawei, ZTE from government contracts: Yomiuri


TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is set to effectively ban government purchases of telecommunications products from China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp over fears of intelligence leaks and cyber attacks, the Yomiuri newspaper reported on Friday.

The government is expected to revise its internal rules on procurement as early as Monday. It is unlikely to name the two companies, to avoid aggravating China, but Huawei and ZTE are to be subject to the ban, the report said, citing a government source.

The report follows a decision by the United States this year to ban government purchases of Huawei gear.

In addition, Australia and New Zealand have blocked Huawei from building 5G networks, while Britain’s BT Group said on Wednesday it was removing Huawei’s equipment from the core of its existing 3G and 4G mobile operations and would not use the Chinese company in central parts of the next network.
2018-12-07 09:02:57
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