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2018-12-08 13:50:10
Huawei CFO committed fraud in breach of US sanctions, prosecutors say


A senior Chinese telecoms executive committed fraud when she lied about links between Huawei and a shell company used to sell telecommunications equipment to Iran in breach of US sanctions, Canadian prosecutors have told a Vancouver court.

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer, appeared in court on Friday as she sought bail in a case that has sparked a major international dispute between China and the US. After more than five hours of debate, the court has not yet decided if Meng will be granted bail as she fights an extradition order to the US. The closely-watched hearing will resume on Monday morning.

Crown prosecutors allege Meng – the daughter of Huawei’s founder – engaged in “conspiracy to defraud multiple financial institutions” in 2013 when she attempted to convince bankers that Huawei and a former Hong Kong subsidiary SkyCom were wholly separate entities.
2018-12-08 13:54:13
Donald Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' after critical interview


US President Donald Trump on Friday called former secretary of state Rex Tillerson “dumb as a rock” and “lazy as hell” a day after the former diplomat said he had warned the president against doing things that would violate the law.

“Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Trump fired Tillerson in March after a series of public rifts over North Korea, Russia and Iran policy, dismissing the former Exxon Mobil Corp chief executive in a tweet. In addition to policy disputes, relations were strained by reports that Tillerson privately called Trump a “moron”.

In an interview with CBS News political contributor Bob Schieffer on Thursday, Tillerson described Trump as “pretty undisciplined, doesn’t like to read, doesn’t read briefing reports ... doesn’t like to get into the details of a lot of things”.

2018-12-08 13:57:26
Trump ex-lawyer Michael Cohen 'should get substantial jail term'


US President Donald Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen should serve a "substantial" jail term for crimes including tax evasion, prosecutors say.

Cohen has pleaded guilty to crimes including violating finance laws during the 2016 election by handling hush money for Mr Trump's alleged lovers.

He has also admitted lying to Congress about a Trump property deal.

He is one of a number of Trump aides investigated amid a probe into alleged Russian collusion in the election.

Cohen has been co-operating with the investigation overseen by special counsel Robert Mueller.

However, while prosecutors in New York accepted this should be taken into account in sentencing, it should only bring a "modest" reduction on the guidelines of four to five years.
2018-12-08 13:59:15
U.S. appeals court will not restore Trump asylum order


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court handed President Donald Trump a defeat on Friday when it refused to allow his order barring asylum for immigrants who enter the country illegally to take effect, while a court challenge proceeds.

Trump cited an overwhelmed immigration system for his recent proclamation that officials will only process asylum claims for migrants who present themselves at an official entry point. Civil rights groups sued, arguing that Trump’s Nov. 9 order violated administrative and immigration law.

A San Francisco judge last month issued a temporary restraining order against the asylum rules, which applied nationwide. The U.S. Department of Justice called that ruling “absurd” and asked the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to allow Trump’s policy to take effect while the lawsuits proceed.

Trump has often attacked the 9th Circuit, which has more judges appointed by Democrat presidents than Republicans, accusing it of frustrating his policy initiatives, particularly on immigration.

The split 9th Circuit ruling on Friday was written by Judge Jay Bybee, an appointee of Republican president George W. Bush. Bybee agreed with the lower court that Trump’s policy likely exceeds his authority.
2018-12-08 13:59:56
Japan's military sees record spending, aims to buy more U.S. arms: Nikkei


TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan’s military looks to raise spending over the next five years in response to security challenges and to narrow Japan’s trade surplus with the United States by buying U.S. equipment, the Nikkei business daily reported on Saturday.

The Ministry of Defence looks to spend at least 27 trillion yen ($240 billion) between April 2019 and March 2024, with the spending rising an average 1.1 percent per year, exceeding the 0.8 percent average during the five years ending next March, the report said without identifying its sources.

Currently, payments on equipment and personnel expenses account for 80 percent of defense spending, Nikkei said. Under the plan, funds for new equipment purchases will be separated from these expenses, making it easier to buy equipment from the United States, it added.
2018-12-08 15:35:15

好撚柒長, 利申, 無睇晒

In January 2017, Cohen formally left the Company and began holding himself out as the “personal attorney” to Individual-1, who at that point had become the President of the United States.


During the campaign, Cohen played a central role in two similar schemes to purchase the rights to stories – each from women who claimed to have had an affair with Individual-1 – so as to suppress the stories and thereby prevent them from influencing the election. With respect to both payments, Cohen acted with the intent to influence the 2016 presidential election.


In particular, and as Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1.

Cohen呢單認嘅罪, 係嘅係違犯選舉財政法(不當運用選舉資金). 而NY控方律師用嘅字面好強, 唔係「Cohen聲稱佢按Individual-1指令行事」, 而係直接用陳述句, 話Cohen承認佢係按Individual-1指令行事, 換言之, NY控方律師有足夠強嘅證據去prove Cohen唔係吹水, 的確係Individual-1落order.

咁對Individual-1有咩影響? 即係佢指示Cohen犯罪, 即係佢都係共犯, 技術上佢正式成為"unindicted co-conspirator", 共罪但無/未被起訴者, 對上一位獲此待遇嘅美國總統係Nixon


Totally clears the President. Thank you!



2018-12-08 15:35:27

The defendant admitted he told these lies—which he made publicly and in submissions to Congress—in order to (1) minimize links between the Moscow Project and Individual 1 and (2) give the false impression that the Moscow Project had ended before the Iowa caucus and the first presidential primaries, in hopes of limiting the ongoing Russia investigations being conducted by Congress and the SCO.


The fact that Cohen continued to work on the project and discuss it with Individual 1 well into the campaign was material to the ongoing congressional and SCO investigations, particularly because it occurred at a time of sustained efforts by the Russian government to interfere with the U.S. presidential election.


Cohen provided the SCO with useful information concerning certain discrete Russia-related matters core to its investigation that he obtained by virtue of his regular contact
with Company executives during the campaign.


However, the defendant has made substantial and significant efforts to remediate his misconduct, accept responsibility for his actions, and assist the SCO’s investigation. Accordingly, the Government respectfully submits that the Court should give due consideration to the defendant’s efforts set forth above and that it would be appropriate to allow the defendant to serve any sentence imposed in this case concurrently with any sentence imposed in United States v. Cohen, 18-cr-602 (WHP).

TL;DR: 交代前因後果後, Mueller認為可以判輕啲

咁點解最後Cohen唔似Flynn, 可以直頭唔洗坐? 因為呢單審訊唔係通俄案, 係SDNY負責嘅「涉嫌違反選舉財政法」調查, 而SDNY控方律師認為Cohen唔夠合作:

"To be sure, this case is in some respects unique, and Cohen’s decision to plead guilty and provide information to law enforcement in matters of national interest is deserving of credit. Indeed, it is the principal reason the Office is not seeking a Guidelines sentence here. But as noted in more detail above, Cohen was well aware of the standard debriefing process in which cooperators in this District regularly participate, and declined to participate. While he answered questions about the charged conduct, he refused to discuss other uncharged criminal conduct, if any, in which he may have participated. This precludes him from being given credit for “substantial assistance” and obtaining a 5K1.1 letter."

所以SDNY會推薦較輕刑期, 但唔係可以唔洗坐嘅程度

睇黎Flynn係乜柒都爆晒畀Mueller聽, 而Mueller夠料證明的確係堅料, Flynn先可以可能輕判到唔洗坐

係現階段, 我認為Flynn同Cohen嘅陳詞implication係, 如果想甩身, 與其搏Individual-1特赦(但佢特赦唔到state crime), 不如盡早同控方全面合作
2018-12-08 15:36:07
2018-12-08 15:52:28
睇多次Mueller memo發現:

The defendant amplified his false statements by releasing and repeating his lies to the public, including to other potential witnesses. The defendant was scheduled to appear before both intelligence committees in closed sessions. Prior to testifying, the defendant made a public appearance at the U.S. Capitol and released his prepared opening statement, which falsely claimed that the Moscow Project “was terminated in January of 2016[,] which occurred before the Iowa caucus and months before the very first primary.” By publicly presenting this false narrative, the defendant deliberately shifted the timeline of what had occurred in the hopes of limiting the investigations into possible Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election—an issue of heightened national interest.

似乎Mueller係量刑時, 會考慮埋被起訴者有無對公眾9up
2018-12-08 20:03:57
2018-12-09 00:31:24
Yellow vest movement: Paris police detain hundreds of protesters


Police in Paris have fired tear gas on protesters as a fourth weekend of anti-government protests turned violent.

The clashes came after up to 8,000 demonstrators gathered in the city centre. More than 500 people have been taken into custody.

At least 30 people have been injured in the capital, including three police officers.

The "yellow vest" movement opposed fuel tax rises but ministers say it has been hijacked by "ultra-violent" protesters.

Some 8,000 police and 12 armoured vehicles have been deployed in Paris, and nearly 90,000 countrywide.

Paris on lockdown for gilets jaunes protests - live updates

2018-12-09 10:21:50
Trump chief of staff John Kelly to leave White House job


President Donald Trump has announced that his chief of staff John Kelly will leave his job by the end of the year.

There have been persistent reports for several days that Mr Kelly was under pressure to go.

Some reports said that the retired Marine Corps general's relationship with Mr Trump had deteriorated.

But Mr Trump described Mr Kelly as a "great guy" and said a replacement would be named "over the next day or two".

"He's been with me almost two years now, between two positions," Mr Trump said. "I appreciate his service very much."
2018-12-09 11:37:35
Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to delay Tuesday’s key parliamentary vote on her Brexit deal and head to Brussels next week to demand better terms from the European Union, the Sunday Times newspaper reported.

The newspaper cited “ministers and aides” who said they expected her to announce on Sunday that she was delaying the vote. It is widely expected she will lose and ministers are concerned that the scale of defeat would be such it could bring down her government.

May will head to Brussels next week to make a final appeal to the European Union to improve Britain’s exit deal from the bloc, according to the newspaper, after warnings from ministers that better terms were needed to win lawmaker support.


2018-12-09 11:58:53
2018-12-10 16:09:25
2018-12-10 19:45:04
Brexit: May holds conference call with cabinet amid speculation about potential concession - Politics live


May holds emergency conference call with cabinet amid speculation about potential concession

Downing Street confirmed that Theresa May will hold a conference call with her cabinet at 11.30 to update them on the conclusions of her talks with EU leaders over the weekend.

The prime minister’s spokeswoman played down the prospect of the withdrawal agreement being renegotiated - but strongly hinted that there could be changes to the political declaration (the document setting out the framework for the future relationship).

The spokeswoman insisted the Commons vote would still to ahead.
2018-12-10 20:11:10
May 縮沙了
2018-12-10 20:12:29
CONFIRMED: PM to make a statement to MPs

The Speaker's office has now confirmed the PM will make a statement to the House of Commons at 3.30pm today.


GMT 3.30pm = HKT 2330
2018-12-10 20:13:34

Source: Skynews
2018-12-10 21:33:52
Armenia PM Nikol Pashinian's alliance wins by landslide


Armenians appeared to overwhelmingly back protest leader and current acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian in early parliamentary elections on Sunday.

With all votes counted, Pashinian's My Step alliance has garnered over 70 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results released by the Armenian Central Electoral Commission. The pro-business Prosperous Armenia party finished a distant second with 8 percent.

The Republican Party, which controlled the old parliament and is headed by former Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan, suffered a massive defeat and came in at less than 5 percent, according to the early results.

Voter turnout for Sunday's election was around 48 percent, significantly down from the 60 percent voter turnout rate in the 2017 parliamentary election.
2018-12-11 08:34:30
Macron bows to protesters' demands and says: I know I have hurt some of you

Emmanuel Macron has bowed to pressure from the street to announce a catalogue of emergency measures aimed at pacifying the gilets jaunes after weeks of civil unrest in France.

In a long-awaited address on primetime television, the president tried to talk the protesters out of further action, promising a rise in the minimum wage and tax concessions.

In a mea culpa, Macron said he had heard and understood protesters’ anger and indignation, which he said was “deep and in many ways legitimate”.

He admitted he had not been able to provide solutions quickly enough since his election. “I may have given you the impression that this was not my concern, that I had other priorities. I take my share of responsibility. I know I have hurt some of you with my words,” he said.

He said the anger went back 40 years, but he added: “No anger justifies attacking a police officer, a gendarme, or damaging a shop or public building. When violence is unleashed, freedom ends.”
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