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2018-12-26 08:42:25
Several dead in suicide attack on Libyan foreign ministry


TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Three suicide bombers attacked Libya’s foreign ministry in Tripoli on Tuesday, killing at least two other people as well as themselves, authorities said.

The three attackers began their assault with a car bomb, damaging vehicles and buildings, and then opened fire on the ministry, a security source said. Two managed to get inside and blow themselves up. The other was killed by ministry guards.

Heavy smoke rose from the building, which was surrounded by security forces, as people were rushed to hospital. The health ministry said that apart from the attackers, three people had been killed and at least 21 injured.
2018-12-26 08:43:01
Congo opposition cry foul over web-enabled voting machines


KINSHASA (Reuters) - Opposition candidates in this weekend’s presidential election in Democratic Republic of Congo demanded on Tuesday that the electoral board deactivate SIM cards in voting machines to prevent the electronic transmission of results.

The opposition are up in arms because active SIM cards could allow the electoral board (CENI) to tabulate the vote electronically, despite repeated assurances the results would be based on hand counts of paper print-outs from the machines.

Disputes about the largely untested machines have stoked tensions ahead of Sunday’s long-anticipated election, which the CENI postponed from this past weekend due to delays deploying voting materials.

Seven opposition candidates, including one of the favorites in the race, Martin Fayulu, called on mobile phone operators to deactivate the SIM cards, which the CENI earlier admitted had been fitted in the machines.
2018-12-26 15:17:52
Migrant caravan: Detained Guatemalan boy dies at Mexico-US border


An eight-year-old boy from Guatemala has died in US government custody, immigration authorities say.

A Texas congressman named the child as Felipe Alonzo-Gomez.

It is the second time this month an immigrant child has died while being detained after crossing the US-Mexico border.

The previous instance saw seven-year-old Jakelin Caal, also from Guatemala, die just hours after being taken into custody.

Texan congressman Joaquin Castro called for a congressional investigation into the boy's death.

We must ensure that we treat migrants and asylum-seekers with human dignity and provide the necessary medical care to anyone in the custody of the United States government," he said.

"The administration's policy of turning people away from legal ports of entry, otherwise known as metering, is putting families and children in great danger."
2018-12-26 15:19:54
Rail plan puts North and South Korea on track for closer ties


North and South Korea have held a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony they hope will lead to the resumption of road and rail links across their heavily armed border.

A delegation of 100 officials from the South, including the transport and unification ministers, made the two-hour train journey to attend Wednesday’s ceremony at Panmun station in the North Korean border town of Kaesong.

The highly symbolic meeting came weeks after the two countries conducted a joint survey of sections of the North’s rail network that could one day provide direct services to the South. The survey marked the first time in a decade that a South Korean train had travelled on North Korean tracks, most of which date from the early 20th century.

“The groundbreaking ceremony is meaningful in that it demonstrates the Koreas’ willingness to actively cooperate on the modernisation and connection project of their railways and roads,” the South Korean transport ministry said in a statement carried by Yonhap news agency.

The project is the latest in a series of moves designed to improve bilateral relations agreed between the North’s leader Kim Jong-un and the South Korean president Moon Jae-in, a liberal who supports engagement with Pyongyang.
2018-12-26 15:20:22
Japan confirms it will quit IWC to resume commercial whaling


Japan is to leave the International Whaling Commission and resume commercial whaling for the first time in more than 30 years, the government said on Wednesday, in a move that has drawn international criticism.

The country’s fleet will resume commercial operations in July next 2019, the government’s chief spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, said of the decision to defy the 1986 global ban on commercial whaling.

Suga told reporters the country’s fleet would confine its hunts to Japanese territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, adding that its controversial annual expeditions to the Southern Ocean – a major source of diplomatic friction between Tokyo and Canberra – would end.

He said Japan would officially inform the IWC of its decision by the end of the year, which will mean the withdrawal comes into effect by 30 June.

Media reports last week that Japan was about to pull out of the 89-member commission sparked an angry reaction from the Australian government and conservationists.
2018-12-27 09:09:28
Donald and Melania Trump visit US troops in Iraq in Christmas trip


US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have made an unannounced Christmas visit to US troops in Iraq.

They travelled there "late on Christmas night" to thank troops for "their service, their success and their sacrifice", the White House said.

Mr Trump said the US had no plans to pull out of Iraq, Reuters reports.

The trip came days after Defence Secretary Jim Mattis quit over divisions about strategy in the region.

The US still has some 5,000 troops in Iraq to support the government in its fight against what remains of the Islamic State (IS) group.

However, a planned meeting between Mr Trump and Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi was cancelled. Mr Mahdi's office said it was because of disagreements on how to conduct the meeting. A phone call between the two leaders was held instead, officials added.
2018-12-27 09:11:29
Martial laws comes to an end in Ukraine after 30 days


Martial law declared in parts of Ukraine has ended after 30 days, amid continuing tensions with Russia in the Kerch Strait.

The measure was in force in 10 regions along the Black Sea and the borders with Russia, Belarus and Moldova.

It was declared after the capture of three Ukrainian naval vessels and 24 sailors by Russian forces in November.

Russia's foreign ministry said it hoped Western countries would dissuade Ukraine from any "provocations".

During the emergency, Ukrainian armed forces were put on combat readiness and reservists were called up.
2018-12-27 09:15:15
Afghan presidential election delayed by three months


Next year's presidential election in Afghanistan has been postponed by three months, election authority sources say.

It was initially due in April. A new date in mid-July or early August is to be announced on Thursday.

Many potential candidates had been unable to meet registration requirements and extreme weather meant their teams could not organise for a spring date, the sources told the BBC.

It comes days after reports that the US was to withdraw thousands of troops.

About 7,000 troops - roughly half the remaining US military presence in the country - could go home within months, the US media reports said.
2018-12-28 09:18:32
Congress meets briefly, takes no steps to end shutdown


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Both chambers of the U.S. Congress convened for only a few minutes late on Thursday, but took no steps to end a partial federal government shutdown before adjourning until next week.

Showing little sense of urgency over the shutdown, now in its sixth day, the Senate and the House of Representatives did nothing to restore funding for the roughly 20 percent of the government affected.

The shutdown was on track to continue into next week and possibly drag on well into January.

Schumer: Democrats, Republicans far apart on U.S. government funding


More Americans blame Trump for government shutdown: Reuters/Ipsos poll

2018-12-28 09:20:29
Exclusive: Foxconn to begin assembling top-end Apple iPhones in India in 2019 - source


MUMBAI/DELHI (Reuters) - Apple Inc will begin assembling its top-end iPhones in India through the local unit of Foxconn as early as 2019, the first time the Taiwanese contract manufacturer will have made the product in the country, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Importantly, Foxconn will be assembling the most expensive models, such as devices in the flagship iPhone X family, the source said, potentially taking Apple’s business in India to a new level.

The work will take place at Foxconn’s plant in Sriperumbudur town in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, said the source, who is not authorized to speak to the media and so declined to be named.
2018-12-28 09:21:01
China says direct trade talks with U.S. in January, pledges more opening


BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States have made plans for face-to-face consultations over trade in January, the Chinese commerce ministry said on Thursday, as the world’s two biggest economies advanced efforts to resolve a months-long trade war.

Consultations through “intensive” telephone calls will continue in the meantime, Gao Feng, spokesman at the commerce ministry, told reporters, adding that talks have been steadily moving forward despite the Christmas break in the United States.

“Even as the U.S side is in the Christmas holiday period, China and U.S. economic and trade teams have been in close communication, and the consultations are progressing in an orderly manner as scheduled,” Gao said, when asked about progress on negotiations.

Gao did not comment directly when asked to confirm a media report on a U.S. trade delegation visit scheduled for the week of Jan. 7.
2018-12-28 09:21:53
Germany mulls introducing 'mosque tax' for Muslims


Lawmakers from Germany's grand coalition government said on Wednesday that they were considering introducing a "mosque tax" for German Muslims, similar to the church taxes that German Christians pay.

Thorsten Frei, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) told Die Welt daily that a mosque tax was "an important step" that would allow "Islam in Germany to emancipate itself from foreign states."

In Germany, church taxes are collected from practicing Catholics and Protestants in order to fund church activities. They are collected by the state and then transferred to religious authorities.

In the absence of a similar tax, mosques in Germany are reliant upon donations, raising concerns about possible financing by foreign organizations and governments, which has sometimes prompted questions about the promotion of fundamentalist ideologies. For example, there has been growing concern about the influence of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), an arm of the Turkish government based in Germany.
2018-12-28 09:22:18
Madagascar: Andry Rajoelina declared winner in presidential runoff


Former Madagascan President Andry Rajoelina is set to return to power after beating rival Marc Ravalomanana in last week's highly contested runoff vote, according to provisional results published Thursday by the electoral commission.

Rajoelina won more than 55 percent of the vote against 44 percent for Ravalomanana, it said.

The constitutional court now has nine days to declare the final election results.

The December 19 runoff between two former heads of state and bitter rivals saw a turnout of just 48 percent.

The two faced off for the first time since Rajoelina replaced Ravalomanana, who was forced from power in 2009, following political turmoil.
2018-12-28 22:06:47
2018-12-28 22:53:52
China allows US rice imports for first time ahead of trade talks


China is allowing rice imported from the U.S. for the first time ahead of trade talks between the two nations, Reuters reported Friday.

Trade talks are scheduled for sometime next month, according to China. President Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping had announced that they would be halting the implementation of more tit-for-tat tariffs for 90 days as the two sides seek to resolve their disputes.

As of Dec. 27 the U.S. can export brown, polished and crushed rice to China, although according to Reuters it is still unclear how much can be sent.

This change may be indicative of improved trade relations between the two nations.
2018-12-28 22:54:32
Merkel, Macron demand Russia release Ukrainian seamen


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron demanded on Friday that Russia release Ukrainian sailors who were seized along with their ships last month.

“We demand safe, free and unimpeded transit for all ships through the Kerch Strait and the immediate and unconditional release of all illegally detained Ukrainian seafarers,” Merkel and Macron said in a joint statement.
2018-12-28 22:55:21
Syria war: Pro-government forces 'enter Manbij' amid Turkey threats


Syrian pro-government forces have entered the key northern city of Manbij for the first time in six years, an army spokesman has said.

A Kurdish militia controlling the area withdrew and invited Syrian forces to retake the city amid fears that Turkish troops would launch a new offensive.

Turkey considers the Kurdish YPG forces to be part of a terrorist group.

The request by the US-backed Kurds follows the shock announcement that all US troops are to withdraw from Syria.
2018-12-29 20:36:26
Egypt police 'kill 40 militants' in raids after tourist bus blast


Police in Egypt have killed dozens of militants during security raids on their hideouts, the interior ministry has said.

The raids killed "40 terrorists" in Giza and North Sinai on Saturday morning, according to a statement from the ministry.

It said the militants were planning a series of attacks on tourist sites, churches and military personnel.

The raids followed Friday's roadside bomb attack on a tour bus in Giza.

No group has yet said it was behind the blast, which killed three Vietnamese tourists and an Egyptian tour guide, but Islamist militants have targeted tourists in Egypt in the past.

Police killed 30 militants during two early morning raids in Giza, while the remaining 10 were killed in El-Arish, the capital of North Sinai province, the interior ministry said.
2018-12-29 20:36:50
Canadian detained in China has been released


MONTREAL (Reuters) - A Canadian citizen who was detained in China this month has returned to Canada after being released from custody, a Canadian government spokesman said on Friday.

The spokesman did not specify when the Canadian was released or returned to Canada. Earlier in the day, broadcaster CBC identified the citizen as Canadian teacher Sarah McIver.

China’s Foreign Ministry said this month that McIver was undergoing “administrative punishment” for working illegally.

McIver was the third Canadian to be detained by China following the Dec. 1 arrest in Vancouver of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.[HWT.UL], but a Canadian official said there was no reason to believe that the woman’s detention was linked to the earlier arrests.
2018-12-29 20:37:21
Exclusive: U.S. commanders recommend letting Kurdish fighters in Syria keep weapons


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. commanders planning for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria are recommending that Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State be allowed to keep U.S.-supplied weapons, four U.S. officials said, a move that would likely anger NATO ally Turkey.

Three of the officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the recommendations were part of discussions on a draft plan by the U.S. military. It is unclear what the Pentagon will ultimately recommend to the White House.

Discussions are still at an early stage inside the Pentagon and no decision has yet been made, the officials said. The plan will then be presented to the White House in the coming days with U.S. President Donald Trump making the final decision.

The Pentagon said it would be “inappropriate” and premature to comment on what will happen with the weapons.

“Planning is ongoing, and focused on executing a deliberate and controlled withdrawal of forces while taking all measures possible to ensure our troops’ safety,” said Commander Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman.The White House did not comment.
2018-12-30 08:59:49
Congo heads to the polls for tense, long-delayed presidential vote


KINSHASA - Voters in Democratic Republic of Congo head to the polls on Sunday for a presidential election that could lead to the country’s first democratic transfer of power but has been marred by campaign violence and chaotic preparations.

President Joseph Kabila, in power since his father’s assassination in 2001, is due to step down after the vote in a milestone for a country plagued by authoritarian rule, coups and civil wars since independence from Belgium in 1960.

Kabila’s agreement to stick to constitutional term limits should represent progress for the mineral-rich central African country.

Critics, however, say the vote will be tarnished by fraud, and that Kabila could continue to rule from the sidelines. He has not ruled out running again for president in 2023.

Despite repeated delays to the election, which was originally meant to take place in 2016, diplomats and poll observers say authorities are ill-prepared, raising fears of a repeat of the violence that followed elections in 2006 and 2011.
2018-12-30 14:11:31
Italy budget: Parliament passes budget after EU standoff


Italy's parliament has approved a revised budget for 2019, amid opposition complaints that it was dictated by the EU.

The country's populist government had originally vowed to push through costly campaign promises including a universal basic income.

But in October, the European Commission raised concerns about the impact of such spending on Italy's debt levels.

Rome was told to revise its budget, or face fines and disciplinary action.

Under a deal struck with the Commission last week, Italy lowered its planned budget deficit from 2.4% of GDP to 2.04% - less of a reduction than European officials had hoped for.

The value of its concessions is understood to be a little more than €10bn (£9bn).

The Senate approved the budget last week, and the lower house of parliament passed the revised proposals in a confidence vote on Saturday, with 327 votes in favour, 228 against, and one abstention.
2018-12-30 14:12:15
Cross-party move to stop the clock on hard Brexit


Senior Tory and Labour MPs are planning to force the government to delay Brexit by several months to avoid a no-deal outcome if Theresa May fails to get her deal through parliament in January, the Observer has been told.

Cross-party talks have been under way for several weeks to ensure the 29 March date is put back – probably until July at the latest – if the government does not push for a delay itself. It is also understood that cabinet ministers have discussed the option of a delay with senior backbench MPs in both the main parties and that Downing Street is considering scenarios in which a delay might have to be requested from Brussels.

One senior Tory backbencher said: “I have had these discussions with ministers. They will not say so in public but of course the option of a delay has to be looked at in detail now. If we are determined to avoid a no deal, and the prime minister’s deal fails, we will have to ask to stop the clock, and that will give time for us to decide to go whatever way we decide thereafter.”

The Conservative MP and former attorney general Dominic Grieve said he believed that even if May got her deal through, there would probably be insufficient time to push all the necessary legislation through parliament to allow Brexit to happen smoothly and that a delay might well be necessary. But if her deal were voted down, the need to take up the option of a delay would become a “certainty”. He said: “I think that if she does not get her deal passed, a delay would be inevitable to give more time to avoid a no deal, and also there is the possibility that there would be a referendum, so this would allow for that.”

Labour’s Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer said that parliament would need to discuss all options, including a possible delay, if and when May failed to get her blueprint through the Commons. “If the prime minister’s deal is voted down in early January, then we will be just nine weeks away from the date we are due to leave the EU,” Starmer said.
2018-12-30 14:14:01
Liam Fox says '50-50' chance Brexit may be stopped - paper


LONDON (Reuters) - Trade minister Liam Fox said there is a “50-50” chance that Brexit may be stopped if parliament rejects the government’s divorce deal with the European Union next month.

“If we were not to vote for that, I’m not sure I would give it (Brexit) much more than 50-50,” Fox, a leading supporter of leaving the EU, told the Sunday Times newspaper.
2018-12-30 22:58:49
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