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2018-10-16 21:36:07
Senior ministers back UK PM May ahead of EU summit: May's spokesman


LONDON (Reuters) - Senior British ministers supported Prime Minister Theresa May at a Brexit-focused cabinet meeting on Tuesday and there was no suggestion anyone would quit the government, May’s spokesman said following the meeting.

Ahead of a key European Union summit this week, May told ministers there would be challenging moments ahead in negotiations with Brussels, but she was convinced that if the government stood firmly together they could achieve a deal that delivered on the 2016 Brexit referendum.

EU's Barnier says will work 'seriously' in coming weeks for Brexit deal


LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - The European Union and Britain will work “calmly and seriously” in the next weeks to reach a deal on Britain’s withdrawal from the bloc without creating a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier said.

Speaking to journalists before briefing EU ministers at a meeting in Luxembourg, Barnier said the withdrawal agreement with Britain had to be “orderly for everyone and all the subjects, including Ireland.”

“We will take this time, calmly and seriously, to reach this overall accord in the next weeks,” Barnier said. “We need more time to find this deal ... and to reach this decisive progress.”
2018-10-16 21:46:36
Ukraine wins approval for historic split from Russian church


KIEV/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Ukraine secured approval on Thursday to establish an independent church in what Kiev says is a vital step against Russian meddling in its affairs, but the Russian clergy fiercely opposes as the biggest split in Christianity for a thousand years.

A three-day synod presided over by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Istanbul, seat of the global spiritual leader of roughly 300 million Orthodox Christians, endorsed Ukraine’s request for an “autocephalous” (independent) church.

The synod will “proceed to the granting of Autocephaly to the Church of Ukraine,” a statement said.

The synod took several decisions to pave the way for Ukraine to set up its church, including rehabilitating a Ukrainian patriarch excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church for leading a breakaway church in the early 1990s.

In retaliation, the Russian Orthodox Church said it would break eucharistical relations with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Interfax news agency quoted a spokesman as saying.

Ukraine accuses the Russian Orthodox Church of wielding a pernicious influence on its soil, allowing itself to be used as a tool of the Kremlin to justify Russian expansionism and support of separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine’s victory on the church issue could bolster pro-Western President Petro Poroshenko’s campaign in what is expected to be a tight election race next year.
2018-10-16 21:48:18
Luxembourg national elections


In the early hours of Monday morning, the election results from across the country were announced.

It was a big night for the Greens, which won three extra seats in parliament.

The Pirate Party has also won two seats, entering parliament for the first time.

It was a tough night for the CSV, however, which gained 28.3% of the total vote – the highest percentage for a single party but 5 percentage points fewer than they gained in 2013. The party has also lost two seats.

The DP won 12 seats – one seat less than in 2013, and the LSAP are down three seats with a total of 10.

The ADR gained a seat from the LSAP in the North and has four seats in parliament, while Déi Lénk has two.
2018-10-17 10:01:35
Theresa May appeals to EU to keep Brexit door open


Theresa May will urge EU leaders in Brussels on Wednesday to keep the door open to continuing Brexit negotiations, after a two-and-a-half hour cabinet meeting that underscored the challenge of bridging the gap between London and Brussels in the days ahead.

May told her colleagues on Tuesday: “If we as a government stand together and stand firm, we can achieve this.”

But a string of ministers intervened to stress the importance of time-limiting the Irish backstop and ensuring it did not separate Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK – both areas where the UK and the EU27 remain at loggerheads.

The attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, said any Northern Ireland-only arrangements for customs after Brexit could mean the province was “torn out of the UK” and leave it “controlled by the EU,” according to one source.

No 10 said cabinet members endorsed May’s call to “maintain the integrity of the union” between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which the prime minister told the cabinet was threatened by the EU’s proposed version of the backstop.

The spokesman said the prime minister had told her political colleagues it was “not possible for her or any UK prime minister to sign up to an arrangement that would lead to a customs border down the Irish Sea”.

One cabinet minister said: “There was a general wish to get the DUP onside, which hopefully our robust line on the integrity of the UK will help with.”

Liam Fox says UK needs longer transition period to make free-trade deal with EU - the Times


(Reuters) - British trade minister Liam Fox said the UK will need a longer transition period to make a free-trade deal with the European Union, The Times newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Fox suggested that Britain may stay in transition for a “few more months” beyond the end of December 2020, the newspaper reported, citing a source.

Prime Minister Theresa May is being urged to consider the extension of the transition period to get through the Brexit impasse, the newspaper report added.
2018-10-17 14:57:34
2018-10-17 15:05:02

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2018-10-17 15:05:48
Wentworth byelection: Liberals in danger as vote slumps to 32.7% – poll


The Liberal party is in serious danger of losing the seat of Wentworth this weekend according to a new ReachTel poll that shows Liberal candidate Dave Sharma’s primary vote has slumped to 32.7%. The vote of high profile independent and local GP Kerryn Phelps has surged to 25.8%.

Labor’s Tim Murray has also increased his share of the primary vote to 21.6%, compared with 19.5% in a ReachTel poll two weeks ago. The Greens’ Dominic Wy Kanak has 9.1% while independent Licia Heath has 5.6%.

The poll commissioned by Greenpeace did not attempt to calculate the two-party preferred result but did ask about preferences. Ominously for the Liberals, the result is in line with their own internal polling reported in the Australian this morning.

It had Sharma’s vote “in the mid 30s” and Phelps “well into the 20s”.

Only 2% of voters said they were undecided, suggesting the majority have already made up their minds.

The Australian report on the Liberal’s internal polling showed Phelps would have a thumping victory of 55% to 45%, two-party preferred.
2018-10-17 15:09:23
John Bercow 'to quit as Speaker next summer'


John Bercow has told friends he intends to stand down as Commons Speaker next summer, the BBC understands.

His departure, in June or July, would coincide with his tenth year in office.

The news comes after a damning report on the failure of high level figures in Parliament to deal adequately with bullying of staff at Westminster.

Dame Laura Cox's report condemned a culture in which abusive behaviour was "tolerated and covered up", prompting calls for Mr Bercow to quit right now.

Speaking in the Commons, Former Tory cabinet minister Maria Miller told Mr Bercow a "complete change in leadership" was needed at the top of the parliamentary authorities "including you".

One of Mr Bercow's critics, Tory Andrew Bridgen, said his announcement was a "pre-emptive strike to head off calls for him to go immediately" and another, James Duddridge, said it was a "smokescreen" and the Speaker was "not fit" to lead an overhaul of Commons working practices.
2018-10-17 15:12:48
Trump says former lawyer Cohen's testimony was 'totally false': AP


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that his former attorney Michael Cohen was lying when he testified Trump had directed him to break the law, the Associated Press reported.

Cohen testified in August that Trump had directed him to commit a crime by arranging payments to silence two women who alleged they had affairs with Trump before the 2016 presidential election.

Cohen, who had previously boasted he was the president’s “fixer,” pleaded guilty in August to eight criminal charges including tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Trump said in the AP interview that Cohen’s testimony was “totally false.” He also minimized Cohen’s role working for him, describing him as “a PR person who did small legal work.”

Trump called it “very sad” that Cohen had struck a deal to “achieve a lighter sentence,” according to the AP.
2018-10-17 21:52:20
2018-10-17 21:52:22

'They have lost their minds': Government fuming over growing push to topple Deputy Prime Minister

The Coalition government is bracing for its second leadership challenge in less than two months, with Nationals MPs counting numbers to potentially topple Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack within days.

The growing internal unrest inside the junior Coalition partner has infuriated the Liberal Party, which is fighting to retain its one-seat majority at Saturday's crucial byelection in the Sydney seat of Wentworth.

Former leader Barnaby Joyce, who resigned in disgrace in February after former staffer Vikki Campion became pregnant with his child, wants to reclaim the top job but has denied making calls for support.

However Fairfax Media understands his Queensland-based backers are counting numbers and believe they could have enough support to challenge Mr McCormack or ask him to stand down.

2018-10-18 22:04:06
Trump pulls US out of UN postal scheme on China price concerns


The Trump administration will begin withdrawing from a United Nations treaty that offered low rates for foreign postal deliveries of small packages in the US – the latest move to challenge practices it sees as unfairly advantageous to China.

White House officials said on Wednesday the US would start the process of leaving the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a Switzerland-based organisation that connects postal services worldwide.

The White House said the UPU enabled foreign postal services to take advantage of cheap shipments to the US, creating an unfair cost advantage over US companies that shipped goods, and hurting the US Postal Service.

Trump has made a point of cutting America’s international ties. In his first week in office he pulled the US out of a trade pact with 11 Pacific Rim countries, a move followed by the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement to mitigate climate change and an international deal with Iran to curb Tehran’s nuclear program.

Trump has also withdrawn the US from UNESCO and the United Nations Human Rights Council and pulled US funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.
2018-10-18 22:04:43
EU summit: Theresa May says 'maybe' to transition period extension


British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday hinted at her openness to extending a so-called transition period "for a matter of months" after Britain leaves the European Union.

"A further idea that has emerged, and it is an idea at this stage, is to create an option to extend the implementation period for a matter of months, and it would only be a matter months," May told reporters.

An extension could buy negotiators time to resolve the impasse over the Ireland-UK border, but the suggestion immediately courted criticism from within May's own party when it was first floated in Westminster on Wednesday.

To enable an extension, Britain would have to request it and then the other 27 member states would have to agree to it, a senior EU official told AFP news agency.

The transition period for the UK and EU is only expected to come into effect if some form of preliminary deal is struck before the UK's scheduled EU exit in late March. In the event of a "no-deal Brexit," any transition period plans are liable to disintegrate.
2018-10-18 22:05:12
Malaysia arrests opposition leader Zahid


The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said Zahid was arrested Thursday after being summoned to its offices in Kuala Lumpur.

Zahid would appear in court on Friday to face charges, said the MACC, as part of its probe into alleged abuse of power and money-laundering.

Local media reported that the case involved foundation credit cards used to settle payments in 2014 and 2015.

Zahid, who became United Malays National Organization (UNMO) leader after an election defeat in May, denied wrongdoing and earlier on Thursday had urged UMNO members to "remain calm and follow the rule of law."

His arrest is a fresh blow to UNMO, the lynchpin of coalitions that had ruled Malaysia since independence in 1957 amid divisive racial politics.
2018-10-18 22:06:30
Search for Khashoggi's remains extends to Saudi consul general's residence


Floodlights and a drone have been deployed in the search of the Saudi consul general’s residence in Istanbul after Turkish investigators were finally allowed access to the property, where it is believed a Saudi hit squad sent to silence the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi disposed of his remains.

The forensics team left the premises early on Thursday after conducting a nine hour sweep of the residence and consular vehicles. The consulate itself was also searched for a second time.

Of particular focus to investigators appeared to be the garage below the consul general’s home, and parts of the property’s garden were dug up.

It was not immediately clear what the search unearthed, although investigators took several boxes and bags with them. The Turkish interior ministry promised the results would be “shared with the world”.

On Thursday the Turkish pro-government newspaper Sabah published pictures taken from surveillance video outside the consulate which it said identified a man thought to be a member of the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman’s security staff entering the building on the morning of 2 October, the day Khashoggi vanished.

In the video, the suspect is seen arriving with several other men at 9.55am. Khashoggi arrived for an appointment at 1.14pm.

Sabah also published stills from videos that day showing the same man outside the consul general’s home and, later, checking out of a nearby hotel. The stills match the profile of one of the 15 Saudi nationals who were photographed two weeks ago at Istanbul’s Atatürk airport. Turkish officials believe that the 15-person team was behind the alleged murder inside the diplomatic mission.
2018-10-19 20:46:23
TOMORROW: Wentworth By Election

2018-10-19 21:38:18
Scott Morrison’s website taken over by online prankster

AN ONLINE prankster has bought the Prime Minister’s personal website out from under him and made some very amusing changes.

THE personal website of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been hijacked by a prankster who said it was “the most fun” he’d had for $50 in a long time.

A man reportedly took control of the website scottmorrison.com.au after the domain license lapsed overnight and Mr Morrison’s staff forgot to renew it.

“So, the PM forgot to renew his website and it expired today ... Most fun I’ve had with $50 in a long time,” Jack Genesin wrote on Facebook, claiming responsibility for the stunt.

Now when internet users visit the website they are met with a picture of the Prime Minister while the song ‘Scotty Doesn’t Know’ by American punk band Lustra plays.

The song about a girl cheating on her unsuspecting boyfriend named Scotty became famous after being included in the 2004 teen film EuroTrip. The chorus of the song repeats the lyrics “Scotty doesn’t know” over and over again.

Previously, the website contained a profile on Mr Morrison, details about ‎his electorate and information on grants and funding.
2018-10-19 23:46:22
U.S., South Korea suspend more drills to bolster North Korea diplomacy


SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The United States and South Korea have suspended upcoming air defense exercises to give diplomatic efforts with North Korea “every opportunity to continue,” the U.S. military said on Friday.

The Pentagon said the decision to suspend Exercise Vigilant Ace, which had been scheduled for December, was taken by U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and South Korean defense minister Jeong Kyeong-doo, who met in Singapore on Friday.
2018-10-19 23:47:30
EU signs Singapore trade deal, urges China to open up


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union signed a free-trade deal with Singapore at a summit with Asian leaders on Friday and pressed China to allow greater foreign investment in its economy, but ran into familiar resistance from Beijing over state subsidies.

At a biennial Asia-Europe Meeting bringing together leaders representing 65 percent of global economic output, France, Britain, Germany, Italy and the European Commission held private meetings with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, hoping for greater access for EU companies to the world’s No. 2 economy.

When asked about Chinese trade practices, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told reporters after the summit that Europe expected rules to be upheld, and wanted reforms of the World Trade Organization.

“When we find protectionism, we reject it. Free trade must always be fair, equitable and based on rules. That goes in both directions,” he said.

Singapore and the Commission hope the agreement, which still needs the backing of the European Parliament, will take effect next year.

It would probably follow a larger free trade agreement that the EU plans with Japan, and would be the EU’s first trade agreement with a member of the 10-strong Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
2018-10-19 23:53:13
2018-10-20 00:17:45
Kosovo votes to create national army over Serb objections


PRISTINA (Reuters) - Parliament in Kosovo, which relies on NATO troops for its protection, voted on Thursday to set up a 5,000-strong national army though its Serb minority said the move was illegal.

Serb deputies, backed by Belgrade which does not recognize Kosovo’s independence, have blocked any such move in the past saying creation of a national army required a change to the constitution.

The U.S.-led NATO alliance, which has 4,000 troops in the Balkan country, has also in the past urged Kosovo not to create a national army unless the constitution was amended with the support of the Serb minority.

But three laws, promoted by the Kosovo government and passed on a first reading by a parliamentary vote on Thursday, upgraded the mandate of the lightly-armed domestic Kosovo Security Force (KSF) to transform into an army - something which the government said bypassed the need to make changes to the constitution.
2018-10-20 00:18:20
Evidence suggests crown prince ordered Khashoggi killing, says ex-MI6 chief


A former head of MI6 has said all the evidence suggests Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was behind the death of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and that the theory that rogue elements in the Saudi military were responsible was “blatant fiction”.

Sir John Sawers told the BBC his assessment was based on conversations with senior Whitehall sources and his knowledge of the Turkish intelligence services.

The comments came after Donald Trump said he presumed Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, was dead and that the consequences for Saudi Arabia would be “very severe” if its leaders were found to have ordered the dissident journalist’s killing.

Sawers, who was head of the British secret intelligence service until 2014, also claimed that the crown prince would only have acted if he believed he had licence from the White House to behave as he wished.

“I think President Trump and his ministerial team are waking up to just how dangerous it is to have people acting with a sense that they have impunity in their relationship with the United States,” Sawers said.

“If it is proven, and it looks very likely to be the case, that [Prince Mohammed] ordered the killing of the journalist it is a step too far – one that the UK, the EU and the US are going to have to respond to.”
2018-10-20 00:26:07
2018-10-20 08:23:10
Saudi Arabia admits Khashoggi is dead but claims he was killed in 'fight'


Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who disappeared after visiting the country’s consulate in Istanbul on 2 October, is dead. Riyadh claimed, however, that he was killed in a “fist-fight” with Saudi officials.

The Saudi regime also announced a purge of senior officials including Saud al-Qahtani, an influential adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and General Ahmed al-Asiri, a senior intelligence official. Both men have been fired. Eighteen Saudi nationals were said to have been arrested.

The news, which cited preliminary findings from an official investigation, was announced on state television on Friday. The purge appeared to be aimed at insulating the crown prince and protecting his position. It was reported that he would remain overall head of intelligence.

The White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, said in a statement that the US “acknowledges the announcement from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that its investigation into the fate of Jamal Khashoggi is progressing and that it has taken action against the suspects it has identified thus far”.

She added: “We will continue to closely follow the international investigations into this tragic incident and advocate for justice that is timely, transparent, and in accordance with all due process. We are saddened to hear confirmation of Mr Khashoggi’s death, and we offer our deepest condolences to his family, fiancée, and friends.”
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