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2018-11-26 22:42:43
烏克蘭都唔知想點,出咩martial law
2018-11-27 09:13:56
Ex-Trump campaign chairman Manafort lied to FBI: special counsel


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort lied to the FBI and special counsel investigators after pleading guilty to federal charges, breaching his plea agreement, according to a court filing on Monday.

Manafort said in the same filing he disagreed with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s assertion that he lied to investigators.

Both the special counsel and Manafort’s attorneys agreed there was no reason to delay his sentencing and asked the court to set a date for that.

Mueller, who is probing Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, said in the filing that after signing a plea agreement: “Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters.”

Mueller said in the filing that those lies breached Manafort’s plea agreement.
2018-11-27 09:15:02
Trump says he expects to raise China tariffs: Wall Street Journal


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he expected to move ahead with raising tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports to 25 percent from the current 10 percent and repeated his threat to slap tariffs on all remaining imports from China.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal four days ahead of his high-stakes meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Argentina, Trump said it was “highly unlikely” he would accept China’s request to hold off on the increase, which is due to take effect on Jan. 1.

“The only deal would be China has to open up their country to competition from the United States,” Trump told the Journal. “As far as other countries are concerned, that’s up to them.”

Trump, who is due to meet Xi on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires this week, said that if negotiations were unsuccessful, he would also put tariffs on the rest of Chinese imports.

“If we don’t make a deal, then I’m going to put the $267 billion additional on,” at a tariff rate of either 10 percent or 25 percent, Trump told the Journal.
2018-11-27 09:16:04
Ukraine-Russia clash: MPs back martial law


Ukraine has declared martial law in part of the country after Sunday's capture of three of its naval vessels and 23 crew members by Russia.

Lawmakers backed President Petro Poroshenko's request to introduce it in regions mostly bordering Russia for 30 days starting from 28 November.

The authorities can now restrict public rallies and regulate the media.

Some MPs expressed fears Mr Poroshenko could suspend a presidential poll on 31 March 2019 - a claim he firmly denied.

Sunday's naval clash was off the coast of Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014. Russian coastguard ships opened fire before special forces stormed the Ukrainian vessels. Between three and six Ukrainians were injured.
2018-11-27 09:17:10
Brexit: Trump says May's Brexit plan could hurt UK-US trade deal


Donald Trump has suggested Theresa May's Brexit agreement could threaten a US-UK trade deal.

The US president did not specify which aspect of the deal concerned him but told reporters the withdrawal agreement "sounds like a great deal for the EU".

No 10 insisted the deal is "very clear" the UK would have an independent trade policy so that it can sign trade deals with countries around the world".

Mrs May fought off heavy criticism of her Brexit deal from MPs on Monday.

Insisting the agreement "delivered for the British people" by regaining control of laws, money and borders, she said it would be put to an MPs vote on 11 December.

Hours later, Mr Trump told reporters outside the White House: "We have to take a look seriously whether or not the UK is allowed to trade.

"Because right now if you look at the deal, they may not be able to trade with us. And that wouldn't be a good thing. I don't think they meant that."
2018-11-27 09:18:35
GM to slash jobs and close eight plants


General Motors (GM) plans to halt production at five factories in North America and cut more than 14,000 jobs.

The US carmaker has also announced it will close three plants outside North America by the end of 2019.

The moves follow rising costs and slower car sales and come as the firm focuses on its line-up of trucks, electric and self-driving vehicles.

But the restructuring drew swift criticism from politicians, including President Donald Trump.

"I am not happy about it," he said of the plans, which undercut his claims that his policies are spurring a revival in the US auto industry. "They better put something else in."
2018-11-27 15:21:40
個戒嚴令包唔包到克里米亞啊?包唔到就收皮啦 歐美可以批評俄羅斯操控其他國家嘅選舉,可以指控俄羅斯搞鳩烏克蘭東部,因為普京真係仆街,但克里米亞問題上面佢地憑咩?一個近幾百年歷史人文都係俄羅斯人嘅地方,只係因為赫魯曉夫屎忽痕劃俾烏克蘭蘇維埃就搞到咁多嘢
2018-11-27 20:16:46
土木膠程師 : [推到完場] G20峰會美國大總統Trump會見千古一帝習大大

2018-11-27 21:17:20
UK PM May and opposition leader agree to TV debate over Brexit


LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn agreed to a prime time television debate on Brexit ahead of a crunch parliamentary vote as she struggles to win support for the deal agreed with the European Union.

May personally challenged her rival to take part in the head-to-head debate and said the format would need to be decided by broadcasters. Corbyn’s team accepted the offer, prompting demands from other parties and anti-Brexit groups to insist one of their supporters be allowed to take part.

“I am going to be explaining why I think this deal is the right deal for the UK - and yes, I am ready to debate it with Jeremy Corbyn,” May told the Sun newspaper. “Because I have got a plan. He hasn’t got a plan.”

Labour say they plan to oppose May’s deal in parliament and that if they were to win power they would strike a trade deal with the EU focused on protecting jobs.

This would be the first time May has been willing to go up against the Labour leader in a live television debate after she refused to take part in any in the run-up to last year’s general election.
2018-11-27 21:18:04
2018-11-27 21:20:02
Ukraine introduces martial law citing threat of Russian invasion


MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine on Monday imposed martial law for 30 days in parts of the country most vulnerable to an attack from Russia after President Petro Poroshenko warned of the “extremely serious” threat of a land invasion.

Poroshenko said martial law was necessary to bolster Ukraine’s defenses after Russia seized three Ukrainian naval ships and took their crew prisoner at the weekend.

U.S. President Donald Trump said he did not like what was happening between Russia and Ukraine and was working with European leaders on the situation.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called Russia’s seizure of the Ukrainian vessels “a dangerous escalation and a violation of international law” and called for restraint from both countries.

In a phone call with Poroshenko, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg offered the alliance’s “full support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.” Ukraine is not a NATO member though it aspires to membership.

Merkel ally says Europe may need to step up sanctions on Russia over Ukraine


Estonian defense minister calls for new EU sanctions against Russia

Poland would join any moves to step up Russian sanctions over Ukraine: president

2018-11-27 21:23:44
Everything You Need To Know About The Mississippi Senate Runoff


Thought you were done with election season? Not so fast. On Tuesday in Mississippi, the final U.S. senator of the 116th Congress will be chosen, determining whether Republicans have 52 or 53 seats come January. It’s the second round of voting in the special election that was scheduled after Republican Sen. Thad Cochran resigned in April. We’re not forecasting this runoff, but nonpartisan handicappers rate the Republican as the favorite. Catch up on everything you need to know about the election below, then join us back here on Tuesday night for our live blog.
2018-11-28 09:15:17
Ties with West in focus in Georgian presidential run-off


TBILISI (Reuters) - Ex-Soviet Georgia votes in a presidential election runoff on Wednesday that pits a candidate backed by the ruling party who favors a policy balancing ties with Moscow and the West against a rival who advocates a stronger pro-Western line.

If the opposition challenger Grigol Vashadze wins, he is likely to use the presidency’s limited powers to push a vocal message of integration with the U.S.-led NATO alliance and the European Union — sensitive issues in a country that fought a war in 2008 with its neighbor Russia.

The ruling party and its candidate in the vote, Salome Zurabishvili, take a more pragmatic line, balancing Georgia’s aspirations to move closer to the West with a desire to avoid antagonizing the Kremlin.
2018-11-28 09:16:35
Exclusive: China will retaliate 'in proportion' to any U.S. sanction over Muslim Uighurs – ambassador


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China will retaliate “in proportion” if the United States sanctions its top official in the restive region of Xinjiang over alleged human rights abuses, China’s ambassador to the United States said on Tuesday, adding that Beijing’s policies in the region are to “re-educate” terrorists.

Chinese Ambassador to Washington Cui Tiankai told Reuters in an interview that China’s efforts to combat international terrorism are held to a double standard, comparing Chinese actions in Xinjiang to U.S. troops battling Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

“Can you imagine (if) some American officials in charge of the fight against ISIS would be sanctioned?” Cui said, adding “if such actions are taken, we have to retaliate.”

Cui did not elaborate on specific actions China might take.
2018-11-28 09:17:30
US sanctions Nicaragua's Vice-President Rosario Murillo


The US has imposed sanctions against Nicaragua's Vice-President Rosario Murillo, the wife of President Daniel Ortega, accusing her of corruption and serious human rights abuses.

She is believed to have held influence over a youth organisation that the US says engaged in extra-judicial killings, torture and kidnapping.

Sanctions were also imposed on the presidential couple's security advisor.

Ms Murillo has ruled Nicaragua jointly with Mr Ortega for more than a decade.

She is accused of controlling the police and the youth wing of the governing Sandinista Liberation Front.

On Tuesday, the US Treasury said it was using a new executive order issued by US President Donald Trump to punish Murillo, accusing her of undermining Nicaragua's democracy.

The sanctions will ban US individuals, banks and other entities from carrying out transactions with the pair, who will also have any assets that fall under US jurisdiction frozen.
2018-11-28 09:18:21
Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy, sources say


Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort held secret talks with Julian Assange inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and visited around the time he joined Trump’s campaign, the Guardian has been told.

Sources have said Manafort went to see Assange in 2013, 2015 and in spring 2016 – during the period when he was made a key figure in Trump’s push for the White House.

In a statement, Manafort denied meeting Assange. He said: “I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to WikiLeaks, either directly or indirectly. I have never reached out to Assange or WikiLeaks on any matter.”

It is unclear why Manafort would have wanted to see Assange and what was discussed. But the last apparent meeting is likely to come under scrutiny and could interest Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor who is investigating alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.

Manafort, 69, denies involvement in the hack and says the claim is “100% false”. His lawyers initially declined to answer the Guardian’s questions about the visits.
2018-11-28 10:06:01
Sweden's king cancels planned trip to China


King Carl XVI Gustaf has cancelled a planned trip to China, with the royal court giving the ongoing political uncertainty in Sweden as the reason.
The visit to China and Hong Kong was arranged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and takes place between November 25th and December 1st. But the king did not join the delegation, Dagens Industri was first to report.

"The reason is Sweden's situation in regard to government-building," said the Royal Court's press chief, Margareta Thorgren, referring to the fact that over two months since elections, Sweden is still being run by a caretaker administration. "With regard to all overseas trips, we have consultation and dialogue with the foreign ministry and in this case the decision is that the king will not go."

As head of state, the king plays a key role in the formation of government in Sweden, and has had several meetings with the parliamentary speaker over the past week, with more talks planned for this week.

However, Swedish broadcaster SVT has said that the cancellation was partly linked to "sensitive negotiations" relating to the imprisonment of Swedish-Chinese author Gui Minhai.
2018-11-28 10:20:03
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2018-11-29 09:01:59
Pelosi takes big step toward reclaiming House speaker's job


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday was nominated as expected by fellow Democrats to be speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, but her level of support may fall short of what she needs for a sure win in January’s election for the top job in the chamber.

Pelosi, who made history as the first woman to hold the post when she was speaker from 2007 to 2011, won the Democratic nomination by a vote of 203-32, putting her in contention in the early January contest in which both Democrats and Republicans will vote.

She will need about 218 votes to claim the job as Democrats take control of the House in January after their gains in the Nov. 6 congressional elections. Pelosi is attempting the rare feat of securing the speaker’s gavel for a non-consecutive term.

After the secret-ballot voting concluded, Pelosi said: “I’m proud to be the nominee of the House Democratic caucus once again for speaker of the House.”
2018-11-29 09:06:26
Republican wins racially charged Senate race in Mississippi


(Reuters) - Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith won a U.S. Senate special election runoff in conservative Mississippi on Tuesday, defeating a black challenger after a campaign that recalled the history of racist violence in the deep South state.

The white former state lawmaker, who was appointed to the Senate in April, overcame a controversy over her comment on public hangings to defeat Democrat Mike Espy in the last contest of the 2018 election cycle.

Hyde-Smith, 59, is the first woman elected to Congress from Mississippi. If Espy had won, he would have been the first black senator from Mississippi since shortly after the Civil War.
2018-11-29 09:19:28
Ruling party candidate wins Georgia presidential runoff


TBILISI (Reuters) - Results from Georgia’s presidential runoff showed the ruling party-backed candidate, who favours balancing the ex-Soviet republic’s relations with Moscow and the West, defeating her rival who advocates a stronger pro-Western line.

Figures from the Central Election Commission gave French-born Salome Zurabishvili 59.6 percent of the vote in the runoff, which was held on Wednesday. Opposition candidate Grigol Vashadze had 40.4 percent, based on results from almost all polling stations, the CEC said on its website.

Earlier, two exit polls also showed Zurabishvili, a former French career diplomat who served as Georgia’s foreign minister from 2004-2005, with a clear lead.

The second round of voting was under close scrutiny by opposition and international observers for any sign that the ruling Georgian Dream party is using its control of state machinery to help Zurabishvili win.
2018-11-29 09:20:28
Two U.S. Navy ships pass through Taiwan Strait, opposing China

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States sent two Navy ships through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday in the third such operation this year, as the U.S. military increases the frequency of transits through the strategic waterway despite opposition from China.

The voyage risks further heightening tensions with China but will likely be viewed in self-ruled Taiwan as a sign of support from U.S. President Donald Trump’s government amid growing friction between Taipei and Beijing.

“The ships’ transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific,” U.S. Pacific Fleet said in a statement. “The U.S. Navy will continue to fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows.”

It said the passage was carried out by Stockdale destroyer and Pecos, a replenishment vessel.

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said it was a normal transit through international waters in the Taiwan Strait and that Taiwanese forces had monitored the passage of the ships.

There was no immediate reaction from China.
2018-11-29 09:21:16
Trump studying new auto tariffs after GM restructuring


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that new auto tariffs were “being studied now,” asserting they could prevent job cuts such as the U.S. layoffs and plant closures that General Motors Co (GM.N) announced this week.

Trump said on Twitter that the 25 percent tariff placed on imported pickup trucks and commercial vans from markets outside North America in the 1960s had long boosted U.S. vehicle production.

“If we did that with cars coming in, many more cars would be built here,” Trump said, “and G.M. would not be closing their plants in Ohio, Michigan & Maryland.”

The United States currently has a 2.5 percent tariff on imported cars and sport utility vehicles from markets outside North America and South Korea. The new North American trade deal exempts the first 2.6 million SUVs and passenger cars built in Mexico and Canada from new tariffs.

Several automakers said privately on Wednesday they feared GM’s action could prompt Trump to take action faster than expected on new tariffs.
2018-11-29 21:03:28
Brexit debate: Row over which TV channel will host debate


Prime Minister Theresa May has accepted the BBC's offer to take part in a debate on Brexit on Sunday 9 December, two days before MPs vote on her deal.

But Labour sources say the party has not yet agreed to take part, with Jeremy Corbyn telling This Morning he preferred ITV's offer.

The BBC said it was "delighted" Mrs May had accepted the offer.

It added it would be discussing debate formats with both parties and would announce further details soon.

Mr Corbyn claimed he preferred ITV's bid because the BBC plan clashed with the final of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

The SNP, Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and Greens have demanded to be involved to ensure a range of views is reflected.
2018-11-29 21:04:27
Ukrainian leader says Putin wants his whole country, asks for NATO help


BERLIN/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Thursday accused Russia’s Vladimir Putin of wanting to annex his entire country and called for NATO to deploy warships to a sea shared by the two nations.

Poroshenko’s comments to German media were part of a concerted push by Kiev aimed at gaining Western support for more sanctions against Moscow, securing tangible Western military help, and rallying opposition to a Russian gas pipeline that threatens to deprive Ukraine of important transit revenue.

His Western allies have so far not offered to give him any of these things soon, despite his warnings of a possible invasion by Russia after Moscow seized three Ukrainian naval ships and their crews on Sunday.

Moscow and Kiev blame each other for the Black Sea incident, which took place off Russian-annexed Crimea.

Russia has blocked Ukrainian Azov Sea ports, minister says


Two Ukrainian Azov Sea ports, Berdyansk and Mariupol, are in effect under blockade by Russia as vessels are being barred from leaving and entering, Ukraine’s infrastructure minister has said.

A total of 35 vessels had been prevented from carrying out normal operations and only vessels moving towards Russian ports on the Azov Sea were permitted entry, Volodymyr Omelyan said on Facebook.

“The goal is simple: by placing a blockade on Ukrainian ports on the Azov Sea, Russia hopes to drive Ukraine out of our own territory – territory that is ours in accordance with all relevant international laws,” he said.

Omelyan said 18 vessels were awaiting entry into the Azov Sea, including four to Berdyansk and 14 to Mariupol. There is also a queue of nine vessels to leave the Azov Sea and eight other vessels are standing by near the port berths. Grain and steel dominates the shipments.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian president urged Nato to deploy naval ships to the Sea of Azov in an interview with Bild, the German tabloid. “We hope states within Nato are now ready to relocate naval ships to the Sea of Azov in order to assist Ukraine and provide security,” Petro Poroshenko said.
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