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2018-10-29 18:15:04
Merkel 唔選CDU 黨魁
2018-10-29 20:24:06
2018-10-29 20:31:31
BBC: Merkel to step down in 2021
2018-10-29 20:31:35
+++ Angela Merkel will not run for CDU party chair again - live updates +++


Sources in the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) have said that Chancellor Angela Merkel is prepared to step down as party leader.

Merkel reportedly said she still plans on remaining in her post as chancellor, but will step down from her post in 2021 when her current term finishes. She once said that party leadership and chancellorship must go hand-in-hand.

Merkel, who has been CDU chairwoman since 2000, told a party leadership meeting of her offer on Monday morning, after the party reeled from heavy losses in two recent regional elections, most recently on Sunday in Hesse.

Merkel allies and critics are stepping up to replace Merkel, including CDU secretary general Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Health Minister Jens Spahn, and former CDU/CSU parliamentary bloc leader Friedrich Merz.
2018-10-29 23:53:22



2018-10-30 09:16:10
Sri Lanka crisis: Fears of a 'bloodbath' in power struggle


Sri Lanka's unfolding political crisis threatens to turn into a "bloodbath" unless order is restored, the speaker of parliament has warned.

It comes after President Maithripala Sirisena last week sacked the cabinet and suspended parliament.

But ousted PM Ranil Wickremesinghe is refusing to leave his office.

One person was killed at the weekend when the bodyguard of the sacked oil minister fired at a crowd of protesters outside his office.

On Monday, police arrested the minister, Arjuna Ranatunga, a 54-year-old former national cricket team captain and an ally of Mr Wickremesinghe, after he was accused by trade unions of ordering the shooting. He was later released on bail. His bodyguard has also been arrested and an investigation is under way.

President Sirisena's move to suspend parliament and appoint the man he defeated in the 2015 presidential election, Mahinda Rajapaksa, as the new PM has sent shockwaves across Sri Lanka.
2018-10-30 09:18:53
Sweden fails again to form new government


Swedish Social Democrat leader Stefan Löfven said Monday he has failed to form a new government, leaving no clear candidate for prime minister nearly two months after an inconclusive election.

“In light of the responses I have had so far, in the current situation, the possibility does not exist for me to build a government that can be accepted by parliament,” Löfven told a press conference after meeting parliament speaker Andreas Norlén.

Löfven told reporters that conversations with other party leaders have been constructive, but had not led to anything concrete, according to Dagens Nyheter.
2018-10-30 09:21:17
Pentagon will surge 5,200 troops to the border


The U.S. military is dispatching 5,200 active-duty troops to help “harden” ports of entry along the Mexican border in Texas, Arizona and California under orders of President Donald Trump, administration officials said Monday.

The deployment, which the head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection called "unprecedented," represents a major surge in military forces along the Southwest border little more than a week before the Nov. 6 midterm elections — and following claims by Trump of a "national emergency" presented by a caravan of migrants from Central America slowly heading north through Mexico.

The new troops, set to arrive within a week, will be on top of more than 2,000 National Guardsmen already supporting Customs and Border Protection and will primarily include military engineers to construct additional barriers and fencing and support the efforts of CBP, officials said.

The Pentagon is also sending helicopters and planes to move border security personnel to remote locations, while smaller numbers of medical personnel, planning specialists and military police will also be deployed to the border, including some who will be armed.
2018-10-30 09:50:40
U.S. plans more China tariffs if Trump-Xi meeting fails: Bloomberg


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is preparing to announce tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports by early December if talks next month between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping fail to ease the trade war, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing unnamed sources.

According to the report, no decisions had been made but preparations for a new list of U.S. tariffs were being made in case the Trump-Xi meeting does not yield progress in resolving the U.S.-China disputes. bloom.bg/2OUfGHv)

A person familiar with the administration’s tariff deliberations told Reuters that there could soon be movement toward a new round of tariffs, adding “the wheels are turning” in that direction, with no further elaboration.
2018-10-30 09:51:25
Supreme Court turns away Pennsylvania electoral map dispute


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rebuffed a bid by Republican legislators in Pennsylvania to reinstate a congressional district map struck down by that state’s top court as unlawfully biased in favor of Republicans.

A new state electoral map, devised by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court after it invalidated the Republican-drawn districts in January, is seen as giving Democrats a better shot at gaining seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in the Nov. 6 congressional elections in which President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans are seeking to retain control of Congress.

The case involves a practice called partisan gerrymandering in which electoral maps are drafted in a manner that helps one party tighten its grip on power by undermining the clout of voters that tend to favor the other party. The high court in June failed to determine whether partisan gerrymandering violates the U.S. Constitution after hearing high-profile cases from Wisconsin and Maryland.

The justices, with no noted dissents, on Monday rejected the Republican appeal of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling throwing out the previous Republican-drawn map because it violated the state constitution’s requirement that elections be “free and equal” by marginalizing Democratic voters.
2018-10-30 20:55:15
Trump says he expects 'great deal' with China, but more tariffs if not


SHANGHAI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he thinks there will be “a great deal” with China on trade, but warned that he has billions of dollars worth of new tariffs ready to go if a deal isn’t possible.

“I think that we will make a great deal with China and it has to be great, because they’ve drained our country,” Trump told FOX News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Monday.

Trump said in the interview he would like to make a deal now, but that China was not ready. He did not elaborate.

Bloomberg news reported on Monday that Washington was preparing to announce tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports by early December if talks next month between Trump and his counterpart Xi Jinping fail to ease the trade war.

Both Trump and Xi are expected to attend next month’s G20 summit in Buenos Aires, where they could meet.
2018-10-30 20:56:25
Trump to push executive order to end birthright citizenship: report


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to push an executive order to end the right of U.S. citizenship to children born in the United States to non-citizens and immigrants in the country illegally, he told Axios in an interview published on Tuesday, a move that would prompt a constitutional fight.

It was unclear what specific action his order would pursue, and Trump gave no other details.

Trump has ratcheted up his hard-line immigration stance one week before U.S. congressional elections, as the country grapples with race and national identity amid bursts of violence, including a series of bombs sent to top Democrats and other Trump critics as well as the deadliest attack on a synagogue in U.S. history.

Seeking to end so-called birthright citizenship outlined in the 14th Amendment would take direct aim at the Constitution and likely prompt immediately legal challenges and potential opposition in Congress.

Changing an amendment in the Constitution would require the support of two-thirds of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate and the backing of three-fourths of U.S. state legislatures at a constitutional convention.

But Trump said he has talked to his legal counsel and was advised he could enact the change on his own, contrary to the view of many constitutional experts.
2018-10-31 09:33:30
Denmark accuses Iran of activist murder plot


Denmark has accused Iran's intelligence agencies of planning to assassinate an Iranian activist on Danish soil.

The target was believed to be a member of an Arab separatist movement, Denmark's intelligence service said.

Denmark has recalled its ambassador from Tehran and is consulting other EU countries about imposing new sanctions against Iran.

A massive police operation in Denmark last month linked to the case led to the bridge to Sweden being closed.

Iran has dismissed Denmark's allegations.
2018-10-31 09:33:55
U.S.'s Pompeo calls for end of fighting in Yemen


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday called for a cessation of hostilities in Yemen and said U.N.-led negotiations to end the civil war should begin next month.

In a statement, Pompeo said missile strikes by Iran-allied Houthi rebels against Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates should stop, and the Saudi-led coalition must cease air strikes in all populated areas of Yemen.
2018-10-31 09:34:28
U.S. Navy chief says U.S, China to 'meet more and more on high seas'


JAKARTA (Reuters) - Chief of U.S. Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson said on Tuesday the United States and China “will meet each other more and more on the high seas” after a Chinese warship came close to a U.S. ship in the disputed South China Sea.

The Chinese vessel came within 45 yards (meters) of the USS Decatur during a “freedom of navigation” sail in late September, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said this month.

The U.S. mission was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters, where Chinese, Japanese and some Southeast Asian navies operate.
2018-11-01 08:54:00
Khashoggi murder: Turkey gives official details of Saudi writer's death


Turkey has given its first official statement on how it believes Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi was killed, saying he was immediately strangled.

The statement follows weeks of media reports about the murder at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October. Turkey has yet to provide evidence.

Chief prosecutor Irfan Fidan said meetings with his Saudi counterpart this week led to "no concrete results".

Saudi Arabia has not commented on the meetings.

The Turkish statement said: "In accordance with plans made in advance, the victim, Jamal Khashoggi, was choked to death immediately after entering the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia."

His body was then dismembered and destroyed "again, in line with advance plans", it added.
2018-11-01 08:55:34
土木膠程師: [推到完場] 2018年美國中期選舉討論區

陸微:[推到完場] 台灣九合一六都選舉
2018-11-01 08:58:00
New migrant caravan departs El Salvador for U.S.


SAN FRANCISCO MENENDEZ, El Salvador (Reuters) - About 2,000 migrants set off on foot from El Salvador’s capital on Wednesday, the latest of several groups of Central Americans heading to the United States, even as U.S. President Donald Trump increased pressure to halt their flow.

Men and women from the two groups of Salvadorans that departed San Salvador pushed baby strollers or bore children on their shoulders. On Sunday, a separate group of about 300 people set off from the city.

A larger U.S.-bound caravan, which left northern Honduras in mid-October is moving north at about 30 miles (48 km) a day through southern Mexico. It has become a major campaign issue ahead of U.S. congressional elections on Nov. 6.

Mexico’s Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete on Wednesday put the size of the first caravan at 2,800 to 3,000, below the government’s previous estimate of about 3,500. Participants in the caravan have put the number significantly higher.

Trump hardens stance on Mexico border, says 15,000 troops could be sent


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday the United States could send as many as 15,000 troops to the border with Mexico, as he hardens his stance against a caravan of migrants fleeing violence and poverty in Central America.

The numbers cited by Trump are significantly higher than defense officials have disclosed. The Pentagon said on Monday it was deploying more than 5,200 troops to the border but that the number would rise. On Wednesday, it said more than 7,000 troops would support the Department of Homeland Security along the border.
2018-11-01 08:58:46
Austria to shun global migration pact, fearing creep in human rights


VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria will follow the United States and Hungary in backing out of a United Nations migration pact over concerns it will blur the line between legal and illegal migration, the right-wing government said on Wednesday.

“Austria will not join the U.N. migration pact,” said Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, a conservative and immigration hard-liner who governs in coalition with the far-right Freedom Party.

“We view some points of the migration pact very critically, such as the mixing up of seeking protection with labor migration,” said Kurz, who argues that migrants rescued in the Mediterranean should not be brought straight to Europe.

U.N. Special Representative for International Migration Louise Arbour called the move regrettable and mistaken and said the compact simply aimed to improve the management of cross-border movements of people.

“It is no possible sense of the word an infringement on state sovereignty - it is not legally binding, it’s a framework for cooperation,” she told Reuters.
2018-11-01 17:54:10
搵中間黨條傻閪Annie Lööf做PM囉
2018-11-01 21:26:03
Sri Lanka crisis: Ousted PM 'has confidence of parliament'


The man at the centre of Sri Lanka's political crisis has told the BBC he has the support of parliament and will not leave the grand mansion reserved for the island nation's prime minister.

Last week the president sacked PM Ranil Wickremesinghe and his cabinet and suspended parliament, appointing former leader Mahinda Rajapaksa as the new PM.

But Mr Wickremesinghe says the move is illegal and will not leave office.

The constitutional crisis has already sparked protests and deadly violence.

The situation is being closely watched by regional rivals India and China, who are vying for influence in Sri Lanka. Washington has called for parliament to be convened as soon as possible.

"I still remain the prime minister and I have the confidence of the majority of members of this house," Mr Wickremesinghe told the BBC from his official residence, Temple Trees, a grand, white, colonial-era bungalow, which has, over time, become a symbol of political power in Sri Lanka.

"The constitution states that the president must appoint as prime minister the person who commands the confidence of parliament and I am the person who has that. We have asked for the summoning of parliament so I can prove my majority in the house," he said.
2018-11-02 07:12:03
UK and EU make progress on Brexit deal on financial services - UK official


LONDON (Reuters) - The United Kingdom and the European Union have made progress on a deal to give London’s dominant financial centre basic access to EU markets after Brexit, two British officials said, but no agreement has yet been clinched.

The deal being discussed would be based on the EU’s existing system of financial market access known as ‘equivalence’ - a watered-down relationship that officials in Brussels have said all along is the best arrangement that Britain can expect.

The Times newspaper said a tentative deal had been reached on all aspects of a future partnership on services, as well as exchange of data and including what would amount to a concession from the EU on bending the ‘equivalence’ rules

Officials in Brussels and London said The Times report was wrong. The newspaper said it stood by the story.
2018-11-02 07:14:12
Trump moves to crack down on asylum seekers ahead of U.S. elections

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was finalising a plan that would require immigrants seeking asylum in the United States to approach a legal port of entry, pushing a hard line on immigration ahead of next week’s congressional elections.

It was not clear whether the plan would pass legal muster. The Immigration and Nationality Act provides that any immigrant in the United States may apply for asylum, regardless of whether he or she entered the country through a designated port of entry.

“Migrants seeking asylum will have to present themselves lawfully at a port of entry,” Trump told reporters at the White House, adding that he would issue an executive order on immigration next week.

“Those who choose to break our laws and enter illegally will no longer be able to use meritless claims to gain automatic admission into our country,” he added.
2018-11-02 07:14:38
2018-11-02 12:59:17

German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits the memorial for Maidan activists who were killed during anti-government protests in 2014, dubbed the 'Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred', not far from the Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018. (Sergey Dolzhenko/Pool Photo via AP) (AP)


Germany supports extending sanctions imposed upon Russia because Moscow failed to fulfill its obligations to end its nearly five-year war in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, Chancellor Angela Merkel said during a Nov. 1 visit to Kyiv.

“Unfortunately, the Minsk agreements are not being abided,” Merkel said during a joint press conference with President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv. “If something happens, progress is measured in millimeters, and setbacks are taking place time after time. Therefore, Germany will stand for prolongation of sanctions.”

Under the Minsk agreements, the Kremlin is required to withdraw its military from Ukraine, end support of proxy fighters, return control of a 400-kilometer eastern border to Ukraine and allow for international monitors to assess compliance. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not met any of those conditions.

Merkel noted that, despite numerous attempts to end violence, fighting in the war zone in Ukraine’s east continues, with more than 10,500 casualties since 2014. “Unfortunately, we do not have a stable ceasefire, and soldiers die at the contact line,” she said.

She also denounced so-called general elections scheduled on Nov. 11 in the Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

“These elections do not meet the provisions of the Minks agreements,” Merkel said.
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