TL;DR SDNY指佢唔夠合作, 但所以不獲減刑, 本來要判51~63個月, 但由於佢協助Mueller調查, Mueller寫野描述佢點協助呢邊調查, 幫佢求情, 而SDNY同意, 因此最後都建議法官減佢刑, 最後法官就判左佢三年
首先, 見巴打你提到Cohen做25, 你似乎混淆左Cohen呢單同Mueller嘅調查,
呢單係SDNY(Southern District of New York)聯邦法院審訊嘅case, 技術上同Mueller調查無任何關係. 起源係由Mueller外判出去, 交畀美國司法部檢控官獨立進行嘅調查, 調查主線係你提到嘅「涉嫌違反競選財務法」(無申報政治捐獻)
1) 逃稅
2) 對財務機構(銀行)作虛假文件陳述
3) 違法選舉捐獻
4) 對國會作虛假陳述(其實即係偽證)
咁何解Cohen認完罪都坐3年? 其實控方結案陳詞有解:
"To be clear, neither the SCO nor this Office is making a motion under U.S.S.G. § 5K1.1. No such motion is being made because, as detailed herein,
Cohen repeatedly declined to provide full information about the scope of any additional criminal conduct in which he may have engaged or had knowledge.
As the Court is undoubtedly aware, in order to successfully cooperate with this Office,
witnesses must undergo full debriefings that encompass their entire criminal history, as well as any and all information they possess about crimes committed by both themselves and others. This process permits the Office to fully assess the candor, culpability, and complications attendant to any potential cooperator, and results in cooperating witnesses who, having accepted full responsibility for any and all misconduct, are credible to law enforcement and, hopefully, to judges and juries.
Cohen affirmatively chose not to pursue this process. Cohen’s efforts thus fell well short of cooperation, as that term is properly used in this District.
While he answered questions about the charged conduct, he refused to discuss other uncharged criminal conduct, if any, in which he may have participated."
其實就係因為佢無充分合作, 同司法部全面合作, 意味被告要坦白, 要問乜答乜, 唔只被告認罪嘅案件, 仲包括其他潛在佢可能有份/知道情報嘅cases, 即係要自白. 但Cohen無跟足呢個必要程序走, 只係提供同佢被起訴案件嘅資料, 所以唔構成充分合作(另一方面, Mueller陳詞書指Flynn係充分合作, 即係Flynn係真﹒乜柒都嘔晒出黎, 所以可以輕判到唔坐得
), 因此不獲重大減刑,而係"substantial term of imprisonment"
最後仲串柒佢, 話當被告見到啲證據有成座山咁高, 通常都會認罪
"Every defendant in every criminal case has the right to fight the charges against him. But where, as here, the evidence of their guilt is overwhelming, defendants often make the choice to plead guilty."
檢控官有寫, 本身跟指引會建議判51~63個月, 但考慮到Cohen同Special Counsel Office(SCO)合作, 建議法官可以溫和輕判("a modest downward variance from the applicable Guidelines range"
Muller memo嘅結論:
"the defendant has made substantial and significant efforts to remediate his misconduct, accept responsibility for his actions, and assist the SCO’s investigation."
Muller認為Cohen自是年九月, 第二次見完SCO始, 展現出承擔責任嘅行為, 加上係協助SCO調查, 係以下四大方面提供"useful"協助(btw, SCO形容Flynn嘅協助係"substantial
1) 提供競選期間, 佢同俄佬嘅接觸資料, 以及同他人討論呢啲接觸嘅資料(跟手有成半版例子
2) 就另一單俄羅斯相關調查嘅關鍵層面, 提供有用資料(來自競選期間, 佢同某Company(
3) 就佢係17~18年間同白宮人員嘅接觸, 提供關事且有用嘅情報(其實呢個最爆, 等於正式將SCO調查範圍, 由競選期間飛到去當選後
4) 描述佢準備及散佈回答國會調查(即係偽證)嘅情境
因此寫memo建議SDNY可以減佢刑, SDNY同意, 最後寫入陳詞, 建議法官減佢刑, 法官接納, 由51~63個月減到變住3年(36個月)
Manafort玩嘢=認罪協議無效, 要準備食全套combo