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2018-12-31 08:58:01
Bangladesh election: Sheikh Hasina wins new term as prime minister


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has secured her third consecutive term with a landslide victory, Bangladesh's Election Commission said on Monday.

Ms Hasina's ruling party has so far won 281 of the 350 parliamentary seats, surpassing its previous election wins.

The opposition has condemned what it called a "farcical" election, marred by violence and claims of intimidation and vote rigging.

They won just seven seats and have demanded a new vote.

"We urge the election commission to void this farcical result immediately," opposition leader Kamal Hossain said.

"We are demanding that a fresh election is held under a neutral government as early as possible."
2018-12-31 08:59:24
DR Congo election: Presidential poll hit by delays


Sunday's vote for a new president in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been hit by a series of delays that have left people frustrated.

The failure of new electronic voting machines in some polling stations was one of the challenges.

Polls have now closed in an election that is expected to bring the country's first peaceful transfer of power since independence in 1960.

President Joseph Kabila is stepping down after 17 years in power.

The final result is expected be announced in a week's time.
2018-12-31 09:02:54
John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do


In August 2017, shortly after John F. Kelly became White House chief of staff, he convened crucial meetings on Afghanistan at President Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, N.J.

Top officials from the Pentagon and the CIA, the director of national intelligence, diplomats and lawmakers huddled with Trump as Kelly and others urged him not to give up in Afghanistan.

“When I first took over, he was inclined to want to withdraw from Afghanistan,” Kelly recounted during an exclusive two-hour interview with the Los Angeles Times.

“He was frustrated. It was a huge decision to make ... and frankly there was no system at all for a lot of reasons — palace intrigue and the rest of it — when I got there.”

“It’s never been: The president just wants to make a decision based on no knowledge and ignorance,” Kelly said. “You may not like his decision, but at least he was fully informed on the impact.”

The stalemate also highlights the distance, at least in language, between Kelly and Trump over the president’s signature promise — to build a wall.

“To be honest, it’s not a wall,” Kelly said.

“They said, ‘Well we need a physical barrier in certain places, we need technology across the board, and we need more people,’” he said.

“The president still says ‘wall’ — oftentimes frankly he’ll say ‘barrier’ or ‘fencing,’ now he’s tended toward steel slats. But we left a solid concrete wall early on in the administration, when we asked people what they needed and where they needed it.”
2018-12-31 22:31:23
Elizabeth Warren announces 2020 run for president against Trump


Senator Elizabeth Warren jumped into the race for president on Monday, announcing she is forming an exploratory committee for 2020.

The Massachusetts Democrat, known for her critiques of big banks and corporations, became the first major candidate to declare her intentions with a video posted online on New Year’s Eve.

“America’s middle class is under attack,” she said. “How did we get here? Billionaires and big corporations decided they wanted more of the pie and they enlisted politicians to cut them a fatter slice.”


2018-12-31 22:32:39
2019-01-01 10:49:13
Democrats maneuver to end shutdown, without Trump wall money


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives plan to vote on Thursday on a funding package to end the 10-day-old partial U.S. government shutdown, without providing the $5 billion President Donald Trump has demanded for a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

The planned vote sets up a Democratic showdown with Trump’s fellow Republicans on an issue dear to the president on the first day of divided government in Washington since he took office in January 2017 with a Congress led by his own party.

Democrats formally take control of the House from the Republicans after winning a majority of seats in November’s congressional elections.

The two-part Democratic package filed on Monday in the House includes a bill to keep funding for the Department of Homeland Security at current levels through Feb. 8 with no new wall funding, as well as a bundle of six measures worth nearly $265 billion combined that would fund the other shuttered agencies through the Sept. 30 end of the current fiscal year.

The two parts will be voted on separately on the House floor on Thursday, said Democrats, who will hold a 36-seat majority.

If approved in the House, the funding package would go to the Republican-led Senate. Its prospects there appear unpromising, although Trump’s unpredictability makes it hard to gauge how the shutdown showdown will play out.
2019-01-01 19:44:02
Kim Jong-un warns of change in direction on denuclearisation


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said he is committed to denuclearisation, but warned he will change course if the US continues its sanctions.

He made the remarks during his closely-watched annual New Year's address.

In this year's speech, broadcast on state television early on Tuesday, Mr Kim said, "if the US does not keep its promise made in front of the whole world... and insists on sanctions and pressures on our republic, we may be left with no choice but to consider a new way to safeguard our sovereignty and interests".

The BBC's Laura Bicker in Seoul says this could mean that North Korea is waiting for the US to act in 2019 and unless it does, the current pause on nuclear weapons testing could be over.

North Korea is subject to various sets of United Nations Security Council sanctions related to its banned nuclear and ballistic missile weapons programmes.
2019-01-02 08:58:37
DRC electoral fraud fears rise as internet shutdown continues


Fears of electoral fraud are rising in the Democratic Republic of the Congo after officials said a total block on internet connections and SMS services imposed after the chaotic presidential poll on Sunday could last for several days.

Both the opposition and ruling coalition have claimed victory in the elections – the third poll since 2002 and the end of a civil war in which millions died.

The election, which some observers hope may bring a measure of political stability to the vast central African country, was marred by widespread logistics problems, insecurity and an outbreak of Ebola. Millions were left unable to vote.

Barnabé Kikaya Bin Karubi, a senior adviser to the outgoing president, Joseph Kabila, said internet and SMS services were cut on Monday to preserve public order after “fictitious results” began circulating on social media. “That could lead us straight toward chaos,” Kikaya told Reuters, adding that the connections would remain cut until the publication of preliminary results on 6 January.

Opposition activists said they believed the internet had been cut off to prevent people circulating information that could allow the official count to be challenged when it is announced.
2019-01-02 09:00:25
Trump invites lawmakers to border security briefing amid shutdown


Donald Trump has invited congressional leaders to a White House briefing on border security on Wednesday, amid a government shutdown and political impasse over immigration and federal funding.

Details of the meeting’s agenda and full list of participants were not immediately clear late on Tuesday, but the Guardian confirmed that the meeting is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, according to a congressional source.

The top two leaders from both parties of each chamber have been invited, the source said.

The president had said earlier on Tuesday that he is “ready, willing and able” to negotiate an end to the partial government shutdown that stretched into its 11th day and a new calendar year on 1 January, but insists any agreement include funding for “a good old fashioned wall” on the US-Mexico border.

The political gridlock is therefore set to continue into the new session of Congress on Thursday and probably beyond, as Democrats refuse to agree to taxpayers’ money for a wall and intend to introduce their own legislation to reopen the government without such funding.
2019-01-02 09:00:51
Germany: Man deliberately drives car at pedestrians


A man drove a car into pedestrians in two neighboring German cities overnight to New Year's Day, injuring five people in what police say could be attacks motivated by the xenophobic attitude of the driver.

Shortly after midnight, the 50-year-old man is reported to have driven a silver Mercedes deliberately at one male pedestrian in Bottrop, who managed to avoid being hit. The driver then continued on toward the inner city, where he rammed into a group of people standing next to the street, injuring at least four, some seriously.

Police say that the victims included Syrian and Afghan nationals.

The man also tried to drive into a group of people waiting at a bus stop in the neighboring Ruhr city of Essen, before he was stopped and arrested by police.
2019-01-02 09:02:08
Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil's new far-right president urges unity


Brazil's far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has used his inaugural speech to promise to build a "society without discrimination or division".

The former army captain told Congress he wanted a "national pact" to free Brazil of corruption, crime and economic mismanagement.

In a swipe at the left, he vowed to free Brazil of "ideology".

He is seen as a deeply divisive figure whose racist, homophobic and misogynistic remarks have angered many.

Mr Bolsonaro, 63, won the presidential election by a wide margin against Fernando Haddad of the left-wing Workers' Party on 28 October.

He was propelled to victory by campaign promises to curb Brazil's rampant corruption and crime.
2019-01-03 09:07:57
U.S. demands Russia explain American's detention on spying charges


BRASILIA/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States wants an explanation for why Russia detained a former U.S. Marine on spying charges in Moscow and will demand his immediate return if it determines his detention is inappropriate, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday.

U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman visited the detained man, Paul Whelan, at a detention facility in Moscow and spoke by phone with his family, the State Department said. The United States had expressed concern through diplomatic channels over delayed access to Whelan, who was detained on Friday, a department spokesman said in a statement.

“We’ve made clear to the Russians our expectation that we will learn more about the charges, come to understand what it is he’s been accused of and if the detention is not appropriate, we will demand his immediate return,” Pompeo said in Brasilia, where he attended the inauguration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday.
2019-01-03 09:09:20
No sign of progress after Trump meets lawmakers on shutdown


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A meeting between U.S. congressional leaders and President Donald Trump on Wednesday yielded no sign of an agreement to end a partial government shutdown now in its 12th day as the president stuck to his demand for $5 billion in funding for a border wall.

Congressional leaders are expected to return to the White House on Friday to resume talks, signaling the shutdown will likely stretch into the weekend.

The White House had convened the meeting to try to convince Democrats that funding a wall on the southern border with Mexico was a pressing security need. Instead, Democratic leaders cut off Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Neilsen’s presentation and tried to no avail to press Trump to accept their offer.

Pelosi said the House would proceed with plans to hold votes on Thursday, when they formally take control of the chamber from Trump’s fellow Republicans, on legislation that would end the shutdown without providing the wall money sought by Trump. The White House has called the two-part package a “non-starter.”
2019-01-03 09:15:07
Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.

It is well known that Donald Trump was not my choice for the Republican presidential nomination. After he became the nominee, I hoped his campaign would refrain from resentment and name-calling. It did not. When he won the election, I hoped he would rise to the occasion. His early appointments of Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Nikki Haley, Gary Cohn, H.R. McMaster, Kelly and Mattis were encouraging. But, on balance, his conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions last month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office.

It is not that all of the president’s policies have been misguided. He was right to align U.S. corporate taxes with those of global competitors, to strip out excessive regulations, to crack down on China’s unfair trade practices, to reform criminal justice and to appoint conservative judges. These are policies mainstream Republicans have promoted for years. But policies and appointments are only a part of a presidency.

To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow “our better angels.” A president should demonstrate the essential qualities of honesty and integrity, and elevate the national discourse with comity and mutual respect. As a nation, we have been blessed with presidents who have called on the greatness of the American spirit. With the nation so divided, resentful and angry, presidential leadership in qualities of character is indispensable. And it is in this province where the incumbent’s shortfall has been most glaring.
2019-01-04 09:08:46
Democrats reclaim power as Nancy Pelosi elected House speaker

Democrats reclaimed power in the House on Thursday and officially elected Nancy Pelosi to be the next speaker, returning her to a position for which she made history as the first woman elected to the office.

The California Democrat earned 220 votes from a total of 430 members present, while Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader, won 192.

Pelosi overcame an internal Democratic rebellion from members calling for generational change at the top, among other hurdles, to win the gavel but on Thursday the opposition was nominal. In total, she suffered 15 Democratic defections, mostly from new members who pledged to oppose her during their campaigns and from old foes who have long called for new leadership.

When the tally was announced, Democrats erupted in applause. Several members embraced Pelosi as her grandchildren, who were seated on the chamber floor, bounced up and down with excitement. In reclaiming the gavel, Pelosi, who had previously served as speaker from 2007-2011, became the first former speaker to win re-election since Sam Rayburn in 1955.
2019-01-04 09:09:40
Police reinforcements for Northern Ireland in case of no-deal Brexit

Almost 1,000 police officers from England and Scotland are to begin training for deployment in Northern Ireland in case of disorder from a no-deal Brexit, the Guardian has learned.

The plans were put in place after Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) chiefs asked for reinforcements to deal with any trouble that arises from a hard border. The training for officers from English forces and Police Scotland is expected to begin this month.

The prospect of large numbers of English and Scottish officers being deployed on the streets of Northern Ireland after 29 March could anger republicans and complicate efforts to restore the power-sharing executive at Stormont, which collapsed in 2017.

The option of reinforcements is deemed necessary to cover the possibility of civil disorder arising from disquiet about border arrangements that could be put in place after a hard Brexit.

The police training will require officers to be pulled from their regular duties. It is needed because some of the equipment and tactics used in Northern Ireland vary from those used in the rest of the UK.
2019-01-04 11:36:38
Congress no closer to deal despite House votes to end shutdown


peaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday used her first day in power to attempt to end a government shutdown that's lurching into its third week while denying any new money for President Donald Trump's border wall.

Just before 10 p.m., the Democrat-controlled House voted to fully fund nearly all of the government agencies that have been shuttered since Dec. 22. The House also voted to temporarily fund the Department of Homeland Security.

But the White House and GOP leaders have made clear that the Democrats’ efforts won’t reopen the government or end the standoff over more money for the president’s border wall.

"Open up government, let's have an adult conversation about how we protect our borders," Pelosi told reporters Thursday evening before the House voted.
2019-01-04 22:48:05
German politicians targeted in mass data attack


Hundreds of German politicians, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, have had personal details stolen and published online.

Contacts, private chats and financial details were put out on Twitter which belong to figures from every political party except the far-right AfD.

Data from celebrities and journalists were also leaked.

It is unclear who was behind the attack, which emerged on Twitter in the style of an advent calendar last month.

A government spokeswoman said no sensitive data from the chancellor's office had been published. MPs, Euro MPs and MPs from state parliaments were affected, said Martina Fietz.

She said the government was not yet certain that the data had been stolen by cyber-hackers. Some reports suggested a lone leaker may have had access to sensitive data through their work.

A cyber analyst told the BBC there was speculation that hackers may have exploited weaknesses in email software to get hold of passwords that those targeted had also used on social media accounts.

Immediate suspicion fell on right-wing groups in Germany as well as Russia.

German cyber-security analyst Sven Herpig said Russia was a suspect, first because of the method used but also because Germany was facing four state elections in 2019 as well as elections to the European Parliament.

However, the fact that no right-wing politicians were targeted while prominent figures who had criticised them were spared indicated domestic right-wingers may also have been responsible, he told the BBC.
2019-01-04 22:48:30
China and U.S. to hold trade talks in Beijing on January 7-8


BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States will hold vice ministerial level trade talks in Beijing on Jan. 7-8, as the two sides look to end a dispute that is inflicting increasing pain on both economies and roiling global financial markets.

The two nations have been locked in a trade war for much of the past year, disrupting the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods and stoking fears of a global economic slowdown.

A working team led by Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish will come to China to have “positive and constructive discussions” with Chinese counterparts, China’s commerce ministry said in a statement on its website.

The ministry said the two sides “confirmed” the dates in a phone call on Friday morning, but did not provide other details.
2019-01-04 23:03:35
British PM May to speak to Juncker on Friday: BBC


LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will speak to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker later on Friday as she steps up her push to secure concessions from Brussels to help get her Brexit deal through parliament.

The BBC said May was due to speak to Juncker by phone on Friday. She has also spoken to Germany’s Angela Merkel twice in recent weeks ahead of a parliamentary vote on her Brexit deal later this month.

UK PM May's party opposes her Brexit deal as economy slows


LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May’s bid to push her Brexit plans through parliament was dealt another blow on Friday when a survey showed most of her own party’s members oppose the agreement and would prefer to leave the EU without a deal.

If lawmakers do not approve the deal, the world’s fifth largest economy is on course to leave the European Union on March 29 without one, a nightmare scenario for many big businesses who fear disruption to trade.

May needs 318 votes to get the deal she struck with Brussels in November through parliament, yet 117 of her Conservative Party’s 317 lawmakers voted against her in a confidence vote on Dec. 12.
2019-01-05 10:31:44
U.S. says no timeline for Syria withdrawal as fighting continues


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has no timeline for the withdrawal of American troops from Syria but does not plan to stay indefinitely, a senior State Department official said on Friday, sending a strong signal that U.S. forces could stay until the fight against Islamic State militants is over.

U.S.-backed forces are still retaking territory from Islamic State in Syria, Pentagon officials said on Friday, two weeks after Washington said it would withdraw the roughly 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria. President Donald Trump said at the time that the troops had succeeded in their mission and were no longer needed there.

The State Department official, briefing reporters before a visit to the Middle East next week by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, apparently sought to allay that concern.

“We have no timeline for our military forces to withdraw from Syria,” said the official, who asked not to be identified.

“It will be done in such a way that we and our allies and partners maintain pressure on ISIS throughout and we do not open up any vacuums for terrorists.”
2019-01-05 10:35:02
Trump ready for US shutdown to last 'for years'


US President Donald Trump has said he is prepared for a partial shutdown of the US government - now entering its third week - to last years.

After meeting top Democrats, he also said he could declare a national emergency to bypass Congress and build a US-Mexico border wall.

Mr Trump insisted he would not sign any bill without wall funding, which Democrats adamantly oppose.

Around 800,000 federal workers have been without pay since 22 December.

The Republican president initially gave a positive account of Friday's meeting at the White House, describing it as "very productive".

But then he acknowledged in response to a journalist's question that he had threatened to keep federal agencies closed for years if necessary.

"I did say that, absolutely I said that," said Mr Trump in the executive mansion's Rose Garden. "I don't think it will but I am prepared." "I'm very proud of doing what I'm doing," the president added. "I don't call it a shutdown, I call it doing what you have to do for the benefit and safety of our country."

"I may do it. We can call a national emergency and build it very quickly. That's another way of doing it."
2019-01-05 10:35:44
Migrant crisis: Illegal entries to EU at lowest level in five years


The number of people caught trying to enter the EU illegally has fallen to its lowest level in five years, the bloc's border agency says.

An estimated 150,000 illegal crossings were registered by Frontex last year, the lowest amount since 2013.

It highlighted a sharp fall in the numbers crossing the Mediterranean to Italy, where a populist government has refused to allow rescue boats to dock.

But it said that arrivals in Spain had doubled for the second year in a row.

The number of people detected in 2018 was 92% below that of 2015, when Europe's migration crisis was at its peak.
2019-01-05 10:40:52
Grand jury extended in U.S. special counsel's Trump-Russia probe


(Reuters) - The term of the grand jury being used by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign has been extended, an aide to the judge overseeing it said on Friday.

The extension is a sign that Mueller is not done presenting evidence before the grand jury in his investigation of U.S. allegations of Russian interference in the election and any possible coordination between Moscow and Trump’s campaign.

The grand jury was impaneled by the U.S. District Court in Washington in July 2017 for an 18-month term, the limit under federal rules. The term can be extended if the court determines it to be in the public interest to do so.

“The Chief Judge has confirmed that the term of Grand Jury 17-01 has been extended,” Lisa Klem, special assistant to Chief Judge Beryl Howell said in a statement.
2019-01-05 11:19:02
Nancy Pelosi Discusses Mueller Investigation, Impeachment And More | TODAY

SURPRISE: President Trump Holds First White House Briefing - Puts Pressure On Dems For Border Wall
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