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2018-10-20 16:25:23
2018-10-20 18:14:59
2018-10-20 21:01:30
First Russian charged with attempted meddling in US election

The first Russian national was charged with playing a key financial role in a Kremlin-backed plan to influence next month's congressional elections on Friday.

The complaint against Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova, 44, marks the first foreign meddling case in the upcoming US elections.

Officials state she was the chief accountant for Project Lakhta, an operation started in 2014 and funded by Russian oligarch Evgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin and two companies he controls.

US Attorney Zachary Terwilliger said in a statement: "The strategic goal of this alleged conspiracy, which continues to this day, is to sow discord in the US political system and to undermine faith in our democratic institutions."
2018-10-20 21:13:10
Khashoggi killing: Turkey vows to reveal 'truth' on Saudi critic's death


Turkey has vowed to reveal all details about the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, after Saudi Arabia admitted for the first time he had been killed in its consulate in Istanbul.

"Turkey will never allow a cover-up," a ruling party spokesperson said.

Saudi Arabia suggested on Friday Mr Khashoggi, a prominent Saudi critic, had died in a "fist fight".

Turkish officials previously said he had been deliberately killed inside the consulate, and his body dismembered.

Earlier this week, unnamed Turkish officials told media outlets they had audio and visual evidence to prove this.

The Saudi kingdom has come under intense pressure to explain Mr Khashoggi's disappearance after he entered the Istanbul consulate on 2 October to seek paperwork for his forthcoming marriage. Until Friday, it had denied knowledge of his whereabouts and insisted he had left the building alive.
2018-10-20 21:13:39
Afghanistan election: Polling to be extended amid delays


Voting in Afghanistan's long-awaited parliamentary elections will be extended after delays at polling stations and several deadly attacks.

Some constituencies will remain open on Sunday, officials said, amid technical problems with a recently introduced biometric verification system.

Violence marred the campaign and dozens of incidents have been reported on polling day, including blasts in Kabul.

Ten candidates were killed in the run-up to the election.

Both the Taliban and the Islamic State group have vowed to disrupt the polls.

More than 2,500 candidates, including many women, are vying for 250 seats in the legislative elections, which are being held more than three years late.
2018-10-20 21:14:04
Migrant caravan halted by Mexico police on Guatemala border


Thousands of people travelling across Central America en masse to the US are stuck on Mexico's southern border after a failed attempt to enter the country.

Some of them broke through Guatemalan border fences but then clashed with Mexican riot police in no man's land.

On Friday, US President Donald Trump thanked Mexico for its efforts in stopping the caravan of migrants.

The migrants, mostly from Honduras, say they are fleeing violence and poverty, and include women and children.

President Trump, who has threatened to close down the US border and cut aid to countries allowing the caravan to pass, said the military would be called upon if needed.
2018-10-20 21:31:11
John Bolton pushing Trump to withdraw from Russian nuclear arms treaty


John Bolton is pushing for the US to withdraw from a cold war-era arms control treaty with Russia, in the face of resistance from others in the Trump administration and US allies, according to sources briefed on the initiative.

Bolton, Donald Trump’s third national security adviser, has issued a recommendation for withdrawal from the 1987 intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty (INF), which the US says Russia has been violating with the development of a new cruise missile.

Withdrawal from the treaty, which would mark a sharp break in US arms control policy, has yet to be agreed upon by cabinet and faces opposition from within the state department and the Pentagon. A meeting on Monday at the White House to discuss the withdrawal proposal was postponed.

The INF faces a congressionally imposed deadline early next year. An amendment in the 2019 defence spending bill requires the president to tell the Senate by 15 January whether Russia is in “material breach” of the treaty, and whether the INF remains legally binding on the US.

Former US officials say Bolton is blocking talks on extending the 2010 New Start treaty with Russia limiting deployed strategic nuclear warheads and their delivery systems. The treaty is due to expire in 2021 and Moscow has signaled its interest in an extension, but Bolton is opposing the resumption of a strategic stability dialogue to discuss the future of arms control between the two countries.

The US alleges Russia is now violating the treaty with the development and deployment of a ground-launched cruise missile, known as the 9M729. Moscow insists the missile does not violate the range restrictions in the INF and alleges in return that a US missile defence system deployed in eastern Europe against a potential Iranian threat can be adapted to fire medium-range offensive missiles at Russia.
2018-10-21 10:34:52
President Trump to pull US from Russia missile treaty


The US will withdraw from a landmark nuclear weapons treaty with Russia, President Donald Trump has confirmed.

Speaking to reporters, Mr Trump said Russia had "violated" the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty.

The deal banned ground-launched medium-range missiles, with a range of between 500 and 5,500km (310-3,400 miles).

The US would not let Russia "go out and do weapons [while] we're not allowed to", Mr Trump said.

"I don't know why President [Barack] Obama didn't negotiate or pull out," the president said after a campaign rally in Nevada. "They've been violating it for many years."

The US insists the Russians have, in breach of the deal, developed a new medium-range missile called the the Novator 9M729 - known to Nato as the SSC-8.

It would enable Russia to launch a nuclear strike at Nato countries at very short notice.

Russia has said little about its new missile other than to deny that it is in breach of the agreement.
2018-10-21 10:35:46
Welcome to North Macedonia: parliament votes for name change


Macedonia’s parliament has voted to start the process of renaming the country North Macedonia, a major step towards ending a decades-long stalemate with Greece and opening a door to NATO and the EU.

A total of 80 deputies in the 120-seat parliament voted in favour of renaming the Balkan country Republic of North Macedonia - just reaching the two-thirds majority needed to enact constitutional changes.

The move could unblock its bids to join NATO and the European Union, long blocked by Greece, which argues that “Macedonia” implied territorial claims to a Greek province of the same name.

The two countries reached agreement on the name change in June. But hurdles remain before the change can be formalised.

A referendum on the agreement several weeks ago failed to pass the turnout threshold of 50 percent, leaving it up to the Skopje parliament to settle the issue.

The procedure to complete constitutional changes is lengthy and requires several rounds of voting, with Friday’s being just the first stage. The procedure should be completed by January at the latest.

“Today is a historic day for the country,” Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said. “Macedonia will be part of the European family our dreams and visions for better life in a better country will be fulfilled.”
2018-10-21 19:34:22
【英國脫歐】倫敦50萬人示威 要求舉行第二次脫歐公投

2018-10-21 20:04:45
Taiwan's independence rally draws thousands, irks China


Several thousand pro-independence activists have rallied in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, to push the Taiwanese government to hold a referendum on whether to declare independence from China.

Organizers claimed more than 100,000 people turned out for the march against Beijing's increasing hostility toward the self-ruled island.

Some carried placards bearing the message: “No more bullying; no more annexation."

The demonstration was organized by a new political outfit, the Formosa Alliance, which is backed by two pro-independence former Taiwanese presidents, Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, as well as leaders of several other smaller political parties.

Independence activist George Kuo founded the alliance in February 2018 to pressure the government to amend the island's Referendum Act and initiate the process for organizing a public referendum on independence from China.
2018-10-21 20:05:34
UK Brexit minister Raab says open-minded on extending post-Brexit transition


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is open-minded about extending the post-Brexit transition period if it means the European Union drops its proposals for the so-called Irish backstop, Brexit minister Dominic Raab said on Sunday.

“If we need a bridge from the end of the implementation period to the future relationship ... I am open minded about using a short extension of the implementation period,” Raab told BBC TV.

“It is an obvious possible route as long as it is short, perhaps a few months, and secondly that we know how we get out of it and obviously it has to solve the backstop issue so that that falls away then as a possibility.”

Hundreds of thousands take to streets in London demanding second Brexit vote


LONDON/BELFAST (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of supporters of the European Union marched through London on Saturday in the biggest demonstration so far to demand that the British government holds a public vote on the terms of Brexit.

The protesters waved the blue and gold flag of the EU and held up “Bollocks to Brexit” banners under sunny skies to call for another referendum on the eventual deal on how Britain will leave the world’s biggest trading bloc.

The march comes after another tumultuous week for Prime Minister Theresa May in which she failed to agree a divorce deal with EU leaders in Brussels and infuriated members of her own party by making further concessions in the talks.
2018-10-21 20:06:34
MPs press Hunt to take action against Saudis over Khashoggi affair


The government is facing renewed pressure over its continued ties to Saudi Arabia following the death of Jamal Khashoggi and the humanitarian disaster in Yemen, after all five main Westminster opposition parties signed an unprecedented joint letter calling for a change of stance.

The foreign affairs representatives for Labour, the SNP, the Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and the Greens wrote to Jeremy Hunt saying it was “hard to imagine what crime the Saudi government would need to commit” for the UK government to condemn it.

The letter to the foreign secretary, shown to the Guardian, says that reports the dissident journalist Khashoggi was tortured and murdered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul constituted “the latest in a litany of charges that have been laid before the Saudi regime by the international community”.
2018-10-22 01:34:42
2018-10-22 10:34:43
2018-10-22 22:22:17
Turkey: Khashoggi murder 'monstrously planned', truth will emerge


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey’s ruling party said on Monday Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of a “monstrously planned” murder, dismissing Riyadh’s assertion he died in a fight, as Western incredulity deepened over varying Saudi accounts of the journalist’s disappearance.

Ruling AK Party spokesman Omer Celik said efforts had been made to cover up the killing, referring to surveillance footage aired by CNN showing a man dressed as Khashoggi walking around Istanbul after he vanished in an apparent attempt at deception.

“We are facing a situation that has been monstrously planned and later tried to be covered up. It is a complicated murder,” he told reporters.

“We are being careful so nobody tries to cover the issue up. The truth will come out. Those responsible will be punished, something like this will not cross anybody’s mind anymore.”

Saudi Arabia calls Khashoggi killing 'grave mistake,' says prince not aware


WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia on Sunday called the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at its Istanbul consulate a “huge and grave mistake,” but sought to shield its powerful crown prince from the widening crisis, saying Mohammed bin Salman had not been aware.

The comments from Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir were some of the most direct yet from Riyadh, which has given multiple and conflicting accounts about Khashoggi’s killing on Oct. 2, first denying his death and later admitting it amid an international outcry.

“This was an operation that was a rogue operation. This was an operation where individuals ended up exceeding the authorities and responsibilities they had,” Jubeir said on the U.S. broadcaster Fox.

“They made the mistake when they killed Jamal Khashoggi in the consulate and they tried to cover up for it,” he said.
2018-10-22 22:23:15
Northern Irish DUP to back rebel Brexit amendment on Irish border: Telegraph


LONDON (Reuters) - The Northern Irish party which props up British Prime Minister Theresa May will back an amendment proposed by rebel Brexiteer lawmakers that will effectively make the European Union’s backstop proposal illegal, a Telegraph newspaper reporter said.

Brexit talks have stalled over a disagreement on the so-called Northern Irish “backstop”, an insurance policy to ensure there will be no return to a hard border on the island of Ireland if a future trading relationship is not agreed in time.

Prominent Brexiteer Steve Baker, a former junior Brexit minister, will try to block the EU’s backstop plan on Wednesday by attaching amendments to legislation passing through parliament.

Northern Ireland has been without a fully functioning executive since January 2017, and Baker’s amendment would prevent officials acting in the absence of a devolved government to implement any trade or regulatory barriers between Northern Ireland and mainland Britain.

“DUP will back amendment being tabled by Tory Eurosceptics on Wednesday that will effectively make the EU’s NI backstop illegal,” Steven Swinford, the Telegraph’s deputy political editor, said on Twitter.

“Yet another headache for No. 10, with 40 Tory MP already poised to support it.”
2018-10-23 09:17:28
Guns and guards to be removed from Korean 'truce village' of Panmunjom


The two Koreas and the US-led United Nations Command have agreed to remove weapons in a border village where troops from both sides face off daily, the latest sign of increasingly warm relations between the once-hostile neighbours.

Seoul’s defence ministry said in a statement that, following trilateral talks on Monday, agreement had been reached to withdraw firearms and guard posts from the Joint Security Area (JSA), also known as the truce village of Panmunjom.

The parties will then conduct a “three-way joint verification” for another two days, it added.

The highly symbolic move comes amid the failure of nuclear talks to yield concrete results the complaints from the US that it had not been properly briefed on military agreements between the two Koreas. The approval of the US-led United Nations Command (UNC) is significant given wariness in Washington about the pace of inter-Korean rapprochement and its earlier order to block shipments across the border.
2018-10-23 14:00:48
Donald Trump: US will build up nuclear arsenal


President Donald Trump has warned that the US will bolster its nuclear arsenal to put pressure on Russia and China.

Speaking to reporters, he repeated his belief that Russia has violated the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, which he has threatened to leave. Russia denies this.

The Cold War-era treaty banned medium-range missiles, reducing the perceived Soviet threat to European nations.

Russia has warned it will respond in kind if the US develops more weapons.

Mr Trump said the US would build up its arsenal "until people come to their senses".

But leaving the INF is also seen as a counter-move to China, which has not signed up to the deal and can therefore develop such weapons at will.

The decision could create uncertainty over the future of other disarmament agreements between the US and Russia, such as the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty which ends in February 2021.

The last time the US withdrew from a major arms treaty was in 2002, when President George W Bush pulled the US out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which banned weapons designed to counter ballistic nuclear missiles.
2018-10-23 17:26:19

Jamal Khashoggi death: Erdoğan addresses Turkish parliament

2018-10-24 08:53:49
Jamal Khashoggi: Trump says Saudi cover-up was 'one of worst' in history


Donald Trump has said that the operation to kill Jamal Khashoggi in Riyadh’s consulate in Istanbul led to “one of the worst cover-ups” in history, as the US announced it would sanction Saudi officials who were implicated in the writer’s death.

However, the president stopped short of blaming the senior Saudi royals, King Salman and the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

“I spoke with the king, I spoke with the crown prince yesterday, and he strongly said that he had nothing to do with this, this was at a lower level,” Trump told reporters.

Twenty-one Saudis will have their US visas revoked or be made ineligible for US visas over the journalist’s killing, the state department announced, as the Trump administration struggled to regain the initiative amid the uproar over a murder that has thrown the US-Saudi alliance into question.

Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state, said that other measures were being considered, including sanctions: “These penalties will not be the last word on the matter from the United States.
2018-10-24 08:54:24
US confirms withdrawal from nuclear arms treaty with Russia


The US national security adviser, John Bolton, has confirmed that the US will withdrawal from the landmark intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty (INF) after meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin and senior Russian officials.

Speaking in Moscow, Bolton said that Russia had been violating the treaty for years and that rising powers such as China meant that it was a “new strategic reality out there”.

Bolton also said that China’s cyber-attacks against the United States made Russia seem like the “junior partner”. He did not go into detail.
2018-10-24 08:56:27
Stormy cabinet meeting increases pressure on May over backstop


Theresa May has presided over a stormy meeting of her cabinet at which several ministers insisted she negotiate with the EU a time limit to any Brexit backstop, intensifying the pressure on her to obtain a divorce deal she can sell to her own party.

No 10 sources conceded that the discussion, which came a day before the prime minister was due to plead for support from Tory MPs at a meeting of the party’s 1922 committee, was “impassioned”. Others characterised it as a row.

A group of ministers, including Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary; Liz Truss, the chief secretary to the Treasury; and Michael Gove, the agriculture secretary, were among half a dozen who emphasised their concern over imposing a time limit on any backstop, which is designed to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland.

But another group of ministers disagreed, and appeared to argue that May should concede over the backstop – an insurance policy sought by Ireland in case a long-term free trade deal cannot be agreed – because the EU would not accept a time limit.

Shortly after the tense meeting, No 10 confirmed that May was going to speak to the Conservatives’ backbench 1922 committee early on Wednesday evening, after yet another day of speculation about whether there would be a challenge to her leadership.

Rumours briefly circulated that 48 letters demanding a contest had been sent to Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 committee, enough to force a vote of no confidence. Brady swiftly indicated that was not the case, telling friends he intended to go about his business as usual and had no plans to be in contact with No 10.
2018-10-24 08:58:49
2018-10-24 09:00:32
EU rejects Italy budget for breaching debt rules


The EU Commission on Tuesday demanded unprecedented changes to the Italian draft budget for 2019, urging the populist government in Rome to bring their spending plans in line with the bloc's fiscal rules.

"Today for the first time the Commission is obliged to request a euro area country to revise its draft budgetary plan," said EU Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, adding that the bloc's executive arm saw "no alternative" to the rebuke.

The decision by the Commission is the first time it exercises the power, obtained during the sovereign debt crisis in 2013, to send back a budget of a eurozone country that violates the rules.

At the same time, Brussels asked Rome to submit a new 2019 draft budget within three weeks, threatening Italy with disciplinary action if it didn't comply with the demand.
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