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2018-09-09 10:59:26
Yemen peace talks collapse in Geneva after Houthi no-show


GENEVA (Reuters) - An attempt to hold peace talks for Yemen was abandoned on Saturday after three days of waiting for the Houthi movement’s delegation, but the United Nations envoy vowed to press ahead with diplomacy.

The U.N. is renewing efforts to end Yemen’s war under a peace plan that calls on the Iranian-aligned Houthis and the internationally recognized government, backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to work on a peace deal under a transitional governing body.

U.N. Special Envoy Martin Griffiths said the Houthis’ failure to come to Geneva for the first talks in three years did not signify that the peace process was deadlocked.

“They would have liked to get here, we didn’t make conditions sufficiently correct to get them here,” Griffiths told a news conference, declining to elaborate.

Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, whose forces control northern Yemen and the capital Sanaa, accused the Saudi-led coalition of blocking his movement’s delegation from traveling to the peace talks.

“We all know that the talks collapsed because of the obstruction of the national delegation from leaving and traveling to Geneva by the coalition forces,” he said in a speech broadcast on the group’s al-Masirah TV.
2018-09-09 11:01:32
Anti-immigration party set for election gains as Sweden swings right


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedes vote on Sunday in a tight election dominated by fears over asylum and welfare, with the populist, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats vying to become the biggest party in a country long seen as a bastion of economic stability and liberal values.

Far-right parties have made spectacular gains throughout Europe in recent years following a refugee crisis sparked by civil war in Syria and ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and parts of Africa.

“Traditional parties have failed to respond to the sense of discontent that exists,” Magnus Blomgren, a social scientist at Umea University.

“That discontent maybe isn’t directly related to unemployment or the economy, but simply a loss of faith in the political system. Sweden isn’t alone in this.”

Deadlock looms as Swedish election nears


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Neither of Sweden’s main political blocs is likely to win a majority in an election on Sunday, giving the far-right Sweden Democrats a key role in shaping the next government.

The center-left bloc, uniting the minority governing Social Democrat and Green parties with the Left Party, is backed by about 40 percent of voters, recent opinion polls show, a slim lead over the center-right Alliance bloc.

The Sweden Democrats, who oppose immigration and Sweden’s continued membership of the European Union, are polling around 18 percent of the vote and would thus hold the balance of power.

Doing a deal with them would give either bloc a majority. But all the mainstream parties have ruled out cooperating with a party which has roots in the white supremacist fringe, making forming a new government fraught with difficulty.
2018-09-09 11:01:47
Exclusive: Right-wing sites swamp Sweden with 'junk news' in tight election race


LONDON/STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - One in three news articles shared online about the upcoming Swedish election come from websites publishing deliberately misleading information, most with a right-wing focus on immigration and Islam, Oxford University researchers say.

Their study, published on Thursday, points to widespread online disinformation in the final stages of a tightly-contested campaign which could mark a lurch to the right in one of Europe’s most prominent liberal democracies.

The authors, from the Oxford Internet Institute, labeled certain websites “junk news”, based on a range of detailed criteria. Reuters found the three most popular sites they identified have employed former members of the Sweden Democrats party; one has a former MP listed among its staff.

It was not clear whether the sharing of “junk news” had affected voting intentions in Sweden, but the study helps show the impact platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have on elections, and how domestic or foreign groups can use them to exacerbate sensitive social and political issues.
2018-09-09 22:17:01
Tories condemn Boris Johnson for Brexit 'suicide vest' remarks


Senior Tories have heavily criticised Boris Johnson for describing the government’s Brexit strategy as putting the UK constitution in a “suicide vest”.

The home secretary, Sajid Javid, said his former cabinet colleague should think carefully about his language. Other Tory MPs were more vehement. Alan Duncan, until July a Foreign Office colleague of Johnson, vowed to ensure the comments marked “the political end” of the former foreign secretary.

Johnson used the phrase in an article for the Mail on Sunday in which he accused Theresa May of repeatedly caving in over Brexit terms to the EU and its chief negotiator, Michel Barnier.

It came on a day when many Sunday papers were filled with new allegations about Johnson’s private life after the announcement that he and his wife of 25 years, Marina Wheeler, are divorcing. There was speculation that he was seeking to change the narrative.

“At every stage in the talks so far, Brussels gets what Brussels wants,” Johnson wrote. “We have agreed to the EU’s timetable; we have agreed to hand over £39bn, for nothing in return.

“Under the Chequers proposal we are set to agree to accept their rules – forever – with no say on the making of those rules. It is a humiliation. We look like a seven-stone weakling being comically bent out of shape by a 500lb gorilla.”
2018-09-09 22:20:49
Clashes continue in Thessaloniki over FYR Macedonia naming dispute


Clashes between thousands of protesters and police continued in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on Saturday night.

The demonstrations were over a deal which would allow the neighbouring Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to call itself the Republic of North Macedonia - ending a decades-old row about the country's name.

Police fired tear gas and detained at least five people after angry crowds lit fires and threw objects near a trade fair where Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was delivering a speech.

"There is one Macedonia and it’s Greek, and that is non-negotiable," said one demonstrator. "History cannot be forgotten. Macedonia is here."

"People will not accept the Prespes lake agreement," said another. "The people are totally opposed."
2018-09-09 22:21:45
Migration 'mother of all political problems,' says German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, head of the CSU, the conservative sister party of Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU, has said that migration was the "mother of all political problems" in Germany and one of the principal reasons for waning support for the established parties, German media report.

"Many people now associate their social problems with the issue of migration," he told the Rheinische Post, adding that if Germany didn't change its migration policy, major political parties would continue losing ground. He went on to link the "order of humanity" with balancing the political concerns of migrants and Germans.

Merkel: That's not how I'd put it

Merkel, however, said she would put it differently than her interior minister.

"I say that the question of migration poses challenges," she said in an interview with RTL television, adding that there are problems and success that come with the challenges of migration.
2018-09-10 08:33:00
U.S. agriculture chief says NAFTA deal must end Canada's milk protein scheme


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Canada must end its low-price milk proteins policy to reach a U.S.-Canadian deal to update the North American Free Trade Agreement, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said.

Canada has encouraged overproduction and flooded export markets for milk proteins used in cheese and yogurt, hurting U.S. dairy farmers, Perdue said in an interview aired on Sunday on C-SPAN television.

“Our farmers don’t have access to the Canadian markets the way that they have access to us. Class 7 has to go. It can’t be renamed something or called something else,” Perdue said when asked about dairy concessions needed to reach a NAFTA deal, referring to a new milk class created last year by Canada to price milk ingredients such as protein concentrates, skim milk and whole milk powder.

“It allowed them to export milk solids on the world market and below prices that cut into our opportunity for our dairy people to have access to that world market,” Perdue said.

Perdue said on C-SPAN that Lighthizer has been “very clear” about the need for the Class 7 pricing system to be repealed.

Asked if it would be gone from a NAFTA deal, he said, “I think it should be. I think it will be gone.”
2018-09-10 08:41:25
Sweden faces political deadlock after far-right gains


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden headed for a hung parliament after an election on Sunday that saw support for the nationalist Sweden Democrats surge, as one of Europe’s most liberal nations turns right amid fears over immigration.

Far-right parties have made spectacular gains throughout Europe in recent years amid growing anxiety over national identity and the effects of globalization and immigration following armed conflict in the Middle East and North Africa.

With almost all districts having reported, the ruling center-left Social Democrats and Greens and their Left Party parliamentary allies had 40.6 percent of the vote, while the opposition center-right Alliance were at 40.3 percent.

The Sweden Democrats, a party with roots in the white supremacist fringe, had 17.6 percent, up from 12.9 percent in the last election four years ago.

While the result looked set to fall short of leader Jimmie Akesson’s predictions of 20 percent of the vote or more, he told a party rally it was nevertheless the winner of the election.

Deadlock for main parties as far right makes gains – as it happened



With over 99% of votes counted, this is how it stands.

Social Democrats - 28.4% (−2,8)

Moderates - 19.8% (−3,5)

Sweden Democrats - 17.6% (+4,7)

Centre Party - 8.6% (+2,5)

Left Party - 7.9% (+2,2)

Christian Democrats - 6.4% (+1,8)

Liberal Party - 5.5% (+0,1)

Green Party - 4.3% (−2,4)
2018-09-10 09:04:40
Man arrested after knife attack in Paris wounds seven: source


PARIS, (Reuters) - French police detained a man who wounded seven people in a knife attack in downtown Paris late on Sunday, a judicial source said early on Monday, adding there was no initial indication the attack was linked to terrorism.

Four of the victims suffered severe wounds, the source said.
2018-09-10 10:13:04
Australian government under threat as voters punish political infighting


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia’s center-right government returns to parliament on Monday for the first time since a divisive leadership battle and confronted with an opinion poll pointing to a heavy defeat at an election due by May next year.

Indeed, a crushing defeat for the Liberal Party in a New South Wales state by-election at the weekend even brings into play the risk of the national government losing its majority when another by-election for former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s seat is held.

Turnbull was dumped by the Liberal Party, the major partner in the ruling coalition, in a divisive party vote in late August and replaced with Scott Morrison. Voters, faced with their sixth prime minister in less than 10 years, have not taken it well.

A Newspoll in the Australian newspaper on Monday showed the coalition would lose up to 30 seats if an election was held now. It currently has a majority of just one in the lower house of parliament.

The poll of 1,653 voters showed the opposition Labor Party ahead by 56 to 44 on a two-party-preferred basis in which votes for minor parties are distributed under preference deals. It was the 40th straight losing poll for the coalition and a sharp deterioration from the 51-49 result in the last days of Turnbull’s leadership.

Australian Electoral Commission figures on Sunday showed a massive 29 percent swing against the Liberals in first preference voting, prompting NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to blame the chaos in Canberra for turning people off the party.

The disastrous result was an ill omen ahead of a federal by-election in Turnbull’s normally safe Liberal seat of Wentworth in harborside Sydney. Turnbull vacated the seat after he was ousted by Morrison in a party-room vote
2018-09-10 12:12:38
U.S. President Trump facing a 'coup': Bannon


ROME (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is facing a “coup”, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon told Reuters, pointing to an anonymous column in the New York Times detailing resistance within the Trump administration.

“What you saw the other day was as serious as it can get. This is a direct attack on the institutions,” Bannon said during a flying visit to Italy. “This is a coup, okay”.

Bannon said the last time a U.S. president had been challenged in such a fashion was during the American Civil War when General George B. McClellan clashed with the then president, Abraham Lincoln.

“This is a crisis. The country has only ever had such a crisis in the summer of 1862 when General McClellan and the senior generals, all Democrats in the Union Army, deemed that Abraham Lincoln was not fit and not competent to be commander in chief,” Bannon said.

“There is a cabal of Republic establishment figures who believe Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. This is a crisis,” Bannon said in Rome.

“I am not a conspiracy guy ... I have said there is no deep state. It is an in-your-face state.”

He warned liberal progressives within the Democratic Party, such as Bernie Sanders, not to take any pleasure in the White House turmoil.

“Don’t think it will be any different if you take power. Because this is the established order dictating that they know better than the people,” he said.
2018-09-10 16:29:19
Japan's Abe aims for constitution change in bid for extended term


TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, eyeing an historic extended term, reaffirmed on Monday his resolve to revise the nation’s post-war, pacifist constitution and said he hoped his party could submit a proposal to parliament later this year.

Abe, who returned to office in December 2012 pledging to bolster defenses and reboot the economy, is widely expected to defeat his rival, former defense minister Shigeru Ishiba, in a Sept. 20 election for leader of his Liberal Democratic Party.

Victory would give him another three-year term as LDP head and set him on track to become Japan’s longest serving premier, given the LDP-led ruling coalition’s grip on parliament.

“Isn’t it the mission of us politicians living today to create an environment in which they (SDF members) can carry out their duties with a sense of pride?” Abe said in a televised speech to LDP members.

“Let’s fulfill our mission by clearly writing in the constitution the Self-Defense Forces that protect peace and independence of Japan,” he said.
2018-09-10 22:14:45
Brexit plan: 80 MPs will reject Chequers deal, says ex-minister


Up to 80 Tory MPs are prepared to vote against Theresa May's Chequers plan, a former Brexit minister has warned.

Steve Baker told the BBC the PM's blueprint for future relations with the EU had alienated Leavers and Remainers.

He warned of a "catastrophic split" if his party was not able to unite around a different, more flexible arrangement.

No 10 said its plan was the "only one on the table" able to deliver on the will of British people while avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland.

The cabinet backed the so-called Chequers plan when it met at the PM's country residence in July.

He told the Press Association that the lack of support for Mrs May's plan, which would involve the UK accepting a common rule book for trade in goods, among Tory MPs left her with a "massive problem" in the run-up to next month's Conservative conference.

If the government tried to push through a Brexit deal through the Commons, on the back of Labour votes, he said the Tory Party "would suffer the catastrophic split which thus far we have managed to avoid".

"It is absolutely no pleasure whatsoever to me to acknowledge that, but I look at the mood of colleagues and the mood of the Conservative Party in the country and I am gravely concerned for the future of our party."
2018-09-11 11:23:30
North Korea's Kim asks Trump for another meeting in new letter


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump received a letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un asking for a second meeting and the White House is already looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday.

The timing of a second Trump-Kim meeting was unclear. The sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York later this month may provide an opportunity, although Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton said he did not believe Kim would attend.

Trump had told reporters on Friday that a personal letter from Kim was on the way.

“It was a very warm, very positive letter,” Sanders said at a briefing.

“The primary purpose of the letter was to request and look to schedule another meeting with the president which we are open to and are already in the process of coordinating that,” she said.

Sanders told reporters the letter exhibited “a continued commitment to focus on denuclearization of the peninsula.” She said a military parade in Pyongyang on Sunday was “a sign of good faith” because it did not feature any long-range nuclear missiles.
2018-09-11 11:24:05
Catalan separatists plan mass rally for independence from Spain


BARCELONA (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Catalans are expected to fill the streets of Barcelona on Tuesday for the Spanish region’s first commemorative day since its leader declared independence last year and pitched the country into constitutional crisis.

Supporters of splitting the wealthy northeastern region from the rest of Spain have in recent years used the Sept. 11 “Diada”, the anniversary of the fall of their coastal capital to Spanish forces in 1714, to promote the cause.

This year, Catalonia’s leader Quim Torra, who took over from his exiled predecessor after Madrid ended an unprecedented period of direct rule, has called for a mass rally in support of his bid for a binding referendum on independence.

“Our government has committed to making the republic a reality,” Torra said in a televised address to mark the occasion. “I wish you all a very good Diada. Long live free Catalonia.”
2018-09-11 11:25:32
US threatens to arrest ICC judges over war crimes probe


US National Security Adviser John Bolton on Monday threatened to sanction and prosecute International Criminal Court (ICC) judges if the tribunal attempts to charge US service members and intelligence agents with war crimes.

"The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court," Bolton said in a speech delivered to the conservative Federalist Society in Washington.

"We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us."

In November, ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said there was a "reasonable basis to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed in connection with the armed conflict in Afghanistan" since the US-led invasion in 2001.

Bensouda said a "meticulous preliminary examination" had led her to "the conclusion that all legal criteria to commence an investigation have been met."

But Bolton said that if ICC prosecutors attempted to do so, the US would target the international court's judges.
2018-09-11 11:29:34
Muslim minority in China's Xinjiang face 'political indoctrination': Human Rights Watch


BEIJING (Reuters) - The Turkic mostly Muslim Uighur minority in China’s Xinjiang region face arbitrary detentions, daily restrictions on religious practice and “forced political indoctrination” in a mass security crackdown, Human Rights Watch said on Monday.

The United Nations human rights panel said in August that China is believed to be holding up to 1 million ethnic Uighurs in a secretive system of “internment camps” in Xinjiang, in China’s far west, where they undergo political education.

Security conditions in Xinjiang outside the camps had also intensified markedly and now bear “a striking resemblance to those inside”, Hong Kong-based Human Rights Watch researcher Maya Wang said, based on interviews with 58 former Xinjiang residents now living abroad.

Wang and her team only spoke with people who had left Xinjiang due to a lack of access to the region and to avoid endangering those still living there.

New security measures described by interviewees include proliferating checkpoints that make use of facial recognition technology and sophisticated police monitoring systems, such as each house having a QR code that, when scanned, shows the authorities who the approved occupants are.

China outlaws large underground Protestant church in Beijing


BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing city authorities have banned one of the largest unofficial Protestant churches in the city and confiscated “illegal promotional materials”, amid a deepening crackdown on China’s “underground” churches.

The Zion church had for years operated with relative freedoms, hosting hundreds of worshippers every weekend in an expansive specially renovated hall in north Beijing.

But since April, after they rejected requests from authorities to install closed-circuit television cameras in the building, the church has faced growing pressure from the authorities and has been threatened with eviction.

On Sunday, the Beijing Chaoyang district civil affairs bureau said that by organizing events without registering, the church was breaking rules forbidding mass gatherings and were now “legally banned” and its “illegal promotional material” had been confiscated, according to images of the notice sent to Reuters late on Sunday and confirmed by churchgoers.
2018-09-11 15:23:11
Barnier says Brexit deal could be struck in next two months


The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has said it is “realistic” to believe that a Brexit deal can be agreed between the UK and the EU within the next two months.

The pound jumped in value after Barnier, during a visit to Bled in Slovenia on Monday, said: “If we are realistic, I want to reach an agreement on the first stage of the negotiation, which is the Brexit treaty, within six or eight weeks.

“The treaty is clear, we have two years to reach an agreement before they [the UK] leave ... in March 2019. That means that taking into account the time necessary for the ratification process in the House of Commons on one side, the European parliament and the council on the other side, we must reach an agreement before the beginning of November. I think it is possible.”

EU leaders were expected to announce during a meeting in Salzburg next week that an extraordinary Brexit summit would take place in November, as they give Barnier extra encouragement to strike a deal with the British prime minister.

The EU27 is expected to insist on a resolution over the issue of avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland is achieved by the time of a leaders’ summit in October in order for a deal to be possible.

However, the special summit – likely to be held on 13 November – would then allow EU heads of state and government to wrap up the terms of a political declaration on a future deal on trade, security, aviation and fisheries, among other issues.
2018-09-11 15:24:10
Hurricane Florence: 'Extremely dangerous' storm sparks US exodus


Evacuations have been ordered as the US East Coast braces for Hurricane Florence - in what may be the strongest storm to hit the region in decades.

South Carolina's governor ordered the evacuation of its entire coastline while North Carolina and Virginia have declared states of emergency.

Officials say Florence is now a category four storm with 130mph (195km/h) winds, and gaining strength.

It is expected to strike the Carolinas by Thursday.

Florence - which was 1,200 miles (2,000km) southeast of Cape Fear, North Carolina, on Monday morning - started the day as a category two storm.

The weather system could reach category five as its draws strength from the warm Atlantic waters, say forecasters.

2018-09-11 15:32:36
Exclusive: Venezuela signs oil deals similar to ones rolled back under Chavez - document


CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela has agreed to hand over at least seven oil fields to little-known companies that will be paid to boost output through contracts similar to ones rolled back under late socialist leader Hugo Chavez, according to two sources and an internal document.

The effort signals that President Nicolas Maduro, who is struggling under a hyper-inflationary economic meltdown and fast-declining oil output, is willing to reverse the aggressive efforts of his predecessor - who died in 2013 - to expand the state’s role in the energy industry of the OPEC nation.

But the plan faces significant hurdles because most companies involved have no known experience operating oilfields, and U.S. sanctions would likely inhibit more experienced firms from getting involved with Venezuela’s state-run PDVSA.

The government had already announced a vague plan to boost oil output with the help of seven companies.

The plan was described during a televised event on Aug. 28 in which representatives of those companies, during a ceremony including Maduro, signed “joint service agreements” with PDVSA. Details of the deals were not disclosed.

But in a draft contract seen by Reuters, PDVSA offers to put companies in charge of the fields for six years on the condition that they boost production, finance the required investment and procure the necessary equipment.
2018-09-11 21:31:27
Iran demands Iraq hand over Kurdish dissidents, close bases: Fars


ANKARA (Reuters) - The head of Iran’s armed forces demanded on Tuesday authorities in neighboring Iraq hand over separatist Kurdish dissidents stationed there and close their bases, according to a report by the semi-official Fars news agency.

Major General Mohammad Baqeri was quoted three days after reports that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards fired seven missiles at the base of an Iranian Kurdish armed opposition group in northern Iraq, killing at least 11 people.

“The government of Iraq and the Kurdistan authorities should not allow existence of such bases in their territories and should hand over these separatist terrorists to Iran,” Baqeri said, according to Fars.

“If they cannot hand them over, then they should expel them ... It is Iran’s right to defend itself.”
2018-09-12 11:00:46
Brazil election: Jailed ex-leader Lula pulls out


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has pulled out of next month's presidential election, allowing his running mate to stand in his place.

Workers' Party leader Gleisi Hoffman announced the decision outside the police headquarters where the 72-year-old is serving a 12-year sentence.

Brazil's top electoral court barred Lula's candidacy less than two weeks ago due to his corruption conviction.

The move comes days after a far-right candidate was stabbed at a rally.

Up until Monday night, the Workers' Party strategy had been to keep Lula's name on the ticket for as long as possible.

Lula left office with record approval ratings and despite his imprisonment, almost 40% of people asked by polling firm Datafolha said they would vote for him.

Mr Haddad, on the other hand, is a former education minister who has little name recognition outside of São Paulo, where he served as mayor.

Lula's legal team asked the Supreme Court to extend the deadline for registering candidates for the presidency from end of business Tuesday to Monday 17 September to buy itself more time.
2018-09-12 11:01:16
Catalonia 'National Day' rally draws million


About a million people have taken to the streets of Barcelona to mark Catalonia's "National Day" and show continued support for independence.

The annual celebration is the first since Catalonia's failed attempt to break away from Spain last October.

A sea of protesters wearing red shirts and bearing red-and-yellow Catalan flags banged drums, blew whistles and chanted slogans of support.

The turnout was roughly the same as last year.

Catalan regional president Quim Torra and his predecessor Carles Puigdemont, who fled into exile in Belgium after the failed independence bid, had urged people to demonstrate.
2018-09-12 11:45:33
US considers sanctions on China over treatment of Uighurs


The US State Department has expressed deep concern over China’s “worsening crackdown” on minority Muslims in the Xinjiang region, as the Trump administration considered sanctions against Chinese senior officials and companies linked to allegations of human rights abuses.

Discussions have gained momentum within the US government over possible economic penalties in response to reports of mass detentions of ethnic Uighurs and other Muslims, which has prompted a growing international outcry, US congressional sources said.

Any sanctions decision would be a rare move on human rights grounds by the Trump administration against China, with which it is engaged in a trade war while also seeking Beijing’s help to resolve a standoff over North Korea’s nuclear weapons.

A US official said the idea of sanctions was still in the discussion stage, and one of the congressional sources said a decision did not appear to be imminent.
2018-09-12 11:47:54
Barnier confronts Raab over discovery of Brexit no-deal letters to EU27


Dominic Raab has been reprimanded by Michel Barnier after the EU’s chief negotiator discovered the British government had written to the 27 other member states asking for side negotiations on transport in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

The Brexit secretary was confronted by Barnier during their most recent meeting in Brussels over correspondence sent in recent days to EU capitals by the Department for Transport.

The letters had asked the member states to prepare to engage with the British government in side deals on aviation and haulage, to allow key trade flows to continue in the event of the UK and the EU failing to come to an agreement on leaving the union by 29 March 2019.

The transport secretary, Chris Grayling, had ordered the letters to be sent despite being told less than two weeks ago by the European commission’s most senior trade official, Violeta Bulc, that without a deal this autumn, there would be no other agreements made to protect the UK economy.

Barnier is said to have reiterated that message to Raab, telling the cabinet minister: “If there is no deal, there is no trust.”
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