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2018-09-15 22:30:05
Boris Johnson ‘digging his political grave,’ says former aide


Boris Johnson is “digging his political grave” with a series of ill-judged remarks and would be “hugely divisive” as prime minister, according to a key former aide.

Guto Harri, communications director for four years while Johnson was mayor of London, told the BBC’s Week in Westminster program Saturday that his former boss had gone from being a unifying politician who could use wit and charm to span the left-right political divide, to a far more tribalistic figure.

“Unfortunately he is now dragging us into a place where we think that we can joke about suicide vests and that we can be sexually incontinent,” said Harri, referring to a column in which Johnson compared May’s negotiating stance to putting a “suicide vest” around the British constitution, and to reports of Johnson’s numerous alleged affairs.

“Somebody needs to take the spade out of his hand or it looks to me like he’s digging his political grave,” said Harri, who has not spoken publicly before about his former boss.

“He was a huge unifying figure by the end of my time with him when the Olympics happened in London,” he said. “He would not have been re-elected in a left-leaning city like London if he hadn’t appealed to the left.”

“Now he’s gone the other way. He’s become more tribal, and tribal within the tribe, so that he would now be — if he were to become leader — a hugely divisive figure.”
2018-09-15 22:32:49
NYT: Trump mulling whether to replace Mattis after midterms


President Trump has reportedly weighed replacing Defense Secretary James Mattis after the November midterm elections.

White House aides told The New York Times for a story published Saturday that Trump has mulled tapping a new Pentagon chief who would be a more like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in being a vocal supporter of his policies.

Trump and Mattis have reportedly butted heads over a number of policy issues, such as banning transgender people from serving in the military, military exercises with South Korea and the United States' posture toward NATO.

The Times, citing multiple current and former officials, reported that Trump chafes at comparisons with Mattis that cast the former Marine as the adult in the room.

Aides also told the Times that Mattis has grown weary of beating back requests from Trump that he disagrees with while taking great pains to appear publicly loyal to the president.
2018-09-16 10:53:36
Pope Francis expels Chilean priest accused of child sex abuse


SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Saturday expelled a Chilean priest under investigation in a case involving the sexual abuse of children, according to a report by local media on Saturday, amid a growing global abuse scandal that has shaken the Roman Catholic Church.

The Archdiocese of Santiago said the Pope had decided to defrock the Reverend Cristian Precht, local daily El Mercurio reported.

Precht was a former head of the Church’s Vicariate of Solidarity human rights group that in the 1980s had challenged ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet to end the practice of torture in Chile.

The well-known Chilean religious leader has since been accused of sexual abuse as part of the investigation into allegations against members of the Marist Brothers religious community.

Precht has previously denied the charges.

Pope Francis´ announcement comes as Chilean police raid church offices throughout the Andean nation looking for new cases of sexual abuse or evidence that church officials concealed abuse from authorities.
2018-09-16 10:55:51
Trump 'likely' to announce new China tariffs as early as Monday: source


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is likely to announce new tariffs on about $200 billion on Chinese imports as early as Monday, a senior administration official told Reuters on Saturday.

The tariff level will probably be about 10 percent, the Wall Street Journal reported, quoting people familiar with the matter. This is below the 25 percent the administration said it was considering for this possible round of tariffs.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump had already directed aides to proceed with tariffs, despite Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s attempts to restart trade talks with China.

One observer in the business sector said the administration may have reduced its planned tariff level after hearing public comments, hoping companies would not immediately hike prices for consumer goods to pass along the costs. Still, the additional tariffs could complicate trade talks with China expected later this month.
2018-09-16 10:57:05
Anti-Kremlin activist arrives in Berlin for medical treatment: Bild


BERLIN (Reuters) - Prominent anti-Kremlin activist Pyotr Verzilov arrived in Berlin on a special medical transport flight late on Saturday after falling ill and being hospitalized in Moscow last week, German newspaper Bild reported on Saturday.

Members of the Pussy Riot protest band with whom Verzilov collaborated have suggested he may have been poisoned.

Bild said the activist would be transferred to an unnamed Berlin clinic for treatment, and quoted family members as saying he had lost his sight, his ability to speak and his ability to walk.

“I believe that he was poisoned intentionally, and that it was an attempt to intimidate him or kill him,” his wife Nadeschda Verzilov, who was waiting for her husband at Berlin’s Schoenefeld airport, told the newspaper.
2018-09-16 12:56:49
Israeli missiles strike near Damascus airport, says Syrian state media


An Israeli missile attack targeted the Syrian capital’s airport late Saturday, activating air defences which shot down some of the projectiles, state news agency SANA reported.

“Our air defences responded to an Israeli missile attack on Damascus International Airport and shot down a number of hostile missiles,” said a military source, quoted by SANA.

The agency, without giving any information about casualties or damage, posted footage and images of air defences being activated. In the shaky video, a small, bright explosion is seen in the night sky, with city lights in the distance.

Agence France-Presse’s correspondent in Damascus heard a loud blast late on Saturday, followed by several smaller explosions.

The Israeli military declined to comment on the incident.
2018-09-16 21:57:16
Chequers deal could be undone after Britain leaves EU, claims Gove


MPs could undo the Chequers deal once the UK has left the EU, Michael Gove has claimed, saying the prime minister’s proposal was the “right one for now”.

The environment secretary, a prominent Brexiter, has regularly made a similar case in private to MPs, urging them to back May to see through Britain’s exit rather than risk an impasse in parliament or a general election.

If the EU changed its rules to disadvantage Britain, he said, it would be up to parliament to “chart this nation’s destiny” and potentially change the relationship, he said.'

Asked if the prime minister’s plan was permanent, he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: “Yes, but there’s one critical thing, a future prime minister could always choose to alter the relationship between Britain and the European Union.

“But the Chequers approach is the right one for now because we have got to make sure that we respect that vote and take advantage of the opportunities of being outside the European Union.”
2018-09-17 17:30:29
Brett Kavanaugh 'sexual assault victim' speaks out


A woman who alleged she was sexually assaulted by US President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, has identified herself.

Christine Blasey Ford told the Washington Post Mr Kavanaugh had pinned her to a bed and tried to undress her when they were both teenagers.

Mr Kavanaugh denied the allegations when they first surfaced last week.

The top members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are now expected to speak to both Mr Kavanaugh and Mrs Ford.

A spokesperson for Senator Chuck Grassley, the committee's Republican chairman, said he was "actively working" to set up bipartisan calls to both people as a result of "the late addendum to the background file and revelations of Dr Ford's identity".

Such calls would routinely include Senator Grassley's senior Democratic colleague, Senator Dianne Feinstein.
2018-09-17 17:31:44
France's Emmanuel Macron under fire for callous 'career advice'


France's Emmanuel Macron was again accused on Sunday for being a "president of the rich" after a video emerged of him talking to a young jobseeker during an open house at the Elysee Palace.

The French President was filmed telling an aspiring gardener that he would easily find work if he simply started looking in high-demand industries, like hospitality and construction.

"I'm 25 years old, I send resumes and cover letters, they don't lead to anything," the man told Macron during Saturday's open house, part of the country's Heritage Days.

The president responded: "If you're willing and motivated, in hotels, cafes and restaurants, construction, there's not a single place I go where they don't say they're looking for people. Not one — it's true!"

Macron went on to suggest that young gardener go to Paris' Montparnasse district, an area brimming with cafés and restaurants, assuring him he would easily find work. "If I crossed the street I'd find you one," Macron said.

After the exchange made the rounds on social media, critics were quick to deride the president, a former investment banker, for being out of touch with ordinary citizens.
2018-09-17 17:32:58
Putin and Erdogan hold critical meeting on Syria


The meeting at the Black Sea city of Sochi is the second in less than two weeks between Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin, after they failed to strike a deal over Idlib in a meeting in Iran earlier this month.

Turkey is seeking to avert a widely anticipated Syrian regime offensive on Idlib, the last rebel stronghold where more than 3 million civilians are at risk.

Ankara fears a Syrian military offensive could send thousands of gunmen and hundreds of thousands of civilians pouring across its border. Those concerns are shared by Europe, which has joined the diplomatic flurry in recent weeks to avert the political and security impact of renewed refugee flows.

About 60 percent of Idlib is controlled by the al-Qaeda linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the rest by Turkish-backed rebel factions.

The Syrian government has vowed to push all rebels and terrorist groups out of the country.
2018-09-18 08:05:17
Brett Kavanaugh and accuser to testify before Senate panel


Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who has accused him of sexual assault have been called to testify in an extraordinary public hearing that could determine whether he is confirmed.

Chuck Grassley, the Republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said his panel would hold a hearing next Monday with both Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were both teenagers in high school.

“To provide ample transparency, we will hold a public hearing Monday to give these recent allegations a full airing,” Grassley, said in a written statement, as Republican leaders attempt to prevent the accusation from sinking Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Ford’s allegation, made in the Washington Post on Sunday, plunged Kavanaugh’s nomination into uncertainty, delaying a committee vote on his confirmation that had been scheduled for Thursday.

The White House earlier said Kavanaugh “looks forward to a hearing where he can clear his name of this false allegation”.
2018-09-18 08:06:56
US imposes new $200bn tariffs on China


The US is imposing new tariffs on $200bn (£150bn) worth of Chinese goods as it escalates its trade war with Beijing.

The higher import taxes will apply to almost 6,000 items, marking the biggest round of US tariffs so far.

Handbags, rice and textiles will be included, but some items expected to be targeted such as smart watches and high chairs have been excluded.

China has previously vowed to retaliate against any further US tariffs.

The taxes will take effect from 24 September, starting at 10% and increasing to 25% from the start of next year unless the two countries agree a deal.

President Donald Trump said the latest round of tariffs was in response to China's "unfair trade practices, including subsidies and rules that require foreign companies in some sectors to bring on local partners.

"We have been very clear about the type of changes that need to be made, and we have given China every opportunity to treat us more fairly.

"But, so far, China has been unwilling to change its practices," he said.

He also warned that if China retaliated then the US would "immediately pursue phase three" which would mean imposing further tariffs with taxes on another $267bn worth of Chinese products.

If he does go ahead with a further $267bn worth of tariffs, it would mean virtually all of China's US exports would be subject to new duties.

The list slated for tariffs originally included more than 6,000 items, but US officials later removed about 300 types of items, including smart watches, bicycle helmets, play pens, high chairs and baby car seats.
2018-09-18 09:39:06
Korea talks: Moon goes North to push stalled nuclear talks


The leaders of North and South Korean are set to meet for talks, with hopes centred on whether they can revive the stalled denuclearisation negotiations.

Since the beginning of the year North Korea has embarked on an unprecedented path of meetings with both the South and the US.

Yet talks with Washington have reached deadlock, with both sides so far agreeing only to very general goals.

South Korea has taken on a key mediating role.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in will arrive in Pyongyang on Tuesday for a three-day visit. It's the first trip to the North Korean capital by a leader from the South in a decade.

They will talk about "practical measures to denuclearise" the Korean peninsula, but the specifics are not known.

For South Korea, there are two main goals:

to further inter-Korean co-operation and rapprochement

to act as a negotiator between Pyongyang and Washington on the issue of denuclearisation.
2018-09-18 17:31:26
Russia says military plane carrying 15 people shot down by Syrian missiles

A Russian military aircraft with 15 people onboard has been shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft defences, the Russian defence ministry has said.

The ministry blamed Israel’s “irresponsible actions” for the incident, however, saying Israeli pilots put the aircraft in the path of Syrian air defence systems in a “deliberate provocation”.

A search for the Russian Il-20 was initiated after contact was lost about 35km off the coast of Syria at about 11pm local time (2000 GMT) on Monday.

Syria said its anti-air batteries had fired at incoming missiles from the sea that were heading towards several locations in the coastal city of Latakia.

“Air defences have confronted enemy missiles coming from the sea in the direction of the Latakia city, and intercepted a number of them,” the state news agency Sana quoted a military source as saying.
2018-09-18 19:47:50
'Highly probable' Pussy Riot activist was poisoned, say German doctors


German doctors treating a member of the Russian protest group Pussy Riot say his symptoms suggest it is “highly probable” that he was poisoned, but are confident he will make a full recovery.

Pyotr Verzilov, one of four members of Pussy Riot who invaded the pitch dressed in police uniforms during the World Cup final in Moscow to protest against excessive Russian police powers, fell ill following a court hearing last Tuesday. He was rushed to Berlin on Saturday night for treatment.

His early symptoms included loss of vision and being unable to walk or talk.

“It is highly probable that he was poisoned,” a doctor at the Charite hospital in Berlin told a news conference on Tuesday, adding that there was no other explanation as to why Verzilov was in such a condition.
2018-09-18 21:21:47
China says Trump forces its hand, will retaliate against new U.S. tariffs


China said on Tuesday that it had no choice but to retaliate against new U.S. trade tariffs, raising the risk that U.S. President Donald Trump could soon impose duties on virtually all of the Chinese goods that America buys.

The Chinese commerce ministry's statement came hours after Trump said he was imposing 10 percent tariffs on about $200 billion (152.23 billion pounds) worth of imports from China, and threatened duties on about $267 billion more if China retaliated against the U.S. action.

The brief statement gave no details on China's plans, but Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a news briefing later that the U.S. steps have brought "new uncertainty" to talks between the two countries.
2018-09-19 08:44:51
ICC opens Myanmar Rohingya crimes probe


The International Criminal Court has opened a preliminary examination into Myanmar's alleged crimes against its Rohingya Muslim minority.

The move could pave the way to a full investigation into Myanmar's military crackdown that has seen thousands killed and over 700,000 displaced.

Last month Myanmar rejected a UN report calling for Burmese military figures to be investigated for genocide.

The army has previously cleared itself of wrongdoing in the Rohingya crisis.

However, that military report was criticised by human rights groups as an attempted "whitewash".

The military launched a crackdown in Myanmar's Rakhine state last year after Rohingya militants carried out deadly attacks on police posts. Hundreds of thousands have since fled to neighbouring Bangladesh.

There have been widespread allegations of human rights abuses, including arbitrary killing, rape and burning of land over many years.
2018-09-19 10:10:19
Brexit: EU 'ready to improve' Irish border proposal


The EU is "ready to improve" its offer on the Irish border, Michel Barnier has said as he warned the "moment of truth" was nearing for Brexit negotiations.

The EU's negotiator said he wanted to "de-dramatise" the issue of physical checks and ensure goods arriving in Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK were processed away from the border.

He also said any backstop solution must respect the UK's territorial integrity.

It comes as Theresa May prepares to win support for her plans from EU leaders.

The UK prime minister will use a dinner in Salzburg on Wednesday to sell her Chequers plan for future co-operation with the EU to the bloc's 27 other leaders.
2018-09-19 10:13:34
German domestic intelligence head relieved of duties, but promoted


The latest quarrel within Chancellor Angela Merkel's government about refugee policy has ended with a somewhat surreal compromise. Hans-Georg Maassen, the under-fire head of the domestic intelligence agency — formally known as the "Office for the Protection of the Constitution" (BfV) — will be stripped of his current job but gain a theoretically better one as a deputy head of the Interior Ministry.

The move is a deal between junior coalition partners, the Social Democrats (SPD), who demanded Maassen's removal, and conservative Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who had backed the controversial BfV head.

In a statement released late Tuesday afternoon, the German government wrote: "The Office of the President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution will be re-filled. In future Mr. Maassen will become a state secretary in the Interior Ministry. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has high regard for Mr. Maassen's abilities on questions of domestic security, but he will not be responsible for the BfV within the ministry."

With that, Maassen has moved up to the status of deputy minister, but has been stripped of all association with the BfV. Controversy around the 55-year-old has been building for weeks after he publicly doubted the authenticity of a video depicting what seemed to be angry right-wing protesters chasing a man they thought to be foreign through the streets while shouting xenophobic slogans. Maassen offered no evidence for his skepticism about the video's provenance.

Maassen was also criticized for sharing sensitive information about security priorities with the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.
2018-09-19 11:02:24
Two Koreas to sign joint statement after summit: Seoul


SEOUL (Reuters) - Leaders of North and South Korea plan to sign a joint statement on inter-Korean relations after their summit on Wednesday in the North’s capital Pyongyang, Seoul officials said.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in will hold a joint news conference after the signing ceremony, and after the two Korea’s defense chiefs adopt a separate military pact, Moon’s press secretary Yoon Young-chan told reporters.

The content of the agreements was immediately not known.

Leaders of two Koreas begin one-on-one summit to unlock nuclear talks


SEOUL (Reuters) - Leaders of South and North Korea held one-on-one talks on the second day of their summit on Wednesday, aiming to announce steps to rekindle stalled negotiations on the North’s nuclear program and deepen bilateral ties.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in kicked off their third meeting of the year on Tuesday in Pyongyang, where cheering crowds greeted the leaders as they traveled through the capital.

Afterwards, Kim said his “historic” summit with U.S. President Donald Trump in June had improved regional stability and raised hopes for further progress.

Moon and Kim resumed their talks on Wednesday at around 10 a.m. (0100 GMT), this time without any other attendees. The talks are expected to be followed by a joint statement and a news conference, Moon’s office said.

“It’s difficult to say an agreement has been reached, and we are expecting further dialogue,” Moon’s press secretary Yoon Young-chan told a news briefing on Wednesday.

The joint statement will provide clues to whether negotiations between North Korea and the United States over dismantling Pyongyang’s nuclear programs could regain momentum, after Kim asked Trump for a second meeting.

Kim pledged to work toward the “complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula” during his first encounter with Moon in the Demilitarised Zone that separates the two Koreas in April, and at his summit with Trump in June.
2018-09-19 14:22:28
China to take over Zambia’s international Airport for debt repayment


Signing a contract with China is like, ascribing to the boiling frog effect; a fable describing a frog being boiled alive slowly.

If you drop a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if you put that same frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water gradually, it will adjust its body temperature accordingly until it reaches a stage beyond its capacity and dies foolishly.

It’s rather pathetic how China is re-colonizing Africa by appealing to the ignorance and selfish interests of our leaders. Today, the Chinese are offering mouthwatering deals to Africa, both in cash transactions and the outmoded or rather defunct barter trade which seem very attractive on the outlook but dangerous in reality.

The Zambian government contracted the Chinese, lazy-thought and glossed over details thinking they were granting consent to gernuine terms but the whole thing just morphed into modern day colonialism.

China is now proposing to take over the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport should Zambia Government fail to pay back its huge foreign debt on time. The issue of whether Zambia posses the required economic muscle to repay that debt is in contention considering the amount involved. It’s typical of the Chinese strategy.

That moreover is not the only thing Zambian suffered from China; the Chinese own 60% shares of the Zambian National Broadcasting corporation which means, Chinese have an influence over what should or should not be premiered on their sets.
2018-09-19 14:26:02
Stormy Daniels' tell-all book on Trump: salacious detail and claims of cheating


In a tell-all memoir, the pornographic actor Stormy Daniels details salacious descriptions of her time with Donald Trump, wonders if he is fit to be president and claims he offered to cheat for her in his reality TV show.

A copy of the book, Full Disclosure, was obtained by the Guardian. In it, Daniels describes her mounting disbelief as Trump began to win primary contests in 2016 for the Republican presidential nomination. Former castmates whom she had not heard from in years, but who had heard her story about sleeping with Trump in 2006, would call her up to marvel at the news.

“It will never happen, I would say,” Daniels writes. “He doesn’t even want to be president.”

But as Trump kept winning, Daniels writes, she began to think she might be in danger. The story she had to tell about Trump seemed more sensitive the more he won. And she had already been threatened once, years earlier, and warned never to tell the story about Trump, she has claimed.

Those moments of fear and doubt – and Daniels’ decision on the eve of the election to sign a $130,000 hush agreement – hang around a detailed description of Daniels’ alleged tryst with Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, California. In the book, Daniels writes in sometimes excruciating detail about the president’s genitals and describes her disgust with herself for letting the scene play out.
2018-09-19 14:27:12
Germany: Iraqi suspect in Chemnitz stabbing released


An Iraqi man detained over a fatal stabbing of a German man in the eastern German city of Chemnitz has been released after a court hearing.

The 22-year-old had been detained along with another immigrant on suspicion of stabbing to death the 35-year-old German in Chemnitz last month. The killing of Daniel H. triggered large anti-immigrant protests and counterprotests in the eastern German city.

The lawyer for the Iraqi, Ulrich Dost-Roxin, said the prosecutors could not find any evidence linking his client to the stabbing and that witnesses had not been able to identify him.

Dost-Roxin said he was considering taking legal action against those responsible for the unjustified arrest. His client spent three weeks in detention as the potential case against him was investigated.

The district court, however, refused to lift the arrest warrant against a second suspect, a 23-year-old Syrian man, who was also taken into custody over the killing.

Police are searching for a third suspect in the case.
2018-09-19 14:27:57
Fresh blow for Emmanuel Macron's cabinet as interior minister announces plans to quit


One of Emmanuel Macron's most loyal cabinet ministers announced on Tuesday he would step down by next year, compounding doubts surrounding the French president's administration.

Speaking to France's L'Express magazine, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said he would quit the government after next year's European elections and run for election as mayor of Lyon in 2020.

"The local elections are still far away — I will run in Lyon if I don't get diagnosed as seriously ill anytime before that," Collomb said in jest. "I won't be interior minister right up until the last moment. After a certain amount of time it would be better to be totally free for the campaign."

The next European parliament votes will take place in May 2019.

The loss of his interior minister will only pile on the misery for Macron, whose approval ratings have plunged from around 60 percent immediately after his election to just 30 percent within 16 months.

Collomb's announcement also comes just three weeks after Macron's popular Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot resigned saying he felt "all alone" while trying to advance green policies in the government. The following week, Sport Minister Laura Flessel also stepped down citing personal reasons but insisted she continued to support the president.
2018-09-19 14:48:53
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