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2018-11-02 23:28:31
Trump administration to reinstate all Iran sanctions


The Trump administration is to reinstate all US sanctions on Iran that were removed as part of the 2015 nuclear deal.

However, eight unnamed countries will not be penalised by the US for continuing to import Iranian oil.

President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in May, describing it as "defective at its core".

The agreement saw Iran limit its controversial nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief.
2018-11-02 23:46:57
Shares soar as Trump hints at possible US-China trade deal


Asian shares have surged on reports that Donald Trump wants to reach an agreement with Chinese president Xi Jinping about the trade dispute that has dogged markets for months.

The US president spoke to Xi on Thursday and later tweeted that trade talks with China were “moving along nicely” ahead of face-to-face talks between the pair at the G20 summit in Argentina later this month.

But Bloomberg later reported that the phone call – in which Trump and Xi both expressed optimism about resolving their bitter trade disputes – prompted Trump to ask officials to begin drafting potential terms.

China’s foreign ministry said on Friday that the telephone call between the two leaders was quite positive and that the pair believed they should “enhance trade relations”.

The reports lit a fire under stock markets that have beset by fears of a full-blown trade war between the world’s two biggest economies.
2018-11-03 00:52:18
邊8個?india, china, afganistan, iraq(要運啲油去iran 提煉再拎返嚟出口)?korea 好似停咗入口,japan 未停可能都係list 度,其他諗唔度
2018-11-03 11:23:41
Italy, Korea, Taiwan, Turkey?
2018-11-03 12:10:31
Khashoggi: Erdogan says top levels of Saudi government behind journalist's killing


The "highest levels of the Saudi government" ordered the murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wrote on Friday.

In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, Erdogan said a "death squad" followed a "premeditated" plan to kill Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in early October.

Erdogan vowed that Turkey would continue to probe the incident and urged Saudi Arabia to reveal the "puppet masters" behind the murder.

Turkey claims Khashoggi was strangled to death and dismembered after entering the consulate to pick up marriage documents.

"Who gave the order to kill this kind soul? Unfortunately, the Saudi authorities have refused to answer those questions," Erdogan wrote. He added that he did "not believe for a second" that Saudi leader King Salman was to blame.
2018-11-03 22:10:11
U.S. courts rule against Georgia on voter suppression cases


(Reuters) - Two federal courts on Friday issued rulings that order Georgia to allow some 3,000 naturalized U.S. citizens to vote in elections next week and prevent the state from throwing out some absentee ballots.

The rulings are a rebuke to Secretary of State Brian Kemp, whose office oversees the voter rolls and who is the Republican candidate in the state’s hotly contested gubernatorial race.

The issue of voter suppression has been central to the governor’s race in Georgia, where Kemp is facing Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams, who is seeking to become the country’s first female, black governor.

U.S. District Judge Eleanor Ross in Atlanta issued the order to allow some 3,000 recently naturalized U.S. citizens to vote after their registrations were put on hold.

Civil rights groups sued Kemp in October over 50,000 voting registration applications placed on hold due to Georgia’s “exact-match” law, requiring that personal information on voter applications match what is on state databases.

Ross’ ruling allows the naturalized citizens to vote in Tuesday’s midterm election if they present proof of citizenship at the polls.
2018-11-03 22:11:35
U.S. top court rejects Trump administration bid to halt climate trial


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected for now a bid by the President Donald Trump’s administration to block a trial in a lawsuit filed by young activists who have accused the U.S. government of ignoring the perils of climate change.

The loss for the administration means it now faces a high-profile examination of U.S. climate change policy during the trial that was due to begin on Oct. 29 in Eugene, Oregon but has since been postponed by the judge.

Chief Justice John Roberts on Oct. 19 had temporarily put the case on hold while the court as a whole decided how to proceed.

The Supreme Court’s three-page order noted that the administration may still have grounds to take its arguments to the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
2018-11-03 22:12:39
U.S. armed forces member killed in Afghanistan insider attack: NATO


KABUL (Reuters) - A member of the U.S. armed forces was killed and another was wounded on Saturday in an apparent insider attack in the Afghan capital Kabul, the NATO-led Resolute Support mission said.

The attack is the latest in a series of “green-on-blue” attacks in which members of the Afghan forces have killed U.S. or coalition advisers this year and follows the death of a Czech soldier in the western province of Herat last month

“Initial reports indicate the attacker was a member of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. Initial reports also indicate the attacker was immediately killed by other Afghan Forces,” the NATO-led mission said in a statement.

It said the incident was being investigated and the wounded service member was in a stable condition, but did not release the identity of the service member who had been killed.
2018-11-04 11:07:29
All-UK customs Brexit deal report is 'speculation': PM May's office


LONDON (Reuters) - A report suggesting an all-UK customs deal will be written into the legally binding agreement governing Britain’s withdrawal from the EU to avoid the need for an Irish backstop is “speculation”, Prime Minister Theresa May’s office said.

The Sunday Times said the plan would avoid the need to treat Northern Ireland differently, which has been the main stumbling bloc to securing an agreement on Britain’s exit from the bloc, due in March 2019.

Reuters reported on Friday that the EU has suggested that a backstop post-Brexit customs arrangement covering all of the UK could give mainland Britain some scope to set trade rules while keeping the province of Northern Ireland aligned with the EU.

May’s cabinet will meet on Tuesday to discuss her plan, and she hopes there would be enough progress by Friday for the EU to announce a special summit, The Sunday Times said.
2018-11-04 13:03:30
New Caledonia: French Pacific territory votes on independence


Voters in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia are taking part in a referendum on whether to remain part of France or become independent.

The vote was promised as part of a deal two decades ago after a violent campaign by separatists from the indigenous Kanak people.

Pro-independence groups have urged Kanak voters to throw off the "shackles of colonial authorities" in Paris.

However, polls suggest a majority of voters will reject independence.

About 175,000 people are eligible to vote in the territory, east of Australia, but Kanaks make up less than 50% of the electorate.

By midday, the turnout rate was 41.8% compared to 27.3% at the same point during local elections in 2014, officials said.
2018-11-04 14:32:52
Myanmar by-elections a test for leader buffeted by crises


MYITKYINA, Myanmar (Reuters) - Asked what Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has changed since becoming Myanmar’s leader two years ago, most residents of Kachin state in the far north say the roads: new tarmac smoothes the path for cars, motorbikes and campaign trucks ahead of a by-election set for Saturday.

But beyond the city limits, near-perpetual civil war rumbles on. Many here say the administration’s inability to tackle the country’s toughest problems, including continued ethnic fighting, has soured the mood among voters ahead of polls this weekend being closely watched as a barometer on Suu Kyi’s government and the future of Myanmar’s democratic transition.

Suu Kyi swept to power pledging that a peace process to end Myanmar’s myriad ethnic conflicts was her top priority. But since then Kachin has seen some of the most intense fighting between the military and ethnic rebels since a ceasefire broke down seven years ago, with thousands of people displaced.

“We voted for her and she won and came into power,” said 40-year-old Htu Lun, who was driven from her home in 2011 and has since lived in one of dozens of displacement camps in Myitkyina, the state capital.

“But in reality, nothing has changed. Now the election time has come again, we will choose the party that serves our interest.”

Thirteen seats in the upper and lower houses of parliament and regional assemblies across Myanmar are being contested in Saturday’s by-elections. Eleven fell vacant when legislators died in office, a reflection of Myanmar’s aging political leadership, while one MP, Win Myint, became president.
2018-11-04 20:11:30
New Caledonia: French Pacific territory rejects independence


Voters in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia have rejected a bid for independence, partial results say.

With two-thirds of the ballots in, some 59.5% voted in favour of remaining part of France, local media reported. Turnout was nearly 81%.

The vote was promised as part of a deal that came after an independence campaign which was marked by violence.

New Caledonia has large deposits of nickel, a vital component in manufacturing electronics.

It is seen by France as a strategic political and economic asset in the region.
2018-11-05 09:09:25
Minority Australian government confirmed as critical by-election result announced


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia’s conservative government has lost its parliamentary majority after an independent candidate was on Monday confirmed the winner in a critical by-election.

Voters in the wealthy seaside constituency of Wentworth, in Sydney’s east, went to the polls on Oct 20 to chose a replacement for former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, who quit politics in August after he was ousted by his own party.

Widespread voter anger at Turnbull’s demise saw the ruling Liberal party haemorrhage votes, though the race narrowed to come down to a several thousand postal votes.

After two weeks of counting, the Australian Electoral Commission said Kerryn Phelps, an independent, had been elected after a 20 percent swing against the ruling government.
2018-11-05 09:10:46
US unleashes "toughest ever" sanctions on Iran


The US will unleash its "toughest ever" sanctions against Iran on Monday following a wave of protests across the oil-rich country.

The Trump administration is reinstating all sanctions removed under the 2015 nuclear deal, targeting both Iran and states that trade with it.

It will hit oil exports, shipping and banks, all core parts of the economy.

Thousands of Iranians chanting "Death to America" rallied on Sunday, rejecting calls for talks.

Iran's military was also quoted as saying it would hold air drills on Monday and Tuesday to prove the country's defensive capabilities.
2018-11-05 09:11:28
U.S., South Korea resume low-key military drills ahead of talks with North Korea


SEOUL (Reuters) - The United States and South Korea will begin small-scale military drills on Monday just days ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meeting with a North Korea official to discuss denuclearization and plans for a second summit between the two countries.

The Korean Marine Exchange Program was among the training drills that were indefinitely suspended in June after U.S. President Donald Trump met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore and promised to end joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises often criticized by the North.

A spokesman for South Korea’s Ministry of Defense confirmed a round of training would begin near the southern city of Pohang, with no media access expected.

About 500 American and South Korean marines will participate in the maneuvers, the Yonhap news agency reported.

Meanwhile, Pompeo, interviewed on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” said he would be in New York City at the end of this week to meet with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Yong-chol.

“I expect we’ll make some real progress, including an effort to make sure that the summit between our two leaders can take place, where we can make substantial steps towards denuclearization,” Pompeo said.
2018-11-05 09:12:14
Sri Lanka's president summons parliament on Nov. 14 as pressure over PM's sacking grows


COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena has ordered the suspended parliament to reconvene on Nov. 14, clearing the way for a vote on his decision to sack the elected prime minister and replace him with wartime nationalist Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Sirisena abruptly fired Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Oct.26 and appointed former president Rajapaksa to lead the ruling coalition instead, raising fears at home and abroad that this could derail Sri Lanka’s halting national reconciliation process.

Wickremesinghe says his dismissal is unconstitutional. His United National Party submitted a motion to that effect to parliament but Sirisena suspended its session until Nov. 16, citing a need for Rajapaksa to make arrangements for the new government prevented the vote.

Sirisena’s decree for the house to reconvene on Nov. 14 was published in the official gazette on Sunday.

It was not clear if and when the 225-member parliament would vote on the UNP’s motion that Wickremesinghe’s dismissal was illegal.
2018-11-05 20:59:49
Merkel: CDU wants to continue leading national government with SPD


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that her Christian Democrats (CDU) had agreed they would like to continue heading up the federal coalition government with the Social Democrats (SPD) and Bavaria’s Christian Social Union.

“I believe that what is important for the SPD - and this is justifiable - is that we, as the CDU, continue to feel committed to the coalition treaty,” Merkel said.

“We discussed this at the party’s federal board meeting yesterday and there was unanimous agreement - in any case nobody objected to it. This means there is a general conviction that, on the basis of the coalition treaty, we will continue to lead the government,” she added.

German SPD leadership did not discuss quitting coalition, leader says

2018-11-05 21:00:28
Poland: Urban voters reject ruling party in local elections


Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) suffered a blow in Sunday's mayoral runoff elections, according to exit poll data.

The second-round vote between the top two vote-getters from the October 21 first round took place in 649 cities, towns and municipalities. Official electoral returns are not expected until Monday.

Prior to the vote on Sunday, the populist anti-immigration PiS had lost mayoral posts in Warsaw, Poznan and Lodz to a centrist pro-European Union coalition, led by the Civic Platform party. On Sunday, the ruling party lost at least three more of Poland's largest cities to the opposition.

Those cities were Krakow, Gdansk and Kielce, where candidates obtained more than 64 percent of the votes, according to exit polls. In the election campaign, the PiS had placed strong emphasis against immigration and for robust economic growth.
2018-11-05 21:01:13
Sweden's Moderates leader Ulf Kristersson to be proposed as PM


The leader of Sweden's centre-right Moderate Party, Ulf Kristersson, will be nominated as the country's next prime minister, the parliamentary speaker said on Monday morning.

The speaker, Andreas Norlén, said he would put forward the proposal next Monday in an effort to break political deadlock that has lasted for eight weeks. This gives the centre-right leader seven days to meet with Sweden's other party leaders and try to form a workable coalition.

Then, parliament will vote on the proposal on Wednesday next week at the earliest, the day before a debate on this year's budget.
The speaker has a total of four chances to ask a candidate to try to form a government that will be accepted by parliament – and all four chances still remain, since parliament has not yet voted on any proposal.

It is not essential for a majority in parliament to support a government proposal, but it will fail if a majority vote against it. If they cannot agree, a new election shall be held within three months. However, this has never happened because parliament has always approved the first proposal.

But Norlén admitted he is not sure if that will be the case this time.
2018-11-06 08:47:09
Iran sanctions: US grants oil exemptions for several countries


As US sanctions against Iran came back into effect on Monday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed that several countries secured oil import exemptions, including: India, China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Greece, and Italy.

Iran has said it will defy the reimposition of sanctions, which target the country's oil exports and financial transactions. The US decided to reimpose the sanctions after US President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal earlier this year.

Pompeo told reporters that the eight countries secured temporary waivers to continue importing oil from Iran. The exemptions were granted with the understanding that the countries will seek to reduce their imports to zero. Waivers were also issued to allow European firms to continue conversion work on two of Iran's nuclear facilities.
2018-11-06 08:48:19
Interior Minister Seehofer forces ex-spy chief Maassen into retirement


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said on Monday that he was temporarily relieving former domestic spy chief Hans-Georg Maassen of his duties after Maassen made "unacceptable remarks" in a farewell speech to representatives of international intelligence agencies. Seehofer, who has previously supported Maassen, said that a "cooperation based on mutual trust" was no longer possible in view of the remarks.

Maassen's critical view of the government's policy on refugees, as further evinced in the comments he made in the speech on October 18, has highlighted and contributed to rifts within Germany's coalition over the past few months.

In his address, Maassen spoke about "radical left-wing elements" in the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the junior partner in the ruling coalition, who had, he said, seized gladly upon his controversial remarks about protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz in August to provoke divisions in the government.

He also criticized Germany's current policies on refugees and security as "naive and leftist."

The text of the speech was made available on the intranet of the domestic intelligence agency BfV, from where it made its way into many hands.
2018-11-06 08:51:42
Pompeo to meet senior North Korean official in New York on Thursday


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet with senior North Korean official Kim Yong Chol in New York on Thursday to discuss North Korea’s denuclearization, the U.S. State Department said on Monday.

The two will “discuss making progress on all four pillars of the Singapore Summit joint statement, including achieving the final, fully verified denuclearization of (North Korea),” the State Department said in a statement. U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held a summit in Singapore in June, which was the first summit between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader.
2018-11-06 11:59:59
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