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2018-10-26 09:05:25
Mail bomb investigators check Florida leads, say US media


Suspected explosive devices mailed to high-profile US figures may have been sent from Florida, according to media reports.

Unnamed officials told outlets that investigators believe at least one package originated there.

But FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney would not confirm these reports during a news conference on Thursday.

Ex-Vice-President Joe Biden and actor Robert De Niro were the latest targets.

Similar packages have also been sent to former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among others.

Investigators are eyeing southern Florida in particular, the New York Times reported, saying it had spoken to two people familiar with the matter.

At Thursday's news conference, officials said they could not give any details because it could affect the ongoing investigation.

However Mr Sweeney did confirm that the white powder found in one of the packages - delivered to CNN and addressed to former CIA director John Brennan - "did not present a biological threat".

Mr Sweeney said thorough examinations of all the packages are under way at the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, outside Washington DC.
2018-10-26 09:16:30
U.S. military may send up to 1,000 troops to Mexico border


WASHINGTON/PIJIJIAPAN, Mexico (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration may send up to 1,000 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, officials said on Thursday, as Trump hammered away at the issue of illegal immigration ahead of congressional elections.

Trump’s threat was sparked by the advance of a caravan of Central American migrants trekking through Mexico and headed toward the United States.

“I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency. They will be stopped!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in an interview with the Fox News Channel that her department had asked the Pentagon for help to bolster its capabilities, including for “some air support ... some logistics, planning, vehicle barriers, engineering.”

She said the requested support was meant to help better protect the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) agents and ports of entry. How to meet the request is up to the Department of Defense, Nielsen added.

The preliminary DHS request could require deploying between 800 and 1,000 active-duty troops, two U.S. officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
2018-10-26 09:52:57
White House weighs executive actions to block migrant caravan at the border


The White House is weighing an executive action and regulatory change to block a caravan of Central American migrants from entering the United States, according to a DHS official, an administration official and three people familiar with the move.

Under the plan, the Trump administration would publish fast-track regulation that would restrict certain migrants' ability to seek asylum. The regulation would be paired with a related proclamation from President Donald Trump.

The executive actions would follow the playbook of Trump’s most sensational immigration moves and test the bounds of public approval and legality, according to those familiar with it. Trump has fumed publicly and privately in recent days about a caravan of migrants traveling north through Mexico and challenged aides to find a solution.
2018-10-26 22:40:14
Ireland set to hold vote on blasphemy laws


Voters will be asked to decide whether blasphemy laws should be removed from the Irish constitution. Blasphemy is still considered a serious crime that carries heavy penalties – although no one has actually been convicted for the offense.
2018-10-26 22:41:36
Trump critics Booker and Clapper targeted by suspicious mail


Two suspicious packages have been found in the US, addressed to a top Democrat and a former senior intelligence official.

One item addressed to Senator Cory Booker was found at or near a Florida mail facility.

A second was at a New York post office, addressed to ex-national intelligence chief James Clapper via CNN.

The news came after several mail bombs were sent to prominent critics of US President Donald Trump.

Ex-President Barack Obama and actor Robert de Niro were among those targeted.

Security camera footage at the Florida postal facility in Opa-locka, Miami, is being scrutinised by the FBI. A bomb squad and canine unit had accompanied federal officials to the site, police from Miami-Dade County said.

Meanwhile New York police described the Manhattan package as one that "closely resembled others sent across the country in recent days".
2018-10-26 22:42:54
Angela Merkel braces for second election blow in Hesse


"Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be," boomed the 1950s favorite at the concert hall in the central city of Fulda on Thursday. Given the state of Germany's federal government, the choice of soundtrack at the conservative CDU campaign event seemed rather apt — not least of all due to the appearance of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose fate may well lie in the hands of voters in the state of Hesse.

For the second time in two weeks, the German government is bracing for a yet another backlash at elections in Hesse, home to Germany's financial hub, Frankfurt, and conservative stronghold for the past 20 years.

But this is no ordinary state election. As the Bavaria state election proved just two weeks ago: "It's not the economy, stupid!"

Merkel's conservatives in Hesse have plummeted to just 26 percent in opinion polls — down 12 percent on the last state election there in 2013.

While the huge losses for the Bavarian conservatives two weeks ago could be soothed at least by Merkel knowing that the months of criticism from her Bavarian brothers in arms had been to their detriment — this time she will have nowhere to hide when the blame game begins.

Tacked on to the popular dissatisfaction with Germany's governing coalition after months of infighting over policy as well as personnel, losses of voters, as well as the state premiership, could well be the nail in the coffin for Merkel's already weakened government.

The Green party isn't the only direction disenchanted voters are heading. The AfD — coincidentally founded in Hesse as a euroskeptic party back in 2013 — looks set on Sunday to enter Hesse's state parliament for the first time and complete the set with local MPs in all 16 German states.
2018-10-27 00:12:56
Pipe bombs: man arrested in Florida over explosive devices – live updates


The suspect is a man in his 50s with an address in Aventura, Florida, according to CNN.

He was arrested outside the AutoZone in Plantation, Florida, where authorities were also preparing to tow a white van.

The man has a criminal history and once lived in New York, CNN reported.

The suspect was arrested around 10am and is currently being questioned by FBI agents with the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Miami Herald reported.

Miami’s CBS4 reported a “loud explosion” was heard at the time of the arrest, possibly from an FBI flash bomb device.
2018-10-27 18:55:14
Mattis approves U.S. troops at border with Mexico


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has authorized the use of troops and other military resources at the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. officials said on Friday, bolstering President Donald Trump’s battle against migrants trekking toward the United States.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Mattis’ authorization did not include a specific number of troops, something that would be determined at a later point, and was not itself a “deployment order.”

The Pentagon did not comment on potential troop numbers, which U.S. officials have told Reuters could be at least 800 active-duty troops and begin deploying as soon as Tuesday.

The U.S. military said Mattis had authorized the military to provide “mission-enhancing capabilities” to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, including engineering support to help build temporary barriers and housing.

U.S. pilots would provide transportation for civilian government personnel, it said in a statement.

One U.S. official told Reuters that some of the U.S. troops could be called in to assist with traffic and crowd control on the U.S. side of the border, potentially helping to manage demonstrators. It was unclear as of Friday if any of the U.S. forces would be armed.
2018-10-27 19:36:44
Brazil’s next president is likely to be Jair Bolsonaro


ON OCTOBER 28th Brazil will head to the polls to elect its next president. Latin America’s largest democracy must choose between Fernando Haddad, the nominee of the Workers’ Party (PT), and Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing populist. Mr Bolsonaro is currently ahead by 11 points, according to a sample-weighted average of the latest polls. Should there be any reason to doubt that he will win?

Some scepticism about the accuracy of Brazil’s polls is warranted. Surveys taken in the week leading up to the first round of Brazil’s election on October 7th showed that 35-40% of voters would vote for Mr Bolsonaro. Yet he won 46% of the valid votes cast, just short of the 50% required to win the presidency at the first shot.
2018-10-27 19:37:21
Turkey demands extradition of 18 Saudis in Khashoggi case


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish prosecutors have prepared an extradition request for 18 suspects from Saudi Arabia in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, authorities said on Friday, after President Tayyip Erdogan urged Riyadh to disclose who ordered the murder.

Erdogan has in recent days stepped up pressure on Saudi Arabia to come clean in the case, and Western governments have also voiced increasing scepticism, pitching the world’s top oil exporter and a pivotal Middle East ally into a worsening crisis.

Erdogan said Turkey had more information than it had shared so far about the killing of Khashoggi, a Saudi national and Washington Post columnist who was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct.2.

Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor on Thursday said the killing of Khashoggi was premeditated, contradicting a previous official statement that it happened accidentally during a tussle in the consulate. Riyadh’s numerous shifting accounts of the killing have undermined Prince Mohammed’s stance in the West.

Turkish prosecutors seeking the extradition accuse the 18 of “murder by premeditation, monstrous intent or by torture”. Riyadh previously arrested the 18 as part of its investigation into the case. Those include a 15-man security team that Turkey says flew in hours before the killing and carried it out.
2018-10-27 23:07:32
2018-10-27 23:26:28
Fatalities reported in shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue


Local media reported that at least four people were dead after a man opened fire at a synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday. A police official told reporters there were “multiple casualties”.

The CBS affiliate KDKA reported that police had exchanged shots with a gunman at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill. People barricaded inside had made calls out, the same station said, adding that as many as eight people could have been killed.

The Tree of Life synagogue describes itself as “a traditional, progressive and egalitarian congregation”. The shooting was reported around 10am, when a Shabbat service was scheduled. The congregation’s president declined press requests for comment.

The Pittsburgh public safety department said on Twitter: “There is an active shooter in the area of WILKINS and Shady. Avoid the area. More info will be released when it is available.”

The department added a plea for people to “please stop calling all Public Safety cell phones. It is draining batteries and interfering w[ith] comm[unications].”

Police commander Jason Lando said the public should “shelter in place” and report any unusual activity.

Gunman opens fire at US synagogue

2018-10-27 23:52:21
2018-10-27 23:55:32
2018-10-28 00:07:39
2018-10-28 00:19:05
Barack Obama takes aim at Donald Trump for 'making stuff up'


Barack Obama criticised Donald Trump’s tenure in office on Friday in a series of speeches in Milwaukee and Detroit that took aim at the president and other Republicans for “making stuff up”.

The speeches were among Obama’s sharpest and most direct critiques of his successor, but he was careful to not mention Trump by name. He said the “character of our country is on the ballot” in the first midterm election since Trump took office.

Obama cited a recent Trump comment that he would pass a tax cut before the November election. “Congress isn’t even in session before the election. He just makes it up,” he said.

“Here’s the thing. Everything I say you can look up.”

Nor did Obama spare the Republicans more broadly. They were were lying when they said they wanted to protect people with pre-existing conditions while trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he said, a reference to Wisconsin’s governor, Scott Walker.

“What we have not seen before in our public life is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, lying. Just making stuff up,” Obama said. “Calling up down. Calling black white. That’s what your governor is doing with these ads, just making stuff up,” he said.
2018-10-28 00:35:59
2018-10-28 00:45:20
2018-10-28 01:28:37

2018-10-28 01:29:56
2018-10-28 14:06:08
Brazil's Bolsonaro holds double-digit lead over leftist rival: poll


BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil’s far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro has maintained his double-digit lead over leftist rival Fernando Haddad in an election poll of voter intentions on the eve of Sunday’s run-off vote, according to a new survey.

The MDA poll published on Saturday by transportation lobby CNT showed that Bolsonaro had 56.8 percent of voter support, compared to Haddad’s 43.2 percent, almost no change from the previous MDA survey five days ago. The numbers are in line with other polls that show Bolsonaro taking 56 percent (Datafolha) or 57 percent (Ibope) of the votes.
2018-10-28 14:07:15
French-born ex-diplomat is frontrunner as Georgia picks president


TBILISI (Reuters) - Two former foreign ministers are the frontrunners when Georgians vote for president on Sunday, including a former French career diplomat who would be the first female leader of an ex-Soviet state outside the Baltics.

The ruling Georgian Dream party is backing Salome Zurabishvili, 66, who was born to Georgian emigre parents in France and who served as French ambassador to Georgia before becoming Georgia’s foreign minister from 2004-2005.

Supporters say she would bring international stature to the presidency; opponents criticize her for statements that appeared to blame Georgia for war with Russia in 2008, remarks about minorities that some saw as xenophobic, and unsteady command of the Georgian language, which she speaks with an accent.

Her main opponent, Grigol Vashadze, 60, is running on behalf of a new platform of 11 opposition parties led by former president Mikheil Saakashvili’s United National Movement (UNM). He held the post of foreign minister from 2008-2012.
2018-10-28 14:12:41
Merkel government braces for high-stakes German state election


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition faces its second test in as many weeks on Sunday when voters go to the polls in the western state of Hesse for a regional election that could torpedo the national government.

Should Merkel’s conservative ally in Hesse, Volker Bouffier, lose his post as state premier, the chancellor’s enemies will be emboldened ahead of her Christian Democrats’ (CDU) party congress in early December and may try to hasten her demise.

The other risk for Merkel is that her SPD coalition partners come third in Hesse, which is home to financial hub Frankfurt. Such an outcome would increase pressure from the SPD’s rank-and-file for the party to pull out of the coalition with Merkel in Berlin.

A growing swell of SPD members feel their party is tarnished by its alliance with Merkel and would be best to rebuild in opposition - a scenario SPD leader Andreas Nahles has resisted.

Merkel’s preferred successor as leader of her conservatives, CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, has also warned the SPD that pulling out of the ruling coalition after the Hesse vote would trigger a federal election.

Polls show the SPD would suffer heavily in a national vote.

In Hesse, support for the CDU is running at 28 percent, a survey by pollster Forschungsgruppe Wahlen for broadcaster ZDF showed on Thursday. But the CDU and ecologist Greens may lack sufficient support to renew their ruling alliance in the state.

The SPD and Greens were tied on 20 percent, the poll showed, with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) on 12 points, and the business-friendly Free Democrats (FDP) and far-left Linke both on 8 points.
2018-10-29 09:06:09
Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives eke out win in Hesse election


There were a couple of points of solace for Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) as the first official projections were announced for Sunday's regional election.

The CDU's tally of 27.4 percent may have been down some 11 points compared with the last Hesse vote in 2013, but it was slightly better than pre-election polls had predicted and gives incumbent state premier and Merkel ally Volker Bouffier a mandate to form the next government.

The Social Democrats (SPD) suffered a similar drop, claiming 19.6 percent of the vote - the party's worst result in Hesse since 1946. That didn't have anyone in red dancing for joy, but it's probably just respectable enough to counter demands from the SPD's left wing that the party quit its grand coalition with conservatives at the national level. That, too, should be welcome news with Merkel.

2018-10-29 09:08:13
Far-right Jair Bolsonaro wins Brazil's presidential election


Former army officer Jair Bolsonaro won the second round of Brazil's presidential elections, obtaining 55.5 percent of the vote, with 94 percent of precincts reporting. His leftist challenger Fernando Haddad of the worker's party was far behind him with 44.4 percent.

Bolsonaro's win signifies a sharp ideological right turn for the South American nation and adds another right-leaning government to the region.

Voting day was largely peaceful, said regional election monitor for the Organization of American States (OAS) Laura Chinchilla, "with no reports of violence or any other difficulty."

Bolsonaro supporters gathered in front of his home in the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro, shortly after resutls were announced, waving Brazilian flags and setting off fireworks in celebration.

In his victory speech, the newly elected president said he never had doubts about winning and thanked God, noting an assasination attempt he suffered on the campaign trail.

"We cannot continue flirting with communism," Bolosonaro said. "We are going to change the destiny of Brazil," he vowed.

The former army captain said he would defend "the constitution, democracy and freedom," adding that "this is not the promise of a party, nor the word of a man. It is an oath before God."
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