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2018-12-22 21:20:10
Trump has discussed firing Federal Reserve chairman Powell: Bloomberg


TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has discussed firing Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, Bloomberg reported on Saturday, citing sources.

Trump’s frustration with the U.S. central bank chief intensified after this week’s interest rate increase and months of stock-market losses, the news agency said, citing four unidentified people familiar with the matter.

The president has talked privately about firing Powell many times in the past few days, it said, citing two of the people.

White House spokesmen declined to comment, as did Federal Reserve spokeswoman Michelle Smith, Bloomberg reported.
2018-12-23 02:26:36
Now ISIS is largely defeated and other local countries, including Turkey, should be able to easily take care of whatever remains. We’re coming home!

2018-12-23 02:29:03

2018-12-23 11:44:20
'Volcano tsunami' hits Indonesia after Krakatoa eruption


At least 20 people have been killed and 165 injured after a tsunami hit the coast around Indonesia's Sunda Strait, government officials say.

The country's disaster management agency says two people are missing, and dozens of buildings were damaged.

It says the possible cause of the tsunami were undersea landslides after the Krakatoa volcano erupted.

The Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean.

The deaths were reported in the Pandeglang, South Lampung and Serang regions.

Officials warn that the death toll is likely to rise further. The disaster management agency said high seas as a result of the full moon may also have contributed to the strength of the wave.
2018-12-23 11:45:10
Indonesia tsunami: 43 dead and 'many missing' after Anak Krakatoa erupts – latest updates

2018-12-23 11:49:02
Mattis resignation triggered by phone call between Trump and Erdoğan


2018-12-23 11:49:40
Corbyn faces furious Labour backlash over backing Brexit


Jeremy Corbyn is facing a storm of criticism from Labour activists and MPs after suggesting he would press ahead with Brexit if the party won a snap general election.

In a sign that he is losing backing among overwhelmingly pro-Remain Labour supporters, Corbyn was also accused of betraying the party membership by appearing reluctant to back the idea of supporting Remain in a second referendum.

The first signs of a serious internal revolt from party members on the left, who helped propel him to the leadership, came after Corbyn gave an interview to the Guardian in which he suggested he thought Brexit should go ahead and said EU state-aid rules would prevent a Labour government intervening to support UK industries.

His anti-EU tone drew immediate criticism from party supporters and members who had successfully persuaded the leadership to back the possibility of a second referendum at Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool in September.
2018-12-23 15:59:37
2018-12-23 18:58:27
2018-12-23 23:32:38
2018-12-24 09:05:59
Patrick Shanahan: Trump names acting defence secretary


US President Donald Trump has forced Defence Secretary James Mattis to leave his post early, appointing an acting successor to take over in the new year.

Gen Mattis, 68, strongly hinted at policy differences with Mr Trump when he resigned on Friday.

He offered to stay in the job until February but will now leave on 1 January after Mr Trump reportedly balked at media coverage of his exit.

Deputy Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan, 56, will take over the role.

Mr Trump has lauded his achievements and described him as "very talented".

Mr Shanahan, a former executive at the aerospace giant Boeing, joined the Pentagon in July 2017 after Mr Trump nominated him.

He was reportedly a vocal supporter of the president's plan to establish a sixth branch of the armed forces, known as the "space force".
2018-12-24 09:08:07
Der Spiegel 'fake news' reporter could face charges


The German reporter Claas Relotius, accused by top news magazine Der Spiegel of faking stories, could now face embezzlement charges.

Der Spiegel says it is filing a criminal complaint alleging he solicited donations for Syrian orphans from readers with any proceeds going to his personal account.

Der Spiegel said last week that Relotius admitted faking some stories.

The reporter, 33, has yet to comment on the embezzlement allegations.

In the latest development, Der Spiegel reports (in German) that it received messages from readers saying Relotius had used a private email account to ask for donations to help Syrian orphans in Turkey.

The money should be sent to his personal bank account, the magazine quotes readers as saying.

The publication says it is not yet clear what sort of response he received - how much money was collected or where it ended up.

Der Spiegel is gathering evidence to pass on to prosecutors.
2018-12-24 09:10:03
US shutdown could stretch into January, Trump aide warns


A partial US government shutdown over budget spending could continue right up to the opening of the next Congress on 3 January, a Trump aide has said.

The shutdown began at midnight Friday after opposition Democrats resisted President Donald Trump's demand for $5bn (£4bn) for his Mexico border wall.

Mr Trump's acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, suggested Democrats were "beholden" to their left wing.

A Democratic senator said his party opposed any funding for the wall.

"That's correct," Sen Jeff Merkley told an ABC news interviewer when asked if his party was not going to approve any money for the Trump administration's project. "None."
2018-12-24 21:45:15
Israel to hold early election in April: Netanyahu spokesman


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel will hold an early general election in April, a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday, after members of his governing coalition met to discuss differences over legislation.

“The leaders of the coalition decided unanimously to dissolve parliament and go to a new election in early April,” the spokesman wrote on Twitter, quoting from a statement issued by Netanyahu’s political partners.

A coalition crisis over a military conscription bill affecting exemptions from compulsory service for ultra-Orthodox Jewish men led to the decision.
2018-12-24 21:45:59
Turkey bolsters military on Syrian border as U.S. readies pull-out


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey began reinforcing its positions on both sides of its border with Syria on Sunday, a Reuters witness said, as Ankara and Washington agreed to coordinate a U.S. withdrawal from Syria.

The heightened military activity comes two days after President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would postpone a planned military operation on Kurdish YPG militia east of the Euphrates river in northern Syria following the U.S. decision to pull out.

He also said Turkey would take over the fight against Islamic State militants.

Manbij has been a major flashpoint between Ankara and Washington. In June, the NATO allies reached an agreement that would see the YPG ousted from the town but Turkey has complained the roadmap has been delayed and said Turkish forces would enter the town if the United States does not remove the Kurdish militants.

The YPG has been a main U.S. ally in the fight against Islamic State. Ankara says the militia is a terrorist organization and an extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged an insurgency in Turkey since the 1980s.
2018-12-25 11:53:20
2018-12-25 11:53:53
President Erdogan has invited Trump to visit Turkey in 2019: White House


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has invited U.S. President Donald Trump to visit Turkey in 2019, a White House spokesman said on Monday.

“While nothing definite is being planned, the President is open to a potential meeting in the future,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement.

The conflict in Syria following Trump’s announcement of a U.S. pullout, the fallout from the murder of a U.S.-based Saudi journalist in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and Turkey’s demand for the extradition of a Muslim cleric from the United States are among the main issues occupying the two NATO allies.

The Turkish presidency said Trump and Erdogan agreed during a phone call on Sunday to coordinate to prevent an authority vacuum from developing as the United States withdraws from Syria.
2018-12-25 11:54:31
Election fears dim Christmas cheer in Congo


KINSHASA (Reuters) - It’s Christmas in Democratic Republic of Congo, but the atmosphere is more uneasy than festive as frustrated citizens wonder if a postponed presidential vote will take place as promised on Dec. 30.

Last week the opposition accepted the authorities’ decision to push the long-anticipated vote back by seven days, but have warned of mass protest and upheaval if there is a further delay.

In a Christmas sermon delivered on Monday in the cathedral of Notre Dame du Congo in Kinshasa, Archbishop Fridolin Ambongo said lasting peace depended on the authorities sticking to their electoral promises.

“To have real peace today in our country we must have elections on the set date of December 30 2018,” he said.

“Real peace today means also that the published results truly reflect the will of the people as expressed through the ballot boxes.”

Members of the Saint Benoit Catholic church in one of Kinshasa’s poorer districts understand what’s at stake.
2018-12-25 14:23:35

Top general on details of Trump's withdrawal plans: "I have no idea"

“I don’t think anybody really knows exactly what’s going to happen. I’ve read the same stuff in the newspaper you did, I have a little more knowledge than that, but not a whole lot more.”

— Gen. Robert Neller, commandant of the Marine Corps.

2018-12-25 14:39:13
2018-12-25 15:46:14
2018-12-26 08:40:42
Turkish forces will cross into Kurdish-held Syria – foreign minister


Turkey’s foreign minister has reiterated that Turkish forces are determined to cross the Euphrates river into Kurdish-held territory in Syria as soon as possible, despite previous suggestions from both Washington and Ankara that Turkey would delay the proposed military campaign.

Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu told reporters at a briefing on Tuesday that “if Turkey says it will enter, it will”. While the foreign minister did not give a time frame, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said last week that Turkey would stall its offensive as part of coordination with the US over the planned withdrawal of US forces from the area.

Turkey will take over the remnants of the fight to remove Isis from its last slivers of territory and has the “strength to neutralise” Isis on its own, Çavuşoğlu said. The future of the international coalition remains unclear.

The foreign minister also criticised the French president, Emmanuel Macron, who has said French forces will remain in Kurdish-held Syria as a buffer.

“If France is staying in Syria to protect the YPG, that will neither benefit France nor the YPG,” he said, referring to the main Kurdish militia in Syria, adding that Turkey would take its cues on the matter from Washington, rather than Paris.
2018-12-26 08:41:19
Donald Trump insists shutdown will not end unless Congress funds border wall


Donald Trump has marked Christmas Day by insisting the partial shutdown of the federal government will last until his demand for funds to build a wall on the US-Mexico border is met.

The US government partially shut down on Saturday, and there is not yet any sign of tangible efforts to reopen agencies closed by a political impasse over Trump’s demand for border wall funds.

“I can’t tell you when the government is going to reopen,” Trump said, speaking after a Christmas Day video conference with US troops serving abroad. “I can tell you it’s not going to reopen until we have a wall, a fence, whatever they’d like to call it. I’ll call it whatever they want, but it’s all the same thing. It’s a barrier from people pouring into the country, from drugs.”

He added: “If you don’t have that [the wall], then we’re just not opening.”
2018-12-26 08:41:49
Syria state media says Israeli planes attack targets near Damascus


BEIRUT (Reuters) - Israeli war planes attacked with missiles unspecified targets near Damascus, the Syrian capital, on Tuesday and injured three Syrian soldiers, Syrian state media quoted a military source as saying.

“Our air defenses confronted hostile missiles launched by Israeli war planes from above the Lebanese territories and downed most of them before reaching their targets,” the military source said.

An arms depot was hit and three soldiers were injured due to the attack, the source added.
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