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2018-10-01 13:09:28
Canada 同 US 終於傾好咗NAFTA
2018-10-01 13:13:38
加拿大讓一小步,美國拎到面子,似乎雙贏,但Quebec 農民會點睇呢 ?
2018-10-01 13:17:18

BREAKING: Justice Department sues California over hours-old internet neutrality bill
2018-10-01 15:36:31
Trump 又搞掂一樣野
2018-10-01 20:17:33
US, Canada reach NAFTA deal


The U.S. and Canada have reached a deal on an updated North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) after negotiators in Washington and Ottawa worked furiously into the night to meet a self-imposed midnight Sunday deadline.

The White House announced on Sunday night that Canada, Mexico and the United States have reached a deal to preserve the three-nation agreement.

In a joint statement, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the new deal will "give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class, and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half billion people who call North America home," the two trade ministers said.

An official said the new agreement will be called the United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement, or USMCA.

Trade deal largely spares Canada, Mexico from any Trump auto tariffs


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade will preserve President Donald Trump’s ability to impose threatened 25 percent global tariffs on autos while largely exempting passenger vehicles, pickup trucks and auto parts from Canada and Mexico, a side-letter to the agreement showed on Monday.

Pickup trucks built in both countries will be exempted entirely, the side-letter said.

Mexico will get an auto parts quota of $108 billion annually, while Canada will get a parts quota of $32.4 billion annually in the event of U.S. autos tariffs. The quotas are significantly above existing production volumes in each country, allowing for some export growth.

Factbox: Details of the new North America free trade deal

2018-10-01 20:19:35
As Chinese influence grows, Japanese warship visits Sri Lanka


COLOMBO (Reuters) - Japan’s largest warship, the Kaga helicopter carrier, sailed into Sri Lanka’s Colombo harbor this weekend, marking Tokyo’s highest profile salvo in a diplomatic battle with China for influence along the region’s vital commercial sea lanes.

Japan has long provided low-interest loans and aid to Sri Lanka, helping it transform Colombo into a major trans-shipment port tapping the artery of global trade just south of the island that links Europe and the Middle East with Asia.

Beijing has, however, emerged as a powerful rival across South Asia and beyond as it implements its Belt and Road infrastructure initiative.

Both China and Japan are also flexing their military muscles further from home. China’s navy is increasingly venturing beyond the Western Pacific and into the Indian Ocean as it targets a world-class blue water fleet by 2050, while Japan’s military diplomacy is flourishing under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

On its way to Sri Lanka, the 248 meter (814 ft) ship was shadowed by Chinese frigates in the South China Sea and carried out naval drills in the Philippines and Indonesia. It also drilled with a British Navy frigate before docking in Colombo on Sunday with 500 sailors and four submarine hunting helicopters aboard.
2018-10-01 20:21:36
Conservative conference: Hammond pledges digital services tax on web giants - Politics live


CON conference Theresa vs Boris
2018-10-01 20:27:12
Iran fires missiles into Syria over parade attack


Iran's Revolutionary Guard has said it launched ballistic missiles into eastern Syria, targeting fighters it blamed for a recent attack on a military parade in southwestern Iran.

"Our iron fist is prepared to deliver a decisive and crushing response to any wickedness and mischief of the enemies," the Guards said in a statement on Monday.

The attack took place at 2am local time and targeted the bases of "takfiri terrorists" backed by America and regional powers in eastern Syria, the statement said. Iranian officials often use the word "takfiri" to describe Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) fighters.

The powerful military force said at least six missiles were fired into Syria. It added that seven drones were also used to bomb rebel targets during the attack, which killed a number of fighters and destroyed supplies and infrastructure used by the group.
2018-10-02 06:33:19
2018-10-02 09:12:59
CBC:CAQ Majority
2018-10-02 21:24:00
U.S. would destroy banned Russian warheads if necessary: NATO envoy


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Russia must halt its covert development of a banned cruise missile system or the United States will seek to destroy it before it becomes operational, Washington’s envoy to NATO said on Tuesday.

The United States believes Russia is developing a ground-launched system in breach of a Cold War treaty that could allow Russia to launch a nuclear strike on Europe at short notice, but Moscow has consistently denied any such violation.

U.S. ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said Washington remained committed to a diplomat solution but was prepared to consider a military strike if Russian development of the medium-range system continued.

“At that point, we would be looking at the capability to take out a (Russian) missile that could hit any of our countries,” she told a news conference.

“Counter measures (by the United States) would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty,” she added. “They are on notice.”
2018-10-02 21:24:57
China condemns U.S. for South China Sea freedom of navigation operation


BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed anger on Tuesday after a U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the disputed South China Sea, saying it resolutely opposed an operation that it called a threat to its sovereignty.

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the destroyer the USS Decatur traveled within 12 nautical miles of Gaven and Johnson Reefs in the Spratly Islands on Sunday.

The operation was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters, where Chinese, Japanese and some Southeast Asian navies operate.

China’s Defence Ministry said a Chinese naval ship had been sent to warn the U.S. vessel to leave.
2018-10-02 21:25:47
UK's Boris Johnson says: Chuck PM May's Brexit plan


BIRMINGHAM, England (Reuters) - Britain’s former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, called on the Conservative Party to chuck out Prime Minister Theresa May’s “Chequers” Brexit proposals which he said were an attempt to mislead British voters.

“This is the moment to chuck Chequers,” Johnson said to applause and shouts of “bravo” at the Conservative Party conference in the English city of Birmingham on Tuesday.

“If we cheat the electorate, and Chequers is a cheat, we will escalate that sense of mistrust,” he said. “If we get it wrong, if we bottle Brexit now, believe me, the people of this country will find it hard to forgive.”

UK's Boris Johnson: PM May's Brexit plans are an outrage


BIRMINGHAM, England (Reuters) - Boris Johnson, Prime Minister Theresa May’s former foreign secretary, said her Brexit plans were a constitutional outrage that would humiliate the United Kingdom by leaving it under the European Union’s sway for generations to come.

“It would mean that UK business and industry, our entire economy, would be exposed perpetually to regulations that might have been expressly designed at the behest of foreign competitors to do them down,” Johnson told the Conservative Party conference in the English city of Birmingham.

“My fellow Conservatives, this is not democracy. That is not what we voted for,” he said.
2018-10-02 21:39:53
French police raid Islamic center suspected of terror links


French authorities raided the headquarters of an Islamic Shiite association and the homes of its leaders near the northern city of Dunkirk during the early hours of Tuesday morning.

According to regional officials, raids on the Zahra Centre France and about a dozen homes were staged as part of the "prevention of terrorism" procedures. The association's leaders are suspected of supporting terrorist organizations, security sources said.

Eleven people were arrested in the pre-dawn raids according to news agency AFP, three of whom face charges for illegal possession of firearms. The center's assets have also been frozen.

Police said they had been closely monitoring the activities of the Zahra Centre "because of the strong support by its leaders for several terrorist organizations and in favor of movements backing ideas that are contrary to the values" of France.

The group's leader, Yahia Gouasmi, is known for his anti-Zionist views and ties to Iran.
2018-10-02 21:54:33
German detained in Turkey for defaming Erdogan: reports


Another German national was reportedly arrested in Turkey in August, according to an article published by Der Spiegel on Monday.

Hüseyin M., who lives in Brunswick, was reportedly on holiday near the western Turkish city of Izmir when he was detained in an overnight raid. He allegedly faces charges for defaming Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on social media in 2014 and 2015.

According to Spiegel, Hüseyin M. was initially released shortly after being arrested. However, public prosecutors barred the suspect from leaving the country and, because he has no permanent address in Turkey, he was put back in jail.

The first hearing is scheduled for October 11, according to Spiegel.
2018-10-03 18:23:33

BBC Live Blog
2018-10-03 19:25:14
not afraid to leave without a deal if we have to
2018-10-03 19:30:02

May says Corbyn would 'outsource our conscience to Kremlin'
2018-10-03 21:17:47
Full Text: Prime Minister: Our future is in our hands



Theresa May dances on to the stage at the Tory party conference

2018-10-03 21:27:24
Vladimir Putin calls Sergei Skripal a scumbag and a traitor


President Vladimir Putin has called Sergei Skripal, the Russian former double agent poisoned in Britain, a scumbag and a traitor who betrayed Russia.

Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were found slumped on a public bench in the English city of Salisbury in March. Britain says they were poisoned with a nerve agent administered by Russian intelligence officers.

A woman later died from what British police say was contact with the poison, which her partner found in a discarded perfume bottle.

Russia denies any involvement in the affair, which has deepened its international isolation.
2018-10-03 21:36:33
Swedish parties given two weeks to form a government


Sweden's parliamentary speaker has given a centre-right bloc of parties two weeks to form a government, granting its leader a broad mandate that he may struggle to fulfill following inconclusive national elections.

The opposition four-party Alliance won 143 seats in the 349-seat legislative chamber in the ballot on 9 September, one fewer than the centre-left bloc headed by the Social Democrats.

Both blocs face a daunting task to form a government, having ruled out co-operating in government with each other or with the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, which hold the balance of power with 62 seats.
2018-10-03 21:59:45
2018-10-04 21:32:22
U.S. crude oil shipments to China 'totally stopped' amid trade war: shipping executive


HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil shipments to China have “totally stopped”, the President of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co (CMES) said on Wednesday, as the trade war between the world’s two biggest economies takes its toll on what was a fast growing businesses.

Washington and Beijing have slapped steep import tariffs on hundreds of goods in the past months. And although U.S. crude oil exports to China, which only started in 2016, have not yet been included, Chinese oil importers have shied away from new orders recently.

“We are one of the major carriers for crude oil from the U.S. to China. Before (the trade war) we had a nice business, but now it’s totally stopped,” Xie Chunlin, the president of CMES (601872.SS) said on the sidelines of the Global Maritime Forum’s Annual Summit in Hong Kong.

Ship tracking data in Refinitiv Eikon confirmed that U.S. crude oil shipments to China ground to a halt in September.

Exclusive: Saudi Arabia, Russia agreed in September to lift oil output, told U.S.


MOSCOW/DUBAI (Reuters) - Russia and Saudi Arabia struck a private deal in September to raise oil output to cool rising prices and informed the United States before a meeting in Algiers with other producers, four sources familiar with the plan said.

U.S. President Donald Trump has blamed the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) for high crude prices and called on it to boost output to bring down fuel costs before the U.S. congressional elections on Nov. 6.

The deal underlines how Russia and Saudi Arabia are increasingly deciding oil output policies bilaterally, before consulting with the rest of OPEC.

The sources said Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih and his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak agreed during a series of meetings to lift output from September through December as crude headed toward $80 a barrel. It is now over $85.
2018-10-04 21:32:55
Wife of Malaysia's ex-PM Najib charged with money laundering


KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The wife of former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak was charged with 17 money laundering offences on Thursday, as anti-graft agents investigate billions of dollars missing from state coffers.

Rosmah Mansor, criticized for her extravagant lifestyle as first lady of Malaysia, and Najib, are at the center of a wide-ranging graft probe launched after Prime Minster Mahathir Mohamad’s stunning election victory in May.

It was not clear if the charges against Rosmah relate to 1MDB, but Rosmah’s arrest came after three rounds of questioning by anti-graft agents over 1MDB, from which U.S. authorities say over $4.5 billion was misappropriated. Last Wednesday, Rosmah was questioned for nearly 13 hours.
2018-10-04 21:34:06
Dutch government says it disrupted Russian attempt to hack chemical weapons watchdog


THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Dutch authorities disrupted an attempt in April by Russian intelligence agents to hack the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Defence Minister Ank Bijleveld said on Thursday.

At a news conference in The Hague, Bijleveld called on Russia to cease its cyber activities aimed at “undermining” Western democracies.

She noted that the U.S. Department of Justice is expected to issue indictments of suspected Russian spies later on Thursday, in part due to information gleaned from the Dutch operation.

According to a presentation by the head of the Netherlands’ military intelligence agency, four Russians arrived in the Netherlands on April 10 and were caught on the 13th with spying equipment at a hotel next to the OPCW headquarters.
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