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2018-02-09 21:39:28
3月11號 哥倫比亞國會選舉
3月18號 俄羅斯選舉
3月26-28號 埃及總統選舉

1. 預算及移民爭議持續
2. 各個地區初選即將開始
3. Nunes Memo同Demcracts memo 公佈,勢影響FBI調查侵侵通俄指控

1. 英國: 傳May姐相位不穩
2. 德國CDU/CSU與SPD合組政府,默姨姨勢續任總理

1. 土耳其入侵由庫爾德人控制的敘利亞西北部省份
2. 中東多國聯手外交同經濟制裁卡塔爾持續
3. 也門內戰中Hadi政府內訌,其阿聯酋支持派系佔領亞丁

1. 平昌冬季奧運,文仔繼續被金仔撚
2. 羅興亞難民事件持續
3. TPP改名為CPTPP,將於三月正式簽署

Post I: https://lihkg.com/thread/443907/page/1
Post II: https://lihkg.com/thread/485104/page/1
2018-02-09 21:41:13
Turkish warplanes strike Kurdish militia targets in Syria: army


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish warplanes hit Kurdish YPG militia targets in Syria’s Afrin region, the army said on Friday, and a monitoring group reported that seven fighters and two civilians were killed in strikes.

The overnight attacks came after a lull in Turkish air strikes following the shooting down of a Russian warplane elsewhere in Syria last weekend.

The air strikes destroyed 19 targets including ammunition depots, shelters and gun positions, the armed forces said in a statement without specifying when the raids were conducted. The raids began at midnight, state-run Anadolu news agency said.
2018-02-09 21:42:01
侵: I will be meeting with Henry Kissinger at 1:45pm. Will be discussing North Korea, China and the Middle East.

2018-02-09 21:43:38
2018-02-09 21:43:50

Youth wing demands change in Merkel's party after coalition concessions


BERLIN (Reuters) - The youth wing of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives on Friday demanded the bloc renew itself and build up a successor, warning it does not have much time after securing a much criticized coalition deal.

The chancellor, who long seemed impervious to criticism from within her own ranks, has faced a barrage of complaints since Wednesday’s agreement, which left her bloc with six ministers - the same number as the SPD, which fared considerably worse in September’s national election.

Discontent runs so deep that her party colleagues are even starting to talk about who should ultimately replace her. That marks a major shift since Merkel has not previously faced a credible challenge to her rule in the more than 12 years she has spent at the helm of Europe’s pre-eminent power broker.

If the CDU does not make headway with a renewal that puts up fresh faces and increases diversity “the mood will remain very, very bad”, he told German broadcaster Deutschlandfunk.

“We want younger people, younger politicians to be part of the government and party leadership,” he said. “We don’t have much more time.”
2018-02-09 21:45:26

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has harsh words for apparent successor Martin Schulz


In an interview with the Funke media group newspapers to be published on Friday, foreign minister in the last government Sigmar Gabriel had some harsh words for Martin Schulz and for the Social Democratic Party (SPD) which he had led for eight years, from 2009 until 2017.

Gabriel complained of a lack of appreciation from Schulz's new SPD leadership for his work as foreign minister which, he said, had been praised by the wider public. "I have enjoyed carrying out the role of foreign minister," Gabriel said in the interview. "And in the eyes of the public I have clearly fulfilled my duties."

"It is clear unfortunately, that the public's regard for my work meant absolutely nothing to the new SPD leadership," Gabriel said.

While the 58-year-old Gabriel admitted that it was the right of the leadership to replace ministers, he regretted the way it had been done: "The only thing left, really, is remorse over how disrespectful we've become with one another in our dealings and how little someone's word still counts," he said.
2018-02-09 21:47:46

佢本On China仲未開始睇
2018-02-09 21:55:36
Germany's Martin Schulz drops bid for foreign minister job after SPD pressure


The head of Germany's Social Democrats (SPD) Martin Schulz said on Friday that he would no longer be pursuing any ministerial post within the next German government, including the job of foreign minister, following increased pressure over the past few days from his party.

Schulz, the former president of the European Parliament, said he believed the internal squabble within his party risked jeopardizing a pending coalition deal with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives that was agreed upon on Wednesday.
2018-02-09 21:57:17
2018-02-09 22:00:55
The Art of the Deal
2018-02-09 22:15:21
SPD 黨員會唔會否決Grand coalition
2018-02-09 23:21:18
應該唔會,根據opinion poll比較多人想有GroKo。SPD今次係咁低得票攞到財相,其實叫賺咗,當然仲要睇youth wing的反對係唔係仲係咁強硬,不過SPD支持者其實比一月時更支持組成GroKo,所以大家可以睇多默姨姨多一陣。


2018-02-10 00:11:55
Jacob Zuma could step down as South African president 'within days'


Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, is expected to leave office within days, parliamentarians from the ruling African National Congress party have said.

Zuma, who is facing multiple charges of corruption, has been negotiating the terms of his departure with Cyril Ramaphosa, the ANC leader.

Ramaphosa pulled out of public events to focus on “pressing matters” on Friday, fuelling speculation that he was making a final push to convince Zuma, 75, to step down as South Africa’s head of state before a major ANC rally on Sunday.
2018-02-10 00:28:16
2018-02-10 01:01:13
等變做shithole country啦
2018-02-10 09:40:20
Trump declines to approve release of Dem counter-memo

President Trump is not ready to approve the release of a Democratic memo meant to rebut a controversial document released by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee last week, the White House says.

White House counsel Don McGahn announced the decision in a letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on Friday.

"Although the President is inclined to declassify the February 5th Memorandum, because the Memorandum contains numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages, he is unable to do so at this time," McGahn wrote.
2018-02-10 09:44:11
A second White House official has resigned over domestic abuse allegations, according to the White House.

Speechwriter David Sorensen, who worked at the Council on Environmental Quality, part of the Executive Office of the President, submitted his resignation after being confronted by White House officials, said deputy press secretary Raj Shah.

Sorensen’s departure was first reported by the Washington Post.

It comes amid the ongoing fallout from the resignation of staff secretary Rob Porter following allegations from his two ex-wives that he was verbally and physically abusive during their marriages.
2018-02-10 09:45:39
Second White House staffer resigns amid abuse allegations


A second White House official has resigned over domestic abuse allegations, according to the White House.

Speechwriter David Sorensen, who worked at the Council on Environmental Quality, part of the Executive Office of the President, submitted his resignation after being confronted by White House officials, said deputy press secretary Raj Shah.

Sorensen’s departure was first reported by the Washington Post.

It comes amid the ongoing fallout from the resignation of staff secretary Rob Porter following allegations from his two ex-wives that he was verbally and physically abusive during their marriages.

The Post interviewed Sorensen’s ex-wife, Jessica Corbett, who said he had been physically and verbally abusive. Corbett told the Post that she informed the FBI of his behavior.

2018-02-10 11:55:31
2018-02-10 16:09:57

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