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2018-10-04 21:34:44
Senate panel gets FBI report on misconduct accusations against Kavanaugh


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Judiciary Committee said on Thursday it has received the FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and lawmakers will review the document later in the day, ahead of a key procedural vote on Friday.

White House spokesman Raj Shah said on Twitter the administration also received the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s report and was “fully confident” the Senate would approve his nomination.

The White House found no corroboration of the allegations against Kavanaugh in the report, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

Senator Chuck Grassley, the head of the Judiciary Committee, said on Twitter that he and the panel’s top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein, have agreed to “alternating equal access for senators to study the contents” of the FBI report.
2018-10-05 00:42:00
[推到完場]mike pence 屌9中國
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2018-10-05 07:11:25

CSU 創新低
2018-10-05 08:19:17
右轉的結果係有部分moderate 去咗Green
2018-10-05 08:21:56
2018-10-05 21:21:53
[繼續討論]Mike pence 屌9 中國及香港前途

2018-10-05 21:33:33
India quietly seals missile deal with Russia despite U.S. warning


NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India agreed a deal with Russia to buy S-400 surface to air missile systems on Friday, the two sides said, as New Delhi disregarded U.S. warnings that such a purchase could trigger sanctions under U.S. law.

Although there was no public signing, the deal was sealed during President Vladimir Putin’s ongoing visit to New Delhi for an annual summit with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The United States has said countries trading with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors would face automatic sanctions under a sweeping legislation called Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

A State Department spokesperson said this week that the implementation of the sanctions act would be focused at countries acquiring weapons such as the S-400 missile batteries.
2018-10-05 21:34:12
Israel's prime minister questioned again in corruption probe


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli police questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the 12th time on Friday in connection with a long-running corruption investigation.

Investigators questioned Netanyahu’s for several hours at his official residence in Jerusalem. Army Radio and other news outlets said questioning focused on two cases in which police have already recommended indictments against him.

One case deals with gifts allegedly given to Netanyahu and his family, and the other with claims he discussed securing better coverage in Yedioth Ahronoth, one of Israel’s largest newspapers, in return for curbs on rival daily Israel Hayom.

No charges have been brought against the Israeli leader, who denies any wrongdoing and has called the allegations baseless.

It will be up to Israel’s attorney general to decide whether to file charges. Partners in Netanyahu’s governing coalition have stood by him, saying they are awaiting the attorney general’s next moves.
2018-10-05 21:44:11
Lebanese party dials down optimism on government breakthrough


BEIRUT (Reuters) - The leader of one of Lebanon’s main Christian parties said on Friday he didn’t want to create “artificial optimism” about a breakthrough in talks over a new government, a day after Prime Minister-designate Saad al-Hariri said one would be formed soon.

Five months since a parliamentary election, Lebanese politicians remain unable to agree on how to share out ministerial portfolios in the new unity government that Hariri is trying to form.

Hariri said on Thursday the new government, expected to comprise 30 ministers, would be formed within a week to 10 days because the economy could not tolerate further delay. He called on all sides to make concessions.

But Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader Gebran Bassil, in a televised news conference on Friday, stuck by his demand that the FPM bloc get six portfolios in the new government. The FPM is the biggest Christian party in parliament.
2018-10-05 21:44:36
Poll shows Bolsonaro in lead before Brazil's Sunday presidential vote


SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilian far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro took a commanding first-round lead, according to a Datafolha poll released Thursday, though he is still short of votes to win the election outright this weekend and avoid a runoff vote.

The poll found Bolsonaro had 35 percent support, a 3 percentage point jump since Tuesday. His nearest rival, Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers Party, stood at 22 percent. The pair remain deadlocked in a possible runoff vote, Datafolha said.

The poll showed Bolsonaro has 39 percent of the valid votes, 11 points short of a majority needed for a first-round victory. Failing that, the two top vote-getters will face off on Oct. 28.
2018-10-05 21:45:27
2018-10-05 21:56:24
Germany warns Russia over cyberattacks


The German government on Friday called on Russia to desist from carrying out cyberattacks in other countries, adding its voice to those of Britain and the Netherlands.

"We sharply condemn such attacks on international organizations and institutions of our allies and call on Russia to meet its responsibility and cease such actions," government Spokesman Steffen Seibert said in Berlin.

He said that Germany, like Britain, believed that the Russian military intelligence agency GRU was, "with almost absolute certainty," behind the APT28 cyberespionage campaign, which attacked a number of targets worldwide, including the German Bundestag and government data network.

If such attacks were successful, Seibert said, they could directly threaten public security and "in principle also our democracy," making it imperative that Germany ensured it was ready and able to take action in the digital sphere.

He emphasized the importance of working together with other states to defend against such attacks.
2018-10-05 21:58:59
Head of Interpol, Meng Hongwei, missing after China trip


French authorities have opened an investigation into the whereabouts of the head of Interpol, police sources told several news outlets on Friday.

Meng Hongwei, a Chinese national who was elected head of Interpol in 2016, traveled to China at the end of September and has not been heard from since, his wife told police.

Interpol told DW it was "aware of media reports in connection with the alleged disappearance of Interpol President Meng Hongwei."

"This is a matter for the relevant authorities in both France and China," it said in a statement, but stressed day-to-day operations were run by the secretary general Jürgen Stock of Germany, not the president.

Meng served as Chinese Vice Minister of Public Security before he succeeded French policewoman Mireille Ballestrazzi, becoming the first Chinese official to hold the post.
2018-10-06 18:39:13
Romania marriage poll: One man, one woman definition up for vote


Romanians are deciding this weekend whether a family should revolve around a married man and woman.

The two-day vote on changing their constitution has been portrayed by supporters of the referendum as a way of protecting the status of the "traditional" family.

Opponents warn it will come at the expense of same-sex couples, single parents and children too.

And there are accusations that the whole exercise is a sideshow to distract from a corruption case involving the leader of the ruling party.

Romania does not recognise gay marriage or civil unions, and the referendum does not change that. Instead, it is about clarifying the language in the constitution.

Article 48 says the family "is founded on the freely consented marriage of the spouses". A Yes vote would change that to "marriage between a man and a woman".

"We want to protect, at a constitutional level, the definition of marriage - between one woman and one man," says Mihai Gheorghiu, president of the pro-referendum Coalition for Family.
2018-10-06 18:40:57
Brett Kavanaugh: Key senators back embattled Supreme Court choice


Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court seat looks all but confirmed after he won the backing of key senators despite an FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations.

Republican Senator Susan Collins and Joe Manchin, a Democrat, both indicated their backing for the judge on Friday.

Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation would tilt America's highest court in favour of conservatives.

The court has the final say on issues such as abortion and gun control.

A final vote on whether Judge Kavanaugh will join the nine-member panel is scheduled for Saturday. If confirmed, the position is for life.

Hours before the undecided senators indicated their backing, the US Senate narrowly advanced President Donald Trump's nominee to a final vote by voting to strictly limit debate on the issue.

Friday's "cloture" vote - 51-49 in favour - was a test of support for the embattled nominee who has faced allegations of sexual misconduct from three women, including Prof Christine Blasey Ford.

2018-10-06 18:43:30
Pompeo pledges coordination with Japan in North Korea talks, to raise abduction issue


TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Saturday he would coordinate closely with Japan during denuclearization talks with North Korea and promised to raise the issue of the abductions of Japanese citizens in his meetings in Pyongyang.

“We will have a fully coordinated, unified view of how to proceed, which will be what is needed if it is going to be successful in denuclearizing North Korea,” Pompeo told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo. “We will bring up the issue of the abductees as well,” he said.

Abe thanked Pompeo, who arrived in Tokyo on Saturday, for coming to Japan before he meets North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday.

Pompeo also said Japan and the United States were in a position to finalize a trade agreement after Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump discussed the issue in New York last month.
2018-10-06 19:31:29
Christine Blasey Ford vs Brett Kavanaugh 聽證會有無人睇? (2)

2018-10-07 00:19:41
WATCH LIVE: Final Senate Vote On Kavanaugh Nomination Expected Saturday

2018-10-07 09:12:49
Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to US supreme court after Senate votes in favour


The US Senate has voted to confirm judge Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court, handing Donald Trump a major victory and America a bench expected to tilt to the right for the next generation.

The vote was almost a foregone conclusion after the dominant Republican party secured majority support during a procedural vote on Friday amid crackling tension, furious protests and high drama on Capitol Hill.

But the final vote was still a monumental development in a sharply divided America. It came down to stark political loyalties in the face of multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh from his past, which brought up current questions about his honesty, temperament and partisanship during testimony.

Kavanaugh has strongly denied all allegations of such misconduct. Votes fell almost entirely along party lines and the nomination passed narrowly, 50-48, one of the closest votes in the history of the court. The vote was interrupted at least four times by protesters in the gallery.
2018-10-07 09:14:06
Saudi journalist 'killed inside consulate' – Turkish sources


Turkish officials believe that missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and his body later driven from the compound.

Authorities say they believe Khashoggi’s death was premeditated and that Saudi officials had travelled to Istanbul from Riyadh after receiving word that the high-profile critic of the current Saudi leadership planned to visit the consulate.

In an evening of quickfire developments, following four days of silence since his disappearance, officials in Ankara pledged to on Sunday release evidence that they say supports claims that the journalist was killed shortly after he entered the consulate to sign divorce papers. The evidence is expected to include video footage and focus on a black car.

Two Turkish officials claimed to Reuters that Khashoggi, 59, had been killed. The Reuters claim was circulated by a government spokesman, and confirmed by numerous other officials, some of whom claimed to have knowledge of how the body had been disposed of. Several officials alleged, without tabling evidence, that Khashoggi had first been tortured.

Officials believe that a team of 15 Saudis arrived on Tuesday to conduct the killing, then left the country soon afterwards.
2018-10-07 10:07:20
Latvia exit polls put pro-Russia Harmony party ahead


Shortly after voting stations closed, exit polls put Latvia's pro-Russian Harmony party ahead with 19.4 percent of the vote in the general election.

Left-leaning Harmony is the country's largest party but to date has been unable to form a government.

The parties in the current ruling coalition — the Union of Greens and Farmers of Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis, the National Alliance and Unity — were on track to lose their collective majority, according to the exit polls. That result would mean they would have to find at least one other coalition member to form a majority government.

In the previous government, the Harmony party was the country's largest with 24 parliamentary seats, but other Latvian parties refused to join it in a coalition over suspicions of its links with Moscow, despite its pro-EU stance. In enjoys broad support from the Russian minority, which accounts for about 25 percent of Latvia's nearly 2 million people, after nearly 50 years of Soviet occupation that ended in 1991.
2018-10-07 10:10:14
Bosnians vote in polls haunted by nationalist rivalries


SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Bosnians go to the polls on Sunday to decide if their country will pursue a path toward European Union membership and NATO integration or sink deeper into ethnic strife and further fragmentation.

More than two decades after a war in which 100,000 died, leading Serb, Croat and Muslim Bosniak parties are campaigning on nationalist tickets, reviving wartime pledges in programs that fail to offer any clear economic or political visions.

About 3.35 million registered voters will take part in the presidential and parliamentary elections, choosing members of Bosnia’s tripartite inter-ethnic presidency, consisting of a Bosniak, a Croat and a Serb, and lawmakers for parliament’s lower house.

They will also select leaders and assemblies of its two autonomous regions - the Serb Republic and the Bosniak-Croat Federation, and of the Federation’s 10 cantons.

Polling stations will open at 7 a.m. (5 a.m. GMT) and close at 7 p.m. (5 p.m. GMT). The first preliminary results are expected at midnight.
2018-10-07 10:12:38
Brazil's far-right Bolsonaro grows lead with run-off victory in sight


BRASILIA/SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil’s far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro has increased his lead over leftist Fernando Haddad on the eve of Sunday’s divisive presidential election, but they are deadlocked in a likely run-off vote on Oct. 28, two polls showed on Saturday.

The most polarized election since the end of military rule in 1985 pits Bolsonaro, a former Army captain running on a law-and-order and anti-corruption platform, against Haddad of the Workers Party (PT).

Bolsonaro rose four points to 36 percent in three days, while Haddad dropped one point to 22 percent, the Ibope polling firm said in a survey aired on TV Globo. The Datafolha firm had Bolsonaro up one point at 36 percent and Haddad unchanged at 22 percent since a previous survey two days ago.

Both the Ibope and Datafolha polls showed Bolsonaro and Haddad statistically tied in a run-off vote, required if no candidate takes a majority on Sunday.
2018-10-07 19:02:31
Dissatisfied Latvians turn to newcomers in parliamentary election


RIGA (Reuters) - Dissatisfied Latvians rejected the right-of-center ruling coalition in Saturday’s parliamentary election but suspicion of the left-leaning pro-Russia party makes it likely the next government will be another formation of ethnic Latvian parties to the right.

The result means a confirmation of the European Union and NATO member’s role as a bulwark against Russia in the increasingly hostile relationship between the West and President Vladimir Putin.

Latvians, fed up with corruption and weak democracy in the Baltic country of 2 million, punished the ruling three-party coalition, which lost almost half of its votes, mostly to two newcomers.

The populist KPV LV and anti-corruption New Conservatives won 14.1 and 13.6 percent respectively to become the second- and third-biggest parties.

The pro-Russia party Harmony, which is supported by ethnic Russians who make up a quarter of the population, took 19.9 percent of the vote but will find it almost impossible to be part of any government.
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