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2018-08-02 22:06:26

2018-08-03 09:15:26
Emmerson Mnangagwa declared winner in Zimbabwe presidential election


The electoral commission announced the presidential election results province by province late on Thursday night and declared Mnangagwa president shortly after midnight with 2.46 million votes against 2.15 million for his rival Nelson Chamisa.

Mnangagwa led Chamisa by some 230,000 votes after nine of the ten provinces had been declared. Mnangagwa had 53 percent or 2.15 million votes counted over Chamisa's 47 percent or 1.92 million votes.

After the first four of ten provincial results, Chamisa's opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had a lead of about 50,000 votes over the ruling ZANU-PF but after the fifth province was announced, the lead had switched to Mnangagwa.

When the final province was reported, Mnangagwa's share of the vote was declared at 50.8 percent by the electoral commission. Chamisa's share was 44.3 percent of the total vote.

The announcement came after clashes between opposition protesters and soldiers in Harare left at least six people dead. The unrest marred what had been billed as an important milestone in Zimbabwe's efforts to return to democracy following 37 years of repression under longtime leader Robert Mugabe.
2018-08-03 09:17:52
2018-08-03 09:24:10
Merkel’s conservatives at record low, far right at record high: poll


German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives fell to a record low while the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) rose to a record high in a new poll out Thursday.

Merkel’s CDU/CSU bloc fell to 29 percent support in the DeutschlandTrend survey — the first time the alliance has ever fallen below the 30 percent mark in the poll by public broadcaster ARD.

The AfD — which was credited with stealing away some support from the conservative parties in last September’s election — hit a new high of 17 percent support.

Merkel’s junior coalition partner the Social Democrats were at 18 percent, meaning the coalition parties were favored by a combined 47 percent of respondents — the lowest level of support they have received in the DeutschlandTrend survey.
2018-08-03 22:25:51
Exclusive: Bannon blasts 'con artist' Kochs, 'lame duck' Ryan, 'diminished' Kelly


Stephen Bannon is ratcheting up his war on the Koch network, accusing the billionaire brothers of running “a conscious scam” and a “con job.”

He also has a warning for Republican candidates in November’s midterm elections who might be thinking of distancing themselves from President Trump: Don’t do it.

GOP candidates need to get in lockstep with the president, Trump’s former chief strategist insists.

But that’s not all.

Bannon, a long time foe of establishment Republicans, says Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) “should have been removed” as soon as he announced his decision not to seek reelection and is “retiring very simply because he never supported President Trump."

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, whose arrival at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was soon followed by Bannon’s departure, is someone whose power is “definitely diminished” and who is chief of staff in name only — despite reportedly having accepted Trump’s offer to stay through 2020.

“First off, Chief of Staff qua Chief of Staff, he’s not chief of staff — I mean, let’s be blunt,” Bannon said.
2018-08-03 22:28:34
White House adviser Kudlow: EU trade announcements seen within 30 days


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Friday said the United States and the European Union were making strong progress in trade talks and could announce some agreements within the next month.

“We’re breaking ground,” Kudlow said in an interview on Bloomberg TV. “We will have a number of announcements coming up, I hope, in the next thirty or so days with respect to transactions and market opening and increased investments with the European Union.”

China unveils retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion of U.S. goods in latest salvo


BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday announced retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods ranging from liquefied natural gas (LNG) to some aircraft and warned of further measures, signaling that it won’t back down in a protracted trade war with Washington.

China’s finance ministry unveiled new sets of additional tariffs on 5,207 goods imported from the United States, ranging from 5 to 25 percent.

Among U.S. products targeted were a wide range of agricultural and energy products such as beef and LNG. LNG’s inclusion marks a deployment by Beijing of one of its last major weapons from its energy and commodities arsenal in its fight with Washington.
2018-08-03 22:30:07
Bangladesh teenagers demanding road safety paralyse Dhaka


Thousands of Bangladeshi high school students have been protesting for a fifth day after two teenagers were killed by a speeding bus.

The demonstrators, demanding justice and road safety measures, have brought the capital Dhaka to a virtual standstill.

A government minister has accused them of hypocrisy, triggering further anger.

The education ministry has closed high schools across the country and promised to take their demands into account.

However, this did not end the protests.

"They should have taken our demands seriously, but they didn't," Imran Ahmed, a protesting student, told AFP.
2018-08-04 14:09:51
Trump ex-campaign chief Manafort's 'income doctored'


An accountant for Donald Trump's former election campaign chief Paul Manafort says she helped disguise his foreign income so he could pay less in tax.

Cindy Laporta told the court in Alexandria, Virginia, she had been told to concoct a $900,000 (£690,000) loan on his tax return in 2015.

Mr Manafort is facing charges of bank fraud, tax fraud, and failing to report foreign bank accounts.

The former political consultant has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Last month, Mr Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for three months, was accused by prosecutors of using numerous accounts in order to evade tax.
2018-08-04 14:10:43
U.S. pledges nearly $300 million security funding for Southeast Asia


SINGAPORE (Reuters) - U.S Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged on Saturday to provide nearly $300 million in new security funding for Southeast Asia.

Pompeo unveiled the figure to reporters on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign ministers from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other officials from around the world in Singapore.

The United States said earlier this week it will invest $113 million in technology, energy and infrastructure initiatives in emerging Asia which he called “a downpayment on a new era of U.S. economic commitment to the region”.
2018-08-04 14:11:23
North Korea has not stopped nuclear, missile program: confidential U.N. report


UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea has not stopped its nuclear and missile programs in violation of United Nations sanctions, according to a confidential UN report seen by Reuters on Friday.

The six-month report by independent experts monitoring the implementation of U.N. sanctions was submitted to the Security Council North Korea sanctions committee late on Friday.

The North Korean mission to the United Nations did not respond to a request for comment on the report.
2018-08-04 14:45:26

2018-08-04 19:21:19
洗乜普京教, 佢兩個祖輩玩左幾廿年都係呢招, 咁多年黎都唔知反左幾多次口
2018-08-05 07:53:33
Venezuela President Maduro 'survives drone attack'


Venezuelan officials say explosive drones went off as President Nicolás Maduro was giving a live televised speech in Caracas, but he is unharmed.

Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez said this was an attempt on Mr Maduro's life, and seven soldiers were injured.

Mr Maduro was seen speaking at an outdoor military event when he and others suddenly looked upwards - startled. The audio then went.

Dozens of soldiers were seen running away before the broadcast was cut off.
2018-08-05 20:28:52
Rifts widen in Italy as ‘racism’ of Salvini upsets Five Star Movement


Ruptures are starting to show in Italy’s populist coalition as anti-immigration moves by Matteo Salvini, interior minister and leader of the far-right League, unsettle senior politicians from his ally, the Five Star Movement (M5S), and the party’s core voters.

Voters from across the political spectrum flocked to the anti-establishment movement founded by TV comedian Beppe Grillo in 2010. They were attracted by its stance on corruption, but also by the party’s pledge to help small businesses, slash red tape and lift people out of poverty, and by its emphasis on the environment.

But two months into the M5S-League coalition government some have major doubts. Last week Roberto Fico, M5S MP and president of the chamber of deputies, spoke out against a controversial pact with Libya that sees migrants forcibly returned to war-riven north Africa.

He has also clashed with Salvini over his xenophobic rhetoric and blocking of Italian ports to rescue ships. “I don’t want to close the ports,” he said. “We need to talk about immigration with intelligence and heart.”
2018-08-05 20:29:43
Liam Fox says no-deal Brexit now more likely than an agreement


The UK appears set to crash out of the EU without a Brexit deal due to the “intransigence” of the Brussels machine, Liam Fox has claimed.

The international trade secretary put the chances of a no-deal Brexit at “60-40” despite both sides saying they wanted to reach an agreement on the terms of the UK’s departure from the bloc in March 2019.

The prominent Brexiter said he believed the risk of a no-deal scenario had increased, pinning the blame on the European commission and Brussels’ chief negotiator, Michel Barnier.

He said Barnier had dismissed the UK’s proposals in the Chequers plan thrashed out by Theresa May and the cabinet because “we have never done it before”.

The government has admitted its proposals are unprecedented, but Fox said Barnier’s response “makes the chance of no deal greater”.
2018-08-05 22:39:36
Trump poised to re-impose sanctions on Iran


The Trump administration on Monday is set to re-impose the first batch of Iran sanctions since the U.S. withdrew from the nuclear deal.

The more significant tranche of sanctions, including on oil sales, won’t come back into force until November.

But Monday’s action fires a shot across the bow, telling businesses, European allies and Iran that President Trump is serious about keeping the United States out of what he’s called the “worst deal ever negotiated.”

The more significant wind-down was a 180-day period that ends Nov. 4. Sanctions that can be put back into place on that date target Iran’s energy and banking sectors.

Monday ends another, 90-day period after which the U.S. can sanction transactions with U.S. dollar banknotes; trade in gold and precious metals; direct or indirect sales of graphite, raw or semi-finished metals; and Iran’s automotive sector. Additionally, licenses for exporting commercial aircraft to Iran, as well as related parts and services, are set to be revoked.
2018-08-06 13:44:55
Germans debate return of military conscription and service for men and women


Germany's ruling CDU party has launched a debate on reinstating military conscription and offering young men and women a chance to serve their country in other ways. A recent poll shows Germans are in favor of the idea.

As the German military struggles to fill its ranks, representatives of Angela Merkel's CDU party started a nationwide discussion on the return of mandatory military service.

The general conscription was scrapped in 2011 after Berlin decided to professionalize its troops. Prior to this decision, all young males were obligated to either serve in the nation's military, the Bundeswehr, or perform an alternative service in civilian areas such as emergency management or medical care for a limited period of time.

Currently, the Bundeswehr consists only of career soldiers and long-term contract troopers, although the army still offers an option of short-term paid military service to young volunteers.
2018-08-06 13:45:28
South Sudan factions sign peace deal, Riek Machar to return to a VP post


South Sudan's President Salva Kiir announced a wide-ranging deal to incorporate warring factions into the government on Sunday, following a meeting with his arch-rival Riek Machar and an alliance of opposition leaders.

"I believe that this agreement will be implemented with the spirit of togetherness," Kiir said on South Sudan television. "Whoever signed this agreement will remain committed to it so that we rescue the suffering of our peoples."

Most notably, the deal would see rebel leader Machar reclaim the office of vice-president, which he lost after Kiir accused him of plotting a coup in 2013. However, Machar would be only the most senior of five vice-presidents under Kiir.

In order to accommodate the demands of various factions, the new government would also be made up of 550 lawmakers and 35 ministers.

Foreign observers remain skeptical of the project, citing well-known animosity between Kiir and Machar and a string of previous peace deals that failed soon after being signed.
2018-08-06 13:47:03


2018-08-06 22:36:25
Trump admits son met Russian in 2016 for information on Clinton


Donald Trump has admitted for the first time that his son met a Kremlin-connected lawyer in 2016 to collect information about Hillary Clinton, but insists the meeting was legal.

In one of a series of Sunday morning tweets issued in apparent reaction to a CNN report, the US president wrote: “Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!”

That explanation differs entirely from one given by Trump 13 months ago, when a statement dictated by the president but released under the name of Donald Trump Jr read: “We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago.”
2018-08-06 22:39:22
Bangladeshi photographer held as crackdown intensifies


Police in Bangladesh have arrested a prize-winning photographer for “provocative comments” made in an al-Jazeera interview about protests that have convulsed the country for more than a week.

More than 100 people were injured at the weekend during a demonstration over road safety as police fired teargas and rubber bullets and crowds of people attacked protesters, photographers and the US ambassador’s car.

At least 20 plainclothes officers picked up Shahidul Alam, 63, at his home in the capital, Dhaka, at about 10pm on Sunday, hours after his comments were broadcast by the Qatar-based TV station, his colleague Abir Abdullah told Agence France-Presse.

One Monday, Moshiur Rahman, a police official, said: “He has been brought to our office early this morning. We are interrogating him for giving false information to different media and for provocative comments.

“He could not give proper answers. He admitted that these were his personal opinions.” The official added that police would take legal action against the photographer.

Activists said they feared Alam could be charged under section 57 of Bangladesh’s Information Communications Technology Act, a broad law against electronic communication that “tends to deprave or corrupt” or prejudices the image of the state.
2018-08-07 03:10:41
Trump Jr.:

1. 出聲明A, 話同俄羅斯女律師兼情報人員個會係為左傾adoption, 唔係為左競選活動

2. 愈爆愈勁, 改口, 出聲明B, 話個會其實有預期會拎到Hillary負面資訊, 但最後都係傾adoption


1. NYT爆呢單出黎前, 佢唔知有呢個會

2. 係仔個聲明A唔關佢事

3. 聲明A關佢事,但佢只係簽名

4. 聲明A其實係由佢主導

5. 聲明A係不實聲明, 但唔係呈堂用, 只係畀「phony NYT」, 所以唔關事(??)

6. 阿仔同俄女個會就係為左拎Hillary黑幕(阿仔: WTF?), 但合法o架喎(??), 個個都做o架啦(史上第一個接受外國情資嘅總統競選團)

7. 我事前都係唔知有呢個會(但佢律師話佢知情)

個timeline煩到有個獨立wiki page


其實即係咁, 個會有Trump Jr, 有Kushner, 有Manafort, 係Trump Tower搞
即係個會有佢個仔, 有佢女婿, 有佢競選主席, 個會係自己地頭搞
我都唔明, 點解佢話自己堅唔知會有人信
2018-08-07 10:14:36
trump: collusion is not a crime
2018-08-07 18:40:00
US to fully enforce reimposed Iran nuclear sanctions


President Donald Trump says he will fully enforce the sanctions being reimposed on Iran as a result of the US withdrawal from a 2015 nuclear deal.

Measures targeting Iran's automotive sector as well as its trade in gold and other key metals will take effect from 00:01 EDT (04:01 GMT) on Tuesday.

Mr Trump believes the economic pressure will force Iran to agree to a new deal and end its "malign" activities.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said the act was "psychological warfare".

EU acts to protect firms from Donald Trump's sanctions against Iran


The EU has launched an attempt to protect European businesses from Donald Trump’s sanctions against Iran as the US administration voiced its intent to apply maximum pressure on Tehran by vigorously applying its punitive measures.

The sanctions are to enter into force at midnight (US east coast time). At the same time, a blocking statute – last used to protect EU firms from US sanctions against Cuba – will be brought into force in an attempt to insulate firms and keep alive a deal designed to limit the Iranian government’s nuclear aspirations.

European firms have been instructed that they should not comply with demands from the White House for them to drop all business with Iran. Those who decide to pull out because of US sanctions will need to be granted authorisation from the European commission, without which they face the risk of being sued by EU member states.

A mechanism has also been opened to allow EU businesses affected by the sanctions to sue the US administration in the national courts of member states.

Iran sanctions: Trump warns trading partners


US President Donald Trump has issued a strong warning to anyone trading with Iran, following his re-imposition of sanctions on the country.

"Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States," the president tweeted.

Some re-imposed sanctions took effect overnight and tougher ones relating to oil exports will begin in November.

Mr Trump has called the deal "one-sided", "disastrous" and the "worst I've ever seen". He believes renewed economic pressure will force Iran to agree to a new deal and end its "malign" activities.

His tweet early on Tuesday was a warning to business partners, after the EU announced it would try to shield companies continuing to trade with Iran.

He also praised the "most biting sanctions ever imposed" and said they would "ratchet up to another level" in November.

"I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!" he said.

Rouhani: Iran cannot talk to US while under sanctions

2018-08-07 18:41:20
Saudi Arabia suspends Toronto flights in row with Canada


Saudi Arabia's state airliner has suspended its direct flights to Toronto after Canada called for the release of detained activists for civil society and women's rights.

The Middle Eastern country has also frozen all trade and expelled Canada's ambassador over the "interference".

Canada has responded by saying it "will continue to advocate for human rights".

Those held include the Saudi-American human rights campaigner Samar Badawi, sister of jailed blogger Raif Badawi.

Last Tuesday, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said at least 15 human rights defenders and women's rights activists critical of the Saudi government had been arrested or detained arbitrarily since 15 May.

Eight of them are believed to have been released pending "procedural reviews", but the whereabouts of several others are unknown.

Several of those detained have been accused of serious crimes, including "suspicious contact with foreign parties", and could face up to 20 years in prison.

Human rights groups reported that Ms Badawi was also detained last week, along with fellow women's rights campaigner Nassima al-Sadah.
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