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2018-07-23 17:25:33
[練乙錚] 侵侵加碼、大大「震驚」,點解?

2018-07-24 03:35:41
2018-07-24 14:19:41
首條地鐵將完工 巴基斯坦恐為「一帶一路」首個破產國






2018-07-24 14:20:33
North Korea: satellite images show dismantling of missile test facilities – report


Satellite images indicate North Korea has begun dismantling key facilities at a site used to develop engines for ballistic missiles, in a first step toward fulfilling a pledge made to US President Donald Trump at a June summit, reports a Washington-based think tank.

The images from 20 July showed work at the Sohae satellite launching station to dismantle a building used to assemble space-launch vehicles and a nearby rocket engine test stand used to develop liquid-fuel engines for ballistic missiles and space-launch vehicles, the 38 North think tank said.

“Since these facilities are believed to have played an important role in the development of technologies for the North’s intercontinental ballistic missile program, these efforts represent a significant confidence-building measure on the part of North Korea,” it said in a report.

2018-07-24 16:29:56
2018-07-25 11:24:51
歐洲動態: 真正脫歐大臣


// 英國首相文翠珊(Theresa May)趁國會放暑假前最後一天工作,在24日通知國會,她調整了政府就脫歐的工作分配,政壇立即覺得:只上任兩週的脫歐大臣藍韜文(Dominic Raab,截圖右)被貶職了,真正脫歐大臣是羅賓斯(Olly Robbins)//

// 文翠珊就脫歐工作分配作了以下宣佈:





// 現在突兀之處在於,整體負責處理脫歐的部門變成內閣辦公室歐洲小組,再非脫歐部,脫歐部被降格了,於是大家都有個感覺,就是作為這個小組組長兼文翠珊的脫歐問題顧問羅賓斯,才是脫歐工作的真正第二號人物,藍韜文作為政治任命官員反而好像變成羅賓斯的跟班。 //

// 羅賓斯現年43歲,2016年出任首位脫歐部常任秘書前是在內政部出任第二常任秘書,文翠珊擔任內政大臣時已跟他合作過。文翠珊去年9月把他調任首相府,擔任其脫歐事務顧問後,當時仍是脫歐大臣的戴德偉(David Davis)已被架空,絕大部份決策都在直接向首相滙報的內閣辦公室進行,不少脫歐政策文件、包括文翠珊現在力推的脫歐方案Chequers Plan,盛傳都是內閣辦公室及首相府制訂及拍板,戴德偉在披露前都沒看過。 //

// 保守黨內的強硬脫歐派對這個安排一定不滿意(亦已立即有人批評)。藍韜文在公投期間是脫歐派,強硬脫歐派會對他較對羅賓斯或文翠珊更信任。套用上述BBC報導中,支持脫歐的英國前財相Lord Lawson所說:公務員最抗拒激烈轉變。如果是羅賓斯主導脫歐談判策略及相關政策的文件撰寫,那有什麼可能會出現硬脫歐方案。 //
2018-07-25 12:03:32
2018-07-25 15:50:46
Pakistan election: Violence breaks out as voting gets under way


Violence has erupted as millions head to the polls in Pakistan, with the worst incident seeing at least 27 killed by a bomb in the city of Quetta.

Elsewhere, minor blasts and clashes between party workers left several injured and one dead.

Voters are deciding between the parties of the former cricket star Imran Khan and the disgraced former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

But the campaign has been overshadowed by concerns of fraud and violence.

Despite tight security across the country, with more than 370,000 troops deployed to secure the ballot, violence has broken through.

Officials say the attack in Quetta, in the restive province of Balochistan, was a suicide bomb targeting police at the gate of a polling station. An attack earlier this month in nearby Mastung killed at least 149 people in one of Pakistan's deadliest-ever suicide bombings. It was claimed by the Islamic State group.

2018-07-25 19:42:01
Soft Brexit 無懸念啦,含歐盟含到雪雪聲
2018-07-25 21:34:12
Tape reveals Trump and lawyer discussing payoff over alleged affair


A recording of a conversation in which President Donald Trump and his lawyer discuss a payoff over an alleged affair with a model has been broadcast by CNN.

Mr Trump and Michael Cohen discuss buying the rights to former Playboy model Karen McDougal's story.

The audiotape was recorded in September 2016, two months before the election. The affair allegedly dates to 2006.

Mr Trump's current lawyer Rudy Giuliani says no money was paid, and the tape does not show evidence of any crime.

The conversation jumps around, there are other voices and some of the audio is muffled.

Mr Trump and Mr Cohen, who no longer works for the president, appear to be discussing buying the rights to Ms McDougal's story from the parent company of the National Enquirer. The former Playboy model had sold her story to the Enquirer in the run-up to the election.
2018-07-25 21:35:04
Polls close in too-close-to-call Pakistani election


ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Polls closed on Wednesday in a national election that looked too close to call, pitting former cricket star Imran Khan against the party of jailed ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Sharif denies wrongdoing and alleges the powerful military and judicial establishment engineered his downfall. He has urged his supporters to give his party, now led by his brother, a second consecutive term.

Khan is a long-time opposition figure and anti-corruption campaigner.

The likely winner should be known by around 2 a.m. local time on Thursday (2200 GMT Wednesday).
2018-07-26 08:37:10
Trump: US and EU agree to work towards lower trade barriers


The US has agreed to work towards lowering trade barriers with the European Union, Donald Trump said on Wednesday after a meeting with European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker.

The two would work for zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsidies on non-auto goods, he said.

They also agreed to increase trade in services and agriculture, including greater US soy bean exports to the EU.

The agreements come amid heightened tensions between the US and EU. The two leaders defused what had threatened to become a trade war between the two blocs, fuelled by tariffs set by Mr Trump on European steel and aluminium exports, and threats to expand the tariffs to cars.

The EU would increase purchases of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States, President Trump said, making them a "massive buyer".

He added that there would be an increase on trade in services and agriculture. "The EU is going to start to buy a lot more soy beans - they are a tremendous market - buy a lot of soy beans from our farmers, primarily in the Midwest," Mr Trump said.

Trump says no new tariffs against EU after parties agree to trade negotiations


U.S. President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that the United States will pause its plans to impose new tariffs against the European Union and work to resolve existing differences over trade in an attempt to avoid a full-blown trade war.

In a joint statement in the Rose Garden, Trump and Juncker also announced that the two trading partners will work to eliminate tariffs on all non-auto industrial goods, increase cooperation on energy purchases and work together to reform the World Trade Organization.

The announcement marks a detente in the bilateral relationship, which had grown increasingly tense in recent months after Trump slapped tariffs on nearly all U.S. imports of steel and aluminum, including those from the EU. Brussels had responded by imposing retaliatory tariffs on roughly $3.3 billion in U.S. goods, including products like blue jeans, boats and bourbon.

Asked to explain what exactly the two sides agreed on, an EU official said the U.S. would not impose new tariffs against European autos and auto parts. The EU side’s understanding is that “car tariffs currently in place will stay as they are,” the official told POLITICO.
2018-07-26 08:44:43
Pakistan election in disarray as incumbent rejects result


Pakistan’s general election has been plunged into chaos after the incumbent Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) said it would reject the result amid widespread allegations that the military was rigging the ballot in favour of the party led by the former cricketer Imran Khan.

With only a third of the vote counted by 3am – an hour after the result was officially due – Khan’s Pakistan-Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led in 110 seats, with the PMLN trailing on 68.

Most projections held that the PTI would go on to win between 107 and 120 seats out of a total 272 in the lower-house, exceeding expectations and delivering the role of prime minister to Khan for the first time.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), an independent body, blamed the delay in announcing the result on a breakdown in the Results Transmission Software it purchased from a British company.

But Shehbaz Sharif, the leader of the PMLN, said his party “wholly rejects” the result of the election, telling a press conference that his party’s polling agents had been evicted from dozens of stations by security officials before a final tally was reached, leaving them unable to monitor potential tampering.
2018-07-26 11:34:26
Qualcomm 唔買NXP?
2018-07-26 11:57:34

Qualcomm will pay $2 billion to end failed acquisition of NXP


Qualcomm has finally given up on buying NXP Semiconductors, a Dutch company known for automotive and IoT chips, which it’s been trying to acquire for nearly two years. The deal has long been held up by the Chinese government, and now, Qualcomm has said it will scrap the agreement altogether rather than continue the uncertain fight toward a completed acquisition. In doing so, it’ll have to pay a breakup fee of $2 billion.

The two companies initially entered into a deal in October 2016, with Qualcomm agreeing to pay $47 billion for NXP. The deadline to close the deal has been extended many times since then, as the companies wait for China to approve or deny the merger; every other country reviewing the acquisition granted its approval.

With no answer from China, the deal will once again hit its deadline tonight, but this time Qualcomm doesn’t plan to extend it. The agreement is still valid until midnight ET, so it’s possible the acquisition will still go through; but China would have to approve the transaction within the next six and a half hours for that to happen. “We intend to terminate our purchase agreement to acquire NXP when the agreement expires at the end of the day today, pending any new material developments,” Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf said in a statement announcing the company’s third quarter earnings today.
2018-07-26 11:59:24
仲有半日比Trump 做野,之前以為放生中興換中國放行
2018-07-26 14:27:56
Suspected self-immolation near U.S. Embassy in China: state media


BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese police took away a woman who sprayed herself with gasoline on Thursday in what was suspected to be a self-immolation attempt outside the U.S. Embassy, the state-run Global Times reported, amid reports of an explosion.

Reuters could not immediately verify the report. A Reuters witness saw Chinese police examining a vehicle outside the embassy and social media showed pictures of smoke after an apparent explosion.

Another witness said there were seven to eight police vehicles near the embassy and the road next to the complex had been closed off.

U.S. embassy officials did not immediately comment.
2018-07-26 14:34:01
[突發] 美國駐北京大使館發生爆炸

2018-07-27 10:03:03
North Korea returns US war remains


North Korea has returned the remains of US troops killed during the Korean War, White House confirms
2018-07-27 10:54:53
Pakistan election: Imran Khan claims victory amid rigging claims


Former cricketer Imran Khan has claimed victory in Pakistan's election, amid accusations of vote rigging by rivals.

In a television address, he said: "We were successful and we were given a mandate."

His PTI party is still expected to fall short of an overall majority, so it would have to seek coalition partners in order to form a government.

Campaigning has been marred by violence. On voting day a bomb killed 31 people at a polling station.

Mr Khan, the charismatic patrician who captained Pakistan to a World Cup victory in 1992, has long shed his celebrity playboy image and has recently faced accusations that his election challenge was benefiting from military interference in the nuclear-armed republic.

2018-07-27 10:56:51
Michel Barnier kills off Theresa May's Brexit customs proposals


Michel Barnier has warned that attempts to appeal to EU leaders over his head were a waste of time as he rejected Theresa May’s proposals on customs after Brexit, in effect killing off the Chequers plan.

On Friday Theresa May travels to Austria to meet Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the Czech prime minister Andrej Babis, before heading off on her summer holiday.

May’s trip follows the EU chief Brexit negotiator insisting there was no difference of opinion in European capitals to exploit.

The British negotiators have become increasingly frustrated with the EU’s attitude to the white paper thrashed out at the prime minister’s country retreat. They feel that it will take an intervention by leaders, most likely at a summit in Salzburg in September, to move the dial in favour of a deal. A number of cabinet ministers have been despatched around EU capitals to make their case for greater flexibility.

But echoing the language of Theresa May on her goals for Brexit, Barnier responded: “Maintaining control of our money, law and borders also applies to the EU customs policy. The EU cannot and will not delegate the application of its customs policy and rules, VAT and duty collection to a non-member who would not be subject to the EU governance structures.
2018-07-27 14:17:26
Berlin readies veto of first Chinese takeover - media


The German government is to prevent Chinese investors from purchasing the machine tool manufacturer Leifeld Metal Spinning, the business magazine Wirtschaftswoche reported on Thursday.

Citing sources within the German government, the weekly said the cabinet will make a final decision on August 1 following a month-long investigation by the economy ministry of the proposed takeover by Yantai Taihai Corporation.

The veto would be the first time Germany has prevented one of its firms being sold to Chinese investors, who have been actively acquiring US and European companies over the past five years.

Leifeld, which is based in the city of Ahlen in western Germany, manufactures materials that are used in the auto, aerospace and nuclear industries. It has about 200 employees.
2018-07-27 21:08:20
Consumers, soybeans fuel U.S. second-quarter growth


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in nearly four years in the second quarter as consumers boosted spending and farmers rushed shipments of soybeans to China to beat retaliatory trade tariffs before they took effect in early July.

Gross domestic product increased at a 4.1 percent annualized rate also as government spending picked up, the Commerce Department said in its snapshot of second-quarter GDP on Friday. That was strongest performance since the third quarter of 2014.

January-March quarter GDP growth was revised up to a 2.2 percent pace from the previously reported 2.0 percent rate to account for new source information and methodology improvements.

Compared to the second quarter of 2017, the economy grew 2.8 percent. Output expanded 3.1 percent in the first half of 2018, putting the economy on track to achieve the Trump administration’s target of 3 percent annual growth.
2018-07-27 21:09:43
Pakistan election: victor Imran Khan hits former ruling party in its heartlands


The Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party of the former international cricketer Imran Khan has enjoyed success across the country, official results from Pakistan’s general election show, in a commanding victory marred by allegations of military interference in the polls.

With 11 seats left to count, more than a day after the result was due, the PTI has won 114 seats in the national assembly, while the defeated incumbent, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) holds only 63. The Pakistan Peoples Party came third with 43 seats.

Khan will still need to form a coalition to become prime minister, which requires at least 137 seats, but a single party winning contests across the country – in the north, south and Punjab – is rare in Pakistani politics.

The ease with which the PTI can implement its policy agenda also received a significant boost from its strong performance in state-level elections.
2018-07-28 10:36:08
In test of re-election prospects of Australian PM, by-election voting begins


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Voting in five by-elections across Australia began on Saturday in polls that are widely seen as a barometer of the re-election prospects of the country’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

In what is being called “Super Saturday”, voters in five seats will go to the polls after a handful of opposition lawmakers were forced from office after falling foul of the country’s constitution that bans politicians from elected office if they are dual citizens.

The five by-elections will bring to a close a citizenship crisis that saw about a dozen lawmakers forced from office, including the then Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce - a removal that briefly cost the government its parliamentary majority.

Winning at least one seat will aid the legislative agenda of Turnbull who heads a coalition government made up of Liberal and National party MPs and has policy heavily shaped by a strong conservative backbench.

Some political analysts believe a very strong showing in the by-elections could tempt Turnbull to call an early poll, particularly if the ruling coalition government secures victory in the seat of Longman.
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