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2018-05-28 15:19:44
我係完全唔明點解會請Giuliani,佢由Presidential Campaign 去到今日都成日倒米
2018-05-28 15:22:20
2018-05-28 18:56:32

No-confidence motion against Spanish PM passes first hurdle in Congress

A no-confidence vote filed on Friday by Spain’s main opposition Socialist Party (PSOE) against Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has started to go through preliminary procedures prior to its congressional debate, which will probably take place sometime in June.

The speaker in Congress, Ana Pastor, on Monday set the date for the debate for May 31 and June 1

The initiative is seeking to remove the Popular Party (PP) leader from office and replace him with Socialist secretary general Pedro Sánchez, who has pledged to call fresh elections “in a few months.”
2018-05-28 22:47:24
Italian president names interim prime minister until fresh elections


Italy is to hold fresh elections in the autumn after President Sergio Mattarella appointed an economist as interim prime minister following the collapse of a bid for power by populist parties.

Mattarella asked Carlo Cottarelli, a former International Monetary Fund official, to try to form a government before the elections, which are likely to be seen as a referendum on Italy’s continued inclusion in the eurozone.

Mattarella enraged the Eurosceptic Five Star Movement (M5S) and the far-right League on Sunday night by vetoing their choice for finance minister. He said the nomination of Paolo Savona, an 81-year-old Eurosceptic, risked threatening the confidence of foreign investors and destabilising the country.

The move prompted the resignation of the prime minister-in-waiting, Giuseppe Conte, and threw Italy into further political uncertainty more than two months after elections led to a hung parliament.
2018-05-28 22:55:11
2018-05-29 13:09:25
Venezuelan generals among military officials recently jailed: rights group


CARACAS (Reuters) - Two active generals with Venezuela’s National Guard were part of a group of 15 military officials arrested around the time of the socialist-run nation’s widely criticized May 20 presidential election, a local rights group said on Monday.

Generals Pedro Naranjo and Nelson Morales appeared on Sunday before a military tribunal at the Defense Ministry, according to Gonzalo Himiob of the Penal Forum group, who said the men were the highest-ranking recent detainees from the armed forces.

Internal military documents show arrests have been rising sharply within the armed forces, where there is discontent within the ranks, especially at food shortages and dwindling salaries due to Venezuela’s crushing economic crisis.

Documents recently reviewed by Reuters showed the number of new detentions of soldiers for treason, rebellion and desertion rose to 172 in the first four months of 2018, up 3-1/2 times over the same period last year.
2018-05-29 13:24:30
Top aide to North Korean leader lands in Singapore as summit preparations advance: NHK


TOKYO/SEOUL (Reuters) - A top aide to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Singapore on Monday night, Japanese public broadcaster NHK said on Tuesday, the latest indication that the on-again-off-again summit with U.S. President Donald Trump may go ahead.

Kim Chang Son, Kim’s de facto chief of staff, flew to Singapore via Beijing on Monday night, the report said.

At the same time, a team of U.S. government officials, including the White House deputy chief of staff for operations Joe Hagin, left U.S. Yokota Air Base in Japan for Singapore on Monday, NHK said. The White House said a “pre-advance” team was traveling to Singapore to meet with North Koreans.

The reports indicate that planning for the historic summit, initially scheduled for June 12, is moving ahead after Trump called it off last week. A day later, Trump said he had reconsidered, and officials from both countries were meeting to work out details.
2018-05-30 00:04:28
2018-05-30 00:20:57
2018-05-30 01:31:04
靠美國先擋到俄佬啦,唔通靠19 歐盟咩
2018-05-30 01:33:01
2018-05-30 10:40:33
2018-05-30 13:13:43
EU chides Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger over Italy remarks


In an interview with DW, Oettinger said he was not fearful that a fresh election would strengthen Italy's populist parties — a development which observers say could lead to the country leaving the eurozone or even the European Union. Instead, he thinks financial markets and the state of Italy's economy will convince voters not to pick left-wing or right-wing populists.

"Even now, developments on bond markets, the market value of banks, and Italy's economy in general have darkened noticeably and negatively. That has to do with the possible government formation. I can only hope that this will play a role in the election campaign and send a signal not to hand populists on the right and left any responsibility in government,” Oettinger said.

Outrage followed quickly. Matteo Salvini, head of right-wing party The League, lashed out on Twitter, writing: "Crazy, in Brussels they are without shame. The EU Budget Commissioner the German Oettinger says the markets will show Italians the right way to vote. If that isn't a threat … I am not scared!” He then demanded that Oettinger resign.

In the wake of the uproar, Oettinger apologized, saying: "I fully respect the will of voters being left, right or center and in every country. By referring to the actual market developments in Italy, I did not mean to be disrespectful."
2018-05-30 13:14:27
Catalonia: President forms government without jailed, exiled ministers


Catalan President Quim Torra has chosen a new administration without jailed and exiled former ministers who backed the region's independence push, in a latest attempt to form a government for Spain's northeastern region.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy had refused his earlier choice of ministers, saying pro-independence leaders currently in jail or seeking refuge in other European countries would not be authorized.

In response to Rajoy's letter, Torra changed his approach in order to form a government. A juridical advisory committee told him that his nominees — none of whom are in jail or in exile — should be able to assume their posts.
2018-05-30 17:11:30
Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa calls for elections on July 30


HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe will hold its general elections on July 30, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said on Wednesday, the first since the army forced 94-year-old former president Robert Mugabe to resign last November.

Mnangagwa, who became president following the military take-over, has promised to deliver on free and fair elections to win over Zimbabwe’s critics at home and abroad.

Missing from the July ballot for the first time in 20 years will be Zimbabwe’s foremost political gladiators, Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai, the former opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader, the who died from cancer in February.

The vote will pit Mnangagwa against a clutch of opponents including 40-year-old Nelson Chamisa from the MDC.
2018-05-30 17:12:41
Italy PM-designate holding 'informal talks' with president: source


ROME (Reuters) - Italian prime minister designate Carlo Cottarelli is holding “informal talks” with President Sergio Mattarella, a presidential source said on Wednesday.

Cottarelli, who has been trying to put together a stop-gap government to lead the country to early elections, had been expected to meet Mattarella formally, which led to expectations that he was ready to give the head of state a list of ministers. The source gave no details on why the informal talks were necessary.

Italy's 5-star, League renew efforts to form a government: source


ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and far-right League have renewed efforts to form a coalition government after the president rejected their eurosceptic economy minister pick at the weekend, a 5-Star source said on Wednesday.

The parties are trying to find “a point of compromise on another name” for the economy ministry, the source said.

The coalition may also be widened to include another right-wing party, the Brothers of Italy, the source added.
2018-05-30 17:20:24
2018-05-30 17:21:52
Spanish Opposition Plan to Topple Rajoy Seen Gaining Momentum


The Socialists, Spain’s biggest opposition party, are negotiating on two fronts for the support they need to oust Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in a no-confidence vote Friday, according to people briefed on the talks.

The party has made inroads in the past 24 hours but the result is likely to remain in the balance until the last moment as six different opposition groups jostle for advantage ahead of a potential election, according to the people, who asked not to be named discussing political strategy. A Socialist press officer declined to comment.

The precarious balance of political forces that had held for 18 months in Spain was upended last week when former aides from the governing People’s Party were convicted of running a corruption racket when Rajoy was opposition leader.

Just a day after voting alongside the PP to pass the delayed 2019 budget, the centrist group Ciudadanos withdrew its support for the minority administration and demanded a snap election. The Socialists called on the prime minister to resign and filed the no-confidence motion.

One option for Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez would be to persuade the left-wing group Podemos along with Catalan and Basque Nationalists to make him premier. Podemos has signaled it’s on board and the Catalans are ready to make a similar commitment, according to the people, who asked not to be named discussing political strategy.

In parallel negotiations with Ciudadanos, the Socialists are discussing replacing their existing no-confidence motion with one that would explicitly set the country on course for a snap election. Their initial positions see a vote either in October or next May, according to one person briefed by negotiators.
2018-05-30 17:23:38
India, Pakistan to Implement Ceasefire After Kashmir Clashes


India and Pakistan agreed to abide by a 15-year-old ceasefire agreement after years of sporadic firing across the disputed border in Kashmir, a move which signals a potential thawing in deteriorating relations between the arch-rivals.

The nuclear-armed nations agreed to put an end to ongoing border fighting and to fully implement the ceasefire understanding of 2003, India and Pakistan’s armed forces said in statements late Tuesday. Pakistan’s director general of military operations phoned his Indian counterpart at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, according to the Indian statement.

“This is a significant breakthrough given the mounting tensions between two countries,” said Naeem Ahmed, an assistant professor of international relations at the University of Karachi. “They at least have realized the gravity of the situation.”
2018-05-30 17:25:33
Trump Raises Pressure on China With Swerve on Tariff Plans


President Donald Trump said he’s moving ahead with plans to impose tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese imports and curb investment in sensitive technology, ratcheting up pressure on Beijing days before the next round of trade negotiations.

In a statement Tuesday, the White House said a final list of targeted imports will be released by June 15 and the tariffs will be imposed “shortly thereafter.” It’s the most specific the administration has been about the timing for the duties to take effect.

The administration also said new restrictions on Chinese investment and enhanced export controls will be announced by June 30 and then implemented shortly after. China’s commerce ministry responded hours later with a statement, saying it was surprised by the U.S. announcement and remains confident the country can protect its interests.
2018-05-30 18:25:24
2018-05-31 12:36:52
US to hit EU with steel and aluminum tariffs, report says


The Trump administration is reportedly planning to impose import tariffs on European steel and aluminum after finding no satisfaction in its effort to win trading concessions on the issue.

An announcement dropping the EU from an exemption to global tariffs of 25% on imported steel, and 10% on aluminum, could come on Thursday, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The move is likely to bring retaliatory action from European Union trade regulators who have warned they will target American products as motorcycles, jeans and bourbon if additional US tariffs are imposed.

Signs of increasing friction between the US and Europe over trade came early Wednesday when Wilbur Ross, the US commerce secretary, drew a sharp line with the EU over Chinese trade negotiations, telling counterparts at a trade development panel in Paris that Europe is using tariffs as an “excuse” to refuse trade negotiations.
2018-05-31 12:45:36
Arkady Babchenko reveals he faked his death to thwart Moscow plot


Arkady Babchenko, the Russian journalist whose murder was dramatically announced by Ukraine on Tuesday, emerged very much alive on Wednesday and said he had faked his own death in order to thwart a plot by Moscow to kill him.

Smiling, and looking a little sheepish, Babchenko appeared before a surreal press conference held by Ukraine’s SBU security service. He apologised to his wife for the “nightmare” he had caused her but said there had been no alternative to playing at being dead.

Ukrainian officials announced on Tuesday that Babchenko, a veteran war correspondent, had been shot three times in the back as he left his apartment in the capital Kiev to buy bread. His wife discovered him lying in a puddle of blood and Babchenko died in an ambulance on the way to hospital, they said.

The news that Babchenko was alive and the sight of the reporter prompted gasps from journalists at the press conference. Speaking in Russian, for which he apologised, Babchenko said Ukraine’s SBU had learned of a “serious” plan to kill him two months ago and warned him about it one month ago.

The plot originated in Moscow and from “government security services”, he said. “They [the SBU] showed me evidence and I understood that it was coming from Russia, probably from state security apparatus,” Babchenko explained. He added: “They suggested I take part in a sting operation.”

His apparent killers had been provided with his passport photo and official details, he said, hinting this was proof of Russian state conspiracy. The sting operation had its bizarre denouement on Tuesday night when his death was announced. “I did my job. And I’m still alive,” Babchenko said, expressing thanks to Ukraine’s special services for “saving my life”.
2018-05-31 12:48:34
Fed proposes changes to rule limiting risky trading on Wall Street


The Federal Reserve is proposing to ease a rule aimed at defusing the kind of risk-taking on Wall Street that helped trigger the 2008 financial meltdown.

The Fed under new leadership on Wednesday unveiled proposed changes to the Volcker Rule, which bars banks’ risky trading bets for their own profit with depositors’ money. The high-risk activity is known as proprietary trading.

The proposed changes would match the strictest applications of the rule to banks that do the most trading – 18 banks with at least $10bn in trading assets and liabilities. They account for 95% of all US bank trading and include some foreign banks with US operations, Fed officials said.

Less stringent requirements would apply to banks that do less trading. The idea is to make it easier for banks to comply with the Volcker Rule without sacrificing the banks’ safety and soundness, the officials said.

Last week, Congress approved legislation rolling back the Dodd-Frank law, giving Trump a key win on a campaign promise as he quickly signed it into law. The Republican-led legislation, passed with help from some opposition votes, was aimed at especially helping small and medium-sized banks, including community banks and credit unions. It eases oversight and capital requirements (and Volcker Rule compliance) for about two dozen banks falling below new capital thresholds, including BB&T, SunTrust Banks, Fifth Third Bank and American Express.
2018-05-31 12:50:02
Key North Korea official meets Pompeo in New York


The right-hand man to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has met US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in New York to discuss a historic summit.

Gen Kim Yong-chol dined with Mr Pompeo after flying in from China and the two are due to meet again on Thursday.

He is the most senior North Korean to visit the US in nearly 20 years.

US President Donald Trump previously cancelled the 12 June summit, but both sides have since made fresh efforts to hold it as planned.

Scheduled to happen in Singapore, the historic meeting would be the first between sitting US and North Korean leaders.
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