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2018-05-13 23:03:30

Surabaya church attacks: One family responsible, police say


Members of one family were behind a wave of blasts targeting three churches in Indonesia's second city of Surabaya, police say. At least 13 people were killed and dozens injured in the attacks.

Mr Karnavian said the family belonged to an Indonesian IS-inspired network, Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD). Reports suggested the family may have spent time in Syria with the jihadist group.

The father drove a bomb-laden car into the grounds of Surabaya Centre Pentecostal Church.

The mother and her two daughters - aged 9 and 12 - had bombs strapped to them and blew themselves up at Diponegoro Indonesian Christian Church.

The family's sons - aged 16 and 18 - rode motorcycles into Santa Maria Catholic Church, and detonated explosives they were carrying. It was their attack that came first, at around 07:30 local time (00:30 GMT). The other two attacks followed five minutes apart, police said, according to the Jakarta Post.
2018-05-13 23:04:42
2018-05-14 00:29:27
Pompeo: US firms could invest in North Korea and Kim may get ‘security assurances’

Pompeo says US willing to help with power and food
Bolton: ‘I wouldn’t look for economic aid from us’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that if North Korea agrees to fully dismantle its nuclear weapons program, the Trump administration will allow the American private sector to invest in the country.

Pompeo also hinted that the US might assure Kim Jong-un he can stay in power after any deal.

If a deal is reached at or after the summit meeting between Kim and Trump scheduled for Singapore on 12 June, Pompeo said on Fox News Sunday, “private sector Americans, not the US taxpayer” could “help build out the energy grid that needs enormous amounts of electricity in North Korea”. Americans could also help, he said, with investment in infrastructure and agriculture to help feed the North Korean people.

Pompeo met Kim last week in North Korea, for the second time, helping set the stage for the summit and securing the release of three Americans held in the country. He then travelled to South Korea. Asked if the US was in effect telling Kim “regime change will be off the table” if he meets American demands, Pompeo told Fox: “We will have to provide security assurances, to be sure.”

2018-05-14 07:49:46
🇮🇹Lega Nord-M5S 將組織聯合政府
2018-05-14 10:27:44
5Stars and League reach deal to break Italian impasse


ROME — The anti-establishment 5Star Movement and far-right League reached a deal Sunday on a government platform and common candidate for prime minister that could put a populist alliance in charge of the third-largest economy in the eurozone.

The two parties will report back to President Sergio Mattarella Monday, after agreeing to set aside their leaders’ own ambitions for the prime ministership. The president will likely call a final round of consultations with the parties, then make a final decision on whom to appoint as the new premier.

The deal between the 5Stars and the League was the result of a last-ditch effort to break a two-month impasse and avoid the president imposing a “neutral government” that would have led to another election. 5Star leader Luigi Di Maio and the League’s Matteo Salvini met twice in Milan over the weekend to hammer out the details of a coalition deal.

In order to start government talks with the 5Stars, Salvini’s League had to ditch its long-time alliance with Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia. The 5Stars ruled out collaborating with the media tycoon and three-times prime minister, whom they view as a symbol of the political establishment they have pledged to fight against.

Italian court lifts ban on Berlusconi running for office


An Italian court has lifted a ban on Silvio Berlusconi holding public office, Corriere della Sera reported on Saturday.

The decision by the court in Milan, issued late on Friday afternoon, shakes up Italy’s political landscape just as the populist 5Star Movement and far-right League are engaged in talks to form a government.

Due to the ban, imposed as a result of a conviction for tax fraud, Berlusconi could not run as a candidate in the last poll. But the court’s decision may increase the temptation for the former prime minister to push for another election, on the basis that his Forza Italia party would perform better with him as its lead candidate.
2018-05-14 17:28:51
Ivanka Trump in Jerusalem for embassy opening as Gaza braces for bloodshed


Ivanka Trump is in Israel for the inauguration of the US Jerusalem embassy on Monday, as protesters in Gaza prepare for a day of rallies along the frontier that are expected to be met with gunfire.

The US president’s daughter said she was returning “with great joy” to Jerusalem, which Donald Trump has to the dismay of Palestinians, who claim part of the holy city as the capital of a future state.

“We look forward to celebrating Israel’s 70th anniversary and the bright future ahead,” Ivanka wrote on Instagram ahead of the opening, which will take place on Monday, exactly seven decades since the country declared independence. “We will pray for the boundless potential of the future of the US-Israel alliance, and we will pray for peace.”
2018-05-14 17:31:02
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi trails in preliminary election results


Iraq's electoral commission released the initial results of the parliamentary elections in the early hours of Monday. With 95 percent of the votes from 10 of Iraq's 18 provinces tallied — more than half of the total votes — the firebrand nationalist Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was leading, in what would be an unexpected political comeback.

If results hold, they would spell bad news for the country's current leader, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who had been seen as the narrow frontrunner prior to the vote.

Muqtada al-Sadr's Sairun list leads in four provinces, including the capital, Baghdad. Shiite militia leader Hadi al-Amiri's bloc, which is backed by Iran, is currently in second place. PM al-Abadi's Victory Alliance has so far only won in one province and sits in third place.
2018-05-14 17:42:23
Mike Pompeo: US wants to work with Europe on new Iran deal


In contradictory comments on Sunday, US officials both talked up the prospect of working with European allies while also warning European firms could be punished for continuing to do business in Iran.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Fox News that he hopes to work with European leaders to come up with a broader agreement to replace the Iran nuclear deal. President Donald Trump announced last Tuesday that he is to pull the US out of the deal.

"I am hopeful in the days and weeks ahead that we can come up with a deal that really works, that really protects the world from Iranian bad behavior," he said. "I'll be working closely with the Europeans to try and achieve that.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron have said they want to try to rework the deal to have it address areas other than Iran's nuclear program.
2018-05-14 17:46:38
Surabaya attacks: Family of five bomb Indonesia police headquarters


A suicide bombing at a police headquarters in the Indonesian city of Surabaya on Monday was carried out by a family of five riding on two motorbikes, police say.

It came after another family carried out bomb attacks on three churches on Sunday. Police blamed an Islamic State-inspired group.

Video footage of the latest attack on the police headquarters shows two motorbikes approaching a checkpoint just before the blast. Six civilians and four police officers were injured, the authorities say.

The young girl who survived had been wedged between her mother and father on the motorbike as they carried out the attack. CCTV footage shows her stumbling around after the blast.
2018-05-14 19:16:46
Catalonia votes on new leader, Spain to lift direct rule


BARCELONA (Reuters) - The Catalan parliament is expected to vote in a hard-line separatist as leader on Monday, heralding an end to seven months of direct rule from Madrid but also more political uncertainty in a region that retains a mandate to seek a split from Spain.

Quim Torra, handpicked by the region’s exiled former president Carles Puigdemont, failed to secure the absolute majority required to succeed him in a parliamentary vote on Saturday.

But in a second vote on Monday due at around 2 p.m. (1200 GMT) Torra will only need a simple majority, which he is expected to get.

His election will allow the wealthy northeastern region to run its own affairs for the first time since October, when Madrid imposed direct rule, having sacked Puigdemont and his cabinet following a chaotic referendum and an illegal declaration of independence.

It should also lead to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy securing the backing he needs from regional parties to implement much-delayed central government budget plans.
2018-05-14 20:51:34
Quim Torra當選加泰羅尼亞自治區政府主席
2018-05-14 20:57:13
Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians protesting against US embassy move to Jerusalem – live updates


Follow latest developments as 37 Palestinians killed and hundreds wounded in protests in Gaza and West Bank over moving US embassy to Jerusalem

Watch live coverage of @USEmbassyJerusalem opening ceremony, Streaming now!

US Embassy Jerusalem @USEmbassyIsrael

2018-05-14 21:04:03
2018-05-14 21:57:53
2018-05-14 22:07:11

Kushner was the first speaker to make reference to the protests today. Here’s more of what he said:

President Trump was very clear that his decision and today’s celebration do not reflect a departure from our strong commitment to lasting peace. A peace that overcomes the conflicts of the past in order to give our children a brighter and more boundless future.

As we have seen from the protest of the last month and even today those provoking violence are part of the problem and not part of the solution. The United States is prepared to support a peace agreement in every way that we can. We believe that it is possible for both sides to gain more than they give so that all people can live in peace safe from danger, free from fear and able to pursue their dreams.

The United States recognising the sensitivity surrounding Jerusalem, a city that means so much to so many. Jerusalem is a city unique in the history of civilisation. No other place on earth can claim significance to three major religions. Each day Jews pray at the Western Hall. Muslims bow in prayer at Al Asqa mosque, and Christians worship at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. That is why President Trump has called many times, including right now, on all parties to maintain the status quo at Jerusalem’s Holy sites.
2018-05-14 22:13:00

果然出面大部份侵信徒都係幾有五毛做事手法 好野就大肆歌頌,搞出左麻煩就低調處理當無事發生
2018-05-14 22:15:41
2018-05-14 22:22:30

Andrew Beatty @AFP White House correspondent.
2018-05-15 12:32:18
Dismantling of North Korea nuclear site 'well under way', satellite images show


Satellite photos indicate North Korea has begun dismantling its nuclear test site ahead of a historic summit between leader Kim Jong-un and US president Donald Trump, a US monitor has said.

In a move welcomed by Washington and Seoul, North Korea said at the weekend it will “completely” destroy the Punggye-ri test site, in a ceremony scheduled between 23 and 25 May in front of invited foreign media.

Punggye-ri, in the northeast of the country, has been the site of all six of the North’s nuclear tests, the latest and by far the most powerful in September last year, which Pyongyang said was an H-bomb. North Korea pledged to destroy the testing ground after Kim last month declared the country’s nuclear force complete and said it had no further need for the complex.

The respected 38 North website said on Tuesday that satellite images dated 7 May showed “the first definitive evidence that dismantlement of the test site was already well under way”.

Several key operational buildings as well as smaller sheds had been razed and rails connecting the tunnels to their waste piles were removed, the monitoring group said.
2018-05-15 12:35:31
Quim Torra: New Catalan separatist leader sticks steadfastly to independence from Spain


The figurehead of the Catalan independence movement, Carles Puigdemont, made no secret about how he views the role of his successor. In a video message from Germany, he named Quim Torra as Catalonia's new regional president, but spoke of a "provisional period."

The subtext: Puigdemont continues to see himself as Catalonia's "legitimate president." That's perhaps why the conservative Spanish newspaper "El Mundo" described Torra as "Puigdemont's ventriloquist."

And Torra himself was also clear about the division of labor while presenting his government program: "Our president is Carles Puigdemont," said the 55-year-old lawyer in Barcelona's parliament on Monday.

Rajoy was clearly not amused, commenting that he didn't like what he'd seen or heard, but that he would judge Torra "on his actions." But he added that should the new leader violate the constitution, he would also be removed from power.
2018-05-15 12:47:03

Who is Muqtada al-Sadr, Iraq's influential Shiite cleric?


In a surprise result, prominent Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's bloc was set to gain the most votes in Iraq's divisive parliamentary elections, according to results published on Monday.

Unifying Shiite Islamists and irreligious communists under a reformist banner, al-Sadr's victory at the polls marked the culmination of years of work targeting corruption and government mismanagement.

But al-Sadr built his name on everything but mainstream politics. While his political movement has transgressed sectarian lines in exchange for a nationalist platform, the Shiite cleric has a deep history of stoking those divides.
2018-05-15 14:52:43
有冇阿根廷消息 好似就黎冧
2018-05-15 15:49:53
2018-05-15 15:51:15
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞