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2018-06-28 11:50:28
How China Got Sri Lanka to Cough Up a Port


Mr. Rajapaksa was voted out of office in 2015, but Sri Lanka’s new government struggled to make payments on the debt he had taken on. Under heavy pressure and after months of negotiations with the Chinese, the government handed over the port and 15,000 acres of land around it for 99 years in December.

The transfer gave China control of territory just a few hundred miles off the shores of a rival, India, and a strategic foothold along a critical commercial and military waterway.

The case is one of the most vivid examples of China’s ambitious use of loans and aid to gain influence around the world — and of its willingness to play hardball to collect.

The debt deal also intensified some of the harshest accusations about President Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative: that the global investment and lending program amounts to a debt trap for vulnerable countries around the world, fueling corruption and autocratic behavior in struggling democracies.
2018-06-28 12:00:02
2018-06-28 14:13:33
France's Macron brings back national service


The French government has introduced a plan to bring back national service for all 16-year-olds.

It was an idea put forward by Emmanuel Macron in his presidential campaign, to promote a sense of civic duty and national unity among French youth. But some remain unconvinced of the benefits.

The new national service will cover all 16-year-olds, girls as well as boys, and will be divided into two distinct phases.

The first phase is a mandatory one-month placement with a focus on civic culture, which the government says will "enable young people to create new relationships and develop their role in society".

The second phase is a voluntary placement of at least three months and up to a year, in which young people will be encouraged to serve "in an area linked to defence and security" - but again, they could opt to carry out volunteer work linked to heritage, the environment or social care.
2018-06-29 08:41:04
Maryland shooting: Five killed in attack on US newspaper


A gunman has opened fire at a local newspaper office in Maryland, killing five people and wounding others.

Staff at the Capital Gazette building in Annapolis said he shot through a glass door into the newsroom.

Police said it was a targeted attack on the newspaper, which had recently received "violent" threats through social media.

A white male in his late 30s living in Maryland has been arrested and is being questioned.

He is reportedly refusing to co-operate with officers and a police source told CBS News that he had "damaged" his fingertips to avoid being identified.
2018-06-29 11:44:59
EU leaders reach migration deal after marathon talks in Brussels


European Union leaders reached a breakthrough deal on migration after all-night talks in Brussels, European Council President Donald Tusk announced on Friday.

The agreement has been billed as "make or break" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel's future in office amid a dispute with her hardline Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

EU diplomats reportedly said the deal included vague wording on closed reception centers for migrants. EU countries willing to establish the centers would process migrants and asylum seekers on their territory. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said leaders had also agreed to stronger internal checks to stop asylum seekers from freely choosing an EU country in which to apply for asylum.

Italy had refused to sign off on any joint conclusions from the meeting, which also included Brexit and security, unless other EU governments agreed to compromise on migration.
2018-06-29 17:45:16
Migrant crisis: EU leaders plan closed migrant centres


Closed migrant centres are to be set up in EU states to process asylum claims under a deal reached after marathon talks at a leaders summit in Brussels.

The centres, hosted on a voluntary basis, would determine who are illegal migrants "who will be returned".

Italy - the entry point for thousands of migrants, mainly from Africa - had threatened to veto the summit's entire agenda if it did not receive help.

Resettlement of genuine refugees would also take place on a voluntary basis.

There were no details on which countries would host the centres or receive refugees.

But French President Emmanuel Macron, returning to Brussels for more talks on Friday morning, said the centres would be in countries where migrants first arrive in the EU.

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2018-06-29 18:44:15
2018-06-29 19:17:33

2018-06-29 19:44:00
Trump 又贏
2018-06-29 19:44:33
Trump 大條道理咁對immigrant
2018-06-30 17:55:06
Supreme Court: Trump to name nominee on 9 July


US President Donald Trump says he plans to announce his nominee for a new Supreme Court judge on 9 July.

He told reporters on board the presidential aircraft Air Force One he had narrowed the choice down to "about five" candidates, including two women.

The vacancy arose when Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement earlier this week.

It gives President Trump the opportunity to solidify a conservative majority on the top court.

His nominee will need to be confirmed by the Senate where the president's Republican Party holds a narrow majority.
2018-06-30 17:56:09
Canada hits US with retaliatory tariffs: 'We will not back down'


Canada has announced billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs against the US in a tit-for-tat response to the Trump administration’s duties on Canadian steel and aluminum.

Justin Trudeau’s government released the final list of items that will be targeted beginning 1 July. Some items will be subject to taxes of 10 or 25%.

“We will not escalate and we will not back down,” the Canadian foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, said.

The taxes on items including ketchup, lawnmowers and motorboats amount to $12.6bn.
2018-06-30 17:56:54
North Korea still secretly enriching uranium, say US officials


North Korea has increased its production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons at secret sites in recent months, contrary to Donald Trump’s claims that it was “no longer a nuclear threat”, according to a new report.

NBC News quoted more than a dozen US officials familiar with the intelligence assessments. Coming soon after satellite images showed rapid improvements being made to a North Korean nuclear research facility at Yongbyon, the developments will make it harder for Trump to claim that his summit with Kim Jong-un in Singapore this month was a success.

Neither of the concessions the US president claimed Kim had delivered – the destruction of a missile engine testing site, and the repatriation of the remains of US soldiers killed in the Korean war – has materialised so far.

“There’s no evidence that they are decreasing stockpiles, or that they have stopped their production,” the official said. “There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the US.”
2018-07-01 12:36:40

Everyone is feeling more despair': A look back at Hong Kong's handover to China 21 years later
2018-07-01 13:35:37
Thousands march against Trump and family separations policy


Mass protests against Donald Trump and his immigration policies were held across the US on Saturday, in cities from Los Angeles to Boston and in state capitals and smaller towns between.

As large parts of the country sweltered beneath a heatwave, marchers braved the blistering sun to express fierce opposition to the president’s policy of separating undocumented immigrant families at the southern border. They also voiced concern over Trump’s forthcoming supreme court pick.

The president, who was playing golf at his club in New Jersey, attacked what he called “radical left” Democrats, who he said were behind calls to disband Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice), the agency central to his hardline immigration approach.

“To the great and brave men and women of Ice,” Trump tweeted early in the day, “do not worry or lose your spirit. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe by eradicating the worst criminal elements. So brave! The radical left Dems want you out. Next it will be all police. Zero chance, It will never happen!”

Immigration policy is a central pillar of Trump’s appeal to his supporters ahead of November’s midterm elections. It is also key to motivating opposition to the president, particularly among the surging progressive wing of the Democratic party..
2018-07-01 13:36:42
Mexico elections: Polls due to open after campaign marred by violence


Polls are due to open across Mexico for Sunday's presidential, parliamentary and local elections.

Front-runner for president is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the left-wing former mayor of Mexico City who has pledged to crack down on corruption.

If he wins he will oust the two parties that have governed Mexico for nearly a century.

However, campaigning has been marred by some of the worst political violence in the country for decades.

BBC Mexico correspondent Will Grant says many voters are keen to replace the government of incumbent President Enrique Peña Nieto. They are angry at Mexico's sluggish economy as well as widespread corruption and crime, he adds.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador - often referred to by his initials Amlo - has made tackling corruption the central plank of his campaign, promising to improve wages and pensions by stamping out rampant abuse by the state and by political and business elites.
2018-07-02 08:44:10
Mexico election: Polls closing after campaign marred by violence


Polls are closing across Mexico in elections marred by some of the worst political violence for decades.

More than 130 candidates and political workers have been killed since campaigning began in September.

The presidential frontrunner is Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 64, the left-wing former mayor of Mexico City who has pledged to crack down on corruption.

The coalition led by his party, Morena, could oust the two parties that have governed Mexico for nearly a century.
2018-07-02 08:48:40
Angela Merkel's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer threatens to quit in asylum row


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has confirmed his offer of resignation from both from the cabinet and as CSU leader within the next three days, after unexpectedly re-escalating his standoff with Chancellor Angela Merkel over Germany's asylum policy.

But according to reports from a crunch leadership meeting in Munich that stretched into early Monday morning, other senior party figures had tried to dissuade Seehofer from stepping down. A press conference that had been expected all evening was eventually postponed, before Seehofer appeared briefly before reporters to confirm the reports of his resignation offer. He did say, however, that he was going to seek one more talk with Merkel on Monday about asylum policy before deciding on his future.

"In the interest of this country and the capacity of this government, which we want to maintain, we want to make an attempt to find an agreement on this central question of turning people away [at the German border]," he said. "Everything else will be decided afterward."

The chancellor also said she had made concessions to Seehofer's demands. "I would like very much for the CDU and CSU to continue working together," she added. "Because we are a success story for Germany."

The leaderships of the CDU and CSU met separately in Berlin and Munich on Sunday to discuss whether and how the two parties, which have been allied since 1949, will continue to work together. The CSU is facing a state election in Bavaria in October, and has opted to take a hard-line anti-immigration stance as its main campaign strategy.

The chancellor's claim that the CSU's demands had been fulfilled by the EU deal was contradicted by some CSU politicians entering the meeting in Munich, who maintained that it was up to the party to decide. There is also a difference of opinion between the two parties about whether the EU deal allows unilateral action by member states on closing borders or not.
2018-07-02 15:09:26
Mexico election: López Obrador vows profound change after win


Left-wing candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador has claimed victory in Mexico's presidential election, saying "profound change" is coming.

The ex-Mexico City mayor, known by his initials Amlo, is projected to win about 53% and his rivals have conceded.

He vowed to tackle the "evil" of corruption, saying it had caused social inequality and violence in the country.

He also pledged to double pensions for the elderly and seek friendly ties with the United States.

On combating Mexico's record levels of violence, Mr López Obrador said he would have daily meetings with his security cabinet, which under him, he said, would be under a "unified command".

During the campaign Mr López Obrador had often used confrontational language when referring to Mr Trump, but struck a more conciliatory note in his victory speech, saying that he would seek "friendly relations".

2018-07-02 19:43:20
2018-07-03 08:47:05
German government crisis: Angela Merkel gets migrant compromise from Bavarian conservatives


After plenty of political twists and turns over the past few days and weeks, Chancellor Angela Merkel has achieved a last-ditch agreement to end the dispute between her conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU).

Following a final crisis meeting on Monday, after interior minister and CSU chairman Horst Seehofer tendered his provisional resignation late Sunday evening, the Bavarian and Merkel achieved a breakthrough.

Merkel said Germany would be putting in place national "transit centers" to "order and steer secondary migration" — the movement of migrants within the EU. The chancellor said the deal would balance national and international approaches to the issue of how to control migration.

Seehofer, who confirmed he would be staying on as interior minister, said he was "very satisfied" with the "clear deal" reached by Germany's two conservative parties to "stem illegal migration." He added that the transit centers would help speed up asylum decisions and, in negative cases, accelerate deportations.

The general secretaries of the two parties said the agreement would reduce migration to Germany and allow the country to quickly turn away people who have no chance of being granted asylum in the country.

The deal seems to have buried the issue of whether Germany would have the authority to turn away migrants at its national borders, a main point of disagreement between conservatives that had threatened to break apart the long-standing CDU-CSU parliamentary bloc.

But there's a third player in this equation. On Monday, as Merkel was meeting with her CSU counterpart, Social Democratic Party (SPD) chairwoman Andrea Nahles said the SPD would only be guided by its coalition agreement with the CDU-CSU, not by Seehofer's master plan.

After negotiating their deal late on Monday, Merkel and Seehofer discussed the arrangement with the SPD at a coalition committee meeting. Talks broke off early Tuesday, with Nahles saying many issues still needed to be clarified before the SPD could approve the deal.
2018-07-03 11:40:53
2018-07-03 16:32:49
Former PM Najib arrested at his residence


Police and MACC sources have claimed that former premier Najib Abdul Razak has been arrested at his residence in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur, this afternoon.

However, MACC head Shukri Abdull could not confirm the matter.

"I am meeting with the IGP now. I will release a statement shortly," he told Malaysiakini.
However, a MACC source told Malaysiakini that the former premier has been taken to the commission's headquarters in Putrajaya for further questioning.
2018-07-03 19:00:20
Mike Pompeo to visit North Korea this week for nuclear talks


Mike Pompeo will travel to North Korea on Thursday in an effort to press the Pyongyang regime on commitments the US said it gave at a summit last month in Singapore, the state department has confirmed.

In preparation for the two-day trip, US and North Korean officials are reported to have met in the demilitarised zone between the two Koreas over the weekend, amid reports that Pyongyang is stepping up its nuclear and missile programmes since last month’s Singapore summit.

Andrew Kim, the head of the CIA’s Korea department and Sung Kim, a veteran negotiator who is now US ambassador to the Philippines, met North Korean counterparts at Panmunjom in the DMZ, according to South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper.

The state department said on Monday that Pompeo would fly to Pyongyang on Thursday and stay until Saturday, to “continue consultations and implement the forward progress made by President Trump and Chairman Kim in Singapore”.
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