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2018-06-07 12:07:36
Iran opens new nuclear facility at Natanz


Iran's nuclear chief inaugurated a new facility to produce advanced centrifuges on Wednesday, as European powers struggle to save an international deal that has constrained Iran's nuclear enrichment program.

"We hope the facility to be completed in a month," Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said on state television, adding that work on the facility had begun before 2015.

The decision to start up the facility, which is located in Natanz plant in central Iran, did not violate the 2015 nuclear deal — the agreement signed by Iran and six world powers that placed severe constraints on the country's enrichment program in exchange for the suspension of international sanctions.

Iran told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Tuesday that it would increase its nuclear enrichment capacity within the limits set out in the deal.
2018-06-07 12:08:51
Iraqi parliament orders manual election recount


Iraq's parliament has voted to carry out a manual recount of votes cast in last month's legislative elections, amid allegations of widespread fraud.

MPs also replaced the leadership of the election commission and annulled the votes of overseas and displaced Iraqis.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warned that security agencies had evidence of "unprecedented" violations. He said the main issue was with the electronic vote-counting machines that were used for the first time on 12 May.

It is unclear whether Wednesday's vote will affect the outcome of the election.
2018-06-07 17:35:35
Trump-Kim summit: Abe heads to US amid surge of diplomacy

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-44393295\\Japan's PM Shinzo Abe is set to hold a last-minute meeting with Donald Trump, days before the US president meets North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Mr Abe's visit is part of a surge of diplomacy ahead of the unprecedented summit on 12 June in Singapore.

Few details of the agenda for the Trump-Kim meeting have been confirmed.

When he meets Mr Trump in Washington on Thursday, Mr Abe is expected to push for Japan's security concerns to be reflected.

Also on Thursday, Singapore's Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan headed to Pyongyang to meet his counterpart Ri Yong-ho.
2018-06-07 19:15:58
Afghanistan announces unconditional ceasefire with Taliban after peace meeting


KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Thursday announced an unconditional ceasefire with the Taliban until June 20, coinciding with the end of the Muslim fasting season, but excluded all other militant groups, such as Islamic State.

The decision came after a meeting of Islamic clerics from across the country this week who declared a fatwa on Taliban attacks. A suicide bombing claimed by Islamic State killed 14 people at the entrance to the clerics’ peace tent in Kabul.

The clerics recommended a ceasefire with the Taliban, who are seeking to reimpose strict Islamic law after their ouster in 2001, and Ghani endorsed the recommendation. Ghani in February offered recognition of the Taliban as a legitimate political group in a proposed political process that he said could lead to talks to end more than 16 years of war.
2018-06-07 19:18:08
2018-06-07 19:20:55
Brexit: David Davis plans revolt over customs backstop plan


Theresa May is facing a dramatic cabinet showdown with David Davis, the Brexit secretary, over the government’s final backstop plan to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland.

As the inner cabinet meets at Downing Street to thrash out the final details of the customs fall-back plan, Davis is expected to push for a firm end date to be included in the agreed text.

Davis did not rule out resigning if the government’s proposals did not have his explicit approval. “That’s a question I think for the prime minister, to be honest,” he told reporters after a speech at the Royal United Services Institute.

It leaves the prime minister battling to restore cabinet unity over her customs plans before she flies to Canada later today for the G7 meeting of world leaders.

The clash with Davis came as Downing Street also attempted to head off a series of damaging rebellions in next week’s key Brexit votes, by holding talks with leading Tory MPs who voted to remain in the EU.

May has publicly committed to a time-limited backstop, but No 10 sources ruled out agreeing to a specific date in the text, suggesting that it would be unworkable.

Britain to publish Brexit backstop plan on Thursday - government sources


LONDON (Reuters) - The British government will publish its proposals for a “backstop” plan for the Irish border later on Thursday, sources said, after Prime Minister Theresa May moved to defuse the latest Brexit row.

May held “constructive” talks with Brexit minister David Davis, her spokeswoman said, after he had raised concerns over the proposal to ensure no return to a hard border between Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland after Brexit,

The row is yet another sign of the difficulty a weakened prime minister is having in driving the negotiation with the EU, struggling to unite not only her cabinet of ministers but her Conservative Party over a strategy that will define Britain’s trading relationship for years to come.
2018-06-07 21:56:45
Commerce Department announces deal to loosen ZTE penalties


The Commerce Department on Thursday announced that it had reached a deal to lift penalties on Chinese telecommunications firm ZTE.

The deal to revive ZTE, which violated U.S sanctions and is considered a national security threat by U.S. officials, comes after President Trump pledged to loosen restrictions that had effectively shut down the company.

The Commerce Department on Thursday announced that it had reached a deal to lift penalties on Chinese telecommunications firm ZTE.

The deal to revive ZTE, which violated U.S sanctions and is considered a national security threat by U.S. officials, comes after President Trump pledged to loosen restrictions that had effectively shut down the company.

The deal will also require the company to change its board of directors and executive
2018-06-08 09:33:56
[Ontario Election]CBC: Progressive Conservative Majority
2018-06-08 11:07:54
House GOP immigration talks go off the rails


House GOP efforts to tamp down an intra-party immigration war appeared to run aground Thursday, hours after a feel-good meeting where lawmakers had predicted they could clinch a deal.

Moderate Republicans said Thursday afternoon that members of the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus offered them an olive branch they thought could halt the looming immigration showdown: a new visa program for Dreamers that would eventually lead to citizenship.

Such an offer would have represented a significant development for immigration hawks who have long dismissed such legal status as "amnesty." But conservatives quickly denied that any such proposal was made, confounding centrist Republicans and quickly unraveling any goodwill built during the two-hour GOP conference meeting earlier in the day, which was intended to avert a discharge petition forcing immigration votes.
2018-06-08 11:12:52
May offers Tory rebels compromise 'breathing space' over Brexit bill


The government has proposed a 28-day breathing space if parliament rejects Theresa May’s Brexit deal, as it looks for a compromise with Conservative rebels to avoid a string of defeats in the House of Commons.

The EU withdrawal bill is returning to the Commons for 12 hours of debate next week — now spread over two days after protests from backbenchers over the prospect of an all-night sitting.

The government’s flagship Brexit bill was peppered with 15 amendments by the House of Lords, which ministers must now decide to accept, or urge MPs to vote down.

Downing Street tabled a series of “amendments-in-lieu” on Thursday night – offering its own tweaks to the legislation – after talks with Tory rebels, including Anna Soubry and Dominic Grieve.

The government hopes to soften the Lords amendment aimed at beefing up the “meaningful vote” MPs have been promised once May has struck a deal with Brussels.

UK government drops plan for 'meaningful vote' on Brexit deal - Labour


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s government has removed a legislative proposal for a “meaningful vote” in parliament on whatever deal it negotiates to leave the European Union, opposition lawmakers said on Thursday.

The government has proposed amendments to its Brexit legislation after the unelected upper house of parliament made 15 changes to British Prime Minister Theresa May’s original plans, despite ministers’ attempts to block them.

The government decided not to change an amendment that would force it to try to negotiate a customs union with the EU that is shaping up to be the most contentious vote in parliament next week, an official with the opposition Labour Party said.

Labour said that among the amendments was one that removed the requirement for the government to hold a “meaningful vote” in parliament on the deal it will try to negotiate with the EU for Britain’s future relationship with the bloc.
2018-06-08 11:25:26
Leaked comments by Boris Johnson expose cabinet divisions


Deep divisions over Brexit in Theresa May’s warring cabinet were laid bare once again last night as Boris Johnson was captured in a secret recording criticising the Treasury as the “heart of remain”.

Johnson made clear his dissatisfaction with the chancellor and warned of a Brexit “meltdown” in remarks at a private dinner with Conservative donors.

The foreign secretary said May was “going to go into a phase where we are much more combative with Brussels”. He added: “You’ve got to face the fact there may now be a meltdown. OK? I don’t want anybody to panic during the meltdown. No panic. Pro bono publico, no bloody panic. It’s going to be all right in the end.”

He dismissed the cautious approach of Philip Hammond’s Treasury, which he said had focused on “mumbo jumbo” predictions about short-term disruption, instead of the potential gains from leaving the EU.

“That fear of short-term disruption has become so huge in people’s minds that it’s turning them all wet,” he said. “Project Fear is really working on them.”
2018-06-08 11:27:52
Trump blasts Macron, Trudeau ahead of G-7 summit


President Trump on Thursday lashed out at the leaders of France and Canada over roiling trade disputes, setting the stage for a confrontational Group of Seven summit of major economic powers.

A day before leaving for the meeting in Canada, Trump singled out French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Twitter for threatening to isolate the U.S. over his efforts to change global trade rules.Autoplay: On | Off
President Trump on Thursday lashed out at the leaders of France and Canada over roiling trade disputes, setting the stage for a confrontational Group of Seven summit of major economic powers.

A day before leaving for the meeting in Canada, Trump singled out French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Twitter for threatening to isolate the U.S. over his efforts to change global trade rules.

Trump to depart G-7 summit early


President Donald Trump will leave the G-7 summit before its conclusion, the White House announced on Thursday night, following a day of back-and-forth with fellow world leaders that foreshadowed confrontations during the meeting of the world's largest advanced economies.

Trump will be depart the summit in Quebec at 10:30 a.m. Saturday and head directly to Singapore, the site of his June 12 meeting with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. The G-7 summit is scheduled to wrap up later on Saturday.

Before the announcement, President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada both promised to confront Trump over his recent decision to impose tariffs on U.S. allies.

Trump, in response, laid into the two leaders on Thursday evening over those plans. By pulling out early, Trump will skip sessions focused on climate change, the oceans and clean energy. He will also miss the traditional group-photo opportunity among fellow heads of state, as well as the closing news conference.

The summit traditionally concludes with a joint statement spelling out the areas of agreement on the wide range of policy issues discussed. But before Trump's announcement, Macron urged the other five nations to hold strong and not let potential U.S. opposition water down their communiqué.
2018-06-09 21:07:40
Mueller brings new charges against Paul Manafort


Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been hit with new charges filed by special counsel Robert Mueller's office.

Mueller filed a superseding indictment Friday in a D.C. court that brought two new counts against Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime Manafort aide.

The two new counts, which layer onto five previously issued charges, accuse Manafort and Kilimnik, who ran the Kiev office of Manafort’s political consulting company Davis Manafort Partners, of obstructing justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
2018-06-09 21:08:29
China hackers steal data from US Navy contractor - reports


The FBI is investigating after the Chinese government hacked a US Navy contractor and stole highly sensitive security data, US media say.

Data stolen in the breach include plans for a supersonic missile project, US officials told the Washington Post. The attacks, in January and February this year, were confirmed by CBS News.

Hackers targeted a contractor linked to a US military organisation that conducts research and development for submarines and underwater weaponry.

In a separate development, a former US intelligence officer was convicted on charges of giving top-secret documents to a Chinese agent.

Kevin Mallory, 61, was found guilty under the federal Espionage Act on Friday. He is due to be charged on 21 September and faces a maximum penalty of life in prison, the US justice department said in a statement.

In the case of the US Navy contractor, US officials told the Washington Post that the firm had been working for the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, a military organisation based in Newport, Rhode Island.
2018-06-09 21:09:38
Barnier criticises May's UK-wide Brexit backstop plan


Michel Barnier has warned that Theresa May’s backstop solution to avoid a border on the island of Ireland raises “more questions than answers” as he ruled out the whole of the UK staying in the customs union and key parts of the single market after Brexit.

“Backstop means backstop,” the EU’s chief negotiator told a press conference in Brussels, as he insisted the UK needed to be pragmatic and accept that Northern Ireland would have to be treated differently to the rest of the country, with checks taking place on goods travelling across the Irish Sea.

The backstop plan is set to snap into effect should a free trade deal or technological solution not be in place by the end of the transition period to prevent the need for a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The EU has suggested that Northern Ireland effectively stay in the customs union and adhere to large parts of the single market rules in such a scenario, a proposal flatly rejected by Downing Street as it would create a border within the UK.

Barnier said the EU was willing to consider the prime minister’s suggestion – made in a document published on Thursday – that the UK stay in the customs union after the transition period to avoid some checks, although he said it could not be a “time limited” arrangement. But he would not countenance the UK staying in parts of the single market, as that would be cherry-picking access.
2018-06-09 21:10:05
Taliban agree three-day Eid ceasefire in Afghanistan


The Taliban have announced a three-day ceasefire with Afghan government forces for Eid later this month.

This is the first time the insurgents have agreed a ceasefire since the 2001 US-led invasion and comes days after a unilateral truce by government troops.

The group said it would stop all offensive operations during the holiday, except against foreign forces.

The announcement came hours after Taliban fighters killed 19 Afghan policemen in Kunduz province.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said the Taliban move was an opportunity for the militants to realise "their violent campaign" was "not winning them hearts and minds but further alienating the Afghan people from their cause".
2018-06-10 12:05:31
G7 summit ends in disarray as Trump abandons joint statement


US President Donald Trump has retracted his endorsement of the joint communique issued at the end of the G7 summit, accusing Canada of "dishonesty".

He said that other countries were imposing "massive tariffs" on the US.

The joint communique, advocating a "rules-based trading system", was reached despite tension over US tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed afterwards to press ahead with retaliatory tariffs on 1 July.

Speaking at a news conference, he described as "insulting" Mr Trump's decision to invoke national security concerns to justify steel and aluminium tariffs.

"It would be with regret but it would be with absolute clarity and firmness that we move forward with retaliatory measures on 1 July," Mr Trudeau said. "Canadians are polite and reasonable but we will also not be pushed around."
2018-06-10 15:21:05
2018-06-10 17:08:11
2018-06-10 17:12:19
自己國家情報機關講左N次, 俄羅斯係到打緊資訊戰, 天羅地網咁散播不實信息, 分化歐美同盟, 干預各國選舉, 煽動封閉同分化主義
2018-06-11 12:19:04
2018-06-11 12:20:10
Italy's Matteo Salvini shuts ports to migrant rescue ship


Italy's new interior minister has refused permission for a rescue vessel to drop off 629 migrants picked up off Libya's coast.

Matteo Salvini, leader of the far-right League, said Malta should let the Aquarius dock but he was rejected.

Malta said the German charity SOS Méditerranée had picked up the migrants in Libyan waters, which meant they fell under Italy's jurisdiction

Italy is the main entry for migrants crossing from North Africa to Europe.

The League promised voters during Italy's recent general election that it would take a tough stance on immigration.

Palermo defies populist coalition to offer safe port to migrant ship


In defiance of orders from the new Italian populist government that ports were closed to migrants from Libya, Leoluca Orlando, the mayor of Palermo, said he would allow a rescue boat with 629 on board to dock in the Sicilian capital.

In the first evidence of the new government’s hardline approach, the interior minister and leader of the far right League, Matteo Salvini, said on Sunday that all Italian ports were closed to the rescue boat, Aquarius.

The Maltese government rejected a request to take the boat, saying international law required that the migrants should be taken to Italian ports.

However, in defiance of Salvini’s orders, Orlando said he was ready to open Palermo’s seaport to allow the rescued migrants to safely disembark. The decision was backed by other mayors in Italy’s south, including those in Naples, Messina and Reggio Calabria, who all said they were ready to disobey Salvini’s order and allow Aquarius to dock and disembark in their seaports.
2018-06-11 12:22:22
Spain's Basques form 200km human chain calling for independence vote


More than 175,000 people in Spain's Basque Country joined to form a 202 kilometer-long human chain on Sunday, as they called for the right to host a referendum on independence form Madrid.

The chain extended from the city of San Sebastian all the way to the Basque parliament in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of the autonomous region.

The protest was organized by the Basque group Gure Esku Dago (In Our Own Hands).

The Basque Country enjoys higher levels of self-determination than any of Spain's other sixteen regions, with its own police force, education system, language and special financial arrangement with Madrid.

While polls suggest that a vast majority of Basque people do not support full independence (only around 15 percent back total secession from Madrid), many nevertheless believe that the people should have the right to vote on the issue.
2018-06-11 12:22:55
Iraq ballot warehouse up in flames before election recount


A fire raged through Baghdad’s largest ballot storage site on Sunday, just days after parliament ordered a recount of May’s election results amid accusations of fraud.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called the fire “a plot to harm the nation and its democracy.”

"We will take all necessary measures and strike with an iron fist all who undermine the security of the nation and its citizens," Abadi said in a statement.

The fire was confined to one of four warehouses in Baghdad's al-Russafa district, where 60 percent of the capital's 2 million eligible voters had cast their ballots.

The interior ministry said no ballot boxes were destroyed in the fire, which engulfed a warehouse containing vote counting machines and other election equipment.
2018-06-11 19:07:32
French president's reforms on track despite rail strike


PARIS (Reuters) - In early April, thousands of French rail workers filled a square outside one of Paris’s biggest stations at the start of a strike against President Emmanuel Macron’s reforms.

Letting off flares and blowing whistles, they chanted slogans against the president’s plans to shake up the heavily subsidized and indebted state-run SNCF rail company.

More than two months later, on day 27 of a rolling strike meant to cripple rail traffic on 36 days over three months, not a single striker could be seen when Reuters went to the same square in front of the Gare de l’Est.

The strike is still going on: about half of all national and regional rail services were halted for two days last week. Gare de l’Est was so deserted that birdsong could be heard.

But Macron has all but won the war over the SNCF, delivering a powerful blow in his campaign to modernize France’s labor force and end a long economic malaise.

Public support for the strike has fallen, according to opinion polls, and nearly two-thirds of the public back Macron’s proposals to remove some of the SNCF employees’ benefits and cut the company’s debt, a poll by research group Elabe showed.
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