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2018-08-10 13:33:50
'Insulting': North Korea hits out at US for call to enforce sanctions


North Korea has denounced US calls for international sanctions to be enforced despite Pyongyang’s goodwill moves, saying progress on denuclearisation cannot be expected if Washington follows an “outdated acting script”.

North Korea’s foreign ministry said on Thursday that Pyongyang had stopped nuclear and missile tests, dismantled a nuclear test ground and returned the remains of US soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean war. Yet Washington was still insisting on “denuclearisation first” and had “responded to our expectation by inciting international sanctions and pressure”.

“As long as the US denies even the basic decorum for its dialogue partner and clings to the outdated acting script which the previous administrations have all tried and failed, one cannot expect any progress in the implementation of the DPRK-US joint statement including the denuclearisation,” the ministry said.

But it accused unidentified high-level US officials of “going against the intention of President Trump” by “making baseless allegations against us and making desperate attempts at intensifying the international sanctions and pressure”.

It said “expecting any result, while insulting the dialogue partner” was “a foolish act that amounts to waiting to see a boiled egg hatch out”.
2018-08-10 15:04:54
Puerto Rican Government Acknowledges Hurricane Death Toll of 1,427


The government of Puerto Rico quietly acknowledged in a report posted online that in all likelihood more than 1,400 people died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria — a figure that is more than 20 times the official death toll.

Hurricane Maria cut through the island on Sept. 20, knocking out power and initially killing about a dozen people. The government’s official count eventually grew to 64, as more people died from suicide, bacterial diseases, lack of access to health care and other factors. The number has not changed despite several academic assessments concluding that death certificates did not come close to tallying the storm’s fatal toll.

But in a draft of a report to Congress requesting $139 billion in recovery funds, the Puerto Rican government admitted that 1,427 more people died in the last four months of 2017 compared with the same time frame in the previous four years. The figures came from death registry statistics that were released in June, but which were never publicly acknowledged by officials on the island.

睇wiki, 當年Katrina一役, 估計死左成1833人

同Katrina比, 波多黎各呢單成個島淪陷咁濟, 上兩個月仲未完全恢復電力供應, 但關注度似乎差天共地
2018-08-10 17:04:03
The Guardian 人個page就係講Puerto Rico after Maria


不過,Puerto Rico連美國自己人都唔理
2018-08-10 17:04:34
Three South Korean firms imported North Korean coal in breach of sanctions: customs service


SEOUL (Reuters) - Three South Korean firms imported coal from North Korea disguised as Russian products in violation of U.N. sanctions, South Korea’s customs agency said on Friday.

South Korea has been examining nine cases of potential imports of North Korean coal, which would breach a resolution passed last August by the U.N. Security Council to choke off funding for Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

The customs service did not specify the number of ships or identify the companies involved, but said 35,0000 tons of coal was brought into South Korea in seven instances since October.

It said it would press charges against the firms involved.
2018-08-10 17:11:43
其實我懷疑過, 係咪因為Puerto Rico個名唔似美國地方, 美國唔少人唔知嗰度係自己友, 似為係中美地區, 所以WFC
2018-08-11 00:09:24
Trump escalates feud with Turkey, imposing higher metals tariffs


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intensified his spat with Turkey on Friday by imposing higher tariffs on metal imports, putting unprecedented economic pressure on a NATO ally and deepening turmoil in Turkish financial markets.

Criticizing the state of the U.S. relationship with Ankara, Trump announced on Twitter that he had authorized a doubling of duties on aluminium and steel imported from Turkey, making them 20 percent and 50 percent respectively.

The White House said later that Trump had authorized his administration to prepare documents imposing the increased duties under a section of U.S. law that allows for tariffs on national security grounds.

The two allies have been at odds for months over an American pastor detained in Turkey, the Syrian civil war and other diplomatic issues.

Erdogan tells Turks to buy free-falling lira as Trump doubles metals tariffs


ISTANBUL/ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan told Turks on Friday to exchange their gold and dollars into lira, with the country’s currency in free fall after President Donald Trump turned the screws on Ankara by doubling tariffs on metals imports.

The lira has long been falling on worries about Erdogan's influence over monetary policy and worsening relations with the United States. That turned into a rout on Friday, with the lira diving more than 18 percent at one point, the biggest one-day drop since Turkey's 2001 financial crisis.

It has also lost more than 40 percent this year, hitting a new record low after Trump took steps to punish Turkey in a wide-ranging dispute.
2018-08-11 00:50:27
Last Week Tonight, John Oliver 有一集講Puerto Rico,share俾有興趣的巴打


Vox 都有 Why Puerto Rico is not a US state

2018-08-11 11:00:47
Trump says progress made toward trade deal with Mexico, but warns Canada


(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that the United States and Mexico were making progress on a trade deal, and warned Canada he would tax their auto exports if an agreement cannot be reached with Ottawa.

“Deal with Mexico is coming along nicely. Autoworkers and farmers must be taken care of or there will be no deal. New President of Mexico has been an absolute gentleman,” Trump said on Twitter.

“Canada must wait. Their Tariffs and Trade Barriers are far too high. Will tax cars if we can’t make a deal!” he said.
2018-08-11 11:02:00
Romanian police clash with anti-government protesters


Police have clashed with tens of thousands of anti-government protesters across Romania.

Between 30,000 and 50,000 people, including many returning expats, turned out nationwide, media reports say.

Some protesters in the capital Bucharest threw bottles and paving slabs, while police used tear gas, pepper spray and even a water cannon.

Around 100 protesters needed medical attention and 10 police were injured, emergency services said.

A group of protesters tried to break into the government building in Bucharest, but were held back by the police security cordon.

The protesters demand the resignation of the government, objecting to the perceived efforts to weaken the judiciary by the governing Social Democrats (PSD), as well as low wages and entrenched corruption in the country.

Protests have been building against the PSD for months.

In July, President Klaus Iohannis approved the dismissal of anti-corruption prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi, who had been leading investigations into local and national politicians for graft. President Iohannis had been under extensive pressure from the PSD government to agree to her removal.

2018-08-11 14:19:45
China Uighurs: One million held in political camps, UN told


A UN human rights committee has heard there are credible reports that China is holding a million Uighurs in "counter-extremism centres".

Gay McDougall, a member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, raised the claims at a two-day UN meeting on China.

She said she was concerned by reports that Beijing had "turned the Uighur autonomous region into something that resembles a massive internment camp".

China did not immediately respond.

Its 50-strong delegation said it would address questions on Monday, when the session in Geneva continues.

Human rights groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have submitted reports to the UN committee documenting claims of mass imprisonment, in camps where inmates are forced to swear loyalty to China's President Xi Jinping.
2018-08-12 09:55:01
Mali to vote in run-off election with president Keita favorite to win


BAMAKO (Reuters) - Malians vote on Sunday in a run-off election and President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita is favorite to beat Soumaila Cisse even though ethnic and militant violence has surged during his tenure.

Keita took 41 percent of the vote in last month’s first round against nearly 18 percent for Cisse, a former finance minister and the main opposition leader.

The poll was marred by armed attacks and other security incidents that disrupted about a fifth of polling places and the threat of violence could again dampen turnout on Sunday.

The chaotic first round was a reminder that militants, some linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State, have regrouped since a French intervention in 2013 and are now expanding their influence across the desert north and into the fertile center.
2018-08-12 09:55:54
Australia's prime minister to face internal dissent as parliament resumes


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will this week be forced to confront internal divisions as the government convenes for the first time since it suffered a series of electoral defeats that threatens its prospect for re-election.

Turnbull will front a meeting of the centre-right coalition on Tuesday as parliament resumes after a six-week recess, a conference that comes amid renewed pressure on the prime minister.

Turnbull has been under sustained pressure amid a slump in opinion polls, stoking speculation of a leadership change in a country that has seen five different prime ministers since 2010.

Exit polls showed Turnbull’s government had lost support with its planned corporate tax cuts.
2018-08-12 10:01:14



2018-08-12 10:02:01
EU seeks details from Saudi Arabia on women human rights arrests amid Canada row


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union has asked Saudi Arabia to shed light on the arrests and charges facing women human rights activists, saying that the detainees should be granted due process to defend themselves.

Saudi Arabia has in recent months detained several women’s rights activists, some of whom had campaigned for the right to drive and an end to the kingdom’s male guardianship system.

The detentions have triggered a major diplomatic row with Canada after the Canadians demanded the immediate release of the jailed activists.

The European Commission, the EU executive, said it has contacted Saudi Arabia.

“The EU has been engaging constructively with the Saudi authorities seeking clarification on the circumstances surrounding the arrests of women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia, notably with regard to the specific accusations brought against them,” spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.
2018-08-12 14:52:27
Germany's AfD rebuffs Steve Bannon plan to unite European populists


A plan by Steve Bannon, a former political adviser to US President Donald Trump, to unite Europe's populist, far-right parties ahead of European Parliament elections in May was spurned by Alternative for Germany (AfD) co-head Alexander Gauland.

"We're not in America," he told the Funke Media Group newspaper chain in an interview published on Saturday. "The interests of the anti-establishment parties in Europe are quite divergent."

Bannon announced in July that he created a Brussels-based organization called The Movement to advance a bid by nationalist and populist party supporters to undermine the European Union from the inside.

While the AfD's other co-leader, Alice Weidel, met with Bannon, Gauland said he did not see a way for Germany's far-right populists to cooperate with an EU-wide movement.
2018-08-12 14:55:34
Romania: second night of protests after 450 injured in clashes


Tens of thousands gathered in the Romanian capital Bucharest on Saturday for a second straight day of demonstrations after more than 450 people were hurt and around 30 arrested in a huge anti-corruption protest on Friday.

Police came in for criticism after they used water cannons and teargas to disperse protesters calling on the leftwing government to resign. Many demonstrators needed treatment after inhaling pepper spray and teargas, while others suffered blows, hospital sources said. About 30 police were also injured, 11 of whom were taken to hospital.

Massive crowds gathered in downtown Bucharest on Saturday night, watched by security forces as they chanted: “Down with the government” and “Justice, not corruption”.

Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s chancellor, whose country currently holds the EU rotating presidency, criticised the violence, in which a cameraman for Austria’s public broadcaster was also hurt. “We strongly condemn the violent clashes in Bucharest where numerous demonstrators and journalists were injured. We expect full explanations,” he said on Twitter.

Local media said up to 80,000 people had taken to the streets, among them many Romanian expatriates who returned home to show their anger at the graft in one of the EU’s most corruption-plagued member states.

2018-08-12 22:17:30
Indian PM Modi confident of bigger win in 2019 elections: Times of India


MUMBAI (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he would be re-elected with an even bigger majority in parliament in 2019, dismissing opposition attempts to rouse opinion against his government for failing to deliver on promises of swift economic development and more jobs for young people.

Modi told the Times of India in an interview published on Sunday that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led government is committed to improving the lives of all citizens regardless of faith.

Concerns have grown that his administration has been unable to rein in right-wing fringe groups that are trying to undermine India’s secular constitution by targeting the nation’s large Muslim minority.

Opinion polls show he remains the front runner to win another five-year term, but the party has suffered reverses in some local elections in the past few months that have energized the opposition.
2018-08-12 22:18:30
Mali election takes place amid heavy security to counter militant threat


BAMAKO (Reuters) - Malians voted in a run-off presidential election under heavy security on Sunday, with incumbent Ibrahim Boubacar Keita expected to win a second term despite a surge in ethnic and militant violence during his tenure.

Keita, 73, is running against Soumalia Cisse, 68, the main opposition leader and a former finance minister.

The first round on July 29 was marred by armed attacks and other security incidents at about a fifth of polling places, as well as opposition charges of fraud.

As voting progressed throughout Sunday, however, no serious incidents had been reported. Soldiers ran body checks on voters in the capital Bamako as they waited in line under rainy skies to cast their ballots.
2018-08-12 22:21:27
Russia says will ditch U.S. securities amid sanctions: RIA


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will further decrease its holdings of U.S. securities in response to new sanctions against Moscow but has no plans to shut down U.S. companies in Russia, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on state TV on Sunday, RIA news agency reported.

Russia has ditched its holdings of U.S. Treasuries in the past few months as relations between Moscow and Washington have deteriorated, data showed last month.

Russia will also have more settlement in roubles and other currencies, such as the euro, than in dollars, Siluanov said.
2018-08-12 22:27:00
Russia, Iran, and 3 others agree Caspian status, but not borders


AKTAU, Kazakhstan (Reuters) - Iran and four ex-Soviet nations, including Russia, agreed in principle on Sunday how to divide up the potentially huge oil and gas resources of the Caspian Sea, paving way for more energy exploration and pipeline projects.

However, the delimitation of the seabed - which has caused most disputes - will require additional agreements between littoral nations, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said.

For almost three decades, the five littoral states - Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan - have argued over how to divide the world’s biggest enclosed body of water.

And while some countries have pressed ahead with large offshore projects such as the Kashagan oil field off Kazakhstan’s coast, disagreement over the sea’s legal status has prevented some other ideas from being implemented.

One of those is a pipeline across the Caspian which could ship natural gas from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan and then further to Europe, allowing it to compete with Russia in the Western markets.

Some littoral states have also disputed the ownership of several oil and gas fields, which delayed their development.

Speaking after the signing on Sunday, all five leaders praised it as historic event, but provided little detail about provisions on splitting the seabed.

However, making it clear that the document is no final solution, Rouhani said border delimitation would require further work and separate agreements, although the convention would serve as a basis for that.
2018-08-13 10:16:18
拿拿臨J肥賓: [一帶一路盟友]土耳其里拉崩潰即時討論區

2018-08-13 16:20:16
North, South Korea agree on third summit to be held in Pyongyang


SEOUL (Reuters) - North and South Korea agreed to hold a summit in Pyongyang in September, the latest step forward in cross-border ties this year after more high-level talks on Monday, the South’s Unification Ministry said.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in met in April and May at the border truce village of Panmunjom, within the demilitarized zone (DMZ) that separates the two Koreas, and agreed that the next summit in autumn would be held in the North Korean capital.

The two Koreas held a fresh round of talks at the DMZ on Monday to discuss the third summit, led by the South’s Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon and Ri Son Gwon, chairman of the North’s reunification committee.
2018-08-13 16:22:23
Turkey takes action in bid to curb currency crisis


Turkey's central bank has said it is ready to take "all necessary measures" to ensure financial stability after the collapse of the lira.

It has vowed to provide banks with "all the liquidity the banks need".

The comments came after a widening diplomatic spat with the US prompted market turmoil in the country.

Investors weren't reassured. Although the lira edged up a bit, it still hit a record low against the dollar, while stock markets in Asia and Europe fell.

The Turkish Central Bank announced on Monday that banks would be given all the liquidity they needed.

Discount rates for collaterals against Turkish lira transactions would also be provided.

But the bank did not increase interest rates, which would help contain inflation while supporting the lira.

It is not clear if this comes after Mr Erdogan's pressure. The president is famously averse to interest rate rises.

He has dismissed the fall of the currency as "a storm in a tea cup" and urged Turks to sell dollars and buy lira to help boost the currency.
2018-08-13 16:50:23
Africa Live: Nigerian troops 'protest against deployment'


A detachment of Nigerian troops fired into the air on Sunday - at an airport in the north-eastern city of Maiduguri - to protest against their redeployment to the frontline of the conflict against Islamist militants.

Local media reported that the soldiers refused to board the plane that was to transfer them from Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, to the town of Marte, close to the border with Niger.

Witnesses said the soldiers were shooting for around four hours from 18:30 local time (1730 GMT), news agency Reuters reports.

“We are angry and that is why we are shooting. Why are they taking us again to another place after spending about four years?” said a soldier, adding that they had previously been told they would only fight insurgents for a maximum of three years.

The military has not officially commented on the incident.
2018-08-13 18:52:30
Iran's Khamenei bans holding direct talks with United States: TV


ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei banned holding any direct talks with the United States, state TV reported, rejecting an offer last month by U.S. President Donald Trump for talks with no preconditions with Tehran.

“I ban holding any talks with America ... America never remains loyal to its promises in talks ... just gives empty words ... and never retreats from its goals for talks,” Khamenei was quoted as saying by TV.
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