
520 回覆
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2018-08-05 02:56:45
男學生俾人打 女學生俾人強姦
2018-08-05 03:05:51

有學生交通意外死 其實嗰度交通一直都唔安全

結果學生示威 之後更幫手維持交通秩序

跟住政府嘅青年組織Bangladesh Chhatra League開始打人
2018-08-05 03:09:59
2018-08-05 03:14:53

The untimely death of at least two students in a reckless bus accident on July 29, 2018 and the intolerable remarks regarding road safety that followed from the shipping minister Shajahan Khan led to a massive and unprecedented student protest. Notably, Bangladesh has one of the worst road safety numbers as there is virtually no implementation of traffic laws and widespread corruption by the traffic police.

On July 30th, students took to the streets and stopped the roads near Hazrat Shahjalal Airport, with banners and placards that cried for better road safety, better enforcement of traffic and vehicle laws, proper punishment of the driver who caused the accident and better treatment of the victims’ families by the authorities. Ever since that day, the protest has spread out to all parts of Dhaka and beyond, with students showcasing the quintessential definition of young spirit in its full glory. These students have no political affiliation and don’t have a leader. They collectivized out of sheer determination to bring very necessary change . Whether it be through stopping vehicles on the street to check the license of drivers and paperwork of vehicles, creating separate lanes on the roads for different kinds of vehicles or making a policeman fine himself because he didn’t have the proper license, they have done more than Bangladesh police and law enforcement agencies have managed to do in years.


On the 4th of August, what happened is probably the worst clampdown on dissent a Bangladeshi individual could think of. The Bangladesh Chhatro League, the youth wing of the ruling party, has been beating up students and sexually assaulting young females in different areas of the city, as a means to stop the young voices in this protest once and for all. Four girls have been allegedly abducted and raped and more are held hostage in the City College and Dhaka College areas.

The police has been ordered to not interfere with the atrocities that BCL is doing (even without official orders, the consensus is that the police is absolutely complacent and are not stopping violence. There is a legacy of politicization in all of the state apparatus in Bangladesh).

The number of students still on the roads protesting are severely outnumbered by these vicious goons and with little local news coverage, chances of preventing more casualties and getting proper justice seems slim. We need coverage on the issue from international news agencies to gain any traction at all. We need external institutions to recognize this mass violence that is only expected to get worse and create pressure in our government to stop politicizing every movement by students and recognize the brevity of its actions.
2018-08-05 03:28:41
2018-08-05 03:29:47
2018-08-05 03:35:36
兩架巴士搶客 攞死兩個等車嘅學生


可惜政府用暴力還擊 又禁晒啲傳媒 社交網站 而家連電話都好似用唔到

圖入面學生對眼俾人挖出嚟 幫佢嘅人就用國旗包住佢對眼
2018-08-05 03:39:26
2018-08-05 03:40:28
當局進行緊消息封鎖. 上網連 56K 都無, 得返 1.28 kbps.

2018-08-05 03:41:56
除咗幫手share 都唔知可以點幫。。。
2018-08-05 03:43:41
香港人自己都搞唔掂, 仲話幫人, 未免自視過高啦巴打.
但 Share 吓無壞嘅.

Wiki 有 current event update

2018-08-05 03:46:01
一定要推 俾多啲人知道都好
2018-08-05 03:48:35
差佬唔只唔做嘢, 好似直頭係幫兇.
2018-08-05 03:49:19
2018-08-05 04:00:12

香港有事 都想外國人知道真相啦

2018-08-05 04:01:56
如果我覺得唔關事, 就唔會入嚟呢個 Post 之前已經留意緊單新聞啦.

只不過講到幫字, 我覺得 over 咗少少啫.

2018-08-05 04:04:32
Anyway, Twitter 啲料最快, 不過 signal to noise ratio 好低咁.

2018-08-05 04:22:08
出自己錦衣衛 命令普通警察唔可以干預
2018-08-05 04:40:40
2018-08-05 04:42:36
2018-08-05 04:48:28
2018-08-05 05:02:30
2018-08-05 05:06:17
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞