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2018-07-14 20:14:55
Eritrea's Isaias Afwerki in historic Ethiopia visit


Eritrea's President Isaias Afwerki is visiting Ethiopia for the first time since the start of the two countries' border war in 1998.

The three-day visit aims to cement ties just days after the two neighbours declared their "state of war" over.

Mr Afwerki was welcomed on arrival by Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Thousands of people, many waving Eritrean flags, lined the streets of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, to mark the historic visit on Saturday.

Mr Afwerki, whose visit is the latest in a string of moves towards reconciliation between Africa's erstwhile bitter enemies, was also greeted by dozens of traditional Ethiopian dancers while a brass band performed for him as he walked the red carpet.

The two countries have been in a state of "no war, no peace" since 2000, when a peace deal ended a war in which tens of thousands of people were killed. A border commission set up under the peace agreement ruled that the town of Badme, the flashpoint for the conflict, was part of Eritrea but Ethiopia refused to accept this and so normal relations were never resumed.
2018-07-14 21:02:15
trump 仔一定係賣美賊,好彩美國唔係一個話哂事,有參眾兩院𥄫住先無咁過份
2018-07-15 21:38:59
Theresa May: Trump told me to sue the EU


Donald Trump told Theresa May she should sue the EU rather than negotiate over Brexit, she has told the BBC.

The US president said on Friday at a joint press conference he had given her a suggestion - but she had found it too "brutal".

Asked by the BBC's Andrew Marr what it was he had said, she replied: "He told me I should sue the EU - not go into negotiations."

She defended her blueprint for Brexit and urged her critics to back it. She said it would allow the UK to strike trade deals with other nations, end free movement of people, and end the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.


2018-07-15 21:40:20
Trump-Putin summit: US leader has low expectations


US President Trump has said he has "low expectations" for his meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin in Finland on Monday.

But he told CBS News that "nothing bad" and "maybe some good" would come out of the encounter.

He also said he would raise the subject of 12 Russians indicted for alleged hacking during the 2016 US election - but "hadn't thought" about asking for their extradition.

Russia denies the allegations. There are no extradition arrangements between Russia and the US.

There have been calls in the US for Mr Trump to cancel his meeting with Mr Putin over the indictments, announced on Friday by US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
2018-07-16 19:48:14
Trump tells Putin at Helsinki summit: 'I really think the world wants to see us get along' - live updates

the Guardian's Live post:


US president Donald Trump says relations with Russia have ‘never been worse as he arrives for high-stakes summit with Vladimir Putin. Russia says it agrees
2018-07-16 19:51:11
Brexit: No 10 rules out second referendum 'under any circumstances' - Politics live


Scott Mann resigns at Tory PPS over May's Brexit plan

Another Conservative has resigned as a parliamentary private secretary over Theresa May’s Brexit plan. Scott Mann, MP for North Cornwall, who was a PPS to the Treasury team, says he is not prepared to accept a “watered down Brexit”.
2018-07-16 20:30:17
2018-07-16 21:09:48
trump 仔一定係賣美賊,好彩美國唔係一個話哂事,有參眾兩院𥄫住先無咁過份

巴打你不如回想下, 兩院𥄫左啲乜?
兩院一路放任Trump嘅荒謬言行, 眾院有班多數黨議員, 仲一路想終止/阻礙Russia-Trump調查
根本Trump係無王管, 兩院要制衡佢玩完左好耐
2018-07-17 13:28:55
'No collusion': Trump and Putin deny election meddling in TV interviews


Fresh off a controversial summit that drew widespread condemnation from America and its allies, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump struck a defiant tone in a pair of television interviews that sought to dismiss Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Hours after Trump’s joint appearance with Putin in Helsinki was dubbed by some US officials as “treasonous”, the Russian president rejected allegations that his government meddled in the 2016 election as “utterly ridiculous”.

Trump, meanwhile, claimed without evidence that Putin had essentially absolved his campaign of collusion with Moscow.

Both presidents continued to deflect from the US intelligence community’s widespread assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the aim of boosting Trump and damaging Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.

Trump-Putin summit: US president under fire over poll meddling comments


At a news conference after the summit, he was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to allegations of meddling in the election.

"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

Mr Trump also blamed poor relations with Russia on past US administrations rather than Russian actions.

US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.

Mr Trump later backtracked, tweeting that he had "great confidence in my intelligence people".
2018-07-17 13:39:45
Liberal: 我話有就有
2018-07-17 13:42:57
Five takeaways from Trump's jaw-dropping performance with Putin


A jaw-dropper, even by Trump’s standards

Trump’s news conference with Putin was extraordinary, even by the standards of a president who has embraced chaos and controversy like no recent predecessor.

Trump made clear he does not accept the word of the U.S. intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Republicans and outside allies join chorus of disapproval

Trump is so polarizing — loathed by Democrats but with rock-solid approval ratings among Republicans — that reactions to many controversies break along neat partisan lines.

This seems different. Republicans as well as sympathetic media outlets were deeply critical of the president.

A GOP strategist with ties to the White House told The Hill that the news conference was “really embarrassing to the United States” — even if voters’ attention might soon shift to other topics.

A very good day for Putin

It’s hard to see how the summit could have gone better for the Russian president.

The tide was already flowing in Putin’s direction from earlier events on Trump’s trip, including his criticism of NATO allies and his description of the European Union as a “foe” during a weekend television interview.

But Putin has long been eager to sow transatlantic discord and ease his own nation’s isolation, which had deepened following the 2014 annexation of Crimea.

Any good news for Trump got lost

In their prepared remarks before the news conference careened off the rails, Trump and Putin outlined the areas in which they might be able to work together.

Nuclear nonproliferation, counterterrorism and Syria were among the topics cited.

Many foreign policy experts agree there could be some constructive engagement in these areas.

But the sensational nature of Trump’s comments means all of those issues will be utterly overshadowed.

All eyes on what’s next

The furor over Trump’s performance is so deep and so intense that it will dominate the news agenda for at least the next several days, absent some other cataclysm.

That’s grim news for Trump, given that he had been enjoying an uptick in his approval ratings, partly as a consequence of a very strong economy.

It is plausible that people within Trump’s national security apparatus could resign, as they were urged to do Monday by former CIA Director John Brennan.
2018-07-17 13:45:43
Full text: Trump and Putin’s press conference, transcribed

2018-07-17 13:56:57
Theresa May narrowly avoids House of Commons defeat as Tory split worsens


Late Monday night, amid chaotic scenes in the House of Commons, Theresa May managed to scrape through a rebellion by pro-EU Tory MPs furious at her decision to cave in to a series of Euroskeptic amendments to a key piece of Brexit legislation — but only at the cost of losing another minister from her government.

For many months the prime minister has faced sustained pressure from the pro-Brexit wing of her own party. Monday marked a significant rebellion on May’s left flank, as pro-EU MPs voted with the opposition Labour Party in an attempt to prevent a hardening of the government’s position.

In a bid to see off a Brexiteer uprising, No. 10 Downing Street announced early Monday afternoon it would not fight four so-called wrecking amendments laid by hard-line Euroskeptics in Jacob Rees-Mogg’s European Research Group of Tory MPs, all designed to undermine the prime minister’s own Brexit proposal agreed at Chequers earlier this month. Downing Street insisted the amendments did no such thing and chose to climb down rather than risk an embarrassing rebellion at the hands of their own backbench MPs.

Defense Minister Guto Bebb quit May’s government following the vote — preferring to oppose one of the Brexiteer amendments that his pro-Eurpean colleagues insisted only served to undermine the government. In doing so he became the 10th member of the government to quit since the prime minister won Cabinet agreement for her new Brexit plan just over a week ago, including former Brexit Secretary David Davis and former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

May will face a second round of public party in-fighting Tuesday when anti-Brexit Tories will make another attempt to soften the U.K.’s exit from the bloc, with their own proposed amendment to the trade bill. The proposal, according to the Sun, would establish a backstop to May’s new Brexit plan forcing her to agree to join a customs union with the EU if she fails to persuade Brussels to allow Britain a free-trade area on goods by January 21, 2019 — two months from Brexit day.
2018-07-17 13:59:10
Guto Bebb: MP resigns as minister over Brexit vote


A Welsh Conservative MP has quit as a minister so he could vote against the government on its Brexit Customs Bill.

Guto Bebb resigned as minister for defence procurement ahead of Monday night's vote.

MPs voted by 305 to 302 to support an amendment that critics said would undermine Theresa May's recently-announced negotiating position.

Mr Bebb, MP for Aberconwy, has been highly critical of Brexit-supporting Conservatives recently.

He branded Boris Johnson's resignation as foreign secretary "a selfish act" and attacked former Brexit Minister David Jones for criticising the prime minister's plan for future trade with the EU.
2018-07-17 18:38:10
EU-Japan free trade agreement defies protectionism


The European Union (EU) and Japan have signed a trade deal that promises to eliminate 99 percent of tariffs that cost businesses in the EU and Japan nearly €1 billion ($1.17 billion) annually.

According to the European Commission, the EU-Japan "Economic Partnership Agreement" (EPA) is the largest trade deal ever negotiated by the EU and will create a trade zone covering 600 million people and nearly a third of global GDP.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk in Tokyo on Tuesday to sign the EPA at the 25th EU-Japan Summit. The agreement was supposed to have been signed during an EU-Japan summit in Brussels last Wednesday, but the meeting was canceled by Abe due to the recent flooding disaster in Japan.

The result of four years of negotiation, the EPA was finalized in late 2017 and is expected to come into force by the end of the current mandate of the European Commission in autumn 2019. The EU has called the agreement "highly ambitious and comprehensive." The total trade volume of goods and services between the EU and Japan is €86 billion.
2018-07-17 18:38:51
US rejects EU request for Iran sanctions relief


The United States has rejected a European request for some of its key businesses to be exempt from US sanctions on Iran.

Ministers from Germany, France, the UK and European Union last month requested broad carve-outs from Washington's Iran sanctions for sectors including health care, finance, automotive and energy doing business with Iran.

In a letter to European nations, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin rejected the appeal, NBC News reported, citing US and European officials.
2018-07-17 18:39:19
Maas: Europe can no longer rely on the United States


Heiko Mass, Germany's foreign minister, said on Monday that Europe could no longer rely on the USA. "To maintain our partnership with the USA we must readjust it," the German foreign minister told Germany's Funke newspaper group. "The first clear consequence can only be that we need to align ourselves even more closely in Europe."

Mass's comments were made just hours ahead of a meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, and came after Trump's call last week for NATO allies to spend more on defense, and his reference to the European Union as a "foe" in trade.

The US president also caused something of a media storm on a visit to the UK, where he appeared to undermine Prime Minister Theresa May's position on Brexit in an interview with a tabloid newspaper.
2018-07-17 19:00:32
巴打, 係時候醒啦, 呢件事唔關liberal定conservative事
亦唔關共和黨定民主黨事, 而係事實問題

呢件事係「美國複數情報機關話俄羅斯攻擊美國, 但美國總統信俄羅斯多過美國, 否定美國情報機關講法, 認同俄羅斯總統講法」

上年一月, 無錯, 即係2017年1月,
DNI已經聯同CIA, FBI, NSA出過report, 直指俄羅斯干預美國大選

In case有人唔知呢四個係乜鬼:

請問, 關Liberal咩事?

早幾日, DOJ應特別檢察官Mueller要求, 先檢控12名俄羅斯官方人員, 指控佢地干預2016年大選


In case有人唔知咩係DOJ

請問, 關Liberal咩事?

尋日, 新鮮滾熱辣, DOJ宣佈再檢控多條友, 叫Maria Butina, 指控佢以俄羅斯代理人之身, 係美國本土行對美國密謀不軌之舉




Butina served as a special assistant to the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank, Alexander Torshin, a former Russian senator belonging to Vladimir Putin’s political party who is allegedly tied to the Russian mob world. Torshin, who isn’t named in the complaint but is identifiable by title, is now under sanctions by the U.S. government.

Torshin has repeatedly sought to bolster ties to the Trump family using connections he made at the NRA, where both he and Butina are lifetime members. The FBI is reportedly investigating whether the NRA took money from Russian interests to bolster Trump’s campaign. Torshin sought at one point to set up a dinner between Trump and Putin. He also spoke with Donald Trump Jr. during an NRA gathering in Kentucky.

Butina曾係一名前俄羅斯議員兼現中央銀行--受美國制裁嘅機構--高級職員嘅助理, 亦同時係NRA終身會員兼活躍分子, 無錯, 即係美國步鎗協會啊屌

早係上年2月, 無錯, 係2017年2月啊屌, DailyBeast已經報過Butina:


佢借參加NRA同GOP建立聯繫, 成為俄羅斯同NRA中間人, 更因為咁同Trump有聯繫

係2015年, Trump係公開場合答過一條問題, 而呢條問題係Butina答, 問題係如果Trump係總統, 佢外交政策會點, 特別係同俄羅斯會點



“I believe I would get along very nicely with Putin, OK? And I mean, where we have the strength. I don’t think you’d need the sanctions. I think we would get along very, very well.”



但係, 時至今日, Trump都係話「Putin話唔係俄羅斯做, 所以唔係俄羅斯做」


到底要幾盲, 先會覺得美國總統公開信獨裁政權俄羅斯多過美國, 公開插美國一刀無問題?
而呢位美國總統, 早兩日先隊完歐盟黎: 係佢心中, 提到敵人, 歐盟名列先於俄佬同中國
(呢個咁出名咁新, 我就唔搵link啦)

而日前當有人提到民主黨畀俄佬hack, 呢位美國總統, 竟然係話「應該羞愧」


呢個已經唔關黨派定意識形態事, 當美國機構受到敵意國家攻擊, 美國總統竟然唔係悍衛美國, 遣責hacker, 而係笑鳩呢個受害美國機構

到底有幾盲, 先仲會擁護呢位 「美國總統」?
到底有幾盲, 先會扯到去Liberal度?
2018-07-17 19:03:51
而日前當有人提到民主黨畀俄佬hack, 呢位美國總統, 竟然係話「民主黨應該羞愧」


呢個已經唔關黨派定意識形態事, 當美國機構受到敵意國家攻擊, 美國總統竟然唔係悍衛美國, 遣責hacker, 而係笑鳩呢個受害美國機構

到底有幾盲, 先仲會擁護呢位 「美國總統」?
到底有幾盲, 先會扯到去Liberal度?

2018-07-17 19:05:44
Trump, who is set to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki, also repeated his claim that former President Barack Obama was to blame for Russia’s meddling in the presidential race.

“This was during the Obama administration. They were doing whatever it was during the Obama administration,” Trump said.

2018-07-17 19:08:51


2018-07-17 19:10:15
2018-07-17 19:10:51
「都係Obama衰, 俄羅斯係無辜o架」

結合佢會上其他發言, 同時可以推出「俄羅斯有干預大選, 但俄羅斯其實無干預大選」呢個命題

留名睇參眾兩院繼續鳩up, 口責而實不至, 第n次放生Trump
2018-07-17 19:19:04
Trump分化北約, 攻擊歐盟, 疏離美國其他盟友, 向俄羅斯示好
呢條友唔係黑臉咁簡單,佢改變嘅國際局勢, 無一唔啱俄羅斯胃口
結合佢一直以黎對俄羅斯嘅態度, 同參院情報委員會月前得出, 「俄羅斯干預大選, 幫助Trump勝選」嘅結論, 容許我衰啲講句, 佢相當有可能係俄羅斯隻狗


俄羅斯國有電視台, 上個月係Trump荒謬絕倫嘅Crimea言論後, 直頭話「Trump is ours」
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞