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2018-06-03 10:59:50
Saudi threatens military action if Qatar deploys anti-aircraft missiles: report


PARIS (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has threatened to take military action if Qatar installs a Russian air defense system, France’s Le Monde newspaper reported.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates severed diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar last year, accusing Doha of supporting terrorism, which it denies.

Qatar and Russia signed an agreement on military and technical cooperation last year. Qatar’s ambassador to Russia was quoted as saying in January that it was in talks to buy the Russian S-400 missile air defense systems.

Le Monde said that Saudi King Salman had written a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron, expressing his profound concern over negotiations between Doha and Moscow and the possibility that Qatar could deploy the missiles.

“The kingdom would be ready to take all necessary measures to eliminate this defence system, including military action,” Le Monde quoted the letter to Macron as saying. It said the letter had been sent “recently”, but was not more specific.
2018-06-03 14:37:32
Trump’s Lawyers, in Confidential Memo, Argue to Head Off a Historic Subpoena


In a brash assertion of presidential power, the 20-page letter — sent to the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and obtained by The New York Times — contends that the president cannot illegally obstruct any aspect of the investigation into Russia’s election meddling because the Constitution empowers him to, “if he wished, terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon.”


Mr. Trump complained on Twitter on Saturday before this article was published that the disclosure of the letter was a damaging leak to the news media and asked whether the “expensive Witch Hunt Hoax” would ever end.


There was No Collusion with Russia (except by the Democrats). When will this very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax ever end? So bad for our Country. Is the Special Counsel/Justice Department leaking my lawyers letters to the Fake News Media? Should be looking at Dems corruption instead?


1. 咁講同"I am the state"有乜柒分別; 或者同Nixon 30年前講: "when the president does it, that means it's not illegal"有乜柒分別

2. NYT今次無寫到出文前有問白宮或者特別檢察小組有無回應, 可以假定佢地無問, 但消楚提到Trump係呢篇文出街前就有上面條tweet, 咁即係白宮畀封信NYT...?
2018-06-03 19:14:17
應該係加拿大先有:中文Attack Ad

2018-06-04 00:37:21
2018-06-04 10:16:36
Slovenia election: right-wing opposition SDS leads


Jansa's center-right Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) was on just over 25 percent, with more than 80 percent of votes counted on Sunday, according to the State Election Commission.

The trend, if confirmed, would add a further anti-immigrant line-up to Europe's political scene and in Ljubljana the prospect of rival parties vying to form a majority in Slovenia's 90-seat parliament.

Jansa had been aided in campaigning by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who participated at one of the SDS's election rallies.

Second-placed in Slovenia's initial result was the "anti-system" LMS party of comedian-turned-politician of Marjan Sarec on 12.7 percent. The official incomplete results also showed the centre-left Social Democrats in third place on 10 percent. They were followed by the SMC party of outgoing prime minister Miro Cerar on 9.5 percent and the left-wing Levica party with 9.0 percent.

Parties in Cerar's outgoing coalition – the Social Democrats, the SMC and the pensioners' party DESUS – have all ruled out collaborating with Jansa's SDS.

Sarec recently chided Jansa for involving Orban in "our elections," saying this had crossed "all red lines" and left his list unwilling to join a SDS-led coalition.
2018-06-04 10:18:27
North Korea's top three military officials sacked, as nuclear summit nears


North Korea’s top three military officials have been removed from their posts, a senior US official said on Sunday, a shakeup that could signal the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, is working to silence dissent ahead of a summit with Donald Trump in Singapore next week.

The US official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, was commenting on a report by South Korea’s Yonhap news agency that all three of the North’s top military officials were believed to have been replaced.

US officials believe there was some dissent in the military about Kim’s approaches to South Korea and the US. Kim likely wants to ensure any deal struck in his meeting with Trump will not face opposition at home.

The US official did not identify the three military officials. Yonhap identified them as defence chief Pak Yong-sik; chief of the Korean People’s Army’s (KPA) general staff, Ri Myong-su and Kim Jong-gak, the director of the KPA’s General Political Bureau.
2018-06-04 12:48:35
Drugs scandal roils Greek politics


ATHENS — The next Greek election could turn on three whistleblower testimonies accusing some of the country’s top politicians of taking bribes from a Swiss pharmaceutical giant.

The three anonymous accounts are part of a Greek judicial investigation into whether Novartis paid off top government officials to spend public money on the company’s products.

The allegations of high-level corruption in the wake of the 2008 financial scandal — at a time when hospitals were running out of gauze and clean sheets — have set off a political storm and split the crisis-wracked country, as it heads toward a general election no later than next year.

To officials from the ruling left-wing Syriza party, they’re evidence of criminality among their hated predecessors from the right. To the probe’s targets, who all deny wrongdoing, the investigation is nothing more than an attempt to rig the coming election by discrediting the largest opposition parties. Novartis says it has launched its own investigation and won’t comment on the allegations.

Prosecutors are investigating 10 former government officials, including two former prime ministers —Antonis Samaras and Panagiotis Pikrammenos — as well as the European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and the current central bank governor, Yannis Stournaras. Nearly all those being investigated are members of the conservative New Democracy party, which has been dominating in the polls.
2018-06-04 13:54:40
Guatemala's Fuego volcano eruption kills 25, injures hundreds


GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - An estimated 25 people, including at least three children, were killed and nearly 300 injured on Sunday in the most violent eruption of Guatemala’s Fuego volcano in more than four decades, officials said.

Volcan de Fuego, whose name means “Volcano of Fire”, spewed an 8-kilometer (5-mile) stream of red hot lava and belched a thick plume of black smoke and ash that rained onto the capital and other regions.

The charred bodies of victims laid on the steaming, ashen remnants of a pyroclastic flow as rescuers attended to badly injured victims in the aftermath of the eruption.

It was the 3,763-meter (12,346-feet) volcano’s second eruption this year.
2018-06-05 12:20:50
The Memo: Trump’s ‘pardon’ storm grows deeper


President Trump and his legal team are doubling down on their assertion of nearly unconfined presidential powers when it comes to the Justice Department and special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the 2016 presidential election.

Critics, both in politics and the media, have accused Trump and his team of asserting a Nixonian defense that in essence posits that the president is above the law. They argue the Trump team's approach could trigger a constitutional crisis, if the president follows through on the war of words.

The president’s defenders deride that suggestion, with Rudy Giuliani, speaking to The Hill from Jerusalem, insisting it is those who assert that the president can be indicted or subpoenaed who are undermining legal norms.

To The Hill, Giuliani acknowledged that a sitting president could legitimately be investigated but said that he could not be subpoenaed. He added that, internationally, “heads of state have that kind of immunity from being indicted and from being subpoenaed.”
2018-06-05 12:25:24
Jordan's middle class revolt


For days, Jordanians have been protesting in the streets. Now their calls for change have borne fruit: Prime Minister Hani Mulki stepped down on Monday. As public discontent continued to grow, he decided to offer his resignation to King Abdullah II, who accepted it and commissioned Minister of Education Omar al-Razzaz to form a new government.

The protests were triggered by new austerity measures pushed for by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its guidelines for Jordan. They stipulated that the income tax be raised by at least 5 percent, and corporate taxes be increased by as much as 40 percent.

The Jordanians' anger, however, runs deeper, says Tim Petschulat, head of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's Amman office. According to a study by The Economist magazine, Amman is the most expensive capital in the entire Arab world. The cost of living is significantly higher than that of Dubai or Abu Dhabi, but with much lower salaries.

Jordan's geographic location compounds the problems it faces, says Amman-based freelance journalist Rana Sabbagh. The country has no natural resources and conflicts in some of its neighboring countries force the government to invest a large part of its budget into its security and military apparatus.

The protests of the past few days have brought more people out on the streets than ever before — even more than in 2011, when a wave of uprisings spread through much of the Arab world. One thing is striking this time around, says Sabbagh: The current demonstrators are decidedly secular. "It's not the Islamists, who are constantly attempting to dominate everything," she notes. "The people who are demonstrating now belong to what remains of the middle class. They are young Jordanians."
2018-06-05 12:36:27
Paul Manafort tampering with witnesses, say Mueller investigators


Federal investigators have accused Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, of tampering with potential witnesses while on bail ahead of his federal bank fraud and tax case.

Prosecutors asked that the judge overseeing his case “revoke or revise” the order releasing him ahead of trial.

In a court filing on Monday, prosecutors working for the special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, said Manafort and an associate “repeatedly” attempted to contact witnesses using his phone and an encrypted messaging application. They allege it happened shortly after a grand jury returned a new indictment against him, violating the terms of his house arrest.

FBI agent Brock Domin wrote in court documents that Manafort “contacted and attempted to contact” two unnamed witnesses, “in an effort to influence their testimony and to otherwise conceal evidence”. He added: “The investigation into this matter is ongoing.”
2018-06-05 17:37:05
Trump and Macron’s ‘terrible’ phone call: report


A phone call between Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron about trade and migration reportedly went south after the French president bluntly criticized the U.S. president’s policies, according to CNN on Monday.

The pair spoke last Thursday, the same day that the United States announced it would impose steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union, Mexico and Canada.

“Just bad. It was terrible,” an unnamed source told CNN. “Macron thought he would be able to speak his mind, based on the relationship. But Trump can’t handle being criticized like that.”
2018-06-05 17:39:46
Iran has begun work on infrastructure to build advanced centrifuges at Natanz site: Salehi


BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran has begun working on infrastructure for building advanced centrifuges at its Natanz facility, Ali Akbar Salehi, the director of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said on Tuesday.

Iran’s nuclear activities would remain within the framework of the 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers, Salehi said.

Salehi also said Iran had developed infrastructure to produce electricity at Natanz.
2018-06-05 20:11:20

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!



1) 美國總統第N次荒謬發言

2) 美國總統聲稱自己above the law(註)

3) 睇完係上述發言後, Trump支持者仍然同意&支持Trump

註: 佢呢個講法係完撚全唔make sense, 佢咁講形同係自己單case做埋法官, 意味住自己唔會承擔任何聯邦法律後果. 因為所有聯邦檢控即使打得入, 佢都可以特赦去消除所有聯邦法律後果, 即係above the law; 亦某意義上形同無任何彈劾嘅可能, 佢可以係華盛頓DC隨便拎住支AK隊死晒國會議員,咁就無人可以對總統彈劾&定罪. 而由於殺完人可以特赦返自己, 實際上咁做係無聯邦法律後果, 而由於華盛頓DC唔受任何州管, 亦因此唔會犯州法律, 即係特赦無撚敵

同呢句"If the president does it, that means that is not illegal." 有異曲同工之妙

另外我諗佢唔知Witch Hunt點解, 或者話, 的確係字面意義上嘅Witch Hunt, so far都真係hunt左幾多witch出黎
2018-06-05 20:27:03

如果冇記錯有民調顯示美國人其實唔知Muller investigation 係搞緊咩,所以其實唔影響佢地投票

呢D橋都唔知係唔係Giuliani 教
2018-06-06 10:15:30
Sentosa's Capella Hotel is venue for Trump-Kim summit


SINGAPORE — Following days of speculation and hours after the Singapore Government on Tuesday (June 5) gazetted Sentosa and its surrounding waters as a “special event area” for next week’s historic meeting between United States President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the White House’s press secretary Sarah Sanders announced on Twitter that the southern island’s Capella Hotel would be the venue for the summit.

The gazetting of Sentosa came two days after a section of the Tanglin-Orchard area was gazetted as a “special event area” for the historic event.

Two gazette notices under the Public Order Act were put up by the police and Ministry of Home Affairs on Tuesday, with one demarcating a smaller area within Sentosa — encompassing the buildings of Resorts World Sentosa, Amara Sanctuary Resort and Capella Singapore — as a “special zone”.

The other notice declares the entire island and portions of its surrounding waters, as well as the primary gateway linking the southern island to Singapore's mainland, as a “special event area”.

An earlier order made on Sunday declared the summit a “special event”. The order will be in force from June 10 to 14.

2018-06-06 10:53:54
Exclusive: China's ZTE signed preliminary agreement to lift U.S. ban: sources


(Reuters) - ZTE Corp (000063.SZ) has signed an agreement in principle that would lift a U.S. Commerce Department ban on buying from U.S. suppliers, allowing China’s No. 2 telecommunications equipment maker to get back into business, according to sources familiar with the matter.

ZTE (0763.HK) ceased major operations since the seven-year ban was imposed on the company in April for breaking a 2017 agreement reached after it was caught illegally shipping goods to Iran and North Korea.

The preliminary deal includes a $1 billion fine against ZTE plus $400 million in escrow to cover any future violations, sources said, adding that the terms were in line with Reuters reporting on the U.S. demands on Friday.

As part of the deal, sources said, ZTE promised to replace its board and executive team in 30 days. It would also allow unfettered site visits to verify that U.S. components are being used as claimed by the company, and post calculations of U.S. parts in its products on a public website, they added.

As part of a new agreement, the sources said, ZTE will retain another compliance contractor in addition to the three-year court-appointed monitor imposed by the plea agreement.

The sources said ZTE also agreed to allow U.S. representatives to make site visits without coordinating with Chinese government officials, as required by a non-public agreement between the countries.
2018-06-06 12:15:06
Guatemala warns of greater activity after volcano explodes again


GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemalan authorities warned that the Fuego volcano was showing signs of greater activity on Tuesday night as the death toll from a devastating eruption at the weekend climbed to 75 and nearly 200 people remained missing.

The seismological, volcanic and meteorological institute Insivumeh heightened its warnings after the volcano erupted again earlier on Tuesday, forcing evacuations and sending rescue workers scrambling for cover.

The national disaster agency, CONRED, said 192 people remained missing after the disaster and the forensic agency, Inacif, raised the death toll to at least 75, up from 72.

The eruption on Sunday sent columns of ash and smoke 6.2 miles (10 km) into the sky, dusting several regions with ash. Thousands of people have been evacuated, CONRED said.
2018-06-06 12:17:27
June 5th primaries Live


Elections are underway in Alabama, California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota. Follow along as POLITICO reporters and editors analyze the results as they come in.
2018-06-06 12:20:15
Ethiopia accepts peace accord with Eritrea, opens sectors to investment


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government said on Tuesday it would fully accept and put into operation the Algiers accord, signed in 2000, that ended its war with Eritrea. A state of emergency has also been lifted two months early.

The decision on the peace deal means Ethiopia will have to cede disputed land it has occupied for nearly 20 years.

"The suffering on both sides is unspeakable because the peace process is deadlocked," chief of staff for the prime minister's office, Fitsum Arega, said on Twitter. "This must change for the sake of our common good."

Eritrea's government is yet to make a public statement.
2018-06-06 12:25:45
Facebook confirms data sharing with Chinese companies


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said Tuesday it has data sharing partnerships with at least four Chinese companies including Huawei, the world’s third largest smartphone maker, which has come under scrutiny from U.S. intelligence agencies on security concerns.

The social media company said Huawei (002502.SZ), computer maker Lenovo Group (0992.HK), and smartphone makers OPPO and TCL Corp (000100.SZ) were among about 60 companies worldwide that received access to some user data after they signed contracts to re-create Facebook-like experiences for their users.

Members of Congress raised concerns after The New York Times reported on the practice on Sunday, saying that data of users’ friends could have been accessed without their explicit consent. Facebook denied that and said the data access was to allow its users to access account features on mobile devices.
2018-06-06 13:44:52
U.S. lawmakers seek to block Trump on tariffs


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic U.S. senators plan to introduce as soon as Tuesday legislation that would force President Donald Trump to obtain Congress’ approval before imposing tariffs on national security grounds, a senior senator said on Tuesday.

Republican Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said legislation would be introduced on Tuesday or Wednesday that would pare back the president’s authority under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.

Prompting criticism from many of his fellow Republicans as well as business groups, Trump decided last month to open a trade investigation into whether auto imports had damaged the U.S. auto industry, which could lead to tariffs of up to 25 percent on “national security grounds.”
2018-06-06 23:07:22
Cambridge Analytica director 'met Assange to discuss US election'


A Cambridge Analytica director apparently visited Julian Assange in February last year and told friends it was to discuss what happened during the US election, the Guardian has learned.

Brittany Kaiser, a director at the firm until earlier this year, also claimed to have channelled cryptocurrency payments and donations to WikiLeaks. This information has been passed to congressional and parliamentary inquiries in the UK and US.

Cambridge Analytica and WikiLeaks are already subjects of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, but the revelations open up fresh questions about the precise nature of the organisations’ relationship.

Assange issued a statement saying that he had turned down the Cambridge Analytica offer. Alexander Nix, the company’s chief executive, told Westminster MPs the same in February, during an appearance at the Commons digital, culture, media and sport (DCMS) select committee. Nix said he found a contact for WikiLeaks’ speaking agency on the internet and sent Assange an email.

But visitor logs from the Ecuador embassy obtained by the Guardian and Focus Ecuador appear to show that Brittany Kaiser, a senior executive at Cambridge Analytica until earlier this year, visited Assange on 17 February 2017. Information passed to the DCMS committee in the UK and the Senate judiciary committee in the US states that the meeting was “a retrospective to discuss the US election”.
2018-06-06 23:10:55
UK's Labour kicks single market into heart of Brexit debate


Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn put forward an amendment to the government's EU withdrawal bill, demanding Prime Minister Theresa May negotiate full access to the bloc's single market.

Parliament starts debating the UK's Brexit bill on June 12, with the government still divided on what it wants and will be able to achieve and the Labour Party scrambling to find a convincing alternative.

The 2016 Brexit vote cut across party lines and has left both parties uncertain as to how to proceed without losing key sources of support, further compounding the confusion.

"Labour will only accept a Brexit deal that delivers the benefits of the single market and protects jobs and living standards," said Keir Starmer, Labour's Brexit policy chief.

The amendment also says the legislation should "maintain minimum standards, rights and protections, share joint institutions and regulations and ensure no new impediments to trade."
2018-06-07 12:06:27
EU set to implement retaliatory tariffs from July


The EU executive said Wednesday it would start imposing higher duties on a number of US products in July in response to US President Donald Trump's recent decision to slap higher tariffs on some EU exports.

The Trump administration had made up its mind not to grant the EU any exemptions from duties that had earlier been imposed on China and other nations.

As a result, European Union producers now have to put up with a 25-percent tariff on steel exports and a tariff of 10 percent on aluminum shipments to the United States.
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